Extract Groupwise email address

Please excuse my ignorance with Novell products but I am looking to get an
extract of the users email addresses? We have ICE and I have documentation
on for a C# program interface to LDAP.
From what I can gather email addresses are not available in LDAP, they are
stored in Groupwise (?) and ICE can be automated to produce a text file of
email addresses periodically (?). Is this correct? What would be the best
approach? I would like to run an extract nightly.
Any help is very much appreciated.
Thanks. Larry.

ICE is LDAP, and the real addresses are stored in GW only.
What you can do, is either enable LDAP on the GWIA, and extract it from there, or use LDAP against
eDir, and look at the property named eMailAddress, and phrase that, or expose the eDir property
named mail
Best Regards
Tommy Mikkelsen
IT Quality A/S
Novell Support Forums SYSOP
Please Report back any success or failure, That way we all learn
Sorry, but no support through email
"I hate bugs".......Tommy Lee Jones, MIB
Be a GroupWiseR, go http://www.groupwiser.net

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    I just can't believe this should be so hard! (And it probably isn't except for me.)
    tell application "Mail"
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    set thisMessage to item 1 of selectionMessage
    set theseMessages to (every message in (mailbox of thisMessage))
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    Nice! Austin Kinsella1 your script works well but in some cases return this:
    I think this mail was sended with multiple addresses.
    Try this one, I made some little changes.
    Good Luck!
    tell application "Mail"
    set selectionMessage to selection -- just select the first message in the folder
    set thisMessage to item 1 of selectionMessage
    set theseMessages to (every message in (mailbox of thisMessage))
    repeat with eachMessage in theseMessages
    set headerMessage to all headers of eachMessage as string
    set recipientMessage to {}
    set start to false
    set char_f to ""
    set char_o to ""
    set char_r to ""
    set char__ to ""
    set previousChar to ""
    repeat with c in headerMessage
    set c to c as string
    if start is true then
    if c is ">" then exit repeat
    copy c to the end of recipientMessage
    end if
    if c is "<" " then set start to true
    if char_r is "r" and previousChar is "r" and c is " " then set char__ to " "
    if char_o is "o" and previousChar is "o" and c is "r" then set char_r to "r"
    if char_f is "f" and previousChar is "f" and c is "o" then set char_o to "o"
    if c is "f" then set char_f to "f"
    set previousChar to c
    end repeat
    set recipientMessage to recipientMessage as text
    do shell script "echo " & quoted form of recipientMessage & return & " >> ~/documents/recipients.txt"
    end repeat
    end tell

  • Extracting all email addresses from On My Mac Mail

    hi all.
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    i ran a google search and came up with the following links which i am going to print out and try and muddle through so any advice on this would be really welcome.
    extracting email addresses from On My Mac mail:
    http://www.mac-forums.com/forums/os-x-apps-games/231559-email-address-extraction -tool.html

    If you are lucky, you might be able to restore individual messages. To do it, open Mail and then, open the Time Machine application (in /Applications/Utilities). Then, choose the backup you want at the right and you will be able to select messages and restore them.
    After restoring them, they will appear in "Recovered Messages" in the Mail sidebar, under "On my Mac"

  • A work flow to extract email address from mail

    Can anyone help me. I have a bunch of emails that contain text information including an email address. I want a Automator workflow that will extract the email addresses from the emails and then save them as a comma separated text file.

    Try this workflow:
    1) Get Selected Mail Items
    2) Run AppleScript
    In the "Run AppleScript", paste the following in:
    on run {input, parameters}
    set the output to {}
    repeat with i from 1 to count of the input
    set theMessage to item i of the input
    set theContent to ""
    tell application "Mail"
    set theContent to the content of theMessage
    end tell
    if theContent is not equal to "" then
    set output to (output & theContent)
    end if
    end repeat
    return output
    end run
    3) Run Shell Script
    In "Run Shell Script", select "/usr/bin/perl" in the shell popup and "to stdin" in the pass input popup. Then paste the following in:
    $input = join("", );
    @emails = ($input =~ /\b[A-Z0-9._%-]@[A-Z0-9.-]\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b/ig);
    while( @emails > 1 ) {
    print shift(@emails) . ", ";
    print @emails[0];
    4) New TextEdit Document
    If you select the mail messages that have the email information in them, then you can run the workflow and hopefully it does the right thing.
    Hope it helps!

  • Extracting email addresses in Mail using AppleScript

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    tell application "Mail"
              set mlist to selection
              set cur_mbox to mailbox of item 1 of mlist
              repeat with msg in messages of cur_mbox
                        do shell script "echo " & quoted form of (sender of msg as rich text) & ">>~/.list.txt"
              end repeat
    end tell
    do shell script "cat ~/.list.txt |sort|uniq >~/desktop/list.txt; rm ~/.list.txt"
    This is the format of the names and emails that I am getting in the .txt file:
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    "Person, Bob" <[email protected]>
    "Person, Chris" <[email protected]>
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    Thanks in advance!!


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    We would like to keep the alias as the preferred address.

    On 07.06.2011 08:06, helenebell wrote:
    > Has anyone found a solution to the following:
    > Our district offices have an alias as well as their GroupWise address.
    > Go into a personal address book and create a contact with the alias
    > email address rather than the GroupWise email address and then save the
    > contact. You will find that the GroupWise address has been automatically
    > entered and ticked as the preferred email address.
    > We would like to keep the alias as the preferred address.
    Working as designed. And you *really* don't want to use aliases. They
    are deprecated for may years, and also absolutely unnecessary.
    Massimo Rosen
    Novell Product Support Forum Sysop
    No emails please!

  • Show Hyperlinks as email address

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    Message was edited by: DKalthoff

    How did they get to the state they are in now? Did you enter a name in the cell then enable the cell as a hyperlink and type the email address in the Inspector? Or did you use the HYPERLINK function in each cell?
    If you used the HYPERLINK function (though from your last post I am guessing that's not what you did), you can format the column as text then extract the email addresses to another column using several of the text functions.
    I haven't figured out how to extract the email address from a cell that was done with the Inspector except by hand, one by one.
    Message was edited by: Badunit

  • Pulling email addresses from a mailbox

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    sounds like we need to be little bit tricky here..
    which exchange you use ?
    I will do this if i was in your situation
    I will search the logs to that mailbox from toolbox(exchange console has that capabilities) and search logs. I will use filter for recipient and search the emails.
    From there you might be able to extract the email addresses only by exporting logs and view it from excel or compatible application.
    see below :)
    use that command below and export the logs in csv. take the sender email address only
    For eg:

  • In Mail, is it possible to extract email addresses of senders from just one account inbox?

    In Mail, is it possible to extract email addresses of senders from just one account inbox?

    Click on the arrow next to the number of emails in the conversation. That'll show you each separate email. You can create a new mailbox (call it what you want) and drag that email out of the conversation into that mailbox.

  • How to extract data from a dummy email address and insert them into APEX db

    Hi All,
    I am developing a project management system on APEX
    A very important function for the system will be - one sends an email in certain format to a dummy email address, then some data will be extracted from the email based on the pre-defined format and inserted into the database my APEX application is using.
    Any idea on how I can make it happen please?

    A very important function for the system will be - one sends an email in certain format to a dummy email address, then some data will be extracted from the email based on the pre-defined format and inserted into the database my APEX application is using.
    Any idea on how I can make it happen please? I agree that this is not really an Apex question, but a more general PL/SQL question.
    There are many approaches, all boiling down to one of these two:
    1) Push: Some process in the mail server sends/forwards information to your database when new mail arrives.
    The language/tools used to do this, and the way it would connect to your database, depends on your environment (what is your operating system? mail server? existing middleware/tools? security protocols used? etc.).
    2) Pull: Some process in the database contacts the mail server and polls for new information.
    Ie. some PL/SQL code would communicate with the mail server. Again, it depends on your environment (what is your operating system? mail server? existing middleware/tools? security protocols used? etc.).
    For example, if you are using Exchange 2007 or newer, it has a web services API:
    The challenge here will be to build the correct SOAP requests from PL/SQL, and to handle the security protocols used.
    - Morten

  • Extract email address from html

    I am trying to extract "email address"  from an html output query. How would I do that?
    I am on CF9.
    Query col1:
    <html><head></head><body>today they emailed about it from (mailto:[email protected]) ...hello there and here</body></html>

    Argh!  No!
    God I hate it when people knock together a regex like this and go "Look!  Email address validation!"
    Before one starts down this road, one should read the RFC (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322, summarised here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_address).
    Your own regex fails my spamtrap email address (for example: [email protected]), because you've forgotten that a + is a legitimate character in the local part of an email address.  Along with a bunch of other completely legit characters.
    Reading on through the RFC you will realise than ANYTHING is valid in the local part of an email address, provided it's quoted (double-quote being another character your regex doesn't accept).
    If someone doesn't want to give you their valid email address, they won't.  I can give you [email protected], and that will pass.  If I do want to give you my address, you should make sure your code will actually accept it!
    I can understand wanting to make sure the punter doesn't key their email address in incorrectly, but your method doesn't help here.  It'd pass [email protected], despite the fact that it should be [email protected]  "Close" is not good enough in these cases.
    The only sensible way of doing this is to ask them to type it in twice.  This will assist people who don't just roll their eyes and copy and paste what they typed in the first box into the second box, wondering why you're wasting their time.  So a typo will be transferred, so it's no help.
    If you really want to get a person's email address, deprive them of something until they respond to an email that you end them.  At the email address they specified. Because they actually don't mind you having their email address.  This only works if you're not simply trying to harvest email addresses for your own benefit, and not the benefit of your subscribers.
    Bottom line: email address is a mug's game, and one not often played by people who know the rules.

  • Script to extract names and email addresses of all recipients of an email

    I have found some scripts which extract email addresses from the content of messages in Mail, but I am looking for something rather different, and wonder if such a script exists, or if someone can help me build one.  I would like to create a tab delimited text file of the first name, last name and email address of all recipients of a given message in Mail.  Most email addresses will be in the format John Doe <[email protected]>.

    nick_harambee wrote:
    I have one outstanding issue, which wasn't included in the original question.  Sometimes email addresses are included in the Name of the recipient, i.e. instead of 'John Doe', it reads 'John Doe ([email protected])'.  Could you script be adapted to delete any block of text (i.e. space delimited) that includes the @ symbol, so that 'John Doe ([email protected])' would return:
    John<tab>Doe<tab>[email protected]
    Use this handler:
    on splitName(t)
        if "@" is in t then -- to remove the address after the name
            set n to -3
            set n to -2 -- normal name
        end if
        set tid to text item delimiters
        set text item delimiters to space
        set l to text items of t
        if (count l) = 1 then -- no space 
            set r to tab & t & tab -- last name only 
            tell l to set r to "" & (items 1 thru n) & tab & (item (n + 1)) & tab
        end if
        set text item delimiters to tid
        return r
    end splitName

  • Is there a program to extract email addresses from a searchable pdf?

    Is there a program that will extract email addresses from a searchable pdf?
    I scanned a 75 page excel spreadsheet and used OCR to create a searchable pdf. I've verified that the OCR did work, the email address are searchable, but I need a way to extract them from the pdf so that I can add them to an email list database. There is other data in the spreadsheets that is not needed and it is making it impossible to just copy and paste. Does anybody know if there is a program available that works on the mac platform for this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Nate B- wrote:
    Is there a program that will extract email addresses from a searchable pdf?
    I scanned a 75 page excel spreadsheet and used OCR to create a searchable pdf. I've verified that the OCR did work, the email address are searchable, but I need a way to extract them from the pdf so that I can add them to an email list database. There is other data in the spreadsheets that is not needed and it is making it impossible to just copy and paste. Does anybody know if there is a program available that works on the mac platform for this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    You might want to repost this in the Unix forum, or one of the scripts forums here:
    AppleScripts: http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=724
    Unix: http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=735
    Automator: http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=1261

  • Query to extract as far as the @ symbol in email addresses

    I'd like to create a MySQL query to extract everything 'on the left' of the @ symbol in a set of email addresses, plus the @ symbol itself, plus an ellipsis.
    In other words, if [email protected] was in the list, I'd like the query to return just this:
    That is, returning just the first part of the email address but omitting the host.
    Would anyone like to oblige me by telling me what that query would be?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    hughanagle wrote:
     I'd like to create a MySQL query to extract everything 'on the left' of the @ symbol in a set of email addresses, plus the @ symbol itself, plus an ellipsis.
    SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(email, '@', 1), '...') AS trimmed_emailFROM mytable

  • Changing email address that groupwise monitor sends alerts

    Our GroupWise (7.0.3) Monitor is sending out alerts under the email address [email protected] . Our cell phone email providers is seeing that as a spoofed address and blocking. Where can I change this?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Chris Toledo

    Originally Posted by Bob-O-Rama
    Go to the GW Monitor --> Configuration --> Notifications --> Mail Domain Name, which must be set to "yahoo.com" per your example
    By default it uses GWMON@[Mail Domain Name]
    Use the Test button to ensure your settings are OK.
    -- Bob
    That worked just fine! Thank you.

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