Exporting without icon

I'm a new user of Aperture and slowly learning how it works: one of the things I've been trying to figure out is how to export images and not get custom icons for the exported files, I would to have a plain generic icon.

That's not possible on the current version of Aperture. Would be nice an option like photoshop's 'save for the web'.

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    If you're willing to put up with the limitations (and formatting issues) of an MDX extract to a log file, that approach does not put double quotes around member names.  The same is true in Report Scripts although I have a vague recollection that you can put in double quotes if you want it -- obviously you do not.
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    If in fact you do want to do a full export, there are lots of OS-level ways of removing double quotes.  Here's a Windows-based approach:
    Removing double quotes in a batch program in Windows 2003 - Stack Overflow
    What would life be without hacks like the above?  Probably not worth living. 
    Cameron Lackpour

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    Is it possible to having a status message without icon in ABAP screen ? My requirement is , I want to show a completely blank message. When I am showing , the message type Icon is coming . I donu2019t want that icon.  Is it possible  ??
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Satrajit Chatterjee on Apr 6, 2009 3:33 PM

    Can you use addition DISPLAY LIKE dtype. Dtype is "A", "E", "I", "S" or "W" in upper-case letters.
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    Message I305 DISPLAY LIKE 'N'.
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  • H.264 export without audio creates files that are not recognized in Quicktime or VLC

    Dear all,
    I need to generate h.264 files with video only. (short clips for use with a "clickable" catalog on an iPad)
    Used the "H.264" category and chose a preset. Unchecked "Audio" so I only get the video exported.
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    Any clues?
    Mac Pro 5,1
    24GB RAM
    Nvidia Quadro4000
    4TB internal RAID0
    OS 10.7.5
    Premiere 6.0.2

    Thanks Jeff, I did get that far ;-)
    I'm sorry, probably my question wasn't very clear. Of course I can find some technical info about the iPad...
    And of course some of the presets in Media Encoder provide basic starting points for encoding.
    But... there is also the first iPad, I couldn't find the specs about it on the Apple site. On everymac.com I found:
    Apple reports that the iPad supports "H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per second, Main Profile level 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats."
    So if I want to be compatible with all iPads I need to probably stay under 720p30 with [email protected] for H.264
    When I look at
    I find (from the example values) that 1280x720@30p is quite near the maximum matrix size. So with 1024x576 I should be ok there. My bandwith of about 2Mbit is also well within range in this case. But what if I want to fill an iPod screen (1024x768) with the highest possible quality video? How do I calculate if this fits the max frame size requirements, where this is expressed in a number of luma samples and macroblocks? What is my max bandwith? The tables says that the "Max video bit rate for video coding layer (VCL) kbit/s" should be <14.000kbps. Does that directly translate to the sliders in my encoding app?
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    etc. etc. etc....
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    How do I resolve this?

    I know this post is old, but as I was having this issue lately, and managed to fix it - I thought I'd post the solution that worked for me, since I haven't seen it elsewhere.
    In short:
    Make sure there are no .zip files in the site you are exporting. I noticed my error was showing up right around when the export hit the folder where I had a .zip file.
    Go through and delete all of the /_notes/ garbage folders that DW puts in your source site.
    After I did both of these things, my export worked fine.

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    Oracle10g, Win2003
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  • Export without synonym ....

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    i have oracle 9i version 9.2 and i did the export:
    exp system/manager file=userx.dmp grants=n compress=y owner=userx
    and el imoport:
    imp system/manager file=userx.dmp fromuser=userx touser=usery ignore=y
    give me this error:
    Connected to: Personal Oracle9i Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    Export file created by EXPORT:V09.02.00 via conventional path
    import done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    . importing CXP's objects into I4B
    . . importing table "COMPROMISOS"
    IMP-00058: ORACLE error 980 encountered
    ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid
    IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 980:
    IMP-00003: ORACLE error 980 encountered
    ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid
    IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 20000:
    "02,15,3302,1,1,1407,1,0); END;"
    IMP-00003: ORACLE error 20000 encountered
    ORA-20000: Unable to set values for index PK_COMPROMISOS: does not exist or insufficient privileges
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 3613
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 3718
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 20000:
    "79,160,2); END;"

  • Export without Markup - How ?

    I can't figure out how to export without markup. I did it
    before but now can't
    What I want to do is export all the site pages and
    images/scripts/etc without markup
    I'm using DW 8
    Would someone mind explaining this to a total dummie
    Many thanks :-)

    > I think I just want to strip out DW markup, leave the
    html and code stuff
    > I know it will disconnect the uploaded pages from the
    template but I'll make
    > the 'upload' dir contents kind of like a third leg of
    the editing. There will
    > be LOCAL, REMOTE, and UPLOAD
    Refer to my first reply-
    Dw menu-->Modify-->Templates-->Export without
    export to a NEW folder, not within this site.
    Then go to menu->Site-->Manage Sites.
    Make a new site definition (or duplicate the present one)
    Define this new site's Local Site Folder to where you
    exported the files.
    You now have two sites- One for editing, with the template
    markup intact.
    One for uploading with the template markup stripped.
    Note- the template markup is a handful of html comments.
    There isn't any
    real advantage to stripping it out.
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

  • Export without Title Role

    What I am wanting to do is export without Text a clean Timeline. What would be the suggested route to take? Have tried turning of the Title Role and Exporting and found the text is still there. Why? Suggestions Please or even better Answers.
    P.S. Please Apple, Batch Export, Soon.

    what do you mean by "role." 
    Look at the names of the title "clips."  If they're all the same, simply do a find for the name in the sequence with find all.  They will all be selected and hit control-b to disable them all.
    When I finish a project, I find it useful to clean up the timeline and move all titles to a higher video track(s) so it's easy to turn this track's visibility off.

  • Export without crop

    What I would like is an 'export without crop' option. I crop the pictures I export for my clients. But for my own use in inDesign I want them full frame. I was discussing this with some of my collegues and they would love this feature as well, they said....

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    hsbn wrote:
    You can create virtual copy before doing the crop. That what I've done all the time.
    Exactly, and this is how to do it after the crop to clean up your history of cropping:
    Select the thumbs you have cropped and also want an uncropped version and add to a collection if they are in multiple folders
    Select all the thumbs in the collection
    Press ctr or cmd and ' (apostrophy) or from the menu: Photo > Make virtual copy
    Press R to crop and Reset in the crop panel.
    Assign a keyword or label to separate the cropped and uncropped versions if required
    You will now have two versions of each photo, cropped and uncropped.

  • Lightroom exporting without LR adjustments

    I've been happily exporting my LR images, and they have always included what ever adjustments I had made in LR - crop, color, etc. Last week I needed a different cropping of an image. I made a virtual copy, then cropped, selected, and exported only to find that the exported image was the original show, without any cropping or any other adjustments.
    I needed the image quickly, so I just opened PS and edited manually, then saved for web.
    Today I added some images to LR, edited them, and exported. All the images were original, unedited versions. I've checked the export dialogs, and do not see any options to export without edits (as there is in the "Edit in" dialog).
    This lack pretty much cripples LR for me, as far as using it for any serious work. Anyone have this experience? Or more importantly, a fix?

    I've been having a similar problem recently in Lightroom. At first I thought it was because I shot an event with fill-flash in daylight and I thought my white balance was messed up because of cross contamination of light. But, since that shoot 2 weeks ago EVERY other shoot (around 1,000 images) have been giving me very weird white balance problems. Essentially, my images seem "greyish" so, I boost temp and tint, I boost vibrance, I try all sorts of tweaking until the image looks passable, but not nearly my typical color and saturation look and feel. The processed images in Lightroom still seem a bit under saturated and just "not right." BUT, when I export them... they're OVER saturated - kinda like the numbers in Lightroom tell me the image should look. So, it seems that the display in Develop mode is under saturated and "off." But, I have no idea how to correctly compensate. I feel like I have some hidden setting set incorrectly - Any thoughts? Ideas greatly appreciated. If a screen grab would help I'll try that.
    I'm in Lightroom 2.5 and Camera Raw 5.5
    I'm on a PowerPC Mac running OS X 10.4.11
    Message was edited by: jjlevan - I came back to post a screen grab from Lightroom and the JPG which looks like the Lightroom settings you see with the tint and vibrance boosted. But the Lightroom image looks UNDER saturated or almost normal.

  • Exporting without red cross... Please help...

    How to export without the red cross line? I am trying to export to AVI but whenever I exported, it will be red line in between the movie. I am a newbie to AE.
    Thanks in advance...

    Thanks... It worked!!! I bought the plug in and entered during installation. But have to activate it later... Now already activated...

  • Help, I need a 720x540, 24fps .flv export without horizontal lines!

    Hi all,
    I need to export a .flv that is 720x540 and plays at 24fps (real-time).  I do not see a project preset that allows that.  I tried the NTSC Standard 48kHz (it's set at 29.97fps) and time-stretched my video to the correct framerate to sync my audio correctly.  However, my video contained horizontal lines, particularly during areas of motion.  I enabled the "Always Deinterlace" option, as well as the "Reverse Field Dominance" option, but I still see the lines.  Next, I tried the NTSC AVCHD LITE 720p24 setting (set at 24fps); the problem here is that this setting is for 1280x720 video, so it shrunk the exported video and increased the size of the black border.  I have another 720x540 video (but at 29.97fps), so that one had no problems with the first setting (as I believe the aforementioned time-stretching caused those horizontal lines).
    What should I do?  I am completely stuck.  I am using Premiere Elements 9.
    Thank you very much,

    Another option on Steve's suggestion would be to choose an HD Preset. Note: the Frame Size will be larger, say 1440 x 720, so your 720 x 540 image will sit, surrounded by black bars, all around. Do not check Scale to Default Frame Size, or similar syntax. Edit, as is needed, and then choose an Export/Share format, that permits one to crop in the Export, like FLV, or WMV. You will be limited in your Export settings, but that will get you output without the black bars.
    Personally, I would output from Maya in a standard Video Aspect Ratio, rather than this odd one.
    Last, PrPro allows one to create a Desktop Preset, where you could choose 720 x 540. Then, you would be able to Export to a few more formats, but some, like DVD-Video, would still not be available, as they have set Frame Sizes and Aspect Ratios.
    How do you plan on doing the delivery of the output files?
    Good luck,
    PS - Steve's suggestion to use one of the ProShow slideshow programs is a good one.

  • Report Export without the report itself

    Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
    Is there a way to display "Report Export" link (button, function, procedure, or whatever) on a page WITHOUT having to display the report itself?
    Using Oracle 10g and ApEx 2.0.

    thanks for your reply. I have to admit, at first, I had no clue where to start from. Being a novice, my facial expression was like my 2-year old if I was to tell her to "just make me a cup of coffee." How does one "just create a report template"?
    Anyway, looks like it worked. I went to "Shared Components", selected templates under "User Interface." Then I copied a "standard" template from, renamed it, and deleted everything, except for:
    </table><div class="t10CVS">#EXTERNAL_LINK##CSV_LINK#</div></td></tr>#PAGINATION#</table>
    located in the After Rows region.
    The best "look" was when I used a new custom template, and used "no template" for User Interface template. So, the only thing displayed on that part of the page is "EXPORT TO SPREADSHEET" link. It is, however, surrounded with couple of inches of blank space above, as well as below the link. Maybe your comment about "placeholder comment tags" (what is coffee, daddy?) will solve this issue, but I did not have time to play with it.
    The export function itself works great. Again, thanks a bunch for your advice!<p>

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