Exporting .flv's directly from FCE

I alternate between two machines when doing video editing/compression. Both machines, Mac G5's, have Final Cut Express HD 3.0.* and Flash 8 Pro installed. One machine offers me the option to export as .flv and the other does not. How do I "install" the option to export as .flv on the machine that is not currently offering me that option?
Note: I posted this question over the weekend, and have since thought it through more thoroughly. The machine allowing me to export as .flv is running OS 10.3.*. The other is running OS 10.4.* Would this make any difference?
Thanks in advance.
20 G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

He has actually made it work now by using an iMac with a superdrive -rather than the laptop with an external La Cie burner (which does normally work, but which doesn't seem to like FCE). Would latest iDVD (6) or latest Toast (8) be any better?
Thanks for replying.
PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

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    Being that the dimentions you suggested should be widescreen, I re-ran the conversion to your parameters, this time un-checking "Preserve aspsect ratio.. as letterbox" and this time it is widescreen. Not sure why, but it was putting the black bars on the left and right, not the top and bottom, scrunching to 4:3ish with that box checked. Strange.
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    Thanks Russ.
    I wasn't thinking about the Apple Devices so much as the Master File set to Audio & Video which produces a .mov file.
    I have normally used the Master File to export my videos but will experiment in future with "Computer".
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    well it may not be how your exportinging it. what you need to find out is how big of a file will you service provider let you send. your file may be over the limit, so all you need to do is compress it even smaller. when i send a clip i don't use the mail setting i just compress it my self as small as i can. my provider will only let me send up to 10Mb files only.

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    OK. So i found a cropping tutorial using QT Pro on YouTube.
    1. I first used the cropping in the Motion Tab within FCE.
    2. I exported that movie,
    3. Opened it up in QT Pro.
    4. Took a snapshot of the movie.
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    Hello there,
    for Flash 8 video (VP6-E/S codecs) you would need something like:
    *On2 Flix Exporter* - QT export component ($199)
    *Flip4Mac Episode* - Batch Encoder app with free Apple Compressor integration plugin ($395)
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    Hope this helps, Oliver

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    Short of motion picture theaters, I can't think of anything that can even play back in a 2.35:1 aspect ratio.
    What device are you using for playback, and what kind of device are you using to show it?  And if you have delivery specifications from someone else, what are they?

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    I had FCP 5 and was able to export using > Quicktime
    Conversion> Macromedia FLV or Macromedia SWF.
    For some reason, I can't do it anymore, since the
    options have disappeared. Any ideas on where I can
    find the plug-ins needed or updates?
    I bought OnFlix Exporter to do this. Flash is proprietary to Macromedia, so I'm pretty sure you need to pay to add this capability to Final Cut Pro.
    A very cheap program that will make Flash movies for you, without tying up your Final Cut system to do converstions, is Mediahub.

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    I may not be having a snow leopard problem at all.
    Going back to an old project in 1080i of an 8 minute length. the estimated time to render is about 50 minutes it says @20% of the way thru. Thats about 6x real time.
    Maybe thats what I should expect. I was hoping for a significant speed increase in rendering times with the new OS. What is teh factor averaging for other people ?
    I am rendering down to 720p multi pass 2320 kbit rate .MP4 in h.264
    Maybe I have a settings problem in project properties in my other project.
    I also got inspired and moved the render folders to a separate disk from the source files and put the caches on a 3rd drive. my I/O readings now are at 60 reads/sec.
    Thanks for helping me work this issue out with you guys. Will keep you posted.

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    'flv' files straight from Final Cut Pro time line for my mac. I
    know that you can purchase Adobe Flash which enables this, however
    I don't wish to buy the whole program. Is there a video encoder
    program or something that you can purchase that will enable me to
    export from FCP?

    Bec_ke wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I was wondering if there was such a program that would
    export 'flv' files straight from Final Cut Pro time line for
    my mac. I know that you can purchase Adobe Flash which
    enables this, however I don't wish to buy the whole program. Is
    there a video encoder program or something that you can
    purchase that will enable me to export from FCP?
    Not sure about FCP, tho I would expect the latest Final Cut
    Studio to be able to do
    Quick Time Player can export MOV to FLV. Not sure whether
    it's the regular player,
    I'm having the PRO version for many years and this one allow
    that kind of export.
    You being a Mac user, I guess that's the easiest and cheapest
    way to get FLV out of your
    available tools.
    Best Regards
    "Never play Leap-Frog with a Unicorn."
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • CS5: Bug when exporting directly from PPro with hardware MPE?

    For the record, I'm using:
    A GTX-480 (unsupported)
    The hardware MPE-enabling hack (unsupported)
    The latest version of the nVidia drivers (257.whatever)
    I discovered an issue, of sorts, when exporting directly from Premiere CS5, versus using the "Queue" option to send to AME. I was exporting from an NTSC DV Standard sequence to a 320x240 H.264, in which I had enable cropping and trimmed a bit off the sides and top and bottom of the source; the Output tab was summarily set to "Scale to Fit". With hardware MPE enabled in the Project Settings, the export would be the proper final dimensions (320x240), but any area that was cropped off was instead padded with black. The actual video content was then squeezed and malformed into the area not occupied by the black bars.
    I found that, if I disabled hardware MPE or sent the export through AME by use of the Queue button (instead of Export), then the export was performed properly--the video was cropped correctly and then the video stretched to the borders of the exported video, maintaining the desired aspect ratio.
    As I mentioned at the outset, I'm breaking a couple rules and perhaps tempting fate with others, but before I go about rolling back my drivers and the like, has anyone noticed a similar issue?
    ADDENDUM: By the way, the export doesn't need to come from a sequence. If I load up a source clip into the Source Monitor, and export from there using the process outlined above, I get the same issue. This would seem to indicate, to me, that this is due to some incompatibility with my card, its driver and hardware MPE...

    Did he demo renders or exports?
    About 11 minutes in, he [Dave] demos accelerated H.264 renders.
    Harm Millaard wrote:
    AFAIK MPE only works with renders, not with encoding.
    Well, he did both, actually--but the quote above is a typo on my part. I meant to say "exports" or "encodes." The last couple minutes of the aforementioned demo video are dedicated to exporting a sequence directly from Premiere, and having the benefit of hardware MPE. That's where I'm getting the issue I've outlined above; with hardware MPE enabled, and using the "Export" versus AME "Queue" button/function, I get the strange black outline. With software MPE or through AME, all is well.

  • Imported quicktime files lose resolution when exported from FCE

    I am having trouble with quicktime files losing resolution after I add titles and transitions to them in FCE.
    I'm doing some video morphing so I use different software to create the quicktime files, and then I import them into FCE in order to add titles and transitions, and then I want to export again as quicktime files.
    The problem is, when I export the completed movies from FCE, the quicktime file section of the movies ends up being a much lower resolution than when I had imported it. I am using all the same compression settings throughout: Sorenson 3, Best, Frame rate 15 fps. The movies are 1001x751 in size.
    Any ideas on how to get the movies to come out as crisp and hi res as the original clips?
    FCE 2.0.3   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    FCE 2.0.3   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Quicktime 7.0.4

    Sorenson 3 is a web compression codec. You need to create your videos in DV NTSC at 720x480 at the 29.97fps. That the format that's specified in FCE.
    All the best,

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    Can anyone help me

    oh. thank, so the method is media encoder.
    thanks a lot

  • Exporting to flash from FCE

    Hi people!
    We've recently got FCE in work and we are trying to export to flash files but it tells us we don't have the relevant license. Does anyone know what this means? I've scoured the manual and there's nothing about exporting to Flash ( at least I've not found it!)
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    I've only just brought FCE myself but I think that the feature is possibly only available in Final Cut Studio.
    I need to save in flash format myself and with a little searching found VisualHub, it is available from the 'Downloads' page on the apple site. From reading the spiel it will convert the file that is created from FCE to any number of formats including .flv
    Not sure if it works yet since while I've downloaded the program I haven't actually got a video to try it on right now.
    Hope this helps and I'd certainly like to know how you get on since I need to convert to flash myself.
    If I'm wrong about the feature only being available in Final Cut Studio I'm sure someone who is more experienced with FCE can point you in the right direction.

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