Exporting playlists to another computer..

Hey Gang..
I exported/imported my playlists from a Windows 98 laptop to Windows XP PC and the 'ratings' did not transfer over.
Is this normal?

Yes this would be normal, iTUnes doesn't run on windows 98 without some modification so your importing it from another player or a modified iTUnes in which case the ratings won't transfer over

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    Another method you can use to auto-sync your iPod with iTunes is "Sync Music - Selected Playlists". Syncing selected playlists is just like syncing your whole library only on a smaller scale and more "selectively". This is particularly useful when your library is larger than the capacity of your iPod. When your iPod is is set to sync selected playlists it automatically picks up any changes you made to that playlist in iTunes since you last connected. Anything you added to the playlist will be added to the iPod, anything you deleted from it will be deleted from the iPod. In other words the iTunes playlist and the iPod are kept "in sync".
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    i received my mbp today and think its bloody awesome!
    just had a quick question though. on my xp desktop i have itunes which has not only a playlist for my music but also the playlists of my parents and younger sibling. now that i have my own laptop though, i would only want to copy my playlist on to itunes on the mbp.
    is this possible?
    please could you let me know.

    Hello, and welcome to the forums!
    There are a couple of ways to do this. Basically, you'll need to get two things over to the Macbook pro: The song files, and the library (or playlist) files.
    First, you need to copy all your music to the MacBook. You can do this with DVD-Rs (or CD-Rs), you can start file sharing between your Macbook and the XP desktop, or use a windows-compatible hard drive (iPods will work too in "use my iPod as a storage device" mode). You can also use a program such as Senuti (iTunes spelld backwards), which will copy the songs directly from an iPod to your Mac - playlists included! (a one-step solution, but you need to fit all songs on your iPod)
    For file sharing, you should use the Macintosh Help to set it up - I've never had a need to network a Mac and PC, so I don't know how to set it up. You will need to connect both computers together via Ethernet (and maybe a router), Firewire, or USB. I saw a gadget at our local Best Buy last weekend (in the new Apple section) that was designed for transfering songs via USB directly between computers - and its software is cross platform.
    Now, as for copying the playlists, you have a couple of options. You could use an iPod>iTunes program, as said above. You can also simply copy the entire iTunes folder between machines - library, music files, and all. (Copy the 'iTunes' folder from My Music to the Music folder on your Mac). I've never copied from XP to Mac, however, but iTunes Mac should be able to read the library file. It works just fine Mac-Mac. There are also programs designed for exactly this, so if you have trouble you may look into these programs.
    Another option is to export your library - or just some playlists. How? There's an option in the File menu called "Export Library". It's in the File menu in iTunes 7, and in the File>Library submenu in the new iTunes 8. This will allow you to save an XML file containing your playlists, or at the very least your ratings and such from iTunes. Then, simply choose "import" on your Mac to import the file. Make sure you copy your songs over - and import them into iTunes - before you do this. You can do the same thing for individual playlists in the same manner. Finally, Apple advertises that they will copy files from an old PC to a new Mac (for free?) when you buy a Mac - I'm not sure exactly what the specifics are, but if nothing else, look into this.
    I'm sure there are more ways to do this, I'm sure they're out there somewhere. Out of the methods I've listed, I'd recommend either networking your PC and Mac and do a full iTunes folder copy, or using a program like Senuti to copy from the iPod - they're the easiest ways to do it.
    Enjoy your new Mac,

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    What you do is buy your own copy of the songs you like, put them on your computer, and then to your iPod from there.
    Downloading them from your friend's computer is almost certainly a copyright infringement, not legal, and therefor it violates the terms of use for these boards to discuss how to do it.
    12" PB, Mac Mini (x2), G3 iMac (x3), G4 iMac, G5 iMac, Centris 610, SE30, Mac+   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   3G iPod, iPod shuffle, iPod nano

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    And yes, you export them to wherever you want, preferably somewhere which is accessible from both of your machines.  In general (especially if you have a home network), you should be able to do it without any external devices (like external hard drive or DVD).
    I have generally used my network (File sharing).  From the first computer, I export things to a shared location on the second computer (across the network), and then use a second computer to import from that (local) directory.  Obviously, you could also write from the first computer to that same computer, and then import across the network from the second computer, too.  Or, export and import locally, using Finder to copy things across the network in the middle.
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    Set both iPods to manual manage or disk mode.

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    Applebags wrote:
    Thanks for your advice Jolly but I have tried to export and drag the playlist into the memory stick using finder and only the .txt file is transferred. Must I be doing this incorrectly?
    no. i may have misinterpreted your intention. i thought you wanted to put the playlist on another computer. you can import the resulting .txt file in iTunes on another computer, however, the actual tunes would have to be present in the other machine's library for the playlist to work.
    It seems to work if I select multiple files from the playlist then drag to memory stick.
    I hope there is a simpler way.
    there ain't. you could burn the playlist as an mp3 CD which can be imported on another machine ...

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    One thing you could try, is make sure that the ipod that isnt synced with that computer is set up to manage music and playlists manually, then it should show up just as any other ipod in itunes and you should be able to click and drag the playlest to the ipod. Note! This will place the music on the ipod in a playable format, but it may not be copied off that ipod to another computer easily. if you wish to move the playlist to another computer, you will need to copy the music to the ipod as an external hard drive, this format will not be playable from the ipod. more questions, go ahead and ask.

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    My computer cannot run  Sharing so I don't have firsthand experience.  My reading of it is:
    1) Music sharing lets you stream (not transfer) select items, including specific playlists, between local computers on the same network.
    2) Home Sharing lets you stream or transfer media files between computers on the same network.  I don't know if this is as spacific as particular playlists, or you you have to make the playlist once the desired content is transferred.  It says media so doesn't look like it restricts transfer to specific playlists, it just makes your whole media collection accessible on another authorized computer.
    You can export a playlist file from iTunes, but this is a text file listing of content, not a complete playable package.

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    How can I transfer my iTunes library and playlists from one computer to another?

    Copy the iTunes folder (Mac: Home\Music or PC: My Music) to the same location on the new computer. If an iTunes folder already exists on the new computer (it will on a Mac) replace it with one you copied.

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    My computer crashed with all my itunes files.  I was able to get some off and transfer them to another computer.  I am afraid to sync my ipod to the new computer becaused I do not want to loose all of my playlists and other music.  Will this happen?

    To import music into your iTunes library on the computer go to iTunes>Help>iTunes Help>Add items to iTunes and follow the instructions
    Delete the "songs" that do not play in your iTunes library and reimport them.

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    Hello everybody 
    is there any way to export Logic 9's USB controller assignments to another computer setup, to work with same controllers bought from a local music store, with even up to 7 usb controllers in one setup? This way, with a preference export file type of method, time would be saved lightyears by just choosing some "import settings file" function and *click*, every pot in those multiple controllers would do the intended function on the other system too.
    Example scenario,
    computer 1)  MacBook + 7 different usb controllers wanted to by exported assignment-wise (2 x Behringer BCF2000 and 3 x BCR2000, Presonus Faderport and Novation Nocturn
    computer 2)  MacBook Pro + 7 different usb controllers wanted to be exported assignment-wise (2 x Behringer BCF2000 and 3 x BCR2000, Presonus Faderport, Novation Nocturn + some other random USB controller in the chain also (wanted to be left outiside any assignment compromises)
    I don't know what information of controller devices Logic saves into different files for recalling purposes, and how accurate device-identifying-wise the assignment files are, but how could I make "computer 2" controllers do the same fader/vpot/button functions as on "computer 1" using those same products over there, and still leave that existing extra eight'd controller on "computer 2" left as it is/was?
    Ps. If there IS a file exportable for instant multi-controller configuring this scale, does the actual physical connecting order into USB hubs (all these devices could even by connected via single USB-hub cable into MacBook?) change the file's workability, I mean if I'd swap a few controllers into each other's places on the USB hub, would that smoke that preference file's workability whole together then?
    THANKS for every reply, Really, REALLY, appreciate it
    - Aleksi Bovellan
    PS. Sorry if this was confusing or "hard to read" in some way, I really tried my best to include every possible information of problem to save the time to resolve it..!

    Have you tried copying the Control Surfaces preferences from 1 Mac to the other?
    Note that the User Library is hidden bt default in Lion/M Lion: use the Finder:Go menu whilst holding down Option to get there

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