Extract Title + Decription from HTML

I'm looking for a Efficient way to extract the Title and Desription from a Webpage. I guess it will need to parse the HTML for the tags and extract whatever is between them. Any ideas?

Yep, you would have to parse the HTML file for the tags. Easiest is to read in each line from your HTML file, and see if it contains the tag. It it does, go past the tag and just read the title up to the start of the next tag.

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    I am on CF9.
    Query col1:
    <html><head></head><body>today they emailed about it from (mailto:[email protected]) ...hello there and here</body></html>

    Argh!  No!
    God I hate it when people knock together a regex like this and go "Look!  Email address validation!"
    Before one starts down this road, one should read the RFC (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322, summarised here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_address).
    Your own regex fails my spamtrap email address (for example: [email protected]), because you've forgotten that a + is a legitimate character in the local part of an email address.  Along with a bunch of other completely legit characters.
    Reading on through the RFC you will realise than ANYTHING is valid in the local part of an email address, provided it's quoted (double-quote being another character your regex doesn't accept).
    If someone doesn't want to give you their valid email address, they won't.  I can give you [email protected], and that will pass.  If I do want to give you my address, you should make sure your code will actually accept it!
    I can understand wanting to make sure the punter doesn't key their email address in incorrectly, but your method doesn't help here.  It'd pass [email protected], despite the fact that it should be [email protected]  "Close" is not good enough in these cases.
    The only sensible way of doing this is to ask them to type it in twice.  This will assist people who don't just roll their eyes and copy and paste what they typed in the first box into the second box, wondering why you're wasting their time.  So a typo will be transferred, so it's no help.
    If you really want to get a person's email address, deprive them of something until they respond to an email that you end them.  At the email address they specified. Because they actually don't mind you having their email address.  This only works if you're not simply trying to harvest email addresses for your own benefit, and not the benefit of your subscribers.
    Bottom line: email address is a mug's game, and one not often played by people who know the rules.

  • Extracting Image Links From HTML

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    Here's a portion of a class I wrote a while back....
    Note the useMap variable I introduced in the constructor.
    Some HTML files had the images in a "map" attribute, others in an "imgmap" attribute.
    private class CallbackHandler extends HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback
        private HTML.Tag tag;       // The most recently parsed tag
        private HTML.Tag lastTag;   // The last tag encountered
        private int nested = 0;
        private boolean useMap;
        public CallbackHandler(boolean useMap)
            this.useMap = useMap;
        public void handleText ( char[] data, int pos )
        public void handleStartTag ( HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attSet, int pos )
        public void handleSimpleTag ( HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attSet, int pos )
            if ( t.toString().equalsIgnoreCase ( "input" ) )
                boolean imagemap = false;
                String name = null;
                String src  = null;
                if ( attSet instanceof SimpleAttributeSet )
                    SimpleAttributeSet sattSet = (SimpleAttributeSet)attSet;
                    Enumeration atts = sattSet.getAttributeNames();
                    Object att;
                    while ( atts.hasMoreElements() )
                        att = atts.nextElement();
                        if ( att.toString().equalsIgnoreCase ( "name" ) )
                            name = (String)sattSet.getAttribute ( att );
                            // got the name of the attribute
                            // Note : useMap is a boolean flag for you to set.
                            //        Some HTML pages used "map" attributes, others "imgmap" attributes
                            if ( useMap )
                                if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase ( "map" ) )
                                    imagemap = true;
                                if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase ( "imgmap" ) )
                                    imagemap = true;
                        if ( att.toString().equalsIgnoreCase ( "src" ) )
                            src = (String)sattSet.getAttribute ( att );
                    if ( imagemap )
                            imagemapURL = new URL ( src );
                        catch ( MalformedURLException malEx )
                            System.out.println ("Invalid Image Map URL : " + src );
        public void handleEndTag ( HTML.Tag t, int pos )

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    don't know about the speech part, but the text parsing
    is pretty simple, if you just want the text. You just
    take the string and run thru it char by char and
    remove the stuff between the < and > chars.Also you'd have to unescape anything that was escaped for HTML, such as &amp; should be replaced by & and &eacute; should be replaced by &eacute; and so on.

  • Problem to extract text from HTML document

    I have to extract some text from HTML file to my database. (about 1000 files)
    The HTML files are get from ACM Digital Library. http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm
    The HTML page is about the information of a paper. I only want to get the text of "Title" "Abstract" "Classification" "Keywords"
    The Problem is that I can't find any patten to parser the html files"
    EX: I need to get the Classification = "Theory of Computation","ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY","Numerical Algorithms and Problem","Mathematics of Computing","NUMERICAL ANALYSIS"......etc .
    The section code about "Classification" is below.
    Please give any idea to do this, or how to find patten to extract text from this.
    <div class="indterms"><a href="#CIT"><img name="top" src=
    "img/arrowu.gif" hspace="10" border="0" /></a><span class=
    "heading"><a name="IndexTerms">INDEX TERMS</a></span>
    <p class="Categories"><span class="heading"><a name=
    "GenTerms">Primary Classification:</a></span><br />
    � <b>F.</b> <a href=
    target="_self">Theory of Computation</a><br />
    � <img src="img/tree.gif" border="0" height="20" width=
    "20" /> <b>F.2</b> <a href=
    COMPLEXITY</a><br />
    � � � <img src="img/tree.gif" border="0" height=
    "20" width="20" /> <b>F.2.1</b> <a href=
    target="_self">Numerical Algorithms and Problems</a><br />
    <p class="Categories"><span class="heading"><a name=
    "GenTerms">Additional�Classification:</a></span><br />
    � <b>G.</b> <a href=
    target="_self">Mathematics of Computing</a><br />
    � <img src="img/tree.gif" border="0" height="20" width=
    "20" /> <b>G.1</b> <a href=
    target="_self">NUMERICAL ANALYSIS</a><br />
    � � � <img src="img/tree.gif" border="0" height=
    "20" width="20" /> <b>G.1.6</b> <a href=
    target="_self">Optimization</a><br />
    � � � � � <img src="img/tree.gif" border=
    "0" height="20" width="20" /> <b>Subjects:</b> <a href=
    target="_self">Linear programming</a><br />
    <br />
    <p class="GenTerms"><span class="heading"><a name=
    "GenTerms">General Terms:</a></span><br />
    <a href=
    target="_self">Algorithms</a>, <a href=
    <br />
    <p class="keywords"><span class="heading"><a name=
    "Keywords">Keywords:</a></span><br />
    <a href=
    target="_self">Simplex method</a>, <a href=
    target="_self">complexity</a>, <a href=
    target="_self">perturbation</a>, <a href=
    target="_self">smoothed analysis</a></p>

    One approach is to download Htmlparser from sourceforge
    http://htmlparser.sourceforge.net/ and write the rules to match title, abstract etc.
    Another approach is to write your own parser that extract only title, abstract etc.
    1. tokenize the html file. --> convert html into tokens (tag and value)
    2. write a simple parser to extract certain information
    find out about the pattern of text you want to extract. For instance "<class "abstract">.
    then writing a rule for extracting abstract such as
    if (tag is abstract ) then extract abstract text
    apply the same concept for other tags
    Attached is the sample parser that was used to extract title and abstract from acm html files. Please modify to include keyword and other fields.
    good luck
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.FileReader;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    public class ACMHTMLParser
         private String m_filename;
         private URLLexicalAnalyzer lexical;
         List urls = new ArrayList();
         public ACMHTMLParser(String filename)
              m_filename = filename;
          * parses only title and abstract
         public void parse() throws Exception
              lexical = new URLLexicalAnalyzer(m_filename);
              String word = lexical.getNextWord();
              boolean isabstract = false;
              while (null != word)
                   if (isTag(word))
                        if (isTitle(word))
                             System.out.println("TITLE: " + lexical.getNextWord());
                        else if (isAbstract(word) && !isabstract)
                             isabstract = true;
                   word = lexical.getNextWord();
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
              ACMHTMLParser parser = new ACMHTMLParser("./acm_html.html");
         public static boolean isTag(String word)
              return ( word.startsWith("<") && word.endsWith(">"));
         public static boolean isTitle(String word)
              return ( "<title>".equals(word));
         //please modify according to the html source
         public static boolean isAbstract(String word)
              return ( "<p class=\"abstract\">".equals(word));
         private void parseAbstract() throws Exception
              while (true)
                   String abs = lexical.getNextWord();
                   if (!isTag(abs))
         class URLLexicalAnalyzer
           private BufferedReader m_reader;
           private boolean isTag;
           public URLLexicalAnalyzer(String filename)
                m_reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
              catch (IOException io)
                System.out.println("ERROR, file not found " + filename);
           public URLLexicalAnalyzer(InputStream in)
              m_reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
           public void close()
              try {
                if (null != m_reader) m_reader.close();
              catch (IOException ignored) {}
           public String getNextWord() throws IOException
              int c = m_reader.read();   
              if (-1 == c) return null; 
              if (Character.isWhitespace((char)c))
                return getNextWord();
              if ('<' == c || isTag)
                return scanTag(c);
                   return scanValue(c);
           private String scanTag(final int c)
              throws IOException
              StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
              if ('<' != c) result.append('<');
              int ch = -1;
              while (true)
                ch = m_reader.read();
                if (-1 == ch) throw new IllegalArgumentException("un-terminate tag");
                if ('>' == ch)
                     isTag = false;
              return result.toString();
           private String scanValue(final int c) throws IOException
                StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
                int ch = -1;
                while (true)
                   ch = m_reader.read();
                   if (-1 == ch) throw new IllegalArgumentException("un-terminate value");
                   if ('<' == ch)
                        isTag = true;
                return result.toString();

  • Extract textdata from HTML with AUTO_FILTER

    we're using Oracle AUTO_FILTER to extract text-information from DOC and PDF - Documents.
    Works fine.
    We also have data stored within a HTML structure.
    We use our filter with the following options:
    ctx_ddl.create_preference('SEARCH_iMT_ATTRIB_AFILTER', 'AUTO_FILTER');
    ctx_ddl.create_policy('SE_IMT_POLICY', 'SEARCH_iMT_ATTRIB_AFILTER');
    The filter itself is called within a loop:
    CTX_DOC.Policy_Filter('SE_IMT_POLICY', v_blobtab(i), v_ctmp, TRUE);
    It seems as if AUTO_FILTER converts our HTML to HTML again.
    When trying to insert the AUTO_FILTER, I get an ora-31167: XML nodes over 64K in size cannot be inserted
    How can I force the AUTO_FILTER only to return plain-text?
    Thanks in advance
    Message was edited by:

    You need to create a section group preference employing HTML_SECTION_GROUP and then use it when creating your Policy.

  • Change Html Title dynamic from Flash

    I want to change the Title of the Html page dynamically from
    the embedded Flash.
    The Title, that appears on Browser bars etc.
    Could I do this?
    On init I can load the Html source code in with LoadVars, and
    onData (src) change the Title with subString method, but, how then
    could I pass the new value back to the Html page, so the Browser
    Title changes?
    Thank you.

    Thank you both GWD and Dave for the help.
    I know your code works under normal circumstances, just in my
    case, I can't get it to work.
    Because, on a subsequent Frame, called after the
    I have a getURL(javascript) to change the doc. background
    Now, either the Title changes or the background color
    changes, but both after each other, can't make it.
    I have tried Ext,CallBack function, so when the Title changes
    and callBack is true, move on, but still then it changes the BG,
    but not the title anymore.
    I must do something wrong with the callBack function?
    Thank you for your help.

  • Requesting help in extracting user comments from a forum ( HTML WEBSITE)

    hello experts,
    As i m new to java and i got this college project in hand which has to completed in few days i require some expert advise.
    Basically what my job is to extract all the user comments from a forum and make a text file.. for example this is one of the website http://www.gsmarena.com where user have posted many reviews and comments about mobile phones . ex : http://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_n97-reviews-2615p2.php .
    now looking at source code , all user comment are inside <P class="uopin"> tag under <DIV class="user-thread"> element.
    So i want to ask if there is any method in java that can extract all contents from class "uopin" directly ?
    i have no problem opening URL connection and reading the webpage but i m not able to extract that specific content . please enlighten me in this regard.
    Actually i m searching this forum since last 3 hours trying to find an answer and i found that i have to learn Regex , indexOf() subString() , HTMLEditorKit() etc.
    I ma planning to learn them in detail but as i have very less time ( 2 days to be specific) , i want help from you experts to solve this problem. plz guide me with some code snippets .
    Thankyou for your advises in advance :)

    ok.. sorry for asking that way.
    Here is my work till now....
    i wrote this code :
    import java.io.*;
    import java.io.Console;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    public class MyRobot3
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
              BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("MyRobot3.txt"));
              String inputLine , nextLine,kutta;
            FileOutputStream out; // declare a file output object
            PrintStream p; // declare a print stream object
              out = new FileOutputStream("myfile3.txt");
              p = new PrintStream( out );
                 while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
                             Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("(<p\\sclass=\"uopin\">)(.*$)" );          
                        //     Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("(<p\\sclass=\"uopin\">)(.*$\r\n.*$)" , Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.UNIX_LINES);    //not working
                        //Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("(<p\\sclass=\"uopin\">)(.*\\s)" , Pattern.MULTILINE );
                             Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(inputLine);
                             boolean found = false;
                             while (m1.find())
    }I am testing with a little file MyRobot3.txt which contains
    <p class="uopin">Although they didn't announce any winner here. But to me the winner is <br/>
    N900. Then opera is in second position. (overall averare result)</p>And i am getting output in a file : myfile3.txt
    Although they didn't announce any winner here. But to me the winner is <br/>which is just the first line , but i need to match that line break also. i m not able to figure it out .please help me fixing this code so that it can match all the text and remove the <br> tag ..

  • Read values from html response

    I am trying to make a call to an API using UTL_HTTP POST method over SSL and read the response html page and extract the values from the reponse.
    I am able to call and get a response back in html format. I have stored the html response in a clob variable.
    Now i want to parse this html and extract values from the form input items and send them out through OUT parameters.
    For example, from below reponse i want to extract the value '1111d7nhcwse30wq' from 'I4GO_UNIQUEID'
    Can anyone help me with the code to parse this html response and extract the values.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    sample Code:
    PROCEDURE get_token (
    p_requesterreference IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cardnumber IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cardtype IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cardholdername IN VARCHAR2,
    p_expirationmonth IN VARCHAR2,
    p_expirationyear IN VARCHAR2,
    p_streetaddress IN VARCHAR2,
    p_postalcode IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cvv2code IN VARCHAR2,
    po_uniqueid OUT VARCHAR2,
    po_errorindicator OUT VARCHAR2,
    po_primaryerrorcode OUT VARCHAR2,
    po_response OUT VARCHAR2,
    po_status_code OUT VARCHAR2,
    po_reason_phrase OUT VARCHAR2
    v_url VARCHAR2 (200);
    v_url_params VARCHAR2 (32767);
    v_resp_str VARCHAR2 (32767);
    l_http_req UTL_HTTP.req;
    l_http_resp UTL_HTTP.resp;
    v_requesterreference VARCHAR2 (12) := p_requesterreference;
    v_i4go_cardnumber VARCHAR2 (32) := p_cardnumber;
    v_i4go_streetaddress VARCHAR2 (30) := p_streetaddress;
    v_i4go_postalcode VARCHAR2 (9) := p_postalcode;
    v_i4go_expirationmonth VARCHAR2 (2) := p_expirationmonth; -- MM format
    v_i4go_expirationyear VARCHAR2 (2) := p_expirationyear; -- yy format
    v_i4go_cvv2code VARCHAR2 (3) := p_cvv2code;
    v_name VARCHAR2 (256);
    v_value VARCHAR2 (1024);
    l_clob CLOB;
    pv_amp CONSTANT CHAR (1) := CHR (38);
    CURSOR setup_cur
    SELECT interface_id, interface_name, interface_url, account_id, site_id
    FROM rsv.shift4_setup
    WHERE interface_name = 'I4GO';
    v_setup_rec setup_cur%ROWTYPE;
    OPEN setup_cur;
    FETCH setup_cur
    INTO v_setup_rec;
    CLOSE setup_cur;
    v_url := 'https://certify.i4go.com//index.cfm?fuseaction=account.PostCardEntry';
    v_url_params :=
    || 'i4GO_AccountID='
    || v_setup_rec.account_id
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_SiteID='
    || v_setup_rec.site_id
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_CardNumber='
    || v_i4go_cardnumber
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_ExpirationMonth='
    || v_i4go_expirationmonth
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_ExpirationYear='
    || v_i4go_expirationyear
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_CVV2Code='
    || v_i4go_cvv2code
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_PostalCode='
    || v_i4go_postalcode;
    -- begin request using POST method
    UTL_HTTP.set_response_error_check (FALSE);
    UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout (180);
    UTL_HTTP.set_wallet ('file:/etc/ORACLE/WALLETS/oracle', 'welcome1');
    l_http_req := UTL_HTTP.begin_request (v_url, 'POST');
    UTL_HTTP.set_header (l_http_req, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0');
    UTL_HTTP.set_header (l_http_req, 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
    UTL_HTTP.set_header (l_http_req, 'content-length', LENGTH (v_url_params));
    UTL_HTTP.write_text (l_http_req, v_url_params);
    -- get response
    l_http_resp := UTL_HTTP.get_response (l_http_req);
    po_status_code := l_http_resp.status_code;
    po_reason_phrase := l_http_resp.reason_phrase;
    -- read response into a clob
    DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (l_clob, FALSE);
    UTL_HTTP.read_text (l_http_resp, v_resp_str, 32767);
    DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_clob, LENGTH (v_resp_str), v_resp_str);
    WHEN UTL_HTTP.end_of_body
    -- end response
    UTL_HTTP.end_response (l_http_resp);
    -- Fre resources
    DBMS_LOB.freetemporary (l_clob);
    DBMS_LOB.freetemporary (l_clob);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (UTL_HTTP.get_detailed_sqlerrm);
    sample response:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
         <title>Return With Payment Token</title>
         <script src="js/jquery-1.6.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
         <script type="text/javascript"><!--
              picSpinner= new Image(40,40);
              bodyOnLoad = function() {
    <body onload="bodyOnLoad();">
         <form name="i4GoMainForm" id="i4GoMainForm" action="http://google.com" method="POST" onsubmit="$('#i4Go_submit').attr('disabled','disabled');">
                   <input name="I4GO_RESPONSE" type="hidden" value="SUCCESS" />
                   <input name="I4GO_RESPONSECODE" type="hidden" value="1" />
                   <input name="I4GO_CARDTYPE" type="hidden" value="VS" />
                   <input name="I4GO_UNIQUEID" type="hidden" value="1111d7nhcwse30wq" />
                   <input name="I4GO_EXPIRATIONMONTH" type="hidden" value="12" />
                   <input name="I4GO_EXPIRATIONYEAR" type="hidden" value="2012" />
                   <input name="I4GO_CARDHOLDERNAME" type="hidden" value="" />
                   <input name="I4GO_STREETADDRESS" type="hidden" value="" />
                   <input name="I4GO_POSTALCODE" type="hidden" value="65000" />
              <div id="scriptDiv" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:18px;visibility:hidden;">
                   <img src="images/loading040.gif" alt="Spinner..." />  Loading...
              <div id="noScriptDiv" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
                                       <h1>Statement of Tokenization</h1>
                                       <p>The payment information you have submitted has been securely stored in the Shift4 PCI-DSS certified data center and a token representing this information will be sent to the merchant for processing. Below is the information that will be returning to the originating merchant:</p>
                                            <li>Response: <strong>SUCCESS</strong></li>
                                            <li>Response Code: <strong>1</strong></li>
                                            <li>Card Type: <strong>VS</strong></li>
                                            <li>Token: <strong>1111d7nhcwse30wq</strong></li>
    <input type="submit" name="i4Go_submit" id="i4Go_submit" value="Continue" />
    Edited by: sgudipat on Apr 24, 2012 1:20 PM

    Here is working example for your HTML using xpath to extract values from html
    You can store your html response in clob variable and then extract the value with xpath
       l_clob clob;
       l_value varchar2(100);
       l_xml xmltype;
         l_clob :='<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
      <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
      <title>Return With Payment Token</title>
      <script src="js/jquery-1.6.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript"><!--
       picSpinner= new Image(40,40);
       bodyOnLoad = function() {
       <body onload="bodyOnLoad();">
       <form name="i4GoMainForm" id="i4GoMainForm" action="http://google.com" method="POST" onsubmit="$(''#i4Go_submit'').attr(''disabled'',''disabled'');">
       <input name="I4GO_RESPONSE" type="hidden" value="SUCCESS" />
       <input name="I4GO_RESPONSECODE" type="hidden" value="1" />
       <input name="I4GO_CARDTYPE" type="hidden" value="VS" />
       <input name="I4GO_UNIQUEID" type="hidden" value="1111d7nhcwse30wq" />
       <input name="I4GO_EXPIRATIONMONTH" type="hidden" value="12" />
       <input name="I4GO_EXPIRATIONYEAR" type="hidden" value="2012" />
       <input name="I4GO_CARDHOLDERNAME" type="hidden" value="" />
       <input name="I4GO_STREETADDRESS" type="hidden" value="" />
       <input name="I4GO_POSTALCODE" type="hidden" value="65000" />
      <img src="images/loading040.gif" alt="Spinner..." />  Loading...
       Statement of Tokenization
       The payment information you have submitted has been securely stored in the Shift4 PCI-DSS certified data center and a token representing this information will be sent to the merchant for processing. Below is the information that will be returning to the originating merchant:
           Response: SUCCESS
           Response Code: 1
           Card Type: VS
           Token: 1111d7nhcwse30wq
       <input type="submit" name="i4Go_submit" id="i4Go_submit" value="Continue" />
         execute immediate 'alter session set events =''31156 trace name context forever, level 2''';
         l_xml := xmltype(l_clob);
         execute immediate 'alter session set events =''31156 trace name context off''';
         select extractvalue( l_xml
                            , '/html/body/form/input[@name="I4GO_CARDTYPE"]/@value'
                            , 'xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"' )
         into l_value
         from dual;
    Problem when parsing html with xpath and xmltype
    Edited by: peterv6i.blogspot.com on Apr 26, 2012 9:38 AM

  • Please help me capturing data from HTML table

    Hello Everyone,
    Our Storage subsystem generates a html table containing all LUN allocation for printing. I am saving this html file on disk to collect all table infomation and to put it into a database.
    I am having problems extracting table information from the html file. I tried using regular expressions but still not going anywhere. Below is a sample few lines from the html file.
    Please your help is appreciated solving this problem how to collect this information from a HTML file or if Java has any class for this type of purpose.
    Please advice
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <!-- saved from url=(0068),FS,2 -->
    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Volume Assignments</TITLE>
    <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.3020" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
    <BODY><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 border=2>
    <H2>Volume Assignments</H2></CAPTION>
    <TR vAlign=top>
    <TH><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Volume</FONT></TH>
    <TH><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Location</FONT></TH>
    <TH><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>LSS</FONT></TH>
    <TH><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Volume Type</FONT></TH>
    <TH><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Size</FONT></TH>
    <TH><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Storage Type</FONT></TH>
    <TH><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Host Port</FONT></TH>
    <TH><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Host Nicknames</FONT></TH></TR>
    <TR vAlign=top>
    <TD><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>02A-25015</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Device Adapter Pair 1</FONT>
    <BR><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Cluster 1, Loop A</FONT>
    <BR><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Array 2, Vol 042</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>0x10</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Open System</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>000.9 GB</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>RAID-5 Array</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>Fibre Channel</FONT>
    <BR><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>ID 00, LUN 502A</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>R1L01_0,</FONT> <BR><FONT
    face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>R1L01_1,</FONT> <BR><FONT
    face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>R2L08_1,</FONT> <BR><FONT
    face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>R2L08_0,</FONT> <BR><FONT
    face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>S3L06_0, S3L06_</FONT> <BR><FONT
    face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>1, S4L06_0,</FONT> <BR><FONT
    face="Times New Roman,Times" size=2>S4L06_1</FONT></TD></TR>
    <TR vAlign=top>

    i wrote the programme for 2 stepper motor as attachment file below. they are run. but when the "start" button is ON then the "emergency stop" is not effects.
    for "emergency stop" functions, i used 4 limit contactors. if one of them is "on" then the programme will be stop.
    but in fact, when the system is running, i can not stop if one of the limit contacor is on.
    cuold you please help me to do with this problem.
    toolpaths-ut.vi ‏64 KB
    parallel program motor 1,2.vi ‏96 KB

  • Extraction of data from ECC to 3rd Party systems

    Hi All,
    I want to know all the options available for extracting data from ECC to a 3rd party system (custom datawarehouse like Teradata, hyperion etc). Also, I want know if there is a best practice documentation available for extraction of data from ECC to any 3rd party system?

    Hi SB,
    Check the following link

  • Example on extracting time data from clusters

    Hi Experts,
       Please send me a sample code for time data extraction from clusters. or steps to extract time data from clusters.
    Thank you.
    Points will be rewarded.

    see the sample report for time data fetching
    But ime data is not fetched from Clusters, only payroll data is fetched from clusters
    Time related infotypes are 2000 to 2999.
    REPORT zh_absence_quota
           MESSAGE-ID zh_msg
           LINE-SIZE 169
           LINE-COUNT 60(1).
                   T A B L E S  D E C L A R A T I O N S
    TABLES:    pernr,    " Logical PNP
               t001p,    " Personnel Subarea
               t529u,    " Employment Status
               t500p,    " Personnel Area
               t501,     " Employee Group
               t503k,    " Employee Subgroup
               t549a,    " Payroll Area
               t554s,    " Absence Type
               t554t,    " Absence Type Texts
               t556a,    " Quota Type
               t527x,    " Orgn. Unit
               t556b,    " Quota Type Text
               pa0003.   " Payroll Status
               0000,   " Actions
               0001,   " Organizational Assignment
               2006,   " Absence Quota
               2001.   " Absences
                   T Y P E S  D E C L A R A T I O N S
    Employee Absence Structure
    TYPES: BEGIN OF s_2001,
             pernr TYPE persno,       " Personal Number
             awart TYPE awart,        " Absence Type
             subty TYPE subty,        " Sub Type
             endda TYPE endda,        " End date
             begda TYPE begda,        " Begin date
             abrtg TYPE abrtg,        " Absence days
             ename TYPE emnam,        " employee Name
             atext TYPE abwtxt,       " Absence Type Text
           END OF s_2001.
    Employee Absence Quota Structure
    TYPES: BEGIN OF s_2006,
             pernr TYPE persno,       " Personal Number
             ktart TYPE abwko,        " Absence Quota Type
             year(4) TYPE n,          " Year
             subty TYPE subty,        " Sub Type
             endda TYPE endda,        " End date
             begda TYPE begda,        " Begin date
             anzhl TYPE ptm_quonum,   " Absence Entitlement days
             ename TYPE emnam,        " employee Name
             ktext TYPE kotxt,        " Absence Type Text
             kverb TYPE kverb,        " Deduction Quota days
             anzhb TYPE ptm_quonum,   " Balance days
           END OF s_2006.
    Combined Employee Absence and Quota Structure
    TYPES: BEGIN OF s_rep,
             pernr TYPE persno,       " Personal Number
             ktart TYPE abwko,        " Absence Quota Type
             year(4) TYPE n,          " Year
             anzhl TYPE ptm_quonum,   " Absence Entitlement days
             kverb TYPE kverb,        " Deduction Quota days
             anzhb TYPE ptm_quonum,   " Balance days
             ktext TYPE kotxt,        " Quota Type Text
             awart TYPE awart,        " Absence Type
             abrtg TYPE abrtg,        " Absence days
             ename TYPE emnam,        " employee Name
             atext TYPE abwtxt,       " Absence Type Text
             endda TYPE endda,        " End date
             begda TYPE begda,        " Begin date
           END OF s_rep.
    Declaration of Variables
    DATA : gv_atext TYPE abwtxt,              " Absence Type Text
           gv_ktext TYPE kotxt,               " Absence Type Text
           gv_title1   TYPE sylisel,          " Report title
           gv_year(4)  TYPE c,                " Year
           gv_mon(2)   TYPE c,                " Month
           gv_hrs    TYPE abwtg,              " Hours
           gv_date   TYPE sydatum,            " Date
           gv_date1  TYPE sydatum,            " Date
           gv_dial.                           " Color flag
    Declaration of Constants
      c_x      TYPE c VALUE 'X',               " Sign
      c_1      TYPE persg   VALUE '1',         " Emp Group
      c_pernr(8) TYPE n VALUE '00000000',      " Pernr
      c_moabw  TYPE moabw   VALUE '01',        " Per SA Grouping
      c_mozko  TYPE mozko   VALUE '01',        " Per SA Grouping
      c_mopgk  TYPE mopgk   VALUE '1',         " Emp SGrp Grouping
      c_endda  TYPE sydatum VALUE '99991231',  " End Date
      c_val1(2) TYPE c VALUE '31',             " Date Type
      c_val2(2) TYPE c VALUE '12',             " Date Type
      c_val    LIKE p0041-dar01 VALUE '01',    " Date Type
      c_date1  LIKE sy-datum VALUE '18000101'. " Date
         I N T E R N A L  T A B L E S  D E C L A R A T I O N S
                     S E L E C T I O N  S C R E E N
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_ktart FOR t556a-ktart,  " Absence Quota Type
                    s_awart FOR t554s-subty.  " Absence Type
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 1(33) text-003.   " Quota & Absence
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 1(33) text-004.   " Quota
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 1(33) text-005.   " Absence
                      I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N                        *
                  A T  S E L E C T I O N - S C R E E N                   *
    Validate the screen fields
      PERFORM validate_screen.
                   S T A R T - O F - S E L E C T I O N                   *
    Selection of Period
      PERFORM get_period.
    Get PERNR from LDB
    GET pernr.
      IF p0000-stat2 <> '0'.
    Get the data from PA0001,PA2001, PA2006
        PERFORM get_pers_data.
                   T O P - O F - P A G E                                 *
    Header of the List
      PERFORM header.
                   E N D - O F - P A G E                                 *
      IF p_qa = c_x.
    Display both Absence and Quota Data
        WRITE /1(188) sy-uline.
      ELSEIF p_q = c_x.
    Display only Quota Data
        WRITE /1(114) sy-uline.
      ELSEIF p_a = c_x.
    Display only Absence Data
        WRITE /1(125) sy-uline.
                   E N D - O F - S E L E C T I O N                       *
    Combine the Absence and Quota Data
      PERFORM append_data.
      IF p_qa = c_x.
    Display both Absence and Quota Data
        PERFORM display_qa_data.
      ELSEIF p_q = c_x.
    Display only Quota Data
        PERFORM display_q_data.
      ELSEIF p_a = c_x.
    Display only Absence Data
        PERFORM display_a_data.
    *&      Form  validate_screen
    Validation of Selection Screen fields
    FORM validate_screen .
    Validation of Personnel Number
      CLEAR pa0003.
      IF NOT pnppernr[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT pernr
        FROM pa0003 UP TO 1 ROWS
          INTO pa0003-pernr
          WHERE pernr IN pnppernr.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e999 WITH 'Incorrect Personnel Number'(006).
    Validation of Employee Status
      CLEAR t529u.
      IF NOT pnpstat2[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT SINGLE statv
          INTO t529u-statv
          FROM t529u
          WHERE statv IN pnpstat2 AND
                statn = '2' AND
                sprsl = sy-langu.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e999 WITH 'Invalid Employee Status'(007).
    Validation of Personnel Area
      CLEAR t500p.
      IF NOT pnpwerks[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT persa
        FROM t500p UP TO 1 ROWS
          INTO t500p-persa
          WHERE persa IN pnpwerks.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e999 WITH 'Incorrect Personnel Area'(008).
    Validation of Personnel Sub Area
      CLEAR t001p.
      IF NOT pnpbtrtl[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT btrtl
        FROM t001p UP TO 1 ROWS
          INTO t001p-btrtl
          WHERE btrtl IN pnpbtrtl.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e999 WITH 'Incorrect Personnel Sub Area'(009).
    Validation of Employee Group
      CLEAR t501.
      IF NOT pnppersg[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT persg
        FROM t501 UP TO 1 ROWS
          INTO t501-persg
          WHERE persg IN pnppersg.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e999 WITH 'Incorrect Employee Group'(010).
    Validation of Employee Sub Group
      CLEAR t503k.
      IF NOT pnppersk[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT persk
        FROM t503k UP TO 1 ROWS
          INTO t503k-persk
          WHERE persk IN pnppersk.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e999 WITH 'Incorrect Employee Sub Group'(011).
    Validation of Payroll Area
      CLEAR t549a.
      IF NOT pnpabkrs[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT abkrs
        FROM t549a UP TO 1 ROWS
          INTO t549a-abkrs
          WHERE abkrs IN pnpabkrs.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e999 WITH 'Incorrect Employee Payroll Area'(026).
    Validation of Absence Type
      CLEAR t554s.
      IF NOT s_awart[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT subty
        FROM t554s UP TO 1 ROWS
          INTO t554s-subty
          WHERE subty IN s_awart AND
                moabw EQ c_moabw AND
                endda EQ c_endda.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e999 WITH 'Incorrect Employee Absence Type'(012).
    Validation of Absence Quota Type
      CLEAR t556a.
      IF NOT s_ktart[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT ktart
        FROM t556a UP TO 1 ROWS
          INTO t556a-ktart
          WHERE ktart IN s_ktart AND
                mopgk EQ c_mopgk AND
                mozko EQ c_mozko AND
                endda EQ c_endda.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e999 WITH 'Incorrect Employee Quota Type'(013).
    ENDFORM.                  "validate_screen
    *&      Form  get_period
    Get the Correct Period based on Selection screen selection
    FORM get_period.
      CLEAR: gv_year,gv_mon, gv_date, gv_date1.
      gv_year = sy-datum+0(4).
      gv_mon  = sy-datum+4(2).
      IF pnptimr1 = c_x.      " Current Date
        pnpbegda = sy-datum.
        pnpendda = sy-datum.
      ELSEIF pnptimr2 = c_x.  " Current Month
        CONCATENATE gv_year gv_mon c_val INTO gv_date.
        CONCATENATE gv_year gv_mon c_val1 INTO gv_date1.
        pnpbegda = gv_date.
        pnpendda = gv_date1.
      ELSEIF pnptimr3 = c_x.  " Current Year
        CONCATENATE gv_year c_val c_val INTO gv_date.
        CONCATENATE gv_year c_val2 c_val1 INTO gv_date1.
        pnpbegda = gv_date.
        pnpendda = gv_date1.
      ELSEIF pnptimr4 = c_x.  " Upto Today
        pnpbegda = c_date1.
        pnpendda = sy-datum.
      ELSEIF pnptimr5 = c_x.  " From Today
        pnpbegda = sy-datum.
        pnpendda = c_endda.
        IF ( pnpbegda IS INITIAL AND pnpendda IS INITIAL ).
          pnpbegda = c_date1.
          pnpendda = c_endda.
        ELSEIF pnpbegda IS INITIAL AND NOT pnpendda IS INITIAL.
          pnpbegda = c_date1.
          pnpendda = pnpendda.
        ELSEIF NOT ( pnpbegda IS INITIAL AND pnpendda IS INITIAL ).
          pnpbegda = pnpbegda.
          pnpendda = pnpendda.
    ENDFORM.              "get_period
    *&      Form  get_pers_data
    Get the Absence and Quota Data from PA0001,PA2001,PA2006
    FORM get_pers_data.
      DATA: lv_year1(4) TYPE n,
            lv_year2(4) TYPE n,
            lv_date1 TYPE sydatum,
            lv_date2 TYPE sydatum,
            lv_anzhb TYPE ptm_quonum.   " Last Year Balance days
    Get data from Respective Infotypes
      rp_provide_from_last p0001 space pnpbegda pnpendda.
    Absence Data
      LOOP AT p2001 WHERE pernr = pernr-pernr AND
                          begda GE pnpbegda   AND
                          endda LE pnpendda.
        IF p2001-awart IN s_awart.
          i_2001-pernr    = pernr-pernr.
          i_2001-subty    = p2001-subty.
          i_2001-awart    = p2001-awart.
          i_2001-abrtg    = p2001-abrtg.
          i_2001-begda    = p2001-begda.
          i_2001-endda    = p2001-endda.
          READ TABLE p0001 WITH KEY pernr = p2001-pernr.
          i_2001-ename    = p0001-ename.
    Get the Absence Type Text
          CLEAR gv_atext.
          SELECT SINGLE atext INTO gv_atext FROM t554t
                  WHERE sprsl = sy-langu AND
                        moabw = c_moabw  AND
                        awart = p2001-awart.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            i_2001-atext = gv_atext.
          APPEND i_2001.
          CLEAR i_2001.
    Quota Data
      LOOP AT p2006 WHERE pernr = pernr-pernr AND
                          begda GE pnpbegda   AND
                          endda LE pnpendda.
        IF p2006-ktart IN s_ktart.
          i_2006-pernr    = pernr-pernr.
          i_2006-subty    = p2006-subty.
          i_2006-begda    = p2006-begda.
          i_2006-endda    = p2006-endda.
          i_2006-year     = p2006-endda+0(4).
          i_2006-ktart    = p2006-ktart.
          i_2006-anzhl    = p2006-anzhl.
          i_2006-kverb    = p2006-kverb.
          i_2006-anzhb    = p2006-anzhl - p2006-kverb.
          READ TABLE p0001 WITH KEY pernr = p2001-pernr.
          i_2006-ename    = p0001-ename.
    Get the Quota Type Text
          CLEAR gv_ktext.
          SELECT SINGLE ktext INTO gv_ktext FROM t556b
                  WHERE sprsl = sy-langu AND
                        mopgk = c_mopgk  AND
                        mozko = c_mozko  AND
                        ktart = p2006-ktart.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            i_2006-ktext = gv_ktext.
          APPEND i_2006.
          CLEAR i_2006.
    For Vacation Quota (80) get the Balance of the Last Year and
    add to the Current Year Quota
      LOOP AT i_2006.
        IF i_2006-ktart = '80'.
          lv_year1 = i_2006-endda+0(4).
          lv_year2 = lv_year1 - 1.
          CONCATENATE lv_year2 '01' '01' INTO lv_date1.
          CONCATENATE lv_year2 '12' '31' INTO lv_date2.
          LOOP AT p2006 WHERE pernr = i_2006-pernr AND
                              begda GE lv_date1    AND
                              endda LE lv_date2    AND
                              ktart = '80'.
            lv_anzhb = p2006-anzhl - p2006-kverb.
            i_rep1-pernr = i_2006-pernr.
            i_rep1-ktext = i_2006-ktext.
            i_rep1-anzhl = p2006-anzhl.
            i_rep1-kverb = p2006-kverb.
            i_rep1-ename = i_2006-ename.
            i_rep1-begda = p2006-begda.
            i_rep1-endda = p2006-endda.
            i_rep1-anzhb = lv_anzhb.
            i_rep1-ktart = '80'.
            i_rep1-year = lv_year2.
            APPEND i_rep1.
            CLEAR: i_rep1.
        CLEAR: lv_year1, lv_year2,
               lv_date1, lv_date2,lv_anzhb.
      SORT i_rep1 BY pernr ktart.
    ENDFORM.          "get_pers_data
    *&      Form  append_data
    Put the Absence and Quota Data into one Report Int Table
    FORM append_data.
      CLEAR:   i_rep.
      REFRESH: i_rep.
      SORT i_2001 BY pernr awart.
      SORT i_2006 BY pernr ktart year.
    Move I_REP1 data into i_2006
      LOOP AT i_rep1.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_rep1 TO i_2006.
        APPEND i_2006.
        CLEAR  i_2006.
    Move the Absence and Quota Data into a final Int Table
      LOOP AT i_2006.
        i_rep-pernr = i_2006-pernr.
        i_rep-ename = i_2006-ename.
        i_rep-ktart = i_2006-ktart.
        i_rep-anzhl = i_2006-anzhl.
        i_rep-kverb = i_2006-kverb.
        i_rep-ktext = i_2006-ktext.
        i_rep-anzhb = i_2006-anzhb.
        i_rep-year  = i_2006-year.
        CLEAR i_2001.
        CASE i_2006-ktart.
          WHEN '81'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '1000' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '50'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '1002' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '80'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '1001' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '56'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '1003' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '51'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '1004' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '52'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '1005' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '54'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '1006' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '53'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '1007' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '55'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '1008' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '57'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '1009' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '90'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '2000' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '58'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '2001' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '59'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '2002' i_2006-year.
          WHEN '91'.
            PERFORM get_2001 USING i_2006-pernr '2003' i_2006-year.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          APPEND i_rep.
        CLEAR i_rep.
      SORT i_rep BY pernr ktart year.
      DELETE i_rep WHERE pernr = ' '.
    ENDFORM.              " append_data
    *&      Form  display_qa_data
    Display the Absence and Quota Data
    FORM display_qa_data.
      DATA: lv_flag,                   " New Flag
            lv_tot2 TYPE ptm_quonum.   " Absence Balance days
      IF i_rep[] IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE i000 WITH 'No Data found'(014).
        LOOP AT i_rep.
    toggle color
          PERFORM toggle_color.
          IF lv_flag <> space.
          AT NEW pernr.
            READ TABLE i_rep INDEX sy-tabix.
            WRITE:/1 sy-vline,2(8) i_rep-pernr,
              10 sy-vline,11(40)   i_rep-ename.
          AT NEW ktart.
            READ TABLE i_rep INDEX sy-tabix.
            WRITE: 1 sy-vline, 10 sy-vline,
              51 sy-vline,52(25)   i_rep-ktext.
          AT NEW year.
            READ TABLE i_rep INDEX sy-tabix.
            WRITE: 1 sy-vline, 10 sy-vline,
                  51 sy-vline,
                  77 sy-vline, 78(4)  i_rep-year,
                  82 sy-vline, 83(11) i_rep-anzhl,
                  94 sy-vline, 95(25) i_rep-atext,
                 120 sy-vline,133 sy-vline,
                 144 sy-vline,
                 155 sy-vline,156(13)  i_rep-anzhb,
                 169 sy-vline.
          lv_tot2 = lv_tot2 + i_rep-anzhb.
          WRITE: 1 sy-vline,  10 sy-vline,
                51 sy-vline,  77 sy-vline,
                82 sy-vline,  94 sy-vline,
               120 sy-vline,121(12)  i_rep-abrtg NO-ZERO,
               133 sy-vline,134(10)  i_rep-begda NO-ZERO,
               144 sy-vline,145(10)  i_rep-endda NO-ZERO,
               155 sy-vline,169 sy-vline.
          AT END OF pernr.
            WRITE  : /1(169) sy-uline.
            FORMAT COLOR 3.
            WRITE:/1 sy-vline,   10 sy-vline,
                  51 sy-vline,   77 sy-vline,
                  82 sy-vline,   94 sy-vline,
                 120 sy-vline,121(12) i_rep-abrtg,
                 133 sy-vline,144 sy-vline,
                 155 sy-vline, 156(13) lv_tot2,
                 169 sy-vline.
            FORMAT COLOR OFF.
            WRITE  : /1(169) sy-uline.
            CLEAR lv_tot2.
    ENDFORM.              " display_qa_data
    *&      Form  display_q_data
    Display only the Quota Data
    FORM display_q_data.
      DATA: lv_flag.               " New Flag
      SORT i_2006 BY pernr ktart year.
      IF i_2006[] IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE i000 WITH 'No Data found'(014).
        LOOP AT i_2006.
    Toggle Color
          PERFORM toggle_color.
          IF lv_flag <> space.
          AT NEW pernr.
            READ TABLE i_2006 INDEX sy-tabix.
            WRITE: /1 sy-vline,  2(8)  i_2006-pernr,
                   10 sy-vline,11(40)  i_2006-ename.
          AT NEW ktart.
            READ TABLE i_2006 INDEX sy-tabix.
            WRITE: 1 sy-vline,10 sy-vline,
                  51 sy-vline,52(25)  i_2006-ktext.
          AT NEW year.
            READ TABLE i_2006 INDEX sy-tabix.
            WRITE: 1 sy-vline,  10 sy-vline,
                  51 sy-vline,
                  77 sy-vline,78(4)  i_2006-year,
                  82 sy-vline,83(11) i_2006-anzhl,
                  94 sy-vline,95(13) i_2006-anzhb,
                 108 sy-vline.
          AT END OF pernr.
            WRITE  : /1(108) sy-uline.
            FORMAT COLOR 3.
            WRITE: /1 sy-vline, 10 sy-vline,
                   51 sy-vline,
                   77 sy-vline, 82 sy-vline,
                   94 sy-vline, 95(13) i_2006-anzhb,
                  108 sy-vline.
            FORMAT COLOR OFF.
            WRITE  : /1(108) sy-uline.
    ENDFORM.              " display_q_data
    *&      Form  display_a_data
    Display Only the Absence Quota
    FORM display_a_data.
      DATA: lv_flag.               " New Flag
      SORT i_2001 BY pernr awart.
      IF i_2001[] IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE i000 WITH 'No Data found'(014).
        LOOP AT i_2001.
    Toggle Color
          PERFORM toggle_color.
          IF lv_flag <> space.
          AT NEW pernr.
            READ TABLE i_2001 INDEX sy-tabix.
            WRITE: /1 sy-vline, 2(10) i_2001-pernr,
                   10 sy-vline,11(40) i_2001-ename.
          WRITE:  1 sy-vline, 10 sy-vline,
                  51 sy-vline,52(25) i_2001-atext,
                  77 sy-vline,78(12) i_2001-abrtg,
                  90 sy-vline,91(10) i_2001-begda,
                 101 sy-vline,102(10) i_2001-endda,
                 112 sy-vline.
          AT END OF pernr.
            WRITE  : /1(112) sy-uline.
            FORMAT COLOR 3.
            WRITE: /1 sy-vline, 10 sy-vline,
                   51 sy-vline,
                   77 sy-vline,78(12) i_2001-abrtg,
                   90 sy-vline,101 sy-vline,
                  112 sy-vline.
            FORMAT COLOR OFF.
            WRITE  : /1(112) sy-uline.
    ENDFORM.              " display_a_data
    *&      Form  header
    Write the Report Header
    FORM header .
      data : lv_pers type pbtxt,
             lv_orgn type orgtx.
      gv_title1 = sy-title.              " Set List Header
      IF p_qa = c_x.
        NEW-PAGE LINE-SIZE 193.
      ELSEIF p_a = c_x.
        NEW-PAGE LINE-SIZE 125.
      ELSEIF p_q = c_x.
        NEW-PAGE LINE-SIZE 119.
    Standard header
          title1 = gv_title1.
    Get the Personal Area and Org.Unit Texts
      clear : lv_pers,lv_orgn.
      select single name1 into lv_pers
        from t500p where persa = pnpwerks-low.
      select single orgtx into lv_orgn
        from t527x where sprsl = sy-langu and
                         orgeh = pnporgeh-low and
                         endda = c_endda.
      if not lv_pers is initial.
        write : /2 'Personal Area:'(017), 17(25) lv_pers color 7.
      if not lv_orgn is initial.
        write : /2 'Organization Unit:'(021), 20(25) lv_orgn color 3.
      IF p_qa = c_x.
        WRITE  : /1(169) sy-uline.
        WRITE:/1 sy-vline,2(8)    'Emp.No'(015) CENTERED,
              10 sy-vline,11(40)  'Employee Name'(016) CENTERED,
              51 sy-vline,52(25)  'Quota Description'(018) CENTERED,
              77 sy-vline,78(4)   'Year'(027),
              82 sy-vline,83(11)  'Entitlement'(019),
              94 sy-vline,95(25)  'Absence Description'(022) CENTERED,
             120 sy-vline,121(12) 'Absence days'(023),
             133 sy-vline,134(10) 'From Date'(024),
             144 sy-vline,145(10) 'To Date'(025),
             155 sy-vline,156(13) 'Quota Balance'(020),
             169 sy-vline.
        WRITE  : /1(169) sy-uline.
      ELSEIF p_q = c_x.
        WRITE  : /1(108) sy-uline.
        WRITE:/1 sy-vline,2(8)   'Emp.No'(015) CENTERED,
              10 sy-vline,11(40) 'Employee Name'(016) CENTERED,
              51 sy-vline,52(25) 'Quota Description'(018) CENTERED,
              77 sy-vline,78(4)  'Year'(027),
              82 sy-vline,83(11) 'Entitlement'(019),
              94 sy-vline,95(13) 'Quota Balance'(020),
             108 sy-vline.
        WRITE  : /1(108) sy-uline.
      ELSEIF p_a = c_x.
        WRITE  : /1(112) sy-uline.
        WRITE:/1 sy-vline,2(8)    'Emp.No'(015) CENTERED,
              10 sy-vline,11(40)  'Employee Name'(016) CENTERED,
              51 sy-vline,52(25)  'Absence Description'(022) CENTERED,
              77 sy-vline,78(12)  'Absence days'(023),
              90 sy-vline,91(10)  'From Date'(024),
             101 sy-vline,102(10) 'To Date'(025),
             112 sy-vline.
        WRITE  : /1(112) sy-uline.
    ENDFORM.                    " header
    *&      Form  toggle_color
    This routine alters the color of the records in the list
    FORM toggle_color.
      IF gv_dial = space.
        gv_dial = c_x.
        CLEAR gv_dial.
    ENDFORM.                    " toggle_color
    *&      Form  get_2001
    Get the ABsence type for each Quota type
    FORM get_2001 USING p_pernr TYPE persno
                        p_value TYPE awart
      LOOP AT i_2001 WHERE pernr = p_pernr AND
                           awart = p_value AND
                           endda+0(4) = p_year.
        i_rep-awart = i_2001-awart.
        i_rep-abrtg = i_2001-abrtg.
        i_rep-atext = i_2001-atext.
        i_rep-begda = i_2001-begda.
        i_rep-endda = i_2001-endda.
        APPEND i_rep.
    ENDFORM.                                                    " get_2001
    <b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>

  • Pass data to JSP from HTML?

    I can pass the data in a HTML form without problem if the form is in the same jsp file. I have no problem to pass data from one jsp file to another one. But when the jsp file has to take the data passed from calling HTML file and has to receive the data from the same jsp file, then the data from other HTML file will be null the first time runing the code, then second time will be passed right. If I shut down computer run the code again, same problem until the second time. Please tell me why if any of you know!

    yes. The first part is HTML file which use the form to pass v_progname, the second part is a jsp file, it suppose to get the data in v_prgname, but the first time to run this code always get null, then the second time get the right data?
    <html> <head> <title>CTI</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"> </head>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <form name="theForm" enctype="text/html" method="post"
    <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
    <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFEE"><font face="Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2"> Communication racking Item </font></td> <td colspan="5"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"size="2">SATMEX-6-2 </td>
    <input type="hidden" name="v_sidname"value="/expctl/dev//comm_tracking.edit_document">
    <input type="hidden" name="v_schema"value="migra2">
    <input type="hidden" name="v_cti_number"value="SATMEX-6-2">
    <input type="hidden" name="v_progname"value="satmex-8">
    <input type="hidden" name="v_doc_id"value="5131"> </tr> </table><br>
    <input type="submit" value="Upload Document">     
    <input type="reset" value="Reset"></form></body></html>
    uploadfilehome.jsp as following:
    String v_program=request.getParameter("v_progname");//this is the parameter passed from html file, //with a problem?
    WebUILogin login = WebUILogin.getWebUILogin( request );
    String step = WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"step");
    //String path=WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"path");
    String path="/home/scott/satmex-6";
    String windowID=WebUIUtils.getNewWindowID();
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
    var path="<%=path%>";
    var jsWindowID="<%=windowID%>";
    if ( null == step )
    step = "get";
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function AutoLogin() {
    document.loginform.userName.value == "scott";
    document.loginform.passWord.value == "tiger";
    function PkeyPress(event)
    if (document.layers)
    if (event.which==13)
    else {
    if (window.event.keyCode==13)
    if ( step.equals("try") )
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
    // check to see if we have already logged in before...
    if ( null != login.getSession() )
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="AutoLogin();" onResize="return false;">
    <form METHOD=POST NAME="loginform" ACTION="uploadfilehome.jsp">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="userName" VALUE="scott">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="passWord" VALUE="tiger" onKeyPress="PkeyPress(event);">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="step" VALUE="try">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="Login">

  • Extract Created-Property from Office Documents

    i want to show the created-property of Office Documents in the search result list.
    KM only extracts Title, modified, modifiedby.
    So i followed the document "How to extract DC metadata from office documents for indexing and searching.pdf". But here only the following metadata are extracted:
    title, personalname, description, subject, keyword.
    How can i extract "created"?
    thanks in advance!
    Kind regards

    Hi Sven,
    I'm confused. The Properties "title","modified" and "modified" by you see in the KM-Explorer are normally the KM-properties (who uploaded the file and when), not internal MSOffice information.
    To extend the list of properties displayed,
    go to SyAdm->SysConf->KM->CM->UI->Settings->LayoutSet look for your LayoutSet (probably its AdminExplorer). Select the CollectionListRenderer and edit the String in "Displayed Properties:". Add ",created" at the end for example.
    Is this what you need?
    When it comes to read MSOffice metadata from the binary, I have no idea, sorry.

  • Extraction Key Frames from a video

    Hi all,
    I would like to know what is the best way to extract keyframe from a video.
    My Status (butr I can cahnge it)
    I'm Marco and I'm using JMF; I need for an help because I don't know how to extract keyframes from AVI and MPG files.
    I'm using the code posted in this forum for extracting all frame in a video with the adding of an if expression that in the accessFrame method that I report below:
    void accessFrame(Buffer frame) {
    BufferToImage stopBuffer = new BufferToImage((VideoFormat) frame.getFormat());
    Image stopImage = stopBuffer.createImage(frame);
    try {
    BufferedImage outImage = new BufferedImage(size.width, size.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics og = outImage.getGraphics();
    og.drawImage(stopImage, 0, 0, size.width, size.height, null);
    Iterator writers = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("jpg");
    ImageWriter writer = (ImageWriter) writers.next();
    File f = new File(frame.getSequenceNumber() + ".jpg");
    if ((frame.getFlags() & Buffer.FLAG_KEY_FRAME) != 0){{color}
    ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(f);
    } catch (IOException e) {{color}
    System.out.println("Error :" + e);
    So, I'm able to extract some keyframe, but i'm not sure it is the correct way and my dubt grows out of the fact that without the if expression highlighted in red, it seems that I have more keyframes (those ones with flag ==1040). Another problem is that it works only with AVI because MPG instead of 1040, they have alternate sequence of 32 and 1056.
    Cheers and thank u

    With the code yoodleyee posted, frames can be extracted and converted from the raw decoded format into images, but no guarantee that the frame extracted is a key frame, isnt it?Actually, there is such a guarantee...because the FrameGrabbingControl isn't implemented in any video format that uses keyframes. So, if it works, then every frame of the video is a keyframe, and it won't work otherwise.
    How can key frames be detected with JMF and then extracted with the code provided? Any tutorial or sample code about that?They can't be. You can write a custom codec that will give you access to every frame, regardless of the format, if you're wanting to get all of the frames.
    Example: [http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/desktop/media/jmf/2.1.1/solutions/FrameAccess.html]
    But JMF doesn't have any way of dealing with key frames directly, at least that I am aware of.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Oracle 9i installation issues

    Hi , I have installed Oracle9i and setup a database and everything is working fine in the English version, but when I install the same French version (oracle 9.0.1) alot of the features are in English. For those of you familiar with the help section

  • LDOMs - 2 problems

    Greetings, Have a pair of Netra T2000's (8 cores, 8GB RAM) running Solaris 10 5/09 and the latest LDOM's software. Both servers have been upgraded to the latest firmware in attempt to resolve these problems (didn't help) Problem 1 - host msclab35 I u

  • PR (ME51n) enhancement for F4 help on Tracking no (BEDNR)

    Hi all, I need to do an enhancement on PR ME51n to incorporate F4 help on Tracking number (BEDNR) in the Item Table. I think i have to change the fieldcatalog for the ALV. I cannot figure out how to do that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Tha

  • BSoD Packager for AIR

    I'm running v1 of TCS on a Dell Optiplex 755 w/4GB RAM. When I run RoboHelp Packager for AIR on any output, repeat "any output," after I review the output and exit the packager, I get a BSoD. This is dependable and replicable...10 times so far today

  • Property Inspector missing sprites tab. (Dir 11.5, OSX 10.8)

    Property Inspector showing only Behaviors tab in Dir 11.5 and OSX 10.8.2.  PI had tabs for Sprite, Behavior, Filter, Member etc in OSX 10.6.8 (and B4).  How do I get those tabs back?