Export iphoto problems

When I try to export photos to a jpg format, I always get the message that it can't create/find the folder. Any ideas?

With the amount of information you've provided it's impossible to offer a solution.  We can't see your computer so we need to know the details of your problem and setup, i.e.:
what system are you running?
if iPhoto what version are you using?
where are you trying to export to on the hard drive?
what fixes have you tried?
where is your library located?
did you apply any updates or upgrades just prior to the problem occurring?
are you running a "managed" or "referenced" library?
what type of Mac?
how much free space on your boot drive?

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    Are you saying that you cannot export a slideshow from iPhoto to the Desktop and then drag it from the Desktop (or the Movie frolder where it can be stored) into an open iDVD menu window?
    Export the slideshow at the large or medium size:
    They drag the movie file into the open iDVD window.  NOTE: do not move the movie file once it's been added to iDVD. That's why it should be placed in folder where you intend to keep it permanently or at least until the iDVD project is completed and burned to a disk image and then to disk.

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    Trying to export iphoto album's using iphoto 08 to either DVD, CD or USB or Media card.
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    When you added this information in iPhoto you added a "Title" to the photo, and the Finder (which is what reads the disk or USB device) doesn’t understand that. it just uses Filenames.
    So, File -> Export and in the Export dialogue choose to use the Title as filename.

  • Exporting iPhoto library as a regular folder to be opened on PC

    Hi everyone!
    I am wondering how to export iPhoto library to external drive as a normal folder with jpeg files to be opened also on PC (no iPhoto app). Do you have any ideas?

    If you export with Kind=Original you retain your Created date, Modified date, Latitude and Longitude.  You lose all edits and a Description field.
    That's what the Original means. No added metadata, no edits.
    If you export with Kind=jpeg the Created and Modified dates are set to the export date, you lose the location data, but you retain a Description field.
    The Created and Modified dates are correct for that file. There are two kinds of metadata involved when you consider jpeg or other image file.
    One is the file data. This is what the Finder shows. This tells you nothing about the contents of the file, just the File itself.
    The problem with File metadata is that it can easily change as the file is moved from place to place or exported, e-mailed, uploaded etc.
    Photographs have also got both Exif and IPTC metadata. The date and time that your camera snapped the Photograph is recorded in the Exif metadata. Regardless if what the file date says, this is the actual time recorded by the camera.
    Photo applications like iPhoto, Aperture, Lightroom, Picasa, Photoshop etc get their date and time from the Exif metadata.
    When you export from iPhoto to the Finder new file is created containing your Photo (and its Exif). The File date is - quite accurately - reported as the date of Export.
    However, the Photo Date doesn't change.
    The problem is that the Finder doesn't work with Exif.
    So, your photo has the correct date, and so does the file, but they are different things. To sort on the Photo date you'll need to use a photo app.
    Also you don't lose any metadata - including the location material - if you choose the correct export settings
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue.
    You can check this by taking one picture and export it both ways to your desktop and check the Get Info fields.
    The Get Info facility in the Finder refers only to File Metadata and not to the Photo metadata at all.

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    Hi Neal,
    I just exported a small slideshow to quicktime. I see what you mean now, share is grayed out.
    I have no problem sharing video clips from my digital camera.
    Hmmmmm, there has got to be a reason for this.
    I would share/export the slideshow and use the smallest size. This is the correct size for emailing and putting in your Movies folder on your iDisk.

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    -If I drag that same image to the mail message body the same thing happens.
    -If I send that email to someone they cannot open the image file.
    What I can do:
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    -I can open the same image file on my desktop in Preview, I can copy and paste it into a mail message and the image will be viewable in the mail message by me and by the recipient.
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    I am stumped, all and any help is appreciated.

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  • Steps to export iPhotos to external HD

    steps to export iPhotos to external HD, please ?   thanx

    Very vague question...
    There's no such thing as "iPhotos". There's an iPhoto app, there's an iPhoto Library, the Library contains photos.
    You can move the Library to an external drive.
    You can export individual photos from the Library to an external.
    But what you want to do is not clear.
    To move the Library:
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.
    To export the Photos:
    File -> Export
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue.

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    That's where it is...
    /Library/Application Support/iPhoto/*/HPPhotoExport
    Remember you have two Libraries:
    HD/Library and
    HD/Users/Your Name/ Library
    On 10.7: Hold the option (or alt) key while clicking on the Go menu in Finder to access the User Library
    It may be in either.

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    Export the photos to a desktop folder (Exporting From iPhoto), mount the SD card in the card reader and drag the folder to it

  • IPhoto problem: pixillation and photo duplication

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    intermittently getting banded pixilation when viewing photos;
    Possible hardware issue
    iPhoto randomly duplicats entire libraries so that they fill up my memory.
    Duplicates Photos within a Library, or creates duplicates Libraries?
    Memory as in Ram? Or Disk Space?
    How big is your HD? How much free space on it?

  • How to export iPhoto Album in iMAC and have similar folder structure(with Timestamps) which can be viewed in finder

    How to export iPhoto Album in iMAC and have similar folder structure(with Timestamps) which can be viewed in finder
    In simple terms, I wanted to view the photos in Windows system, similar strcture of iPhotos

    If you want to copy all of your photos to a Windows machine and have them in folders representing the iPhoto Events the were in quickly and easily just do the following:
    1  - open the library with the Finder as shown in this screenshot:
    2 - COPY the Originals/Masters folder to the Desktop.
    3 - copy the Originals/Masters folder to the Windows machine.
    This will give you all of your original image file in their Event folder on the Windows machine.
    NOTE:  With iPhoto 8 or newer the Event folders in the Masters folder will be titled by date (EXIF) if imported from a camera.  If imported from a folder the event folder will have the same title as the source folder.  If imported singularly or in a group without a folder the title will be a date, either the EXIF date or import date.
    With iPhoto 7 (08) and earlier the Event folders in the Originals folder will have the same title as the Event has in the library.
    This method would be quicker but not provide the additional metadata you might have added in iPhoto like keywords, titles, descriptions that exporting out of iPhoto with Format=JPEG and the checkboxes selected to include keywords, titles, places, etc, checked.

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    See this support document. iTunes: Syncing photos - Apple Support

  • How do I Export iPhotos from '06 to "08

    I exported iPhotos in '06 in JPEG why did I get all of the iPhoto junk on my disc. Now it won't let me import them into iPhoto '08. What kind of nosence is this?

    You do need to be more specific in your questions (like what do you mean by iPhoto junk?) and not rant.
    Just have your iPhoto 08 application open your iPhoto 06 library and it will be converted to 08. Nothing to export.

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    You're posting in the iPhoto for iOS forum... you know, iPad, iPhone, etc.  That's why I brought up the camera roll.  If your question is directed to iPhoto on the Mac, this isn't the right forum.  You need to go here:

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    This User Tip
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