Export to excel apex 4.0

Apex with 4.0 can't export my reports to excel? only appears a blank worksheet or just ";".
Does anyone know how to solve this? in the old version case not problem.
sorry for my english.

I am having the same problem with an Interactive Report. The 'Download to CSV' works fine, but when I click on 'Download to Excel' it gives me this error "+The file you are trying to open is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?+". When I click on Yes, it opens a blank excel sheet.
The Download to Excel is working for the standard reports in the same app.
Any ideas why this is happening? Thanks!

Similar Messages

  • A single table line generating more than 2 lines when exporting to Excel

    I do have an interactive report on apex with a varchar2(4000) column that is generating more than 1 excel row per table row. In another words:
    Table my_report
    file_id number,
    file_comment varchar2(4000)
    Query on report
    select file_id, file_comment from my_report
    It generates 5 lines on report screen but, when I export to excel using csv or xls format, it generates more than 5 lines. On file_comments field on excel, some of them has a break in 2 or 3 lines. Seems to me a line feed problem with CHR(13) or chr(10).
    Anyone as a solution or a similar problem like this? Any idea?

    you could try to remove the linebreaks in the select.
    select file_id, file_comment, replace(replace(file_comment,CHR(13)),CHR(10)) file_comment_nobreak
    from my_reportThen depending on the type of report you could show one column, but export the other column in the excel/csv file. Not sure if this works with an interactive report too.

  • Help needed in Export to Excel

    Hi All,
    I needed some clarifications/suggestions on using the export to excel.
    1) When I click on export to excel, a <div> tag also gets exported. I came to know that this is becuse of selecting the "Enable Partail Page Refresh" to Yes. Now, I have pagination in my reports and I also need to export to CSV/Excel. Is there no way where in I can use PPR as well as export the report without the DIV tag?
    2) I have a number column to which I have given APEX inbuilt hyperlinks. When I do an export the columns where I have given these links do not get Exported. Any way to overcome this? I cant give links in SQL query as then all number formatting would be lost.
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    Any suggestions would be welcome. Please let me know what can be done to solve this.

    One solution which I've used before is to have a separate page for the export. Have a report on that page that uses the same query as the actual report (including any filters based on page items) and set the report to use the Export: CSV template. The Export link on the original page needs to be removed and replaced with a link to the new page. When you click the new link, the page opens as a download file automatically.
    This way, you don't need to worry about pagination and you can use different fields on your export.

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    can you please elaborate the causes of these issues? Pleas support to fix the issues.

    How does your PL/SQL for the saving of uploaded files looks like? Where does this error happen? Does your process have an error message?
    Denes Kubicek

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    I think in that case you would need to change almost everything.
    Denes Kubicek

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    sorry i am using jdeveloper not jdeveloper

  • Query on Export to Excel- Help needed

    Hi All,
    I wanted to know if we can set a hidden field value when user clicks on the "export to excel" link in the reports.
    I am using the Apex Export feature itself. Is it possible to set an item value when user clicks on the link?
    If yes then how can we do it? If no can you please let me know the other options available?

    Thanks Denes!
    I understood how to trigger the process on click of the export to csv link. As of now i will implement that in my application..
    I just wanted to know if "the" dialog box could be controlled.
    But later maybe,( if my client really needs it...), I will have to use my custom export to excel option. I have even downloaded your download-excel.
    But it says that it cant be used for pl/sql returning function....
    Is there a workaround on that?
    And I will tell you the difference it makes to my application.
    Current Requirement: I need to track the information (for e.g say user id's) that have been sold to a customer. I am doing this by inserting the data exported by user to the table. This must happen only when user saves the file. Only when user saves the file, the information is considered as "Slod".
    Now if the user click on export to csv link but simply opens or cancels the file download, that information is not considered as "Sold"
    Hence my need, that i could control the dialog box. Hope this clears your doubt.

  • Export to excel character set problem

    I'm having troubles exporting a query to excel in ApEx,
    signs like é ü are displayed incorrect. I have been searching for a while now but i can't find out what is wrong. The DAD of the DB is UTF8 and ApEx is also UTF8. Could anyone give me hint what could be wrong?
    Here is an example:
    WÜRTH is displayed WÃœRTH
    When I trow in a convert from UTF8 to WE8ISO8859P15
    WÜRTH is displayed as W�TH
    FROM 'US7ASCII', 'WE8ISO8859P1'
    WÜRTH is displayed as W??RTH
    I use the following procedure:
    PROCEDURE p_export_lots(p_public_sale_id IN public_sales.public_sale_id%TYPE,
    p_language_cd IN item_descriptions.language_cd%TYPE)
    CURSOR c_excel
    Select itm.item_id, to_char(long_description) long_description
    from items itm, item_descriptions des
    where itm.item_id = des.item_id
    and language_cd = p_language_cd
    and dossier_id In ( SELECT dossier_id
    FROM dossiers
    WHERE public_sale_id = p_public_sale_id)
    ORDER BY to_number(lotnr_from);
    v_trans VARCHAR2(400);
    -- Set the MIME type
    owa_util.mime_header( 'application/octet', FALSE );
    -- Set the name of the file
    htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="export.csv"');
    -- Close the HTTP Header
    -- Print out a portion of a row,
    -- separated by commas and ended by a CR
    FOR rec_excel IN c_excel LOOP
    v_trans := rec_excel.long_description;
    htp.p(' '||';'||rec_excel.item_id||';'||v_trans||';'); -- a new line in excel
    -- Send an error code so that the
    -- rest of the HTML does not render
    htmldb_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
    END p_export_lots;
    Thanks in advance

    hmmm the DAD should be "AL32UTF8" not "UTF8" ...
    as long as you use the htp.p procedure all your output is being converted to
    AL32UTF8 (as the DAD setting states).
    Why don't you use the APEX-provided export-to-excel function. IKf you navigate
    to the application settings and there to the globaization settings you can enable
    the "automatic CSV encoding" - Setting this to "yes" should do the trick for you ...

  • Universal export to Excel process

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    Do you know any way to read results of any APEX report region and write it/export to Excel using pl/sql process?
    I know how to write XML Excel files and I know I can find region definitions with reports’ queries in APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS view, but I have no idea how to deal with it, especially with pl/sql reports returning string query. How to put this data into cursor, how to declare cursor’s type automatically etc. Maybe I can use some APEX function?
    Przemek Staniszewski

    If it were possible to identify a report region source as being the type 'function returning query' I think it would be a simple matter to execute the specified pl/sql function ( using execute immediate) and obtain the query for the report.
    Given the query I think, Denes' code will do the rest.

  • Export to excel formatting

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    In one of my narrative reports I have a simple table with a few columns. Once exported to excel the first narrative column is the entire width of the report table below it. The large cell row is also merged cells in excel.
    Is there anything that can be done to help force how the report goes into excel?
    I have also tried creating the report in a narrative html table to export into excel.

    Can someone explain if they face similar issues as I am when you export a report output on portal to Excel it takes huge size. I assume it because of all the color formatting etc. but is there a way to reduce this size. 3.5 Bex Analyzer same report takes only 3 MB while if I export it from portals it takes 32 MB.

  • After Export to Excel File error while opening using xmlwriter in silverlight

    Can one help me in fixing following issue after to export to excel had done iam getting following error message 
    "The file you are trying to open, 'test.xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do uou want to open the file now ?"
    If i click Yes file opens correctly but it shows above message . Can any one suggest me how to avoid this programatically with the following code.
    I tried by changing the file saving as  .xls to .xlsx  but it doesnt works.
    Public Sub Export()
    Dim ss As String = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
    Dim DataType As String
    Dim DataValue As Object
    'Dim DataView As C1.Silverlight.Data.DataView = m_DataGrid.ItemsSource
    'Dim ItemsSource As C1.Silverlight.Data.DataTable = DataView.Table
    Dim XmlSettings As XmlWriterSettings
    Dim ColumnBinding As Binding
    Dim FieldName As String
    Dim DataGridColumn As C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridColumn
    Dim ColumnIndex As Integer
    Dim J As Integer
    Dim DataGridRow As C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridRow
    Dim CommonUtil As New GoldCRM.Core.Common.Util
    Dim PropertyInfo As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
    Dim CellFormat As String
    If m_DataGrid.Rows.Count = 0 Then Exit Try
    XmlSettings = New XmlWriterSettings
    XmlSettings.Indent = True
    XmlSettings.NewLineOnAttributes = False
    Using myXML As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(m_Stream, XmlSettings)
    With myXML
    .WriteProcessingInstruction("mso-application", "progid=" & ControlChars.Quote & "Excel.Sheet" & ControlChars.Quote)
    .WriteStartElement("Workbook", ss)
    .WriteStartElement("DocumentProperties", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office")
    .WriteElementString("Author", m_DocumentProperties.Author)
    .WriteElementString("LastAuthor", String.Format("{0} {1}", Application.Current.Resources("EmpFirstName"), Application.Current.Resources("EmpLastName")))
    .WriteElementString("Created", m_DocumentProperties.Created)
    .WriteElementString("LastSaved", m_DocumentProperties.LastSaved)
    .WriteElementString("Company", Application.Current.Resources("REPORTINGSITENAME"))
    .WriteElementString("Version", m_DocumentProperties.Version)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Document Properties
    .WriteStartElement("ExcelWorkbook", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel")
    .WriteElementString("WindowHeight", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowHeight)
    .WriteElementString("WindowWidth", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowWidth)
    .WriteElementString("WindowTopX", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowTopX)
    .WriteElementString("WindowTopY", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowTopY)
    .WriteElementString("ProtectStructure", m_WorkbookProperties.ProtectStructure)
    .WriteElementString("ProtectWindows", m_WorkbookProperties.ProtectWindows)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Excel Workbook
    For I As Integer = 0 To m_Styles.Count - 1
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, m_Styles(I).ID)
    If m_Styles(I).Name <> "" Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Name", ss, m_Styles(I).Name)
    End If
    If Not m_Styles(I).Alignment Is Nothing Then
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.Horizontal <> 0 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Horizontal", ss, m_Styles(I).Alignment.Horizontal.ToString)
    End If
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.Vertical <> 0 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Vertical", ss, m_Styles(I).Alignment.Vertical.ToString)
    End If
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.WrapText = True Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "WrapText", ss, "1")
    End If
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Bottom")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Left")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Right")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Top")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteEndElement() 'Borders
    Dim myFont As Excel.Styles.Font = m_Styles(I).Font
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FontName", ss, myFont.FontName.ToString)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Size", ss, myFont.Size)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Color", ss, myFont.Color.ToString.Remove(1, 2))
    If myFont.Bold = True Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Bold", ss, "1")
    If myFont.Italic = True Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Italic", ss, "1")
    If myFont.Underline <> 0 Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Underline", ss, myFont.Underline.ToString)
    Dim myInterior As Excel.Styles.Interior = m_Styles(I).Interior
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Color", ss, myInterior.Color.ToString.Remove(1, 2))
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Pattern", ss, "Solid")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    Next I
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, "DateStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Format", ss, "General Date")
    .WriteEndElement() 'NumberFormat
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, "HeaderStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("x", "Family", ss, "Swiss")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Bold", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Font
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    .WriteEndElement() 'Styles
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Name", ss, "WORKSHEET")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ExpandedColumnCount", ss, m_DataGrid.Columns.Count)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ExpandedRowCount", ss, m_DataGrid.Rows.Count + 100) 'Temporary fix: sometimes 1 row is not added.
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FullColumns", ss, m_DataGrid.Columns.Count)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FullRows", ss, m_DataGrid.Rows.Count + 100) 'Temporary fix: sometimes 1 row is not added.
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "DefaultRowHeight", ss, 15)
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridNumericColumn Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 1)
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridDateTimeColumn Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 1)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 0)
    End If
    If DataGridColumn.Width.Value <= 100 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Width", ss, 100)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Width", ss, DataGridColumn.Width.Value)
    End If
    End If
    J = 0
    For Each DataGridRow In m_DataGrid.Rows
    J += 1
    If TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, J)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitHeight", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Height", ss, 15)
    ColumnIndex = 0
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    FieldName = String.Empty
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridBoundColumn Then
    ColumnBinding = TryCast(DataGridColumn, DataGridBoundColumn).Binding
    If ColumnBinding.Path IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = ColumnBinding.Path.Path
    End If
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridTemplateColumn Then
    If DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath.Trim
    End If
    End If
    If Not FieldName.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    ColumnIndex += 1
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, ColumnIndex)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "MergeAcross", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "StyleID", ss, "HeaderStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Type", ss, "String")
    If DataGridColumn.Header IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Data
    .WriteEndElement() 'Cell
    End If
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Row
    End If
    If Not (TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow) Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, J + 1)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitHeight", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Height", ss, 15)
    ColumnIndex = 0
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    FieldName = String.Empty
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridBoundColumn Then
    ColumnBinding = TryCast(DataGridColumn, DataGridBoundColumn).Binding
    If ColumnBinding.Path IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = ColumnBinding.Path.Path
    End If
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridTemplateColumn Then
    If DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath.Trim
    End If
    End If
    If Not FieldName.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    ColumnIndex += 1
    Dim DataCellValue As Object = Nothing
    If Not (TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow) Then
    PropertyInfo = CommonUtil.GetProperty(DataGridRow.DataItem, FieldName)
    If PropertyInfo IsNot Nothing Then
    DataCellValue = PropertyInfo.GetValue(DataGridRow.DataItem, Nothing)
    End If
    End If
    CellFormat = String.Empty
    If DataCellValue IsNot Nothing Then
    Select Case DataCellValue.GetType.Name.ToUpper
    Case "BitmapImage".ToUpper
    DataValue = "Image"
    DataType = "String"
    Case "Hyperlink".ToUpper
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = "Hyperlink"
    Case "Decimal".ToUpper
    DataType = "Number"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    Case "DateTime".ToUpper
    If CType(DataCellValue, Date).Year > 1900 Then
    DataType = "DateTime"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    CellFormat = "DateStyle"
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    End If
    Case Else
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    End Select
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = String.Empty
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, ColumnIndex)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "MergeAcross", ss, 0)
    If Not CellFormat.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "StyleID", ss, CellFormat)
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Type", ss, DataType)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Data
    .WriteEndElement() 'Cell
    End If
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Row
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Table
    .WriteEndElement() 'Worksheet
    .WriteEndElement() 'Workbook
    End With
    End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw New Exception(ex.Message, ex)
    If m_Stream IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    m_Stream = Nothing
    m_DataGrid.IsLoading = False
    DataValue = Nothing
    'DataView = Nothing
    'ItemsSource = Nothing
    XmlSettings = Nothing
    ColumnBinding = Nothing
    DataGridColumn = Nothing
    End Try
    End Sub

    i have the same issue now where i need to populate the xport file name as report name. can you send me your solution please.

  • Export to Excel Action in MS SSRS Report not exporting all data in Report

    I have developed a complex Report that has many expandable nodes in a table format. The report works fine.
    However, when I export the Report to Excel using Actions --> export to Excel, only the data in expanded nodes is included. The data in collapsed nodes is not included.
    I am looking for approach to include data in expanded nodes in Excel Export. The expanded data can be expanded in Excel.
    Any help in this regard will be appreciated.

    Hi Abhijit PS,
    Per my understanding you are experiencing the issue with the excel report which have add the drill down action, after export to excel only the expanded nodes included and the collapsed nodes is not shown, right?
    Generally, if we expand the nodes before export to excel then the excel will display the expanded details row and keep collapsed the details row which haven't expand, but we have the toggle "+","-" on the left of the Excel to help
    control the expand and collapse, when you click the "+" you can expand the collapsed notes to see the details rows.
    I have tested on my local environment with different version of SSRS and can always see the "+","-" as below:
    On the Top left corner you can find the "1","2", this help to control the "Collapse All" and "Expand All".
    If you can't see the "+","-" in the excel, the issue can be caused by the Excel version you are currently using, and also excel have limit support of this, please provide us the Excel version information and the SSRS version. You
    can reference to this similar thread:
    lost collapsing columns when export to excel
    Please try to export other drill down report to excel and check if they work fine, if they did, the issue can be caused by the drill down action you have added in this report is not correctly, if possible, please try to redesign the report.
    Article below about how to add  Expand/Collapse Action to an Item for your reference:
    If your problem still exists, please feel free to ask
    Vicky Liu

  • Exporting to Excel from Aria People Search

    Is it possible to export to Excel from Aria People Search.
    I would like to output the Org Chart (built in) and the Tree (I created) to an Excel file.
    Does anyone know how to do this?

    If you are using 10g, then OLE2 is supported. However, it will be executed in the App Server Machine.
    If you want to do the operation in the Client machine (as how it was done in the Client / Server), you need to use Client_OLE (Which is part of WebUtil).
    Look at
    for more details on WebUtil.

  • Matrix exporting to excel with empty columns, with page break option of "Between each instance of a group" selected.

    I am working with Report Builder 3.0 I am using a matrix to produce grouped data on separate worksheets in excel.
    The select is:
    SELECT ID, Measurement, Value, [Date] FROM Measurements_Report. (please ignore the underscores they are just for formatting) 
    The contents of the Measurements_Report table:
    The matrix contains a single row group based on the field "measurement". The Measurement group has the page break option of "Between each instance of a group" selected. 
    There is a column group based on the field "Date". 
    When this is matrix is exported to excel on the first worksheet (Hot) there are three columns as shown below:
    Notice the last column doesn't have a value.
    On the second worksheet (Cold) there are also three columns as shown below:
    This time notice there is only one row and only a value in the last column.
    I only want the columns with data for that worksheet to show up. How can I remove these empty/duplicate columns? Hopefully there is a simple fix. Thanks ahead of time.

    With the following contents of the Measurements_Report table:
    Returns on the first tab (Hot):
    In the excel worksheet it contains a separate column for each date with a value. Thanks again!
    Why is the same date repeating on multiple columns? Do you've the time part also returned from database?
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Mark This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
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  • Issue with export in Excel in WAD

    I have an issue with export to excel in WAD. I have a web template with two or more tabs.
    On the webtemplate I have two buttons to export to excel. One to export the content from the active tab and one button to export content in all tabs.
    My problem is that when I export to excel it always add the current/active content twice. I've tried with both buttons and they work as expected except that they export one table to much (the active).
    can anyone help / give a clue what to look for.
    Edited by: John Dolph on Apr 15, 2010 10:50 AM

    Sorry I has been a while but the problem still occurs,
    I've defined my export button group like this in a seperate template and I expected that it would only return the resultset from TAB_A and TAB_B but it also export the resultset from the tab I'm currently on.
                <bi:BUTTON_GROUP_ITEM name="TAB_BUTTONs" designheight="23" designwidth="300" >
                    <bi:BUTTON_LIST type="ORDEREDLIST" >
                        <bi:BUTTON type="COMPOSITE" index="2" >
                            <bi:CAPTION value="EXCEL" />
                            <bi:TOOLTIP value="Table, Graph and/or Table/Graph download to PDF" />
                            <bi:ACTION type="CHOICE" value="INSTRUCTION" >
                                <bi:INSTRUCTION >
                                    <bi:EXPORT >
                                        <bi:ITEM_REF_LIST type="UNORDEREDLIST" >
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="1" value="TAB_A_ANALYSIS" />
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="2" value="TAB_A_CHART" />
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="3" value="TAB_B_ANALYSIS" />
                                            <bi:ITEM_REF index="4" value="TAB_B_CHART" />
                                        <bi:EXPORT_FORMAT value="XLS" />

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