Export Project Error Message: "MSProject: Security list is invalid"

When i export a cProject to MSProject get an error MSProject: Security list is invalid.
Can someone help me to resolve this issue. Im using MS Project 2010.
Thanks in advance.

please read the chapters u201CDefinition of Security Lists for OfficeControlsu201D and
u201CMaking Settings for Microsoft Project Integartionu201D in the Configuration Content,
available as PDF file attached to SAP Note [1411953|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1411953].
You may also have a look at:
[SAP Note 1502999 |https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1502999]from NW provides some additional information about the
configuration and set-up of whitelists and also on the distribution of
the whitelist certificates on the frontend PCs (required for
import/export from/to MS Project). More details are available in the
online documentation:
Kind regards,

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       v_id   t.id%TYPE;
       SELECT id INTO v_id FROM t;
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    SELECT *
                         FROM dba_dependencies
                        WHERE NAME = 'MY_PROC2');
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    Basically the error is because of Funds Management which you have activated. Please check the note 1268001, 701291, 558295 & 936658 but i dont know will this be helpful or not.
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    I called Apple under my Mac support contract.  They were completely unfamiliar with the error you and I were encountering.   Updating to 10.8.5 didn't help.
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    [email protected]

    finalcutamateur wrote:
    Did many of those updates take place in the last 11 months? do I need to do anything in order to keep my project safe so nothing is lost during updating.Thanks for everything.
    Read Apple's KB article about best practices for updating: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5550

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    Thank you,

    Hi there
    If at all possible you need to keep your project on the local C drive. There are a great many hazards lurking about when you decide to place the project on a network drive and make edits to it as it is on the network. Many things can go so wrong.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
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    Sounds like pdf file is corrupt. Reader on your computer may be less tolerant of corrupt pdf files, since a corrupt pdf file can be used as a vector for a virus or malware attack.

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    "The HTTP request parameter 'AccountList.LAYOUT' contains invalid data."
    When clicking the arrow which changes to the next page, an error message is displayed and following records are not displayed.
    It seems that this error occurs in List which newly created.
    If anybody know about this error,please tell me.

    this error message is unknown for me. But I would recommend you to open a Service Request and ask Oracle for possible cause for this error message.

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    i use a java plug in to run my virtual software to access my work from home,
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    i use to log in to work from, this is a JREdetection error,
    my system runs off java and citrix, i tried chrome,firefox and safari - same issue, if my system cannot detect java it wont run, it runs on plug ins.
    How to i change my sec settings to allow access to this website, as i can only see that i can add apps not web addresses?

    If you get an error that says can't backup, try moving the existing backup file to a safe location and thry again. again. You can find the location of the backup file here:
    iPhone and iPod touch: About backups

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