External speakers buzz when FW HD connected

I bought couple of external firewire Fantom drives to store my mp3 files but when connected to the PB they cause the speakers (external, powered) to emit a buzz that sounds like they pick up the HD spinning noise. It doesn't happen with iMac or any other hard drives I have (including older Fantom). Length of the cable, position in chain (if chained) or the placement don't seem to matter. Any insights?

I have the same problem with speaker buzz in my mini. I changed from Cambridge Soundworks speakers to KRK Rokit 5, but the buzz persists. I took my mini to an Apple store, but was told there was no problem. I doubt that one could hear the buzz in the noisy store.

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    My Cambridge Sound works speakers have a continual buzz, but only when my computer is plugged into its power source.
    Any solutions?

    I have the same problem with speaker buzz in my mini. I changed from Cambridge Soundworks speakers to KRK Rokit 5, but the buzz persists. I took my mini to an Apple store, but was told there was no problem. I doubt that one could hear the buzz in the noisy store.

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    speakers buzzing when laptops on? Hello,
    I have logitech x-530 speakers and they buzz when the laptop is turned on. These speakers are connected to my desktop PC and work fine when the laptop is turned off, as soon as the laptop is turned on they buzz all withing the /4 volume range but it fades out the louder you turn the speakers up.
    Has any one any idea of this? as it has done it with various sound cards, motherboards, cpu, ram, and routers so I am guessing they are not the course.
    I just replaced the motherboard, soundcard, cpu, router less then a month ago but was doin this befor then as well. But seems to be louder now then it used to be
    my specs now are:
    logitech x-530speakers
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    gigabyte MA790GP-UD4H motherboard?
    amd phenom II 940 cpu
    nvidia 9800 gtx+ graphics card
    2 sticks ddr 800Mhz OCZ fatalty ram
    netgear DG834N router (modem)
    not sure if any the computer parts are the problem, the laptop is also connected threw wireless its not on the wireless N network but can be changed if that may help.

    Neal Gillis wrote:
    Hi there,
    I've a bit of a bizarre issue, and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions...
    I recently acquired a set of Mackie MR5 reference monitors, and am running them through a Tapco LINK.usb audio interface. They work great, with the exception that +anytime there's something move on the screen, they make a horrible buzzing sound+. The greater the movement, the more they buzz (or hum or whatever you want to say). Everything from moving the cursor back and forth to moving an entire window back and forth. Even if I turn the speakers down (via the audio interface), the volume of the buzzing remains the same. I booted the iMac in to Windows, and the sound is the same, so it is not an OS issue. I thought it may have been the video card making the noise (from within the computer), but the sound is definitely coming from the speakers.
    Here's the punchline: if I run an extension cord from across the room and plug the speakers into it, the buzzing becomes substantially quieter. It's still there, but it becomes very faint. This leads me to believe that I'm dealing with a power issue in the computer, but am now uncertain what to do. I unfortunately cannot run this 50' orange extension cord across my studio for any amount of time.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    - Neal
    Have you tried another mouse??? Maybe that is causing the issue...
    Also, are you plugged into a 3 prong grounded outlet?

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    See if this helps...

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    When i turn the volume up on my 13" MBP, the speakers will buzz, slightly like distortion. Only when noise is being played through them.  There is no buzz when headphones are attached... how do I fix this, and/or will it be covered under the one year warranty it came with.  Also, if I buy apple care, will it cover anything if it breaks? like software and external problems? (like the speakers, or cracked screen etc.)

    Hi m,
    These speakers are small and not intended for playing loudly. No one here can give you an answer as to whether Apple will consider it a warranty issue, so the best thing to do is contact Apple. Buying an Apple Protection Plan does not cover physical damage (a cracked screen due to impact, dropping it, spilling on it, denting it, etc.).

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    Any clues on how to fix this? Thanks!

    The problem is in the design of the speakers.
    The amplifier circuit works any time the speakers are on. When there is no music, it amplifies the noise that is present. Some circuits have leaks and collect electricity until it builds up. Once it reaches a high enough level, the capacitor discharges and you hear a pop.
    The mini should send no signal when sleeping - you can check this by disconnecting the speaker - but leave it sitting in the back of the mini. All of the cords at the back of the computer emit electricity - expecially the power cord. Having the speaker cable next to the other cables - it acts like an antenna and picks up noise. You might have luck shielding your speaker cable if this really annoys you. Otherwise, you need to get a better amplifier in your speakers to filter this noise or reduce the leakage current.

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    I had installed ore 1.3.1 windows server 2008 on top of Oracle DB ,but when I connect the database,it didn't work.
    That is my code and error code.
    ore.connect(user = "rquser", sid = "db11g", host = "....", password = "....", all = TRUE)
    Got error as below:
    error.oci.GetQuery(conn, statement, data = data, prefetch = prefetch, :
    ORA-28575: unable to open RPC connection to external procedure agent
    ORA-06512: at "RQSYS.RQEVALIMPL", line 17
    ORA-06512: at "RQSYS.RQEVALIMPL", line 14
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    Also i have follwed the below link:
    ///ORE1.3-ore-server-win-x86_64-1.3,error ORA-28575: unable to open RPC connec
    But failed to resolve the problem.
    Below are the TNS and Listener file entry:
    # listener.ora Network Configuration File: F:\OracleDB\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\listener.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
      (SID_LIST =
        (SID_DESC =
          (SID_NAME = EXTPROC)
          (ORACLE_HOME = H:\ORA11G\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1)
          (PROGRAM = extproc)
          (ENVS = "EXTPROC_DLLS=ONLY:H:\ORA11G\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oraclr11.dll")
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: F:\OracleDB\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SID = EXTPROC)
          (PRESENTATION = RO)
    DB11G = 
       (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) 
      (CONNECT_DATA =   
        (SID = DB11G)

    Hi Sandy,
    If you set EXTPROCS_DLLS=ANY in the listener and then restart the listener, does it fix the problem?
      (SID_LIST =
        (SID_DESC =
          (SID_NAME = EXTPROC)
          (ORACLE_HOME = H:\ORA11G\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1)
          (PROGRAM = extproc)
          (ENVS = "EXTPROC_DLLS=ANY")
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))

  • Strange issue with external monitor, only working when external speakers plugged in (using Thunderbolt to VGA adaptor)

    Hey – I am having a very strange issue with my external monitor; where it only works if my external speakers are plugged in and connected.
    I am using a late 2011 Macbook pro, running Mavericks 10.9.4, along with an MBox 2 (USB Audio Interface), and two powered speakers (KRK Rokit 5). This setup has had no issues. I have just acquired an external monitor (Benq T2200HD), which I am using with a thunderbolt to VGA adaptor (a cheap Chinese knockoff adaptor).
    To start - I plugged the monitor in with the thunderbolt adaptor, and it powers up and works fine. However, there is a nasty buzz coming from the speakers. I did some research and it looks like a simple ground loop issue. I did a bit of troubleshooting, and this is where things get weird.
    What I found is - If I unplug the MBox, the monitor loses signal from the computer (displaying ‘No Signal Detected!’). Further, if I keep the MBox plugged in, however unplug both the cables from the MBox to the speakers, the monitor loses signal. It doesn’t matter if the speakers are turned off, however they need to be plugged in (or the monitor loses signal). Weirder still, I can unplug the MBox, however the monitor will work if I plug in the speakers through my macs headphone jack.
    Simply put, the monitor only works if there is a direct connection between the computer, the speakers, and the power source.  What is going on here? Is the monitor grounding through the computer port, to the speakers (I don’t know how this works, is this possible?). Could it somehow be the cheap VGA adaptor I am using?
    Some other information:
    - Everything is plugged into the same multi-box for power. I have tried plugging things into separate sources, and the result is the same.
    - If I unplug the thunderbolt adaptor, then the speaker noise disappears straight away.
    - The ground noise doesn’t appear in my headphones, which are plugged into the MBox.
    Any information would be great – am I missing something here, or is this genuinely weird?

    Well, I went back into Best Buy to test on 3 other laptops (2 Asus, and their floor model for this Sony). It seems to be doing the same problem so at least I was able to rule out broken hardware issue on my particular laptop.
    Here's what I did to test:
    Since I couldn't really install Adobe Premiere on their machines, I used the DVIO software (http://www.carr-engineering.com/dvio.htm) and a 5 min clip I captured.  I transferred onto their machines, hooked up my Sony D8, and attempted to play the video.  It would play for 15 seconds and then stop and jitter with a loud noise (like it does on my laptop).  I even tried changing each machine's firewire driver to the legacy one and same results.  I pulled a brand new 4 pin to 4 pin firewire cable off their shelf and still the same problem.
    I think I've nailed it down to Win7x64 bit Home Edition not playing nice with Firewire driver.  Very annoying.  I can't find any concrete evidence of this from other users on any of the forums that have my particular problem, but from my own testing, it's all I can conclude.
    I have 2 other things I can try:
    1.  Opening the laptop and looking at the firewire to maybe find appropriate driver (ugh, I don't want to have to open this thing up).
    2.  Upgrading to Win7x64bit Pro and possibly testing with XP on the new MS Virtual PC (http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/).  I can't do it with my Home edition apparantly.
    Who needs to view video on an external TV anyways....sheeesh...(scarcasm).

  • Strange issue with external monitor, only working when external speakers plugged in

    Hey – I am having a very strange issue with my external monitor; where it only works if my external speakers are plugged in and connected.
    I am using a late 2011 Macbook pro, running Mavericks 10.9.4, along with an MBox 2 (USB Audio Interface), and two powered speakers (KRK Rokit 5). This setup has had no issues. I have just acquired an external monitor (Benq T2200HD), which I am using with a thunderbolt to VGA adaptor (a cheap non-apple adaptor).
    To start - I plugged the monitor in with the thunderbolt adaptor, and it powers up and works fine. However, there is a nasty buzz coming from the speakers. I did some research and it looks like a simple ground loop issue. I did a bit of troubleshooting, and this is where things get weird.
    What I found is - If I unplug the MBox, the monitor loses signal from the computer (displaying ‘No Signal Detected!’). Further, if I keep the MBox plugged in, however unplug both the cables from the MBox to the speakers, the monitor loses signal. It doesn’t matter if the speakers are turned off, however they need to be plugged in (or the monitor loses signal). Weirder still, I can unplug the MBox, however the monitor will work if I plug in the speakers through my macs headphone jack.
    Simply put, the monitor only works if there is a direct connection between the computer, the speakers, and the power source.  What is going on here? Is the monitor grounding through the computer port, to the speakers (I don’t know how this works, is this possible?). Could it somehow be the cheap VGA adaptor I am using?
    Some other information:
    - Everything is plugged into the same multi-box for power. I have tried plugging things into separate sources, and the result is the same.
    - If I unplug the thunderbolt adaptor, then the speaker noise disappears straight away.
    - The ground noise doesn’t appear in my headphones, which are plugged into the MBox.
    Any information would be great – am I missing something here, or is this genuinely weird?

    Hello cgoldberg11
    Please go to the below link to test if you are having a speaker hardware failure.
    Testing for Hardware Failures (Windows 7)
    This will rule out hardware failure, let me know how that goes.
    If I have solved your issue, please feel free to provide kudos and make sure you mark this thread as solution provided!
    Although I work for HP, my posts and replies are my own opinion and not those of HP. .....

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    Can I connect my 3rd generation IPod shuffle to external speakers? When I plug it into an external speaker, it stops playing and I don't hear any music. The controls eg. Volume, play etc is on the earplug cord. Thanks

    Not for more than 10% off the price of a new one. You're better off selling it to a third-party.

  • Itunes cant connect with external speakers

    I have the next problem.
    i have airtunes and when i go to itunes i see in the right bottom corner the external speakers but when i choose one it cant connect. i don't get any error or something but it keeps trying to connect but nothing???
    who can help me.
    everything seems correct because when my neighbour try's to connect with his laptop it does work???
    i have itunes 9 and windows 7??

    frankjustesen wrote:
    Strange because it has worked so great and I have not changed any settings
    Check your firewall?
    System Preferences > Sharing > Firewall
    Also, under Advanced, make sure something didn't check "block UDP"

  • External speakers / connect to receiver???

    i love my new Aluminum 20" imac, but I'm wondering what my options are for external speakers, or how i can connect to my stereo receiver from my headphone jack. i know there is some kind of digital audio out connection thru the headphone jack, but i dont have a digital audio in connection on my receiver.
    i hope someone out there can help.

    Hello dgraysn
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    There are many different external 2.1 speaker systems out on the market to chose from that will plug into the iMas 3.5mm output jack. Here are a few examples in the link below like Creative, Altec, Logitech and Bose.
    [2.1 Speaker Systems|http://www.google.com/custom?q=2.1+speakers%20systems&sa=Search&client= pub-6263300333013957&forid=1&ie=ISO-8859-1&oe=ISO-8859-1&cof=GALT:%23008000;GL:1 ;DIV:%23336699;VLC:663399;AH:center;BGC:FFFFFF;LBGC:336699;ALC:0000FF;LC:0000FF; T:000000;GFNT:0000FF;GIMP:0000FF;FORID:1;&hl=en]
    To go to your home stereo receiver you will need an adapter cable that has a 3.5 stereo jack on one end and a twin RC (red & white) jacks on the other.
    [3.5 Stereo to Twin Phono Jacks|http://www.maplin.co.uk/images/300/l32ba.jpg]

  • Annoying popping sound with external speakers

    So I usually have my macbook connected to some nice external speakers but when I'm looking at different web pages I often get a weird popping noise from the speakers. It only seems to happen when I'm on the internet too. It will also happen a few seconds after I finish watching a video online. Any ideas what's causing it? Or if it's normal?

    I get the same popping/rasping sound from speakers; however, it occurs for both external and built-in speakers when playing iTunes or songs off the internet (last.fm). The problem seems worse with iTunes. This started happening soon after I upgraded from Mac OS X 10.4 to 10.5. When I restart, the problem goes away for awhile, but then comes back. My speakers are not USB.
    Of course, I rarely use the built-in speakers, since they are essentially useless (what was Apple thinking?!?!?). I just tested them to see if rasping/popping came out of them, and they do.

  • External speaker buzzing and/or humming?

    I have a mid-2012 macbook pro 13.
    Whenever it is plugged into external speakers via the 3.5mm jack, a loud humming or buzzing is emitted from the external speakers. When music is being played through these speakers, the humming is less noticable but still present in the background.
    Is there any way to fix or reduce this and what is the cause?

    With this kind of question I would often do a web search for the system specifications myself to see if those provide a hint, but you have not posted exact model types for your computer or the Bose system and searching for "iMac" specifications will cover about 30 models.  This model Bose has audio input but I have no idea if that's what you have.
    http://www.bose.com/controller?url=/shop_online/digital_music_systems/sounddock_ systems/sounddock/index.jsp
    Since it seems you have determined the sound out is working for the iMac through the speaker socket it sounds more likely it is the cable or something with the Bose unit.  You might wish to approach Bose support with this information.

  • No audio in Windows Vista from my external speakers

    when using BootCamp (on the OS side), i can hear my audio through my external speakers, but when i go to the WIndows Vista side, i only get audio through the monitor itself. what can i do to fix it so that it all come through the external speakers?
    thanks for any advice

    It's hard to know exactly which it is at this point.  It could be one of two things.  The speakers have failed or the jack detect pin located inside the headphone jack has failed.  A non-functional jack detection pin would cause the system to route audio to the headphone jack constantly instead of the internal speakers.  
    If you want to be absolutely certain it is not a software issue (corrupted registry possibly), you can try the system recovery making sure to backup your files.  I suspect this is a hardware issue, but it could very well be a corrupted registry causing the jack detection pin not to be read properly.  
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