Exporting only One Homemade Movie from iTunes since my back up drive died

I have a couple of homemade movies of my kids on iTunes and I am trying to export theme individually, however I only see the option on iTunes of exporting the whole library. How to I export just these individual movies. I had them on a backup drive, but the drive died and I want to create a back up of just these movies that I have on my iTunes of my kids to a DVD, but do not want the whole iTunes library on it. Any assistance you can provide would be great.
Best, Joe

Exporting, backing up, and making a DVD are three different things. Pls explain specifically what you are trying to do, and I am sure someone here will be able to help.

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    That suggests the file is being damaged during download. The first thing to try is a different browser
    Failing that, router issues have been implicated, try restarting your router.
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    http://www.cnet.com/videos/move-your-itunes-library-to-an-external-drive-5010991 0/

    If you have one library, the movies are on another drive and you don't have the external running all the time you will have annoying !=broken link for all your movies until you turn on the drive and restart iTunes.  For things you do not want to have to see on a daily basis the best solution is to make a separate library and keep the whole movie library, media and library files, on the external drive.  The drive then does not have to be turned on all the time. 
    Make a new library by starting iTunes while holding down the option/alt key.
    If you want to do it all in one library, to move some items:
    Sept. 2010, Consolidate selected content - https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2589812 and April 2014, https://discussions.apple.com/message/25414357#25414357
    Note, any purchases you make will still automatically go to the media folder specified in the preferences for that library so you will have to relocate files after each purchase.
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    steven59 wrote:
    the one thing Apple makes harder than a PC is seeing which files are the biggest for cleaning off hour disk.
    luckily there are 3rd party tools that can help with that:
    Disk Inventory X
    I have an external drive with plenty of space, but can't seem to get itunes to recognize it as a destination.
    before downloading the movie, go iTunes > preferences > advanced and point iTunes media folder location to the external.
    iTunes will put new additions to your library where ever iTunes media folder location is pointed.

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    All apps are forever tied to the Apple ID that bought them. To stop your id from popping up, you need to delete the apps on his phone, and then repurchase them under his account.

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    iTunes support would be the only way i'm afraid.

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    She must have signed into her own Apple ID on your iPad in order to sync her content from iTunes so try this and see if it works.
    Settings>Store>Apple ID. See if your ID is showing in there and if it isn't - tap on her ID, sign out and then sign in with yours.
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    Instead of removing the music from the cloud or the iTunes library why not shuffle your music using a Smart Playlist which excludes the holiday music, or tracks that are not checked. For example, use this very simple Smart Playlist:

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    Hello William
    Check to make sure that in iTunes Preferences that Show iTunes in the Cloud purchases is check or check in the iTunes Store under Purchased to see if it rests there.  If you still cannot locate them, the report the issue to the iTunes Store.
    Download past purchases
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBooks Store purchase
    -Norm G.

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    OK, Today I went ahead & booted & tried again & it worked this time.
    Not sure why it didn't yesterday. Maybe the servers were just overloaded? Several others reported similar.
    Also yesterday when I ran Speedtest it showd download at about 25 mbps, This morning just before I re-started the download it was showing just above 30 mbps.  So maybe the internet was less busy? Or at least the parts between me & the test server.
    & so far it is working ok.

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    Hello Lcw2610,
    I would recommend deleting the affected movie from your iPad, and redownloading the movie.
    How to delete content you've downloaded from the iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, or Mac App Store
    Download past purchases
    If the issue persists, please do report the issue to the folks in our iTunes Store.
    To report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBooks Store purchase, follow these steps:
    Find the email receipt for your purchase.
    Click Report a Problem under the app that is having the issue.
    When prompted, enter the Apple ID and password you used to purchase the item, then click Report a Problem.
    Click Report a Problem next to the item you are having an issue with.
    From the Choose Problem dropdown menu, choose the appropriate issue.
    Follow the onscreen instructions and—if prompted—type a description of the problem into the text field.
    Click Submit to have your issue reviewed.
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBooks Store purchase

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