Failed: QuickTime error -206

Hey, wonderful! A lovely, NUMERIC error message, just like the 1960s !!!
Anyone know why all my compressions fail with QT error -206 ?

What type of media are you sending to Compressor? QT movies, Motion projects or Final Cut Pro sequences?

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    OK, Compressor should show up in the list when you click the Purchases button:
    The official way to reinstall is to hold down the Option key while you click the Purchases button. I assume it looks to see if it's installed. If it isn't, then it says Install at the right instead of Installed. Again, this is assuming you've trashed the original program from the Applications folder. I can't remember if it's enough to put it in the trash, or if you have to actually empty the trash, or if it also works if you've copied the App file to an external disk and then disconnect that.
    If yours is not working this way, or if Compressor is not even showing up, then I think one of two things is going on. #1 - is it possible that you have two different Apple IDs and you're signed in with the one that did not make the Compressor purchase? or #2 - there is a problem with your Apple Account and you're going to have to get help from tech support. If it's the correct account but it does not remember what you have purchased, then you need to get that straightened out.
    I'm sorry that you're having these glitches, but this is the accepted technique for reinstalling - I've done it myself.

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    I have uninstall and reinstall FCP X, Compressor and Motion.  Until Saturday I was able to generate movies without a problem. 
    Does anyone know what this error means and how I can correct? 

    I found my answer for this.  Not sure if it will help everyone, but I was getting Failed with a zero code and with -2045 code.  I did the uninstall and reinstall of FCP X and Compressor to no avail.  But I also was running FX Factory from Noise Industries.  When I deleted it (have to use the Uninstall Button on their menu and not just drag it to trash bin) then my error went away. It seems that one of the filters it put in added an invalid plug in to Quicktime and that was causing the error.
    The Apple help guy had me create a new user account and run the same routine there.  Since I had no error on the new user, the logic was that it was a plug in issue for my main account.  So once I uninstalled the FX Factory app and its plug ins, then I was back in business.  I am going to try to reinstall FX Factory later to see if I can get my Phyx filters back, but at least I am transcoding movie files again.

  • Compressor error - Failed:  Quicktime error 0

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    -  Has anyone seen this before?  If so, how did you resolve?
    -  If this is due to a corrupt file, how would I go about finding that corrupt file?
    Any help would be appreciated.  I'm up against a deadline about to get into panic mode.  thanks!

                Try cutting your sequence into ten minute segments to narrow down the problem, if indeed it is a corrupt clip or file.
    You may also want to post your sequence settings, also do you have any stills in your timeline, if you do are they in RGB color space and not CYMK

  • Mpeg4 compression failed (QuickTime Error: -50)

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    Failed: QuickTime Error: -50
    I have tried another MPEG4 configuration, and some seems to work (NTSC for CD) and some don't (NTSC for fast cable streaming, NTSC Large Progressive). Has anyone experienced this before? Any help or advice? Here is my configuration:
    Compressor 1.2.1
    Final Cut Pro 4.5
    QuickTime 7

    The latest version of QuickTime is 7.0.2 and you'll also want to update to the latest Pro Apps support package (link follows for Mac OS X 10.4.X):
    You may already be up to date and even if not this may not solve your problem, but it would be a first step before trying other things.

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    help i need to get this project out ASAP

    -50 paramErr Error in user parameter list.
    This is a File System error. Check the integrity of your drives using Disk Utility > Verify Disk.
    Post any messages that Disk Utility presents to you, here. Copy the text exactly.
    Also post how much free space is available on the drives.

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    Are you working with native media? If you are, see if Final Cut will let you transcode a clip to Pro Res 422. Do an export test with that single clip. (Write the output to a disk image so you don't waste a disk.)

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    Many thanks

    There is probably something terribly wrong at that point in your movie. Bad media file, bad render, missing font, no way to know from here.

  • Failed: QuickTime Error: 0

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    Greetings Carcharias:
    I've been where you have been with my setup. Here's my setup: G5 Dual 2.0 with 3.5Gigs memory, OS 10.3.9., FCP 4.1.1, Compressor 1.2.1 (tried Compressor 1.2 also with same problem), Batch Monitor 1.2.1., QT 7.0.3. I do not have QT Pro.
    I've communicated to Apple with this very problem. They've not sent me any findings. It's been a long road for me, but I believe I have discovered the fix for this machine a couple weeks ago that was never mentioned in any other posts I've diligently searched. I've only seen about 3 other different fixes in all. This one I found in the Compressor Help manual --the .pdf file. located in the menu bar.
    Interesting as it sounds, plain instructions tell you in the Late-Breaking News About Compressor 1.2 that when upgrading, and most likely any upgrade to any version, new presets must be enabled. Pg 2 says after upgrading to 1.2 to go into the Compressor folder located in the home folder>Library>Application Support>. In here, you'll see all the presets that are used within Compressor. Everything must be deleted in order for it to regenerate a new preset folder when an upgrade is performed.
    Well, I've never done this and after coming this far, I surely thought this can't be it? I've had the failed: quicktime error: 0 error over and over till I was blue in the face. The first time I remember it going about 30 min till it stopped and popped this error. Other times after that, the batch stopped inside 3 minutes and then sometimes just seconds or even one second. And even with that it will always encode the audio without fail. I don't know the reason for that. But it has encoded the video to a 19 sec clip successfully on one test.
    So with Compressor quit out of, simply delete the folder entirely, empty the trash and relaunch Compressor. It will automatically rebuild this folder with the new presets. Just read carefully for yourself in the Compressor Help .pdf manual located in the help menu.
    After doing so and I did restart my computer, I lined up two lengthy jobs -- a 132 min. and 85 min job, back to back it encoded both at the highest setting in 10.5 hrs. I've a G4 17" 1.33Ghz Powerbook with identical software versions (already installed when I bought it) and 1 gig of ram. It would spend 24 hrs on the 132 min job with same setting. Yes, generally, Compressor is slow by professional standards, but I believe it does quite well considering its price with either suite it's offered.
    I'm interested to hear from others if this part of the mystery was simply overlooked. Since this fix, I have still encountered this error, but it was on media that was originally brought over from iMovie 5.0.2. exported to QT. But it's still a mystery as to why my G4 PB 1.33 will tame it just fine, but with a good time wait. The PB has never encountered this error.
    Darin Koch

  • Share operation dvd has failed QuickTime error 0

    My 44 minutes long project in Final Cut Pro 10.0.9 project fails with a message: "Share operation DVD has failed, QuickTime Error: 0". I use OSX 10.9.
    Yesterday, I rectified the situation by rebooting the system and starting to "share" again. To-day made a few extra corrections here and there but  nothing simple works. I even removed the background photo from the DVD opening menu but no success :-((
    Ross's earlier advice on this forum was:
    "Select a short section of your project and export as a Pro Res master file.
    If that also fails, turn off BG Rendering; delete project render files; copy the entire Timeline to a new project.
    Could you please be more specific. I am a novice to FCP.
    1.How to select a short section ? Select 4-5 frames (yellow band) from the timeline ?
    2. How to _export_ as a ProRes file ? From File > Share > Master File (default) ? (Or if it has to be an "export" perhaps File >Export XML ?)
    3. How and where to turn off BC Rendering ?
    4. How to delete project render files ?    File > "Delete Project Redner Files" is not highlighted in the File menu, so how to select this action ?
    5. How to copy the entire Timeline into a new project ?  File >New Project ? Then select the whole of the old timeline, copy > paste into the new timeline ? Or a different method ?
    I think that it is better to ask even some simple (for experts) questions  ? :-)
    Many thanks,

    1) Either use the Range tool or set in and out points on the Timeline.
    2) Either way will work. For example, Share>Master File and choose Pro Res in the Settings>Video Codec field.
    3) Background Rendering can be turned off in Preferences.
    4) Select the project in the Project Library first.
    5) Create a new project with settings to be determined automatically by first clip. In the original project, Command-A and then Command-C. Open the new project, click in the Timeline window to activate and hit Command-V.
    Good luck.

  • Compressor: Failed: QuickTimer Error: 0

    When compressing with Compressor I get error message: Failed: QuickTime Error: 0
    This happens when I am exporting from Final Cut Pro HD (photo Jpeg video), and also when I am compressing from Final Cut movie file (with current settings and not self contained).
    Does anyone know what this error message means?
    Cinema Craft encoded same files without problem!
    Powemac G5, dual 2Ghz, 1.5 GB ram, 150 gb free disk space, OS X 10.4, all software with latest updates (freshly installed on formated drive)! I have even tried to turn off one processor with CHUD tool.
    On G4 dual 1Ghz, 768 MB ram, OS X 10.3 works OK.
    Thank you!

    Use the System Profiler to review what is in the system and console logs. You may find a message or error there that will tell you more about what is happening. Note, there will almost certainly be other warnings or errors in these logs, that's fairly normal, you want to look for something that is related to QuickTime or Compressor ( or one of the files you are trying to process.

  • HT201197 how do i fix this (the share operation DVD has failed Quicktime error 0

    Ho w do i fix this - The share operation DVD has failed Quicktime error 0

    Select a short section of your project and export as a Pro Res master file.
    If that also fails, turn off BG Rendering; delete project render files; copy the entire Timeline to a new project.

  • How to fix: the share operation master file has failed quicktime error: -50

    So Whenever i export my HD 1080p file in FCPX 10.0.8 i get this error "the share operation master file has failed quicktime error: -50"
    Please help!!!!
    It happens about 12% of the way in. My movie is only 10 minutes long.

    Download it. Quit FCPX. select FCPX in this tool and and click on trash. Restart FCPX and try again to export. Empty trash. It will do no harm but you have to set your settings in preferences in FCPX after that. Every application has preferences files and they can become corrupt. FCPX will build new fresh preferences after you open it.

  • Compressor Job Fail Quicktime Error -120

    The program quits before it even starts compressing after I click "Submit"  There is no error message or any indication of why the attempt failed.  Except a grey message to the side that says QuickTime Error -120
    I'm using the presets.  Trying to convert a QT movie (Current Settings) to a YouTube file.
    Still using Compressor 3.5.3
    OS 10.5.8
    I trashed the prefs and started over, but the same error continues to occur.
    It's odd, this is the first time it's happening.  I'm taking following the same steps I've always taken.

    OK.. just now out of curiosity I went back into my prefs.
    Deleted 2 Quicktime P.Lists
    Deleted Compressor P.List again
    And just for the heck of it deleted my Final Cut User Data and Final Cut P.List
    Instead of putting the word YouTube in the file name for either name, I took that out.
    Clicked Submit and renamed the file once.. then the second drop down asked me to rename and I named it a different name with no spaces.
    Now it's processing fine.
    Not sure what I did, but something worked. 

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