Exporting Hyperion Business Rules as Text files

Hyperion 9.3.1 installtion...
Does anyone have any nifty scripts or techniques for getting the HBR code out into flat files (ideally named as the Rule)...
I Know you can export via AAS, but all I want is the raw code so I can use some differencing tools on them.
Basically I've rules being changed in Prod, and Dev, and need to manage the situation.
Using the individual export option is painfully slow with 100+ rules.
Surely there is a way to query the [dbo].*AAS.HBRRules* table feild '*Body*' which is of type 'Image' and convert it into ASCII ?
Anyone done such a thing? or automated the export facility?

Here is my variant on it.
It differs in that it accepts command line parameters for SQLServer, Output Dir (defaults to {Desktop}\Rules) & DBName (defaults to AAS). It also has header size changed to 201 which works here. Finaly some of the EOF checks have been fixed as the original posting seems to have lost the 'not equals' characters...
I Save this as HBRulesExport.vbs the execute it via a batch script twice using 'start /w ....' to export Dev & Prod to two seperate dirs for comparison.
'Force "cscript"
Dim numRules
Dim ID
Dim length
Dim index
Dim headerSize
Dim fileName
Dim rule
Dim DirPath
'ORIGINAL :- headerSize = 233
headerSize = 201
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cnSS = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set shellObj = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
If Wscript.Arguments.Count < 1 Then
     MsgBox "This script requires at least a SQLServer DB name to get to HBRules. Parms are as follows..." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Wscript.ScriptFullName & " {SQL Server Name} [{OutputPath}] [{Db Name}]"
     Wscript.Quit 1
     SQLSERVER = Wscript.Arguments(0)
     If Wscript.Arguments.Count = 3 Then
          DBCAT = Wscript.Arguments(2)
          DirPath = Wscript.Arguments(1)
          DBCAT = "AAS"
          If Wscript.Arguments.Count = 2 Then
               DirPath = Wscript.Arguments(1)
               DirPath = shellObj.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERPROFILE%") & "\Desktop\rules"
          End if
     End if
End If
if (fs.FolderExists(DirPath) = False) Then
     fs.CreateFolder (DirPath)
End If
cnSS.Open "Provider=sqloledb;" & "Data Source=" & SQLSERVER & ";" & "Initial Catalog=" & DBCAT & ";" & "Integrated Security=SSPI"
strQuery = "Select max(id) from hbrrules"
rs.Open strQuery, cnSS
If (Not rs.EOF) Then
     numRules = rs.fields(0)
     For ID = 1 To numRules
          rule = ""
          strQuery = "Select name from hbrrules where id=" & ID
          rs.Open strQuery, cnSS
          If (Not rs.EOF) Then
               fileName = rs.fields(0)
               strQuery = "Select body from hbrrules where id=" & ID
               Set rulefile = fs.CreateTextFile(DirPath & "\" & fileName & ".hbr", True, True)
               rs.Open strQuery, cnSS
               If (Not rs.EOF) Then
                    length = rs.fields(0).ActualSize
                    For count = 1 To length - headerSize - 5
                         index = count + headerSize
                         character=AscB(MidB(rs.fields(0).Value, index, 1))
                         If Character = 10 Then
                              rule = rule & VBNEWLINE
                              ' Filter for normal ASCII character range
                              If (Character > 31) And (character < 127) then
                                   rule = rule & Chr(Character)
                                   rule = rule & " "
                              End if
                         End If
               End If
          End If
     MsgBox "Finished extracting HBRules from " & DBCAT & " on server " & SQLSERVER & vbCrLf & "Extracted " & numRules & " to Dir - " & DirPath
     MsgBox "Query of DB " & DBCAT & " on server " & SQLSERVER & " - Returned no rows"
End If
Edited by: djhogg on 09-Dec-2008 06:30

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    Have they ever worked ?
    Have you followed the golden rule, start RMI, EAS, Planning, Log into planning application through the web, Open EAS, create bus rule, select outline of the planning application you logged in.
    Also it is definitely checking out document ID 763345.1 in metalink3 (My Oracle Support)

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    Can you make a HBR local variable the target of a value? Doesn't that local variable have to resolve to a member in an Essbase database sooner or later if it's going to receive a data value from a formula?
    Or did you create a local variable as Real and then used that as the target? Maybe that would do it? (Obviously I've never done this.)
    Could you create a temporary place in the database to stick it and then delete it?
    Something like:
    1) Local variable = some kind of formula/calc
    2) No Account->No Product->No Scenario->whatever = Local Variable value. The point is an unused member that will let you set a value without overwriting permanent numbers. That shouldn't be too hard to find in a Planning app.
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    Cameron Lackpour

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    The best place to start for documentation is :- http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/epm.html
    You should be able to find the documents you want there for different versions

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    Here is a brief overview on how to use the command line launcher.
    You can create a file and put the following information into it filling in the servername,app name and db name
    Save it as .xml file (don’t think it has to be an xml, could be .txt), so something like connect.xml
    Then when you run your command line do exactly like before Cmdlnlauncher -Sservername -Uusername -p:password.txt -rrule -fconnect.xml
    If you have variables in your rule you can
    In EAS right click over the rule and select "Automate Launch Variables", fill in the details and then save it is as an xml.
    You just need to reference the xml in the batch script as described above using the -f parameter, for sequences remove -rrule and use –sSequence
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    Edited by: JohnGoodwin on Apr 30, 2010 8:17 AM

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    Try using this as your query (Remember to set the database you want to use first:
    DECLARE @tableString VARCHAR(100), @newTableString VARCHAR(100), @columnString VARCHAR(MAX), @dSQL VARCHAR(MAX) = ''
    DECLARE tableBuilder CURSOR FOR
    'CREATE TABLE '+d.name+'.'+t.name ,
    c.name + ' ' +
    WHEN st.NAME IN ('float','image','text','uniqueidentifier','date','time','datetime2','datetimeoffset','tinyint','smallint','int','smalldatetime','real','money','datetime','smallmoney','bigint','bit','hierarchyid','timestamp','xml','geometry','geography','sql_variant','sysname') THEN st.name
    WHEN st.name IN ('decimal','numeric') THEN st.name + '(' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,c.precision) + ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,c.scale) + ')'
    WHEN st.name IN ('nvarchar','nchar','char','varbinary','varchar','binary','ntext') THEN st.name + '(' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,c.max_length) +')'
    END + ','+ char(13)+CHAR(10)
    FROM sys.tables t
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.extended_properties ep
    ON t.object_id = ep.major_ID
    AND ep.name = 'microsoft_database_tools_support'
    INNER JOIN sys.columns c
    ON t.object_id = c.object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.systypes st
    ON c.system_type_id = st.xtype
    INNER JOIN sys.databases d
    ON DB_ID() = d.database_id
    WHERE ep.name IS NULL AND is_ms_shipped = 0
    ORDER BY t.name, c.column_id
    OPEN tableBuilder
    FETCH tableBuilder INTO @tableString, @columnString
    IF @tableString <> @newTableString
    SET @dSQL = @newTableString + char(13)+CHAR(10) + ' (' + char(13)+CHAR(10) +LEFT(@dSQL,LEN(@dSQL)-3) + char(13)+CHAR(10) + ' )'
    INSERT INTO @tableBuilder ( dSQL ) VALUES (@dSQL)
    SET @dSQL = ''
    SET @dSQL = @dSQL + ' ' + @columnString
    SET @newTableString = @tableString
    FETCH tableBuilder INTO @tableString, @columnString
    CLOSE tableBuilder
    DEALLOCATE tableBuilder
    SELECT * FROM @tableBuilder
    Export the results of that as you like.

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    I would export the rule to essbase and test it there. I should run and the log will tell you something. I would also look at the business rules log to see what it says. <BR><BR>

  • Hyperion Business Rules Error

    Good day!
    I have an error every time I validate the business rules in essbase.
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    Unable to run or validate this rule (VSHI1_CopyData) against the following location: Essbase/vincentp.misnet.com.ph/VSHI1/IncStmt for user admin.
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    2008-10-24 14:01:58,067 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.AccessControlManagerServer - Error authenticating user in UserServerManager.
    2008-10-24 14:01:58,130 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.UserManagerServer - Error authenticating user in UserServerManager.
    2008-10-24 14:04:20,674 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.AccessControlManagerServer - Error authenticating user in UserServerManager.
    2008-10-24 14:04:20,674 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.UserManagerServer - Error authenticating user in UserServerManager.
    2008-10-24 14:05:08,938 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.AccessControlManagerServer - Error authenticating user in UserServerManager.
    2008-10-24 14:05:08,938 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.UserManagerServer - Error authenticating user in UserServerManager.
    2008-10-24 14:07:04,358 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.AccessControlManagerServer - Error authenticating user in UserServerManager.
    2008-10-24 14:07:04,358 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.UserManagerServer - Error authenticating user in UserServerManager.
    2008-12-05 17:17:08,672 WARN Thread-16 com.hyperion.hbr.db.DBConnectionManager - Removed bad connection from Connection Pool: vincentp.misnet.com.ph14331cp_tools
    2008-12-05 17:17:09,047 WARN Thread-16 com.hyperion.hbr.db.DBConnectionManager - Removed bad connection from Connection Pool: vincentp.misnet.com.ph14331cp_tools
    2008-12-15 10:45:42,502 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.security.HbrSecurityAPI - Exception occured: 25:1065:Identity: admingroup, is invalid.
    2008-12-15 10:45:42,502 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.security.HbrSecurityAPI - Error retrieving group by identity
    2008-12-15 10:45:42,518 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.AccessControlManagerServer - Unable to run or validate this rule (VSHI1_CopyData) against the following location: Essbase/vincentp.misnet.com.ph/VSHI1_1/IncStmt for user admin.
    2008-12-15 10:46:41,152 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.security.HbrSecurityAPI - Exception occured: 25:1065:Identity: admingroup, is invalid.
    2008-12-15 10:46:41,152 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.security.HbrSecurityAPI - Error retrieving group by identity
    2008-12-15 10:46:41,152 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.AccessControlManagerServer - Unable to run or validate this rule (VSHI1_CopyData) against the following location: Essbase/vincentp.misnet.com.ph/VSHI1/IncStmt for user admin.
    2008-12-15 10:47:34,815 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.security.HbrSecurityAPI - Exception occured: 25:1065:Identity: admingroup, is invalid.
    2008-12-15 10:47:34,830 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.security.HbrSecurityAPI - Error retrieving group by identity
    2008-12-15 10:47:41,599 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.AccessControlManagerServer - Unable to run or validate this rule (VSHI1_CopyData) against the following location: Essbase/vincentp.misnet.com.ph/VSHI1/IncStmt for user admin.
    2008-12-15 11:01:05,637 WARN [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' com.hyperion.hbr.core.AccessControlManagerServer - Unable to run or validate this rule (VSHI1_CopyData) against the following location: Essbase/vincentp.misnet.com.ph/VSHI1/IncStmt for user admin.
    Sorry for the long log message.
    I am using the admin user. Is there a possibility that the admin has no privilege for the business rule? (Which is unusual because it should have all the privileges).
    Can anyone tell me how to fix this issue?
    Thanks in advance.

    I think you have to give access even to the admin user to validate/run a business rule
    try giving access to that rule and then validate

  • Business rule Log/error files in

    How can I trace out the status of business rules in EAS for running a calculation on essbase cube.where can I find these log/error files?
    In log files can we trace out the error like where it went wrong...?

    If you have a look at hbrlaunch.log it will provide details of the business rules that have been run.
    If on and windows the file can be by default in C:\windows\system32
    If you do get any errors running the rule then the essbase app log is probably the best to find more information on the error.

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    Enable menu bar with Ctrl+B if needed.
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    I haven't had the opportunity to use HBR yet. I'm interested since we may want to use it soon. <BR>The admin guide mentions (pg74) creating an automatic launch variable file (must be XML). It looks like you need to use the admin console to create the XML file, then reference that XML file when launching the command launcher. Does that make sense? HTH. <BR><BR>JS

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    HI All,
    The scenario is such that I have two set of data forms.
    One is for monthly level budgeting and the other set of forms is for Yearly budgeting data.
    Now, when I punch the data into the Yearly values, it has to evenly distributed into the monthly forms.
    Ex: When I punch 120 in FY11, then it has to be divided by 12 and set 10 for Jan, 10 for Feb and so on and so forth.
    Thanks All

    This is the default behaviour of Hyperion Planning distribution. You should enable distribution in the form design and place the period dimension as Ilevel0descendants(YearTotal) to column. If you have already set even distribution (not 4-4-5 or 4-5-4) then the data you input on YearTotal gets distributed to months evenly. Therefore you wouldn't need to write a business rule for this.

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