Exporting to destinations created after Aperture opened?

If I want to export from Aperture to a folder or drive, I am noticing that if I create the folder or connect the drive after opening Aperture, it refuses to see it as a possible destination for the export. Closing and reopening Aperture several times and waiting half an hour seems to solve the problem. Another wonky little problem.

I am at this moment exporting projects shot in the field and loaded onto my intel laptop (Santa Rosa) to a folder on the desktop of my new Mac Pro. Once this is done, I will import them into Aperture on the desktop machine from the folder. So, this is the weird thing: I activate the airport connection between the two machines, the laptop clearly sees the destination folder on the desktop...no problem. So I go into Aperture (on the laptop) to export a project into that folder. The project to be exported is highlighted. I go into File/export, but the option to export the project is grayed out. So I have to click on a different project, then click back to the one I want, and the option to export the project is now active...kind of weird right there; it happens very often. So since the laptop sees the desktop destination folder, I should be able to direct Aperture (on the laptop) to send the project there, right? But no, it shows me the public drop box on the desktop machine as the only possible destination on that computer. So to fix this problem I have to quit Aperture, restart the laptop, reestablish the wireless connection with the Mac Pro, enter the password, etc., restart Aperture on the laptop, and now Aperture sees the destination folder and exports the project to it with no further problems. So ultimately I get where I need to go, but only with considerably more hassle than should be necessary. It seems that the ultimate destination for an export, whether to another computer or an external, needs to be set up before you open Aperture. If you set it up after Aperture is open, it has a hard time seeing it, or refreshing its data set of possible export destinations.

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    Aperture cannot burn slideshows to a DVD.  It only can export a video of your slideshow.
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    See:  Using the Unified Photo Library   http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5043
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    melanie475689 wrote:
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    you mean, creating new record like following?
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       <invokeAction Binds="Execute"
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    Deleted the master
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    John, and Brent -
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    System: Early 2008 Mac Pro, 3GHz 8 Core with 12 GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 285 (mac edition). Running OS X 10.8.4

    You cannot change your iCloud email address but you can setup a new alias: http://help.apple.com/icloud/#/mm6b1a490a
    You cannot transfer purchases from one AppleID to another.

  • Problem with photo book created in Aperture 3

    Hi everyone,
    I am in a bit of a bind and would greatly appreciate any help ASAP!
    I ordered a hard-cover photo book that was created in Aperture 3.  When previewing the order, we noticed that the photo for the cover of the book was missing (though it appeared on the dust jacket).  Tried various things to fix this but then read something in the forums that the photo would not be printed on hard-cover books, only on the dust jacket.  So we went ahead and placed our order...
    Today (3 business days after the order was made) we received an email from Apple:
    "Dear Apple customer,
    When your order W313537357 was submitted to Apple, an error caused an image file for your print product to contain an empty frame on the cover. As a result, Apple is unable to process your order and you will not be charged.
    If you would like to resubmit your order, we recommend these steps:
    1. Use Software Update to install the latest version of Aperture or iPhoto and Mac OS X. For more details on using Software Update, refer to: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1338
    2. Close all open applications
    3. Open iPhoto or Aperture and preview your order. For instructions on how to preview your order, refer to: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1040
    4. If you are satisfied with the Preview, return to iPhoto and click “Buy.” For Aperture users, return and click “Continue”
    We appreciate your business and apologize for any inconvenience."
    We have tried all of this, and the preview remains the same (no photo on the cover).  Also, when clicking the "Buy Book" button we get an error message that says "Empty text field detected in book.  The book you are about to order contains an empty text field.  How do you wish to proceed?"  This gives the option to either cancel or continue, and since I have not been able to find it I always just hit continue.
    I have tried contacting apple support but I guess their technical support for Aperture is only available during regular business hours.
    Help?!  We need this book printed and sent to us by the end of next week.  We would pay extra for rush/expedited shipping, but this option doesn't seem to be available (at least in Canada).
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The unified library does not work for books and other products. Aperture and iPhoto cannot open each others books, because the editing options are different.
    See:  Using the Unified Photo Library   http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5043
    Print projects
    Books, calendars, and cards created in iPhoto are visible in the Source list in Aperture, but you cannot edit them. Books, web pages, and web journals created in Aperture are not visible in iPhoto.
    Recreate the book in iPhoto, or send your  friends a PDF of the book. To create a pfd see:  iPhoto, Aperture: Previewing an order in iPhoto or Aperture

  • Is there a breeze export option that defines the maximum opening resolution of the browser ?

    The maximum resolution of a breeze presentation slide is 720
    x 540 correct?
    Does anyone know if there is a way to prevent that a breeze
    presentation gets too big when it is opened in a big resolution
    What I’m asking is if there is a breeze export option
    that defines the maximum opening resolution of the browser that
    contains the breeze presentation, preventing the images and flash
    animations to loose too much resolution…
    When I play my presentations from the breeze server, it
    doesn’t load in the web browser but in a window that not fit
    the entire computer screen, what is good to the definition of the
    presentation…It is possible to do this locally??
    (I may be wrong, but in the breeze server is it opening the
    swf file directly?)
    I sure can, after exporting, place the swf file of the
    presentation, manually, in an html file (instead of using the
    index.html that is created in the publishing) this way it will
    never get bigger when opening it in the browser, but if I do this
    it will affect the SCORM or anything else??
    What do you suggest?

    Set the Integer pref browser.sessionstore.max_resumed_crashes to 0 on the about:config page to get the about:sessionrestore page immediately with the first restart after a crash has occurred or the Task Manager was used to close Firefox.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/browser.sessionstore.max_resumed_crashes
    That will allow you to deselect the tab(s) that you do not want to reopen, but will allow to reopen other tabs.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Session_Restore#Restoring_a_session_after_a_crash
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.sessionstore.max_resumed_crashes

  • TS2518 Help, I had aperture open and working on a image and did not have a battery in and bumped the power off. As a result it will not open my master, it is locked. when I try to open that Library  it says There was an error opening the database for the

    Help, I had aperture open and working on a image and did not have a battery in and bumped the power off. As a result it will not open my master, it is locked. when I try to open that Library  it says There was an error opening the database for the library. I have tried every thing. I updated the other libr but now it will not open the main to update. What do I do?

    Try starting Aperture with the command and option keys held down.  You'll get 3 options.
    Try each, starting at the top, in order, checking after each to see if it fixes the issue.

  • OK, I need to be able to have a linked TOC, and also have destinations created in FM10 that will not be lost when I 1. Save the book as a PDF. then 2.  need the PDF to be as small as possible, but without losing my destinations. Anyone know how to do that

    OK, I need to be able to have a linked TOC, and also have destinations created in FM10 that will not be lost when I 1. Save the book as a PDF; then 2. I need the PDF to be as small as possible, but without losing my destinations. Anyone know how to do that??
    I had been saving as a PDF and then reducing the size of the PDF by printing it as a PDF with a degree of image compression. I write manuals with a LOT of screen captures and line art that needs to be clear. So it is a balancing act between image clarity and PDF size. The PDFs on the web need to be smaller - sure you can undertsand.
    Anyway, when I print the PDF again, I lose both my destinations and bookmarks.
    Anyone know of any way to avoid that?

    Control the images by creating a custom PDF Job Options and then selecting it in the PDF Job Options drop-down of the PDF setup dialog box (File > Save as PDF...)
    Create the custom PDF Job Options file with Distiller. If you do not have Distiller, open the Printing Preferences of the Adobe PDF printer. Start with the Smallest File Size Job Options settings and Edit.

  • Error message exporting large picture file from Aperture 3.5

    Recently I took a large panaramic comprised of 165 pictures using Gigapan Epic Pro and stitched together using software provided with Gigapan. I exported the stitched file into Aperture to perform final edits.  When I go to export the final version I keep getting an error message. The file size will be approximately 2.0 GB. I've been able to export a 0.7 GB file without problems (it did take several minutes). I have a late 2009 27" iMac with 3.3 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 16 GB memory. Any suggestions?  Not sure if this is an Aperture problem or if my system is not up to the task. Below is the error mesage I receive.  Thanks for your assistance.

    Testing: Exporting a large TIFF - the original is 24512 × 23016 (564,2 MP), 1.05 GB
    The exported file that I am seeing on my Desktop after 10 minutes, is showing this in the Preview:
    But after exporting there was no message at - neither an error message nor the usual alert when finished "Export 1 version completed - Reveal ...".
    So, I am not yet conviced that the export went well, but Aperture can export gigantic TIFFs.
    What is the file format you have been using? My test was done with TIFF, 16 bit.
    Aperture 3.5.1

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