Extremely annoying LabVIEW IDE behaviour

I have been experiencing extremely annoying behaviour from the LV IDE for a few weeks/months now.
When loading a project or a file from a peoject it happens quite often that the search window for sub-VIs is visible and then a "resolve conflicts" window pops up.  Oddly enough I cannot use either window as they seem to have a love/hate relationship going, blocking each other while they're both vying for my attention.  This locks up the entire IDE UI and I can only rescue my working day by utilising the all-powerful "Ctrl-Alt-Delete" to end the LabVIEW process.  Needless to say this can be rather annoying when I'm actually performing measurements int he background (which keep running since it's only the inputs which are blocked.  This kind of thing with dialogs popping up at weird times seems to becoming rather frequent.
Only the last week I have been unendlessly frustrated by a window popping up while I am trying to perform a "Save As" function from an existing class member VI.  The pop-up causes the entire filename I am currently typing in to be selected.  My next keypress then replaces the entire filename resulting in the file being saved under a very weird and unintuitive name if I don't realise this in time.  Funnily enough I have found out that a quick Crtl-Z will actually undo the change.....
All in all I just feel like ranting to prevent me from raging.  These things are really bogging down my day-to-day progress.  It's freaking me out.
Say hello to my little friend.
RFC 2323 FHE-Compliant

It frustrated me so much that I ended up contacting NI Support as I assumed it was a LabVIEW bug. For me, the solution was to install a newer version of the TSVN toolkit and I now use it without any problems.
This was the response from NI:
I've done some initial resource and found some relevant resources of this issue happening to others, one main instance on our public forums.
Another discussed internally, however both reaching the same conclusion.
It seems that customers using TSVN as their source code control are often running into this issue, are you running TSVN within your company?
It is suggested that an upgrade to TSVN 1.8 resolves the issue. Specifically the beta,
If the above is applicable, this may resolve the issue, however I have not replicated or tested this issue myself so I can't speak from experience here.
Anyway, this fixed it for me so check which version you had and see if a newer version helps - their website now lists Version so that probably includes the fix as well.
Certified LabVIEW Architect, Certified TestStand Developer
NI Days (and A&DF): 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014
NI Week: 2012, 2014
Knowledgeable in all things Giant Tetris and WebSockets

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    hi there
    thanks for your suggestions
    >> A couple of suggestions:
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    altenbach wrote:
    Broken Arrow wrote:
    How do you post a picture in a Comment on the LabVIEW Idea Exchange?
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    There are also various MacBook Forums http://discussions.apple.com/category.jspa?categoryID=218 (Notice it has "Category" in the URL - you need to pick a Forum to post)
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    According to your description, it seems that you have resolve that issue.
    Not only this problem, there is too many problems with this windows 8.1! Too many! You definitely made  the worst thing ever!
    Please let us know what problem did you encounter? Please give us more detailed information in order to provide the further help.
    Here is a overall guide for you to know well the Windows 8.1
    Windows 8.1: frequently asked questions
    No Karen, I didn't resolve the issue.
    I asked very simple question how to change something so basic like user folder name in Windows 8.1
    You know:  "C:/Users/"user name"
    All the links you are giving to me doesn't provide any concrete answer to this question. I spent hours and hours googling and researching about this question and only solution which i found is that i need to create completely new user account and delete completely
    the old one, just to be able to remove an old name of user folder! Are you kidding me?
    How is possible that such a basic thing is so complicated?
    Is there any way to change folder user name in any other way because i don't want to create a new user account!
    Simple question, but, like always, no any concrete answers - just some empty talks, and totally useless links and SPINNING IN THE CIRCLE all the time without the CONCRETE solution.
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    Ok, i came back to edit this post because i have a feeling that maybe you don't understand the question and giving me this link because maybe you simply don't know that when you go to:
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    changes on C:/users/  folder itself!!!!!
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    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\ ....
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    So basically it seems that is absolutely impossible to change user folder name in Windows 8.1, which is simply unbelievable!
    I really think i explained very good now.

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    Font Differences1.zip ‏1704 KB

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