Failed Running Interest Example in JBoss

Hi there,
I try to create jar for this example using ANT, but the following mesg appears: How should i overcome this?
-------- Error building Interest example
D:\RereferenceJBoss\documentation-example\examples\build>ant intro-interest-jar
Buildfile: build.xml
D:\RereferenceJBoss\documentation-example\examples\build\build.xml:36: Could not create task of type: path. Common solutions are to use taskdef to declare your task, or, if this is an optional task, to put the optional.jar in the lib directory of your ant instalation <ANT_HOME>.

This error appears if the jndi initial context is not being set properly. You can either set the initial context by passing a file containing the following:
or you can also pass these parameters directly in the InterestClient itself by adding these lines to the starting of the class i.e before the try statement
* Created on Nov 26, 2003
* To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
import javax.naming.*;
import src.*;
//import java.util.*;
* @author mazumdar
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
public class InterestClient {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
               InitialContext jndiContext = new InitialContext();
               System.out.println("Got Context");
               Object ref = jndiContext.lookup("src/Interest");
               System.out.println("Got Reference");
               InterestHome home = (InterestHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,InterestHome.class);
               Interest interest = home.create();
               System.out.println("Interest on 1000 units, at 10% per period,for 2 years is: ");
          catch(Exception e){
The above is the complete source file of the InterestClient which I have successfully run on JBoss-3.2.2 and ant-1.6.
Just make sure that all the required client jars of JBoss are passed in the classpath during compiling and running the InterestClient using ant.
Hope this works answers your question. Happy coding....

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    if (_jspx_meth_html_cancel_0(_jspx_th_html_form_0, jspxpage_context))
    9 errors
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.0.30 logs.
    while clicking jsp for validator it is also ginig me the same error.
    f anybody knows the solution please help me,
    Message was edited by:

    Goto Project Properties:
    Search for the following in left pane:
    Oracle Applications -> Runtime Connection
    DBC file : Choose the correct dbc file from your local machine. You have to get it from your dba and paste it in this path: jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure\*.dbc
    User Name: Application User Name
    Password : Application password
    Responsibilty Key:
    Goto Application Developer --> Responsibility --> Define -- >
    Query for the available responsibility for the given user. Say for example: "Order Management Super User"
    Application: Order Management
    Responsibilty Key: ORDER_MGMT_SUPER_USER
    Application Short Name:
    Goto Application Developer --> Application --> Register -- >
    Query for the given application " Order Management"
    Short Name: ONT
    Responsibility Key and Application Short Name depends upon the object you are developing.

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for assistance." (I did contact adobe, but they no longer support CS2) Originally, I had installed PS CS2 when I was using OS 10.4.X, then I upgraded to 10.5.x. PS CS2 was working fine on my system. Then I accidentally deleted the program, now I'm having trouble reinstalling. I'd appreciate any help that you can give me.

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    You could put the command in a script and run it that way. But you do need to pass that -D option to the java command at J2EE 1.3.1.
    You could move to J2EE 1.4 Beta and use the J2EE Tutorial Addendum, which simplifies running the examples by providing Ant build scripts.
    Kim Haase
    Technical Writer
    Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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    <h2>{color:red}CROSS POSTED{color}</h2>
    Cross posting is rude.

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    Hi Vitor,
    I'm afraid you need an SQL DB in order to run this example.
    You can find good examples for learning Visual Composer (using R3 or BI systems) in the Modeler's guide - - in the "Go and Create" chapter.
    Good Luck,

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    Full Log entry follows:
    Oct 31 23:34:33 Macintosh Installer[1534]: DeveloperTools Installation Log
    Oct 31 23:34:33 Macintosh Installer[1534]: Opened from: /Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/Optional Installs/Xcode Tools/Packages/DeveloperTools.pkg
    Oct 31 23:34:36 Macintosh Installer[1534]: fileURLForURL = x-disc://Mac%20OS%20X%20Install%20DVD/Optional%20Installs/Xcode%20Tools/Package s/DeveloperTools.pkg
    Oct 31 23:34:36 Macintosh Installer[1534]: fileURLForURL = file://localhost/Volumes/Mac%20OS%20X%20Install%20DVD/Optional%20Installs/Xcode% 20Tools/Packages/DeveloperTools.pkg
    Oct 31 23:34:49 Macintosh Installer[1534]: Install: "DeveloperTools"
    Oct 31 23:34:49 Macintosh Installer[1534]: DeveloperTools.pkg : :
    Oct 31 23:34:49 Macintosh Installer[1534]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: file://localhost/Volumes/Mac%20OS%20X%20Install%20DVD/Optional%20Installs/Xcode% 20Tools/Packages/DeveloperTools.pkg
    Oct 31 23:34:50 Macintosh Installer[1534]: Create temporary directory "/private/tmp/DeveloperTools.pkg.1534N7IixP"
    Oct 31 23:34:50 Macintosh Installer[1534]: Processing DeveloperTools:
    Oct 31 23:34:50 Macintosh Installer[1534]: It took 0.60 seconds to create the install plan for DeveloperTools.
    Oct 31 23:34:50 Macintosh Installer[1534]: run preinstall script for DeveloperTools
    Oct 31 23:34:51 Macintosh Installer[1534]: Install failed: The following install step failed: run preinstall script for DeveloperTools. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
    Oct 31 23:34:51 Macintosh Installer[1534]: 'Install Failed' UI displayed message:'The following install step failed: run preinstall script for DeveloperTools. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.'.

    "Create the folder "Developer" on your hard-disk."
    I already had the Developer folder at the top level of the disk. What did work for me was to not let the install location default, but to actively select the Developer folder. (You may have to modify some permissions for this.) The install was a success and I've confirmed the tools are working.
    Good luck!

  • Trying to run the example "rf record and playback reference application"   trying to run this example but a lot of files are not being found.  I'm using Labview 8.5 with version 4 of the sound and vibration toolkit.  I suspect the problem is the old toolkit version.  Can someone confirm? Can't find any info on upgrading to toolkit so I suppose it would mean a new purchase?  thanks

    Hello Mike,
    This example is designed for our RF Hardware platform.  You need the RFSG driver, RFSA driver, Spectral Measurements Toolkit, Modulation Toolkit, and the advanced signal processing toolkit for the example to run.  You should be able to see this under the software requirements at the bottom of the page.  The two drivers should be available for download on our website, but the toolkits must be purchased and they aren't generally available with the dev suite.
    I hope this helps,
    Paul C
    Message Edited by Paul C. on 03-11-2010 12:28 PM

  • Cant upgrade itunesThe following install step failed: run preupgrade script

    The following install step failed: run preupgrade script for AppleMobileDeviceSupport. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance

    Try clicking on the Apple icon, upper left corner and going to "Forced Quit"
    Click in iTunes and then do a Forced Quit.
    Try install again.  That worked for me.
    Gary from Sandy

  • I keep getting this message when wanting to download latest itunes software update :The following install step failed: run preupgrade script for AppleMobileDeviceSupport. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. what can i do to download?

    The following install step failed: run preupgrade script for AppleMobileDeviceSupport. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. what can i do to download software when the above message keeps popping up...not allowing me to download

    I had the same problem this weekend.  The iphone 4s needed Itunes10.5 to sync to her Asus Windows 7 Laptop.  When I tried to download from the Apple website I got the error that the windows installer was missings files or something like that.  I uninstalled itunes and tried again but that didn't work.  Then I redownloaded itunes 10.3 just to have a working version in case I gave up.  Then I found site that suggested I update Windows by going through the start menu and while doing that I found an update Apple itunes file. 
    Goto Start and type Widows Update in the seach window.  Click on check for updates (I already was current with all updates but I suggest you download the updates if there are some available.
    Goto start and this time just type update in the search window.  Look for the Apple itunes update link and click on it.  It found there were updates for itunes 10.5, Quick time, Safari, and Icloud.  I checked all the updates except for Safari, since we don't use it (yet).
    The install started then seemed to stall at one spot for ~3min but then completed successfully.  I open itunes and had her synced with Outlook Contact, Email, Calender, and Notes in 5 minutes.  I did already configure Outlook by going to tools and Trust Center.
    I hope this works.

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    I ran into the same issue. Make sure your apple device in disconnected from the computer. It interrupts the itunes download. Disconnect and make sure itunes is closed, then try installing again. Remember that even though you close of itunes, it is often still running in the background. To make sure it's closed, click and hold the mouse on the itunes icon and select quit from the drop down menu. Then try installing the updated itunes.
    Hope that helps.

  • The following install step failed: run preupgrade script for AppleMobileDeviceSupport. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.

    Just upgraded software. When system prompts to update itunes and in the middle of the system's attempt to complete the upgrade, the message, "The following install step failed: run preupgrade script for AppleMobileDeviceSupport. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance" appears.
    I don't understand what "preupgrade" needs to be done.
    Anyone else experience this?

    -= Pre Upgrade Script Error with iTunes =-
    Do a general web search and you will discover there are many answers, none definitive.
    iTunes: How to remove and reinstall the Apple Mobile Device Service on Mac OS X 10.6.8 or Earlier -

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