Eye dropper puzzle

I'm trying to get a better match between my monitor and print and in so doing have used a marked ramp from complete black to white- 0 to 255 units. In using the eyedropper tool it will correctly match the marked density of any particular patch but, if I darken or lighten the monitor, there's no change in the eyedropper reading.
I don't think this is critical to what I'm trying to do. My prints are a bit darker than what shows on the monitor. The settings for printer and paper are set correctly but, regardless of the monitor luminance, the prints are somewhat darker. The best solution seems to be a final brightening tweak beyond the preferred monitor appearence before printing. I was experimenting with the eye dropper tool to nail this estimate but the tool seems unaffected by the monitor brightness.
Thanks, Arnold

Not trying at all; something's up here.  You should expect the dropper to sample a consistent color no matter what layer is current.
What you're seeing and what I'm seeing are indeed different.
Let's make absolutely sure that when you activate the adjustment layer you're clicking on the left icon so that you're not accidentally sampling the image mask (I don't think you are, because you'd be seeing pure white if you were).
1.  Per your instructions I created a test square filled with dark gray (24,24,24),
2.  I saw that I was sampling (24,24,24) with the eyeropper tool.
3.  I then put a Brightness/Contrast Adjustment Layer above it with Brightness set to 62, mixing Normal.
4.  I selected the Brightness/Contrast Adjustment Layer (left icon) and the dropper sampled (35,35,35).
5.  I selected the Background and the dropper sampled (35,35,35).
6.  I changed the mixing mode of the Adjustment layer to Multiply.
7.  Both layers sample (3,3,3).
Something's wrong on your system because it's not supposed to read differently on the different layers given the Sample All Layers setting.
I haven't asked you what version of Photoshop you're running, nor whether you have OpenGL enabled...
If CS4 or CS5, does changing the setting of OpenGL change the behavior?

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    Can you post some screen captures of what you describing.  Include the layers palette with all layers thumbnails showing. A Photo filter layer has no actual pixels its an adjustment layer which is logically clipped to the layer its above. When I try using the eye dropper it seems to pick up the color it produced on the layer its logically clipped to. However if the layer has no pixels in the area sampled nothing is picked up and the foreground swatch doesn't change. Does you image layer have any empty pixels ones that have been cut out and your set to sample current layer,
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    Message was edited by: JJMack

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    I cannot read much useful in the OP's video, but I think, the OP is not talking about
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    CIELab Lightness in two different modes:
    Figure 1:
    Figure 2:
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    Please verify by repeating the trial.
    Best regards --Gernot Hoffmann

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    We are going to need a lot more information.
    What exact point number version of AE are you using? 12.2.1? 11.0.4?
    What effect are you using?
    How are you using it?
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    1. Draw a temporary object (rectangle, etc.)
    2. Select the object(s) involved in the transparency stack from which you want to sample a color. Object>Rasterize.
    3. Select the temporary object.
    4. Eyedropper: Press and hold Shift while dragging about in the raster object. The temporary object's fill takes on the color under the cursor.
    5. Edit>Cut the temporary object to the clipboard.
    6. Edit>Undo until you have undone the rasterization of step 2.
    7. Edit>Paste. The pasted copy of the temporary object will still have the fill color you sampled.
    Simply holding Shift while sampling with the eyedropper enables it to pick up colors from grads or raster objects, but does not cause it to pick up the screen colors resulting from transparency effects. That's why the above-described steps involve a temporary rasterization of the objects involved. The reason for the temporary object is to work around the fact that Undo also undoes the Eyedropper step or the addition of a Swatch were you to try that before undoing the rasterization. Undo does not, however, undo a copy/cut of something to the clipboard.
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    When working from a template in outline mode, put the template on a template layer (see manual on how to do that). Then work on another layer. Only that second layer should be in outline mode.
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    When asking questions in the forum, please be very specific about the tools you use and the artwork you use them on.

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    Thank you.

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    Two suggestions:
    Reset the tool or all the tools by right-clicking or ctrl-clicking on the icon to bring up the menu.
    Reset your Preferences by holding down cmd-opt-shift and starting Photoshop to get the reset dialog.

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    ... and now tell me what monitor you love for photo editing.  Thanks

    Thanks for this answer,
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