Exporting in Premiere Pro 6

If I purchase Premiere Pro 6, does it come with Media Encoder?
Or do I have to buy Media Encoder as a separate application as well for exporting media in Premiere Pro 6?

If I purchase Premiere Pro 6, does it come with Media Encoder?
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  • Media Encoder crashes when exporting from Premiere Pro

    Media Encoder crashes when exporting from Premiere Pro. I am queueing multiple files for export and Media Encoder will crash. The computer system has 32GB of RAM and the videos export fine in Premiere, but that requires exporting each one individually. Each video file is being down converted and some can be quite long (upwards of 3-5 hours). Nothing else is running on the computer that would take up memory.
    Any idea why Media Encoder will crash?

    Try turning off GPU acceleration.

  • Exporting in Premiere Pro with a GTX 980 CUDA takes 4 hours

    Okay, this problem has been plaguing me ever since I upgraded to a new PC with some very high end hardware. I'm trying to export a 25 minute h.264 encoded mp4 file from an AVI video and PCM audio source, however, exporting it using YouTube 1080p preset takes over 4 hours. This used to never happen before, even on my old laptop which had a GTX 675M card and would take 1.5 hours at most.
    The source files I use through video capture is AVI with MPEG-1(VBR) 1920x1080 resolution with 29.97 frames/second. The audio source is PCM WAV 48.0KHz stereo.
    The preset I have for exporting in Premiere Pro/AME CC 2014 is:
    video: h.264 format, 1.0 square pixel, 29.97 frames/second, Progressive scan
    bitrate: VBR(1 pass), target/max: 8.0 Mbps
    audio: AAC 192kbps, 48kHz stereo
    The hardware I am using is a Gigabyte x99 ud-4 motherboard with G.Skill Ripjaws 16GB DDR4 2400Mhz RAM, i7-5820K CPU 3.30 GHz, Windows 7 64bit OS, with an Nvidia GTX 980 card with CUDA enabled in both Premiere and the Nvidia Control Panel. Yet, I am still getting over 4 hours rendering time during my exports for a 20-30min video source? I  am completely stumped on this and it's unbelievably frustrating to see my top of the line system take so long to render this file when my 2-3 year old laptop did the export in 1/3rd of that time? I do this as a hobbyist and any help on trying to get this fixed would be a major help to me. Thank you in advance!

    I did a quick test in your behalf with a test project with and without "alpha glow" applied to all of the media.
    The results were actually kind of strange:
    - export to .mp4 utilized all cores (6-core box w/ Hyperthreads) with a smooth 82% utilization for the whole export; memory usage (also from task manager) went up and once it hit a maximum, it stayed there
    - export to .mp4 with "alpha glow" applied -> CPU usage started out pretty good, then memory usage maxed out and then actually cam down; after a bit, the CPU usage stabilized at around 22%, or about 25% of what it had been at the start of the export
    Smells to me like an Adobe bug or design-flaw.
    Anyway, good luck with your testing.
    I totally agree with Bill's suggest to do a full PPBM7 test on your new rig and report the scores back here - and to the PPBM7 site of course. This will help you to have confidence in your new hardware and setup. Once your hardware and configuration (for Win7, drive caching, Premiere settings, etc.) are working fine, then your particular workflow, etc. can be a separate troubleshooting step.
    Good luck!

  • Export to Premiere Pro from Audition has stopped working...

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    When I've finished an edit in Premiere I send it to Audition via Edit>Edit in Adobe Auditoin>Sequence.
    But when I've finished in Audition and try to send it back via Multitrack>Export to Premiere Pro (sent as each track as a stem), Audition processes the session and then tries to send it back to Premiere.
    The screen jumps back to Premiere as usual, but instead of seaing the pop-up window to insert new tracks as it should do, nothing happens. I've ran lots of tests to see what is going wrong, and can't find it. Somewhere on the journey into Premiere, the process stops and I really, really liked this feature.
    Can anybody shed some light on why this has suddenly stopped working? I have made no changes to the installation of either Premiere or Audition, and neither have any plug-ins or extras.
    Hope you can help,

    I have the same problem to import files from audition. It save the work in .xml what I can load in premiere but automaticly it will not work.

  • Closed Captions don't appear when I play my video exported with Premiere Pro CC

    So, I've spent some time researching this, but can't seem to get anywhere.  I'm fairly new to Premiere Pro and I've created a sequence with closed captions.  I've tried exporting several different ways (Quicktime, H264, etc.).  I've also been careful to include a sidecar closed caption file or to embed the closed captions within the video when exporting using Quicktime.  I've also been sure that both files (the movie and the scc file) are in the same place.  I've tried playing different versions of the exported video on Quicktime Player and VLC, but have had no luck getting the closed captions to appear.  In Quicktime player I've tried it with the closed captions activated, but that doesn't seem to make a difference.  In VLC I've tried the Advanced Open option which enables you to select the subtitles file you want to load with the movie.  Once again, no luck.  I've tried dragging and dropping the .scc file onto the movie while it plays.  I've tried selecting a Subtitle track using the video drop-down menu.  Once again, no luck.  I've tried exporting from Premiere Pro with the sidecar file as a .mcc file and that didn't work either.  I even tried converting the .scc file to an .srt file via some online app.
    Anyway, I'm stumped.  All I want to do is to get my movie to play with the subtitles with some simple application.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

    Sorry, Fritz. It's been a while since I really looked at the Closed Captioning help page, and I just assumed that the New Caption workflow is covered there. And a second apology because the state of that page is at least partly my fault insofar as I promised our technical writer months ago that I'd help flesh out this page.
    You're not doing anything wrong when it comes to adjusting the start/end times for caption blocks. Caption tracks in the Timeline are basically display-only. The apparent handles are really just indicators; they're not interactive. I believe it's on our roadmap to make them interactive, but I have no idea where that enhancement sits in the priority order.
    I'm not sure what you mean about "each caption track block [being] limited to just over 30 seconds." If there's a maximum duration for a caption clip, it's probably up at 12 or 24 hours. I've worked with several that are longer than an hour. As for individual caption blocks within a clip, my memory has grown fuzzy in the months since I worked on the feature, but I think the program does not enforce a limit on the duration you can give a block. However, there may be a limit on how long a given caption block will actually get displayed. I thought that limit was 15 seconds, but I just did a test with blocks of 10, 20, and 40 seconds, and all of them had the full assigned duration in the encoded output. Could be that the limit I'm thinking of is standard-specific... Come Monday, I'll have to check with colleagues who have remained closer to the feature set.
    Note that if you add a caption clip to a sequence before you've finished adding the blocks, then you'll need to trim out the clip after increasing its duration by adding blocks.
    Lastly, although Premiere supports authoring captions from scratch, the feature set was conceived chiefly for importing captions created in a third-party authoring tool and, as needed, revising the content and adjusting the timing.

  • After Effects export as Premiere Pro project weird PAL/NTSC problem

    This post is not a question. It's here, because I've found a solution and want to share with You.
    I've noticed a strange problem during export from AE to PR.
    Ok, here I go.
    AE = After Effects CS3
    PR = Premiere Pro CS3
    My AE project is D1/DV PAL Widescreen. It is a sequence of slideshow with some video effects applied. I needed that sequence in PR. I was happy to find a new feature - export as premiere pro project (new for me - i am pretty rookie ;). Thaks to this feature I have saved most of my disk space that is always to low. But, like every first try, this one was not perfect too. I had two problems.
    Problem no 1.
    I opened exported project in PR and saw message like "video effect AE.CC COMPOSITE not present".
    Whole composition was working perfectly except that one video effect that was fundamental for this project.
    *Solution was as easy as it can be. I've just copied that effect from AE plugin folder to PR plugin folder. It worked for this.
    Problem no 2
    Like says AE Help "When you export an After Effects project as an Adobe Premiere Pro project, Adobe Premiere Pro uses the settings from the first composition in the After Effects project for all subsequent sequences."
    Project settings in PR was exactly D1/DV PAL Widescreen. So where is the problem You ask?
    Therefore why my Timeline works in NTSC 29,97 frame rate if all settings match PAL 25 frame rate?! I don't know.
    *Solution to fix this annoying bug is to create a new project in PR with all settings for D1/DV PAL Widescreen in this case. Than just import that PR project exported from AE. Now timeline works like it should in PAL frame rate.
    That's it.
    I hope this post is helpful, because I didn't find any answer for this here in Adobe forum.

    Who's says that Microsoft can't debug?
    I used msconfig, first disabling startup items, -same result.
    Enabled all startup items, disabled all non-microsoft services - AE worked!
    I re-enabled each service in turn until AE crashed.
    The fault was related to an item for a video streaming device I have in my house.  It was Monsoon-multimedia's Vulkano Service.  Sometimes under the old name of Hava, this is an app that acts like a sling-box to send my Cable TV to my screen.  It does load a couple of virtual devices in device manager, and uses a proprietary codec.
    I uninstalled the vulkano streamer application and rebooted the external Vulkano device.  I reinstalled the Vulkano and verified it connected to the device and could stream.  Once it did, I tried AE again and IT WORKED!
    I wonder if simply rebooting the Vulkano would have fixed it.  Its like opening the garage door to turn on the refridgerator.
    Thanks for the help!

  • Exporting from Premiere Pro CC 2014

    Hello there,
    Every time that I am willing to export my project my Premiere Pro CC 2014 stop responding all together. I tried the short cut (Commend+M) or going through the Manu bar. the result is the same, Premiere Pro CC 2014 just freezes and does not respond to anything till I force quit it and restart it allover again. I tried exporting from Premiere Pro it self, without using Media Encoder, but the problem remains the same.
    I am using the new Mac Pro. I heard Adobe Premiere Pro is experiencing  problems with the New Mac Pro. Is that true? Or is there other issue?
    Thank you and looking forward to hear back,

    Hi Maruf,
    Maruf Noyoft wrote:
    I reset as you suggested and it took care of it.
    Maruf Noyoft wrote:
    So, if you don't mind explaining me the cause of the problem that I had? Or
    an article about it. It is just for me for getting to know better the program and the system.
    Thank you very much and appreciate your help enormously.
    Since preference files get touched by the application frequently, there is always the possibility of their corruption. When this happens, you start to see what we call "unexpected behaviors" from Premiere Pro. This problem happens infrequently, but it is a good first troubleshooting step to try on your own. This is the case with most every non-linear editing application I have used over the years (Final Cut Pro, Avid, Media 100, etc.).

  • Exporting from Premiere Pro into Story

    Can the metadata etc be exported from Premiere Pro into Story.
    For example in the process of roughing out a documentary idea I'm shooting clips and making subclips in bins and developing sequences in this rough style.  It would be useful to document this in Adobe Story if such an interface exists thanks...
    Many thanks

    The closest I can find is here:
    Seems like there is a semi-manual solotion ... has anyone used this reverse workflow in anger I wonder and can describe their experience, the results and the potential?

  • Export to Premiere Pro

    Hi all experts,
    If I do an export to Adobe Premiere Pro:
    1) Will it be rendered in Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe After Effects ?
    2) How I do I import the file in from Adobe Premiere Pro ? Just like importing a picture or video ?
    3) I am thinking if I use Premiere Pro instead of Final Cut, will it cut down on input and output time ?

    After Effects always uses the AE Render engine to render files. If you export to Premiere Pro and then close AE the Render engine will open in the background to render from inside PPro. Dynamic link is similar to round tripping to motion from FCP. Personally, for most projects that require AE work I think the AE/Premiere workflow is faster than the FCP/AE workflow. Sometimes though, depending on the project, I'll use Automatic Duck to bring FCP elements into AE for FX work.
    Hope this helps.

  • Why remove .flv export from Premiere Pro CC 2014? And what's a good workaround?

    Why remove .flv export from Premiere Pro CC 2014? And what's a good workaround?

    OK, so you want to put it on your own web page. That's fine as long as you know how to create a web page.
    The next thing you have to decide is how big do you want the video to appear on the web page. Many people just post on YouTube and then embed the video into their web page. That way, the video can take advantage of all of the various sizes that YouTube provides.
    In any case, I suggest that you use H.264. But the data rate depends on the size of the file. If you are going to display it in HD, then you probably want to start at about 20Mb/s and go up or down from there. The required data rate depends on what you find acceptable, and that depends on the amount of movement in the video. For example, a talking head next to a white board explaining something requires a lot less bits to represent the image because less changes are taking place from frame to frame. If you use 10Mb/s for that, you might find 20Mb/s or more is required to make you happy if you shot a football game from the sidelines.
    I generally use settings that look like this image. If you have any questions as to why I choose these settings, feel free to ask.

  • I used the CC Snowfall, but when I export to Premiere Pro it shows up as a grey background? Help!?

    I used the CC Snowfall to create a snow effect for my video, once I export into Premiere Pro it just shows up as a grey background?

    We can't tell what's wrong from your description.  A nice screen shot of your AE project will be very helpful.  Of particular interest: the effects pane for the snowfall effect.

  • My computer crashes when I export from Premiere Pro cc.?  Also, is there a known problem with Panasonic HC-V720 footage?

    Why does my computer crash when I try to export from Premiere Pro cc? Also, is there a known problem with footage from Panasonic Hc-v720?@

    Ask in http://forums.adobe.com/community/premiere/content
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    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says ALL FORUMS) to open the drop down list and scroll

  • Losing audio quality when exporting from premiere pro

    I have now had this happen with two different videos. I play the video in premiere pro and the audio is fine. I export the video and lose most of the quality of the audio portion. One project is a music session when exported I only get the main vocal the drums aren't audible only a buzz sound is made where the kick drum would usually come in. On another project is a thank you video for a family member and the audio is distorted after being exported. The audio sounds fine inside of the session. Once exported the audio will still work fine on my computer and my iphone 5s as long as I'm wearing headphones, once I try to play the video through my iphone 5s speakers the audio quality is gone, making the noises as previously stated. My iphone can still play other tracks fine but videos and audio exported from Premiere Pro are distorted. Any advice on how I can export the video so I wont lose audio quality when playing the video on an iphone? I know it's not my iphone speakers, they play other songs just fine.

    The source files as far as the audio goes are wav files that I've pulled off of my desktop. My sequence settings are 1920 by 1080 at 29.97 frames per second. The export settings are H.264 with the preset YouTube (HD 1080 29.97 FPS) and I've also tried HD video 1080p 29.97 FPS. If this isn't enough information please let me know I'm in the learning phase. Audio wise the quality is set to high and I'm exporting at 4800 kh and a bit rate of 190. I've also tried a bit rate of 320 and 264 I think it is and still had the same problems.  Let me know if I need to do screen shots I really want to figure this out.
    Thanks for your help!

  • File Export Adobe Premiere Pro Project

    Which script (a line of code, probably) implements this menu item: File>Export>Adobe Premiere Pro Project?

    This may be helpful:
    Mind that even when you can activate a menu command by this method you may not be able to control the resulting dialog via scripting.  That's one of the reasons why this method of accessing commands isn't published.
    If there's a function in After Effects that you'd like scripting access for, feel free to send us a feature request (yes, they do get looked at!):

  • Is there a way to set a default "Source Range" in AME when exporting from Premiere Pro CC?

    When exporting a sequence from Premiere Pro CC, you are able to toggle between 4 drop down options within Adobe Media Encoder on what Source Range you'd like to export (Work Area, Sequence In/Out, Entire Sequence, Custom) as seen here:
    Is there a way to set the default Source Range to something besides Sequence In/Out?
    My reason for asking is that sometimes I export multiple sequences at once using AME's Queue. I add my custom presets to each Sequence and hit export, but SOMETIMES I may have accidentally marked an in point on my timeline and by default it's set to export only that In-to-Out part of the sequence.
    I know what you may be thinking...well, just don't add any In/Out points to your sequence on the timeline or clear them first. The trouble is that I often don't see them or catch them when working quickly. In Premiere Pro CC, I use the "Lighter Brightness" Appearance setting because it's easier on my eyes after editing 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Sure, darker looks cooler, but it kills my eyes for some reason. Anyway, PPro CC has a troublesome appearance issue in CC where it's not "optimized" for editing when you change it to a lighter appearance like it was in CS6. I've already contacted Adobe about this and another appearance issue (involving highlighted clips when in Lighter Appearance setting) and they are "actively working on fixing this appearance issue asap". 
    For reference, here's Premiere Pro CC in/out points in default dark appearance (notice the slightly lighter grey area):
    Now here's that same in/out in "Lighter Appearance":
    Not exactly optimized. Can hardly see it. Good luck spotting that little guy on a long timeline. Sadly, this affects in/out points in the Source Window as well. Really hard to see.
    Conversly, CS6 looked the best (the blue REALLY stands out making things easy to see):
    So my question again...is there a way to set the default "Source Range" to something else besides Sequence In/Out so that I don't end up doing what I just did and leaving for several hours while batch exporting only to come back and find that I exported only a "portion" of one of my big sequences?
    Thank you!

    shooternz wrote:
    Here is the solution:  Slow down. Give your project some love. Smell the roses.
    Agreed about the roses but alas my next project always calls. Actually, I think what happens is I give each project SO much love that when it comes to exporting, I've run out of time.
    shooternz wrote:
    Then it would not be a default...it would be an option and you already have that option.
    Semantics aside, I would love to be able to have it at least default to whatever option was last chosen. Or, perhaps I shouldn't use the word default again...I'd love it to simply remember my preferred setting. That's all.

  • When Exporting "Adobe Premiere Pro sorry, A serious Error has accord that requires....."

    Since the new update when Exporting I get this message ""Adobe Premiere Pro sorry, A serious Error has accord that requires....." I've tried to reinstall the software on both computer without any luck. Please Help!

    Premiere worked before.
    I’m not using any third party effects or codecs.
    Processor  3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory  24 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB
    Software  OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
    Adobe Premiere Pro CC Version 7.2.1(4)
    When I press EXPORT I get this message "Adobe Premiere Pro sorry, A serious Error has accord that requires....."

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