Exporting as pdf

I am trying to export my indd file as a pdf, however after exporting our logo does not appear.  I have moved the layer to the front and checked my export settings.  It shows up as a white square against the background.  It is a link to Web site and the link works.
Any ideas why this is not showing up after export?  I am using CS4.  Thanks.

You are making it a button, which rasterises the logo.
Or the logo is not updated in the links panel. Check Window>Links and make sure there are no warning symbols beside your logo.
Don't make the image a button, instead just create a new Hyperlink when you have the image frame selected.

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    Message was edited 15:24 GMT by: AlanS5100

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    "stored on acrobat" – PDF files in your acrobat.com account ("Files" or "Workspace")?
    If so then you can access those from your install Adobe Reader Mobile app.
    What's New :: My Account
    Once accessed it is simply easy to transfer the PDFs to the iPad.
    Be well...

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    ok, here's what I have found out (thanks to our Viewer guru, Matthew):
    The print/PDF preferences are currently not saved, so you are right when you say you have to re-apply those settings.
    However, there is a way to persist these changes within a session (note that since these changes are session-resident only, you will lose them once you exit Viewer).
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    I have posted the same information, but with screenshots, to http://oraclebi.blogspot.com/2005/12/pdf-settings-in-viewer.html
    Oracle Business Intelligence Product Management
    BI on Oracle: http://www.oracle.com/bi/
    BI on OTN: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/bi/
    Discoverer: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/discoverer/
    BI Beans: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/bib/
    BI Software: http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/ias/devuse.html
    Documentation: http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/appserver1012.html
    BI Samples: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/bi/samples/
    OTN Forum: Discoverer
    Blog: http://oraclebi.blogspot.com/

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    Pyregnier wrote:
    I've no idea what to do...
    It is a long standing bug in Pages 5.
    Pages '09 should still be in your Applications/iWork folder.

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    - Dov

  • Export to PDF not working

    Presses "Export to PDF" Submit Button (custom button) and pdf comes up (Grey) and throws error message
    Adobe reader cannot open RequisiitonDetails.pdf because it is either not a supported file type or the file has been damaged.....
    My Code:
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    // Get the HttpServletResponse object from the PageContext. The report output is written to HttpServletResponse.
    DataObject sessionDictionary = (DataObject)pageContext.getNamedDataObject("_SessionParameters");
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)sessionDictionary.selectValue(null,"HttpServletResponse");
    try {         
    // Get the Data XML File as the XMLNode
    Serializable[] methodparam = {voname};
    //XMLNode xmlnode = (XMLNode)am.invokeMethod("getDataXML",methodparam);
    ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject(voname);
    XMLNode xmlnode;
    if (vo.isPreparedForExecution())
    xmlnode = (XMLNode)vo.writeXML(4, XMLInterface.XML_OPT_ALL_ROWS);
    xmlnode = null;
    if (null != xmlnode){
    ServletOutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
    // Set the Output Report File Name and Content Type
    String contentDisposition = "attachment;filename=RequisitionDetails.pdf";
    ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray());
    ByteArrayOutputStream pdfFile = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    //Generate the Excel Report
    // Write the Excel Report to the HttpServletResponse object and flush.
    byte[] b = pdfFile.toByteArray();
    os.write(b, 0, b.length);
    else {
    OAException extractErrMsg = new OAException("There is no data to export.",OAException.ERROR);
    catch(Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Error Export Data in pdf");
    throw new OAException(e.getMessage(), OAException.ERROR);
    Error Message
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] ------- Preferences defined PreferenceStore -------
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] ------- Environment variables stored in EnvironmentStore -------
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [ICX_COOKIE_NAME]:[PCHEBSO1]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [JDBC:processEscapes]:[true]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_IDLE_THRESHOLD.LOW]:[-1]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [APPL_SERVER_ID]:[BDF99B587C72A876E040980A985601FB23644546563679454296293043166890]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_STMT_CACHE_SIZE]:[100]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE]:[AMERICAN]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [ICX_SESSION_COOKIE_VALUE]:[LxKyqB6fKisXd4VSGypzth6X6c]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [EMPLOYEE_ID]:[197133]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [ICX_TRANSACTION_ID]:[-1]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_DATE_FORMAT]:[DD-MON-RRRR]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [RESP_APPL_ID]:[178]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [LOGIN_ID]:[18817150]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [DB_PORT]:[5025]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [USER_ID]:[99136]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [DISPLAY_LANGUAGE]:[US]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [APPLICATION_ID]:[xxetfc.oracle.apps.icx.por.reqmgmt.server.ReqMgmtAMEx]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS]:[.,]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_LANGUAGE]:[AMERICAN]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_BUFFER_MIN]:[1]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [GUEST_USER_PWD]:[GUEST/ORACLE]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [RESP_ID]:[53865]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_SORT]:[BINARY]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_PLSQL_RESET]:[false]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_PROFILE_VALIDATION_ENABLED]:[null]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FUNCTION_ID]:[-1]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_BUFFER_DECAY_SIZE]:[5]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [ICX_PV_SESSION_MODE]:[115P]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_CONTEXT_CHECK]:[true]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_USABLE_CHECK]:[false]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_LANG]:[null]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [MODULE_NAME_TAG]:[icx.por.reqmgmt.server.ReqMgmtAMEx]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FNDNAM]:[APPS]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_PROXY_USER]:[null]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [TWO_TASK]:[PCHEBSO1]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [APPS_JDBC_DRIVER_TYPE]:[THIN]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [MODULE_TYPE_TAG]:[fwk]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [DB_HOST]:[sitmisdb1w86m7.etrade.com]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [DBC_FILE_PATH]:[C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure\PCHEBSO1.dbc]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [APPLICATION_NAME]:[Oracle iProcurement]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_IDLE_THRESHOLD.HIGH]:[-1]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [SECURITY_GROUP_ID]:[0]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [LANG_CODE]:[US]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_MAX_JDBC_CONNECTIONS]:[500]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_BUFFER_DECAY_INTERVAL]:[300]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [USER_NAME]:[ASHARMA2]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_BUFFER_MAX]:[5]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [DB_NAME]:[null]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_CHARACTERSET]:[UTF8]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [ORG_ID]:[240]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [DB_ID]:[PCHEBSO1]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [GWYUID]:[APPLSYSPUB/PUB]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [NLS_TERRITORY]:[AMERICA]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [ICX_SESSION_ID]:[213276334]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [JDBC:oracle.jdbc.maxCachedBufferSize]:[358400]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] ------- Properties stored in Java System Properties -------
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vendor]:[Sun Microsystems Inc.]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [ajp.connection.listener.state]:[down]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.management.compiler]:[HotSpot Client Compiler]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [oracle.j2ee.container.version]:[]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [os.name]:[Windows XP]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.boot.class.path]:[C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\i18n.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\jsse.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\classes]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.desktop]:[windows]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.specification.vendor]:[Sun Microsystems Inc.]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.runtime.version]:[1.5.0_05-b05]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [com.oracle.corba.ee.security.trusted.clients]:[*]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [oracle.security.jazn.config]:[C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\system\oracle.j2ee.\embedded-oc4j\config\jazn.xml]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.name]:[asharma2]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.language]:[en]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.naming.factory.initial]:[com.evermind.server.ApplicationInitialContextFactory]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.boot.library.path]:[C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\bin]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [oc4j.jms.usePersistenceLockFiles]:[false]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.version]:[1.5.0_05]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.util.logging.manager]:[oracle.classloader.util.ApplicationLogManager]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.timezone]:[America/New_York]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.net.preferIPv4Stack]:[true]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.arch.data.model]:[32]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [javax.rmi.CORBA.UtilClass]:[com.sun.corba.ee.impl.javax.rmi.CORBA.Util]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.endorsed.dirs]:[C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\endorsed]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.cpu.isalist]:[]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.jnu.encoding]:[Cp1252]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [file.encoding.pkg]:[sun.io]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [DBCFILE]:[C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure\PCHEBSO1.dbc]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [file.separator]:[\]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.specification.name]:[Java Platform API Specification]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.class.version]:[49.0]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.country]:[US]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.home]:[C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.info]:[mixed mode]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [os.version]:[5.1]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [org.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass]:[com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orb.ORBImpl]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [path.separator]:[;]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.version]:[1.5.0_05-b05]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.variant]:[]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.protocol.handler.pkgs]:[oracle.apps.xdo.common.net.protocol|com.evermind.protocol]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [checkForUpdates]:[adminClientOnly]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.awt.printerjob]:[sun.awt.windows.WPrinterJob]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [RUN_FROM_JDEV]:[true]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.io.unicode.encoding]:[UnicodeLittle]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [com.sun.jts.pi.INTEROP_MODE]:[false]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [awt.toolkit]:[sun.awt.windows.WToolkit]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [MetaObjectContext]:[oracle.adf.mds.jbo.JBODefManager]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_TOP]:[C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [oracle.j2ee.http.socket.timeout]:[500]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [com.oracle.corba.ee.security.ssl.port]:[5656]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [JRAD_ELEMENT_LIST_PATH]:[C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myhtml\OA_HTML\jrad\]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [JTFDBCFILE]:[C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure\PCHEBSO1.dbc]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [com.sun.CORBA.POA.ORBServerId]:[1000000]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.naming.factory.url.pkgs]:[oracle.oc4j.naming.url]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.home]:[C:\Documents and Settings\asharma2]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.specification.vendor]:[Sun Microsystems Inc.]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [oracle.home]:[C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [oracle.dms.sensors]:[5]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.library.path]:[C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\bin;.;C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\DevSuiteHome_10g\jdk\jre\bin\classic;C:\DevSuiteHome_10g\jdk\jre\bin;C:\DevSuiteHome_10g\jdk\jre\bin\client;C:\DevSuiteHome_10g\jlib;C:\DevSuiteHome_10g\bin;C:\DevSuiteHome_10g\jre\1.4.2\bin\client;C:\DevSuiteHome_10g\jre\1.4.2\bin;C:\oracle\ora92\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.3.1\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin;C:\OraHome_1\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_15\bin;C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\;C:\OraHome_1;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vendor.url]:[http://java.sun.com/]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [XDO_TOP]:[etrade/pkgs/linux/intel/oracle/appldev/apps/apps_st/appl/xdo/12.0.0]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [javax.rmi.CORBA.StubClass]:[com.sun.corba.ee.impl.javax.rmi.CORBA.StubDelegateImpl]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [oracle.j2ee.dont.use.memory.archive]:[true]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.vendor]:[Sun Microsystems Inc.]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.runtime.name]:[Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.class.path]:[C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\jsse.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\ext\dnsns.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\ext\localedata.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\ext\sunjce_provider.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\ext\sunpkcs11.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\oc4j-api.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\oc4j-unsupported-api.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\activation.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\mail.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\persistence.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\ejb30.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\ejb.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\javax77.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\javax88.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\servlet.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\jms.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\jta.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\jacc-api.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\connector.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\jmx_remote_api.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\jax-qname-namespace.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\jaxr-api.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\jaxrpc-api.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\saaj-api.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\jws-api.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\oc4j-internal.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\oems-jms-oc4j.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\oems-jms-client.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\oems-jms-server.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\oc4j-schemas.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\ojsp.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\oc4j_orb.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\iiop_support.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\orbbase.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\iiop_gen_bin.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\jmxcluster.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\jaccprovider.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\javavm\lib\jasper.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\adminclient.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\opmn\lib\optic.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\jacc-spi.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\jazncore.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\jazn.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\ospnego.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\ldapjclnt10.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\wsserver.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\wsif.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\orawsmetadata.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\orajaxr.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\jssl-1_1.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\ojmisc.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\toplink\jlib\toplink-oc4j.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\diagnostics\lib\ojdl2.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\xqs\lib\xqs-api.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\xqs\lib\xds.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\lib\jdev-oc4j-embedded.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\pcl.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\ext;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\lib\dmsapp.jar;C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\system\oracle.j2ee.\embedded-oc4j\applications\admin_ejb.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\bc4jdomorcl.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\jsp-el-api.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\commons-el.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\oracle-el.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\jewt4.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\regexp.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\share.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\uix2.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\oaext\mds\lib\mdsrt.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\oaext\lib\mdsdt.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\oaext\lib\oamdsdt.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\javacache\lib\cache.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\lib\xschema.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\adfbinding.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\adfcm.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\adfm.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\adfmweb.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\adfs-jazn.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\adfs.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\adfshare.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\bc4jct.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\bc4jctejb.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\bc4jimdomains.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\bc4jmt.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\bc4jmtejb.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\bc4jsyscat.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\lib\collections.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\fwkjbo.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\fwk.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\atg.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\collections.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\iasjoc.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\rosettaRt.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\portalFlexComps.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\svc.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\pat.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\concurrent.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\oamMaintMode.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\fwkCabo.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\wsrp-container.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\pdkjava.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\ptlshare.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\xml.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\wsrp-container-types.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\jaxb-impl.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\jaxb-libs.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\jazn.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\jazncore.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\bibeans\lib\biamlocal.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\bibeans\lib\bipres.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\bibeans\lib\bicmn.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\bibeans\lib\bidatasvr.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\bibeans\lib\bidataclt.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\bibeans\lib\bidatacmn.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\bibeans\lib\biext.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\bibeans\lib\bicmn-nls.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\bibeans\lib\bipres-nls.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\bibeans\lib\bidata-nls.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\oaext\config\oac\oacfilter.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\scheduler.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\lib\jdev-rt.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\lib\ojc.jar;C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\system\oracle.j2ee.\embedded-oc4j\connectors\datasources\datasources\datasources.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\diagnostics\lib\ojdl.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\lib\dms.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14dms.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\opmn\lib\ons.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdbc\lib\ocrs12.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\rdbms\jlib\aqapi.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\ojms-provider.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdbc\lib\orai18n.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\lib\xml.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\lib\xmlmesg.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\lib\xsu12.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\lib\xquery.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\osdt_core.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\osdt_cert.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\osdt_xmlsec.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\osdt_wss.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\osdt_saml.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\ojpse.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\oraclepki.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\toplink\jlib\toplink.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\toplink\jlib\antlr.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\toplink\jlib\toplink-essentials.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\wsclient.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\orasaaj.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\xsdlib.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\mdds.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\relaxngDatatype.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\soap.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\sqlj\lib\runtime12.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\sqlj\lib\translator.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\webservices\lib\orawsdl.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\applib;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\jsp\lib\taglib;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\jsp\lib\taglib\ojsputil.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\lib\dsv2.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\http_client.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\j2ee\home\lib\jgroups-core.jar;C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myhtml\OA_HTML;C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myclasses;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jlib\jdev-cm.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\jlib\bc4jhtml.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\jlib\datatags.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\jlib\bc4juixtags.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\BC4J\jlib\graphtags.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\wsp.zip;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\diagnostics.jar;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\svctester.jar]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [oracle.j2ee.home]:[C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\system\oracle.j2ee.\embedded-oc4j]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [oracle.application.environment]:[development]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.specification.name]:[Java Virtual Machine Specification]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [JRAD_XML_PATH]:[C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myclasses\JRADXML;C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects;C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdev\oamdsxml\fwk]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [javax.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectClass]:[com.sun.corba.ee.impl.javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializerClass.oracle.oc4j.corba.iiop.server.IIOPInitializer]:[NO_VALUE]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.specification.version]:[1.0]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.cpu.endian]:[little]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [oracle.j2ee.container.name]:[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [sun.os.patch.level]:[Service Pack 3]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.io.tmpdir]:[C:\DOCUME~1\asharma2\LOCALS~1\Temp\]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [com.sun.jts.pi.CLIENT_POLICY_CHECKING]:[false]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vendor.url.bug]:[http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [com.oracle.corba.ee.security.ssl.mutual.auth.port]:[5657]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [FND_JDBC_STMT_CACHE_SIZE]:[200]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [os.arch]:[x86]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.awt.graphicsenv]:[sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.ext.dirs]:[C:\jdev12_1_3\jdevbin\jdk\jre\lib\ext]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [user.dir]:[C:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\system\oracle.j2ee.\embedded-oc4j\config]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [CACHENODBINIT]:[true]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [line.separator]:[
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.vm.name]:[Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [com.sun.CORBA.connection.ORBSocketFactoryClass]:[oracle.oc4j.corba.iiop.IIOPSSLSocketFactory]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [javax.management.builder.initial]:[oracle.oc4j.admin.jmx.server.Oc4jMBeanServerBuilder]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [com.oracle.corba.ee.security.use.ssl]:[false]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass]:[com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orb.ORBImpl]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [file.encoding]:[Cp1252]
    [050712_052819574][][EXCEPTION] [DEBUG] [java.specification.version]:[1.5]
    12/05/07 17:28:20 Error Export Data in pdf



    I have a crystal report file that is stored as image type in table (SQL Server).When i open the report file in my application (Visual Studio (C#) ), it shows the required one.But When i export to pdf  and save it to my local hard drive, and if i open that file, i find that after every lowercase 't' , letter 'i' is appended.I searched through google and found that it migh be a font issue.Even after changing the font, i was not able to resolve the issue.
    Example : 'Project'   becomes  'Projecti'
    Please provide a resolution to this issue

    See if KB [1547961  - The character 'i' is added after every lower case 't' when a report is exported to PDF file format|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.km.cm.docs/oss_notes_boj/sdn_oss_boj_bi/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/scn_bosap/notes%7B6163636573733d36393736354636443646363436353344333933393338323636393736354637333631373036453646373436353733354636453735364436323635373233443330333033303331333533343337333933363331%7D.do] helps. Also, search these forums. There are a few threads on the issue here.
    KB was found by using the following search term; 'character i crystal net' )as well as a number of variations. (Use the search box in the top right corner of this web page .
    Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/SAPCRNetSup
    Got Enhancement ideas? Try the [SAP Idea Place|https://ideas.sap.com/community/products_and_solutions/crystalreports]

  • Export to PDF from Infoview does not show correct data - CRS 2008

    I have a problem where users attempt to export a report from the Infoview interface to a PDF.  The report shows correctly in Infoview while in Crystal Reports format, but when the use exports the data, the data changes and shows different values.  To troubleshoot, I have tried this on different clients - without a change in the result.  I have also pulled the latest instance of the report from this history on the Central Management Console.  Interestingly enough, the same thing happens when I export to a PDF from there as well.  Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

    I can't tell you offhand on what the issue is here, as various factors come into play.
    Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try:
    - Try opening the report in Crystal Report designer and export to pdf from there. Does this work?
    - Instead of viewing the report and export; schedule a report to PDF and check the results.
    - there is currently a know issue in regards of certain formulas and using font type "arial Unicode MS" that gives incorrect export to pdf. Maybe alter the font used.. or see if you take out any questionable formulas and try again to export.

  • Any way to reduce the resolution when exporting to .pdf

    We are emailing reports.  On some reports with a large number of jpegs we are hitting a size limitation.  It would be helpful to reduce the resolution on the jpegs when exporting to .pdf.  Any way that would be possible?

    Need more info-
    VS version? or the developing application?
    CR Version? Are you directly emailing your reports from CR designer?
    Also once the image is fetched by the report, we can not make any changes in the image, as a work around you need to do required changes in the image before adding it to the reports, and as far as I know it is not possible through code, but we can wait for other responses though.

  • Report margin on export to PDF

    I am using SQL Server 2008, Project Server and Report Builder 3.0 and have just inherited an issue.
    I have two reports:
    D_Subreport: This report contains all logic and detail
    D_Report: A report referencing D_Subreport as a Subreport
    In one of our SharePoint project sites we run the D_Report, this has a dropdown parameter which allows multi selection. This works as expected - the report displays in the browser with no margins as per the designed report, on export to PDF it has a margin
    set, I'm not sure where this is set(?), but it looks good to us.
    The problem, when running the D_Subreport from another Project site (no multi select as it runs under the context of the project site) the reports displays as expected in the browser, however on export to PDF there are
    NO margins. It seems as though having a containing parent report creates margins within the PDF, running Subreport directly does not.
    How do I get it to display using the same margins as D_Report?

    My problem was that one report had margins and the other didn't - Plus it turns out a Subreport's margins are ignored by the parent report. I had to create a duplicate report in our scenario.

  • Hyperlinks from other placed indd documents or pdfs getting lost after export to PDF

    after upgrade vom CS 5.5 to CS 6: hyperlinks from other placed indd documents or pdfs getting lost after export to PDF
    I tried all options for the as well known and working export options

    after upgrade vom CS 5.5 to CS 6: hyperlinks from other placed indd documents or pdfs getting lost after export to PDF
    I tried all options for the as well known and working export options

  • Program crashes when I try to export to pdf file using CR for VS2010

    I'm using VS2010, framework 4.0. I can view, print, and export the report to excel. When I click export, select pdf, enter a file name, and click save...I get the following message:
    Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: window
    I added Ludek's code to limit exports to pdf and excel to my JPTreportView.xaml.vb file:
    Public Class JPTReportView
            Private Sub UserControl_Loaded(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Loaded
                reportViewer.ViewerCore.ReportSource = Me.DataContext.ReportSource
                reportViewer.ViewerCore.ToggleGroupTree = False
                reportViewer.ViewerCore.ToggleParameterPanel = False
                reportViewer.ViewerCore.ToggleSidePanel = False
                Dim exportFlags = (CrystalDecisions.Shared.ViewerExportFormats.PdfFormat Or CrystalDecisions.Shared.ViewerExportFormats.ExcelFormat)
                reportViewer.ViewerCore.AllowedExportFormats = exportFlags
            End Sub
        End Class

    My parameters are set in the code and are set to "Do not show" in the report. The pdf export did not work before I added the code to limit the export options. The code in JptReportView.xaml:
    <UserControl xmlns:my="clr-namespace:SAPBusinessObjects.WPF.Viewer;assembly=SAPBusinessObjects.WPF.Viewer"
                 d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
        <my:CrystalReportsViewer Name="reportViewer" ShowOpenFileButton="False" ShowToggleSidePanelButton="False"     ShowRefreshButton="False" ShowLogo="False" Focusable="True" />

  • Report Title and Text Area issue when exported to pdf using Viewer

    Hi there,
    We are using OracleBI Discoverer Version
    We have reports that displays Report title containing the following
    - Report Title
    - Runt Date and Time
    - Page No
    And text area which displays 'Last Page'
    Following properties are set at the worksheet level using page setup
    Report Title --> 'Print on every Page'
    Text Area --> 'Print on last page'
    The report when exported to PDF using Discoverer plus works fine and displays report title and text area as defeined.
    But when we try to export the same report to pdf from Discoverer viewer, it displays
    - Report title on first page only.
    - text area on all pages
    All our users accesses report using discoverer viewer so we cannot open discoverer plus to them.
    Is there a solution which will enable us to export the report in pdf using discoverer viewer and displays the same output as discoverer plus.
    Please let me know... If you have any questions then please feel free to ask.
    Thanks in advance for your help...

    but when opened on other os x machines some text is colored differently than it should be
    Well, if typographic objects are colour managed, the colour appearance is dependent on the source ICC profile that describes the colourants in the typographic objects and the destination ICC profile that describes the colours the display is able to form and the RBC colourant combinations that will form those colours.
    In general, typographic objects should have special treatment, since the expectation is not that typographic objects should be colour managed, but that typographic objects should simple be set to the maximum density of dark. On a display, that is R=0 G=0 B=0 and on a seperations device (a lithographic press) that is C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100.
    If for some reason typographic objects are colour managed, and if the ICC profiles for the displays are off by half a mile or more in relation to the actual state of the display system, then the colours will not be the same. On the other hand, if those displays are calibrated and characterized, then the colourants will be converted to form the same colours on the displays.

  • How can I auto export a PDF File using the "Smallest File Size" preset and set the Exported File Name based on information from an Imported PDF?

    Greetings all,
    I am trying to create a script to automate a PDF export process for my company for inDesign. I’m fairly new to inDesign itself and have no previous experience with javascript, although I did take C++ in high school and have found it helpful in putting this code together.
    We have an inDesign template file and then use the Multi-page PDF importer script to import PDF files. We then have to export two version of each file that we import, then delete the imported file and all of the pages to reset the template. This has to be done for nearly 1000 pdf files each month and is quite tedious. I’m working on automating the process as much as possible. I’ve managed to piece together code that will cleanup the file much quicker and am now trying to automate the PDF exports themselves.
    The files are sent to us as “TRUGLY#####_Client” and need to be exported as “POP#####_Client_Date-Range_North/South.pdf”
    For example, TRUGLY12345_Client needs to be exported as POP12345_Client_Mar01-Mar31_North and POP12345_Client_Mar01-Mar31_South.
    There are two templates built into the template file for the north and south file that are toggled easily via layer visibility switches. I need to get a code that can ideally read the #s from the imported Trugly file as well as the Client and input those into variables to use when exporting. The date range is found in the same place in the top right of each pdf file. I am not sure if this can be read somehow or if it will have to be input manually. I can put North or South into the file name based on which template layer is visible.
    I am not sure how to go about doing this. I did find the following code for exporting to PDF with preset but it requires me to select a preset and then type the full file name. How can I set it to automatically use the “Smallest File Size” preset without prompting me to choose and then automatically input some or preferably all of the file name automatically? (If the entire filename is possible then I don’t even want a prompt to appear so it will be fully automated!)
    PDF Export Code (Originally from here: Simple PDF Export with Preset selection | IndiSnip [InDesign® Snippets]):
    var myPresets = app.pdfExportPresets.everyItem().name;
    myPresets.unshift("- Select Preset -");
    var myWin = new Window('dialog', 'PDF Export Presets');
    myWin.orientation = 'row';
        myWin.sText = add('statictext', undefined, 'Select PDF Export preset:');
        myWin.myPDFExport = add('dropdownlist',undefined,undefined,{items:myPresets});
        myWin.myPDFExport.selection = 0;
        myWin.btnOK = add('button', undefined, 'OK');
    var myWindow = myWin.show();
    if(myWindow == true && myWin.myPDFExport.selection.index != 0){
        var myPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.item(String(myWin.myPDFExport.selection));
        myFile = File(File.saveDialog("Save file with preset: " + myPreset.name,"PDF files: *.pdf"));
        if(myFile != null){
            app.activeDocument.exportFile(ExportFormat.PDF_TYPE, myFile, false, myPreset);
            alert("No File selected");
        alert("No PDF Preset selected");
    So far my code does the following:
    1) Runs the Multi-Page PDF Import Script
    2) Runs PDF Export Script Above
    3) Toggles the Template
    4) Runs #2 Again
    5) Deletes the imported PDF and all pages and toggles template again.
    It’s close and much better than the original process which was almost 100% manual but I’d like to remove the Preset prompt from the PDF script and have it automatically select the “Smallest File Size” preset. and then if there’s a way to have it auto-fill in the file name so no user input is required at all other than selecting each file to import. (If there’s a way to setup a batch action for the multi-import script that would be even better!)
    Thanks in advance and if there’s anything else I can provide that would help please let me know! Even a nudge in the right direction will be a big help!

    If you hold down the option key, it will typically show the location. Or you can often hit option-return on the file and it will reveal the file in the Finder, instead of opening it.
    Final option is to open it, and just option-click the filename in the toolbar of Preview and it should show you the location.
    It's probably an attachment to an email you've received. If you have Mail set to cache emails and their attachments it'll be stashed in a subdirectory of ~/Library/Mail. Which is fine.

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