Extracting ordinates

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to extract the X + Y values from an SDO_GEOMETRY in a form that allows one record per pair of ordinates?
I have two queries that I would like to combine in order to return the following example record set...
a 1 1
a 2 1
a 2 2
a 1 2
This query lets me extract the object id a...
select A.ID
where sdo_relate(A.SHAPE,
mdsys.sdo_geometry(2003, null, null,
mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1, 1003, 3),
mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(0, 0, 5, 5)),
'mask=anyinteract querytype=window') = 'TRUE';
And this one gets me all ordinates for object a...
select c.id, a.column_value ord
from mpcoast c, TABLE(c.shape.SDO_ORDINATES) a
where c.id = 'a';
My problem is that the second query returns one record per ordinate not pair of.
I would like each record to contain both X and Y ordinates for each point in each object.
Any help would be helpful.
BTW: Why os the spatial documentation so difficult to comprehend? Thank goodness for this forum!

This works with my data. It is three-dimensional. So you will have to adjust for two-dimensionsal.
set serveroutput on
SET serveroutput on SIZE 1000000
set concat on
DEFINE layername = 'CO19_LRS';
DEFINE geomcolname = 'GEOM';
id varchar2(10);
longitude number;
latitude number;
logmile number;
i number;
theLayer varchar2(32);
theGeomCol varchar2(32);
FOR rec IN (SELECT ROWID, id, &geomcolname FROM &layername ) LOOP
id := rec.id;
i := 1;
while i < rec.geom.sdo_ordinates.count loop
dbms_output.put_line(id &#0124; &#0124; ',' &#0124; &#0124; longitude &#0124; &#0124; ',' &#0124; &#0124; latitude &#0124; &#0124; ',' &#0124; &#0124; logmile);
i := i + 3;
end loop;

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    {color:#0000ff}-- yCordInAte := v_Point_ya;
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    Point Xa is 78.48686988 and point Ya is 17.61674904
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    YCORDINATE = 17.61674904
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    Hi Brent,
    Usually when I see this error it means I am using svrmgrl instead of sqlplus.
    Could this be your problem also?
    Hope this helps and regards,

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    Hello Matt,
    That question has been asked previously. Have a look at Andy Dix "Extracting ordinates" posted April 23, 2001
    Extracting ordinates
    where the reply by Indrek Toom might be what you want in 8.1.7.
    Also keep an eye on Peter Hubers "Access to items of an SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY" posted March 11, 2003 here:
    Access to items of an SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY
    giving a 9.2 solution
    - hope this helps,
    Jens Ole Jensen
    Kort & MatrikelStyrelsen (WWW: http://www.kms.dk)

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    One solution is to read each ordinate from a cursor ina SQL block. Here is an example:
    set serveroutput on
    SET serveroutput on SIZE 1000000
    set concat on
    DEFINE layername = 'LAYER';
    DEFINE geomcolname = 'GEOM';
    id varchar2(10);
    longitude number;
    latitude number;
    logmile number;
    i number;
    theLayer varchar2(32);
    theGeomCol varchar2(32);
    FOR rec IN (SELECT ROWID, id, &geomcolname FROM &layername ) LOOP
    id := rec.id;
    i := 1;
    while i < rec.geom.sdo_ordinates.count loop
    dbms_output.put_line(id || ',' || longitude || ',' || latitude || ',' || logmile);
    i := i + 3;
    end loop;
    Maybe that will help.
    David R. Miller
    Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
    3601 Eisenhower Avenue
    Alexandria, VA 22314
    [email protected]

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                    double PreY2=0;
                    double   Result2=0;
                    foreach (DataRow oRow in dtLineMaster.Rows)
                              double Result1 = Math.Round(PreY2 - Convert.ToDouble(oRow["Y2"].ToString()));
                         if (Result1 > Result2)
                            MessageBox.Show("" + oRow["LineText"].ToString());
                            Result2 = Result1;
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    In my project i have a image in that i have a
    co-ordinate (x,y) I am still puzzled as to what you seek. It sounds to me like you have a point (x, y) represented by p. in java it's just p.getX() p.getY()
    i want to convert that cordinate to numeric form,
    i mena i want to use that cordinate in somewhere else
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    So need to convert it into numeric form u can called
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    Hi Ivan,
    I use following function:
              ,P_POINT_NR PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 1 -- which point?
         lg_geom MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY; -- geometry
         ln_dim PLS_INTEGER; -- dimensions
         ln_p PLS_INTEGER; -- index (for array)
         px NUMBER;
         py NUMBER;     
         -- Number of dimensions
         ln_dim := SUBSTR(P_GEOM.SDO_GTYPE,1,1);
    -- exists the point?
         RETURN NULL;
         END IF;
         -- index in the ordinate array
         ln_p := (P_POINT_NR-1)*ln_dim+1;
         -- extract the x and y values
         px := P_GEOM.SDO_ORDINATES(ln_p);
         py := P_GEOM.SDO_ORDINATES(ln_p+1);     
         --return the point...
    <TABLE> A
    returns x,y,z... (first point)
    Hope that helps...

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    Giridhar Rajan
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    Mumbai, India

    I think you have a couple options – neither of which is
    likely to be easy.  One option is to find
    some other program which does that for you (you mention needing to use LabVIEW,
    but you might be able to call a third party program to do it for you).  Another option is to see if autocad has an
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    autocad about this).  The other option is
    to convert the files to some sort of image file using non-NI software (such as
    autocad or a conversion program) and use the image VIs
    to discover where various objects are and convert those.  This will likely not be easy either though….  I think your best bet is going to be finding
    some way to make calls to autocad to get the coordinates of all the objects in
    the file using ActiveX (if it is capable of that).
    Sorry I don’t have more info for you – best of luck though!
    Travis M
    LabVIEW R&D
    National Instruments

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    Any thoughts?

    Thanks people, I have solved my problem myself, this is what I did.
    (id NUMBER,
    x NUMBER,
    y NUMBER);
    ordCount NUMBER;
    ordNumber NUMBER;
    ordCount := nvl(polyline.sdo_ordinates.COUNT,0);
    if (ordCount > 4) then
    ordNumber := 2;
    for idx in 3..(ordCount - 2) loop
    if ((idx Mod 2) = 1) then
    PIPE ROW (SP_NODE_TYPE(ordNumber, polyline.sdo_ordinates(idx), polyline.sdo_ordinates(idx + 1)));
    ordNumber := ordNumber + 1;
    end if;
    end loop;
    end if;
    don't bother about the logic, in my case, I only wanted the intermediate points not the start and end point.
    After this a query like :
    SELECT mylines.id, myvertices.X, myvertices.Y, myvertices.id
    FROM mylines,
    TABLE(getcoordinates(e.geoloc)) myvertices ORDER BY e.id, myvertices.id;
    does the trick for me!!
    'PIPE' and 'PIPELINE' is something new which I learned from this experience.
    --A Happy Plumber.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    Thanks in Advance

    e.carano wrote:
    I'm a beginner in using LabVIEW with datafile.
    If you want code, you need to tell us your LabVIEW version.
    If you have a recent version, you can use a conditional tunnel to simplify the code even more. (see attached 2014 version).
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    FilterColumns.png ‏19 KB
    FilterColumns.vi ‏10 KB

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    I have a requirement from user to extract cleared and open invoice items from SAP R/3.
    Can someone tell me how to do that?

    Use the Data source 0FI_AR_4 to Know the status (0FI_DOCSTAT) of payment to be done by customer.
    Enhance the 2LIS_13_VDITM with VBUP fields which will give the status of Billing.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

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    before BI 7.0 release, extractor 0HR_PE_1 extracts event data (eventid, attendee id, calday,...) but if you load straight to cube 0PE_C01, as Calendar year/month needs a reference date (for example, event start date), you'll get total duration of event in hours or days refered to event star date.
    So in a query filtered by month, you get total duration of an event that starts in the filtered month but it couldn`t end until few months later o year later, so you don´t get appropiate information.
    Event          calday        Hours
    10004377  20081120   500        but from event_attr event end date is 20090410.
    In a query filtered by 200811 you get total duration time (500 hours when in 200811 event hours have been 20) or if you filter by any month of 2009 you don´t get information of duration of that event.
    I had to create a copy of standar cube (without calday, only Calendar year/month, Calendar year in time dimension) and disaggrate data creating as many entries for an event as months lasts and adjust calculation of ratios duration of event (duration of event in each month/ total duration of event).
    The question is: Is there any improvement or change on business content in BI 7.0 to treat Training and Event Management data? Has anybody had to deal with that?
    Thank you very much.

    TEM data is stored in HRP tables.
    You can load the catalog by creating LSMWs for objects Business event group (L), Business event types (D), Locations (F), Organizers (U) as per requirement.
    LSMW for tcode PP01 can be used to create these objects.
    To create Business Events (E) you can create LSMW for PV10/PV11.
    To book attendee create LSMW for tcode PV08 as here you can specify the actual business event ID which reduces ambiguity.
    tcode PV12 to firmly book events
    tcode PV15 to follow up
    Hope this helps.

  • How to Extract Data for a Maintenance View, Structure and Cluster Table

    I want to develop  3 Reports
    1) in First Report
    it consists only two Fields.
    Table name : V_001_B
    Field Name1: BUKRS
    Table name : V_001_B     
    Field Name2: BUTXT
    V_001_B is a Maintenance View
    For this one I don't Find any Datasource
    For this Maintenance View, How to Extract the Data.
    For the 2nd Report also it consists Two Fields
    Table name : CSKSZ
    Field Name1: KOSTL (cost center)
    Table name : CSKSZ
    Field Name2: KLTXT (Description)
    CSKSZ is a Structure
    For this one I don't Find any Datasource
    For this Structure How to Extract the Data
    For the 3rd Report
    in this Report all Fields are belonging to a Table BSEG
    BSEG  is a Cluster Table
    For this one also I can't Find any Datasource,
    I find very Few Objects in the Datasource.
    For this One, How to Extract the Data.
    Please provide me step by step procedure.

    Hi sachin,
    I don't get your point can you Explain me Briefly.
    I have two Fields for the 1st Report
    In the 2nd Report
    If I use  0COSTCENTER_TEXT   Data Source
    I will get KOSTL Field only
    what about KLTXT

Maybe you are looking for

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