Failure with cfsetting and cfprocessingdirective?

I have the following code buried deeply in our application.
I've tried to reproduce a simpler example without success. This
example clearly fails. What can I do to get the cfsetting and
cfprocessingdirective tags to work correctly?
The code:
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="6" step="1">
<cfif i mod 2>
#i# is Als odd<br>
#i# is Als even<br>
<cfmail from="[email protected]"
to="[email protected]"
The content of the email that I get is:
#i# is Als odd<br>
#i# is Als even<br>
#i# is Als odd<br>
#i# is Als even<br>
#i# is Als odd<br>
#i# is Als even<br>
Which shows that both tags are being ignored: There is output
outside the cfoutput tag AND the irregular spacing shows that
whitespace is not being suppressed.
As stated, when I try simpler examples, it works and the
documentation says that a "yes" in either tag overrides any number
of previous "no"s!

Everything you are saying is exactly correct. That is why I
suspect the "tag library" answer is unfortunately the correct one.
Both the cfsetting and cfprocessing directive tags are defined such
that a "yes" overrides any number of previous "no"s! Thus, as far
as those directives are concerned, no outside state would (should)
impact them, by definition! In fact they are defined such that for
"ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY='yes'", the only thing that would permit output
is being contained inside "cfoutput" tags, (either inside or
outside the scope of the cfsetting tags, doesn't matter which).
Given the display of #i# instead of a number, no cfoutput tags are
operational, so no display should exist.
Thus the only thing that makes sense is PaulH's statement
that the tags are defined not to work inside tag libraries.
A] If they DO work inside a tag library (which I will test
when I get back to my office in a few days), then there is nothing
that is documented that states that the code I presented should not
work regardless of what is "surrounding" it! The bug is either
there or the external scope that overrides the tags isn't
B] If they DON'T work inside a tag library as PaulH states,
then I need to know how to reference a single piece of code from
almost 300 different domains without using a tag library!
(And, completely unrelated to this entire conversation, if
is true, then I personally believe that such behavior is a bug
that was documented as how it works instead of fixing it: I can't
see why putting code into a tag library and thus breaking it would
be considered "ok"-- but that's just me.)
If It does work in the tag library I will continue to try to
reproduce the problem so that it can be written up wither as a bug
or as documentation as to what undocumented external circumstances
prevent a simple cfloop from behaving properly inside the two

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    Hi bentlyman,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    I recommend starting with the troubleshooting steps in this article if you receive an error when syncing your iPhone:
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    when prompted to restart did so, only to wait 5 minutes with my computer just idling and not restarting. So I then went to the apple menu to restart but still nothing happened. Pushed the Power button on my Mac
    You should not have done that, it is a process that should never be interrupted.
    For next time:
    There are no guarantees, but following this procedure when installing updates and upgrades on your Mac will go a long way towards avoiding unpleasant after effects and ‘post-update stress disorder’.
    It is also worth noting that it is an extreme rarity for updates to cause upsets to your system, but they may well reveal pre-existing ones, particularly those of which you may have been unaware. If you are actually aware of any glitches, make sure they are fixed before proceeding further.
    So before you do anything else:
    If you can, make a full backup first.
    Turn off sleep mode for both screen and hard disk.
    Disconnect all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    1. Repair Permissions (in Disk Utility)
    2. Verify the state of your hard disk using Disk Utility. If any faults are reported, restart from your install disk (holding down the C key), go to Disk Utility, and repair your startup disk. Restart again to get back to your startup disk.
    At least you can now be reasonably certain that your system does not contain any obvious faults that might cause an update/upgrade to fail.
    3. Download the correct version of the COMBO update from the Apple download site. If your car runs on gasoline you would not want to fill the tank with diesel, so don’t try to install the PPC updater on an Intel Mac!
    If you prefer to download updates via Software Update in the Apple menu (which would ensure that the correct version for your Mac was being downloaded), it is not recommended to allow SU to install major (or even minor) updates automatically. Set Software Update to just download the updater without immediately installing it. There is always the possibility that the combined download and install (which can be a lengthy process) might be interrupted by a power outage or your cat walking across the keyboard, and an interrupted install will almost certainly cause havoc. Once it is downloaded, you can install at a time that suits you. You should make a backup copy of the updater on a CD in case you ever need a reinstall.
    Using the Combo updater ensures that all system files changed since the original 10.4.0 are included, and any that may have been missed out or subsequently damaged will be repaired. The Delta updater, although a temptingly smaller download, only takes you from the previous version to the new one, i.e. for example from 10.4.9 to 10.4.10. Software Update will generally download the Delta updater only. The preferable Combo updater needs to be downloaded from Apple's download site.
    Now proceed as follows:
    4. Close all applications.
    5. Unplug all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    6. Install the update/upgrade. Do not under any circumstances interrupt this procedure. Do not do anything else on your computer while it is installing. Be patient.
    7. When it ask for a restart to complete the installation, click restart. This can take longer than normal, there are probably thousands of files to overwrite and place in the correct location. Do nothing while this is going on.
    8. Once your Mac is awake, repair permissions again, and you should be good to go!
    If your Mac seems slightly sluggish or ‘different’, perform a second restart. It can’t hurt and is sometimes efficacious!
    9. Open a few of your most used applications and check that all is OK. In this connection please remember that not all manufacturers of third party applications and plug-ins, add-ons, haxies etc, will have had time to do any necessary rewrites to their software to make them 10.4.10. compliant. Give them a weeks or two while you regularly check their websites for updates. This applies particularly to plug-ins for Safari 3.
    N.B. Do not attempt to install two different updates at the same time as each may have different routines and requirements. Follow the above recommendations for each update in turn.
    Lastly, Apple's own article on the subject of Software Update may also be useful reading:

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    dhcpcd[2718]: wlp9s0: soliciting a DHCP lease
    dhcpcd[2718]: wlp9s0: offered from
    dhcpcd[2718]: timed out
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    systemd[1]: Unit [email protected] entered failed state.
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    Last edited by Samy (2013-09-04 13:32:13)

    I've had this happen now and again. You can rebind the lease yourself with:
    $ dhcpcd --rebind
    You could also try increasing the timeout by adding
    to your netctl profile/s - see netctl.profile(5) as WonderWoofy suggests. Although I haven't tried the latter.
    Last edited by youngdm (2013-09-01 22:01:05)

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    Welcome to the HP Community @Sekhon ,
    I read about the issue you're having with copying and scanning from your Photosmart 5525 unit, and wanted to reach out to you.
    I would personally think that there could be a "Scanner failure" with your printer, and would like you to check out a post from my colleague @RnRMusicMan below and follow the guide he suggested to someone else with the same issue. If the copies still do not work when done troubleshooting, call technical support directly to discuss your printer replacement options with HP.
    Photosmart 5525 Scan Problem (Component is broken)
    Please call our technical support at 800-474-6836. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get the support number for your region.
    Good luck!
    R a i n b o w 7000I work on behalf of HP
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say
    “Thanks” for helping!
    Click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution!

  • Problem in using socket streams with encryption and decryption

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    Here is client/server pair of programs in which i am encrypting the outputstream of the socket in client side and decrypting the inputstream of the socket in server side.
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class serverSocketDemo
         public static void main(String args[])
              {                    //server listening on port 2000
                   ServerSocket server=new ServerSocket(2000);
                   while (true)
                        Socket theConnection=server.accept();
                        System.out.println("Connecting from local address : "+theConnection.getLocalAddress());
                        System.out.println("Connection request from : "+theConnection.getInetAddress());
                        //Input starts from here
                        Reader in=new InputStreamReader(getNetInStream(theConnection.getInputStream()),"ASCII");
                        StringBuffer strbuf=new StringBuffer();
                        int c;
                        while (true)
                             if(c=='\n' || c==-1)
                        String str=strbuf.toString();
                        System.out.println("Message from Client : "+str);
              catch(BindException e)
                   System.out.println("The Port is in use or u have no privilage on this port");
              catch(ConnectException e)
                   System.out.println("Connection is refused at remote host because the host is busy or no process is listening on that port");
              catch(IOException e)
                   System.out.println("Connection disconnected");          
              catch(Exception e)
         public static BufferedInputStream getNetInStream(InputStream in) throws Exception
              // register the provider that implements the algorithm
              Provider sunJce = new com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE( );
              // create a key
              byte[] desKeyDataDec = "This encryption can not be decrypted".getBytes();
              DESKeySpec desKeySpecDec = new DESKeySpec(desKeyDataDec);
              SecretKeyFactory keyFactoryDec = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
              SecretKey desKeyDec = keyFactoryDec.generateSecret(desKeySpecDec);
              // use Data Encryption Standard
              Cipher desDec = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
              desDec.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, desKeyDec);
              CipherInputStream cin = new CipherInputStream(in, desDec);
              BufferedInputStream bin=new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(cin));
              return bin;
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class clientSocketDemo
         public static void main(String args[])
                   Socket theConnection=new Socket("localhost",2000);
                   System.out.println("Connecting from local address : "+theConnection.getLocalAddress());
                   System.out.println("Connecting to : "+theConnection.getInetAddress());
                   //Output starts from here               
                   OutputStream out=getNetOutStream(theConnection.getOutputStream());
                   out.write("Please Welcome me\n".getBytes());
              catch(BindException e)
                   System.out.println("The Port is in use or u have no privilage on this port");
              catch(ConnectException e)
                   System.out.println("Connection is refused at remote host because the host is busy or no process is listening on that port");
              catch(IOException e)
                   System.out.println("Connection disconnected");          
              catch(Exception e)
         public static OutputStream getNetOutStream(OutputStream out) throws Exception
              // register the provider that implements the algorithm
              Provider sunJce = new com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE( );
              // create a key
              byte[] desKeyDataEnc = "This encryption can not be decrypted".getBytes();
              DESKeySpec desKeySpecEnc = new DESKeySpec(desKeyDataEnc);
              SecretKeyFactory keyFactoryEnc = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
              SecretKey desKeyEnc = keyFactoryEnc.generateSecret(desKeySpecEnc);
              // use Data Encryption Standard
              Cipher desEnc = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
              desEnc.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, desKeyEnc);
              CipherOutputStream cout = new CipherOutputStream(out, desEnc);
              OutputStream outstream=new BufferedOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(cout));
              return outstream;
    Here is client/server pair in which i use both encrypting outpustream and decrypting inputstream at both ends.
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class serverSocketDemo
         private Cipher desEnc,desDec;
                   // register the provider that implements the algorithm
                   Provider sunJce = new com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE( );
                   // create a key
                   byte[] desKeyData = "This encryption can not be decrypted".getBytes();
                   DESKeySpec desKeySpec = new DESKeySpec(desKeyData);
                   SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
                   SecretKey desKey = keyFactory.generateSecret(desKeySpec);
                   desEnc = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
                   desEnc.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, desKey);
                   desDec = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
                   desDec.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, desKey);               
              catch (javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException e)
              catch ( e)
              catch ( e)
              catch(Exception e)
         public void startProcess()
                   ServerSocket server=new ServerSocket(2000);
                   while (true)
                        final Socket theConnection=server.accept();
                        System.out.println("Connecting from local address : "+theConnection.getLocalAddress());
                        System.out.println("Connection request from : "+theConnection.getInetAddress());
                        Thread input=new Thread()
                             public void run()
                                       //Input starts from here
                                       Reader in=new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(new CipherInputStream(theConnection.getInputStream(), desDec)),"ASCII");
                                       StringBuffer strbuf=new StringBuffer();
                                       int c;
                                       while (true)
                                            if(c=='\n'|| c==-1)
                                       String str=strbuf.toString();
                                       System.out.println("Message from Client : "+str);
                                  catch(Exception e)
                                       System.out.println("Error caught inside input Thread : "+e);
                        Thread output=new Thread()
                             public void run()
                                       //Output starts from here
                                       OutputStream out=new BufferedOutputStream(new CipherOutputStream(theConnection.getOutputStream(), desEnc));
                                       System.out.println("it will not be printed");
                                       out.write("You are Welcome\n".getBytes());
                                  catch(Exception e)
                                       System.out.println("Error caught inside output Thread : "+e);
                        catch(Exception e)
              catch(BindException e)
                   System.out.println("The Port is in use or u have no privilage on this port");
              catch(ConnectException e)
                   System.out.println("Connection is refused at remote host because the host is busy or no process is listening on that port");
              catch(IOException e)
                   System.out.println("Connection disconnected");          
              catch(Exception e)
         public static void main(String args[])
              serverSocketDemo server=new serverSocketDemo();     
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class clientSocketDemo
         private Cipher desEnc,desDec;
                   // register the provider that implements the algorithm
                   Provider sunJce = new com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE( );
                   // create a key
                   byte[] desKeyData = "This encryption can not be decrypted".getBytes();
                   DESKeySpec desKeySpec = new DESKeySpec(desKeyData);
                   SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
                   SecretKey desKey = keyFactory.generateSecret(desKeySpec);
                   desEnc = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
                   desDec = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
                   desEnc.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, desKey);
                   desDec.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, desKey);               
              catch (javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException e)
              catch ( e)
              catch ( e)
              catch(Exception e)
         public void startProcess()
                   final Socket theConnection=new Socket("localhost",2000);
                   System.out.println("Connecting from local address : "+theConnection.getLocalAddress());
                   System.out.println("Connecting to : "+theConnection.getInetAddress());
                   Thread output=new Thread()
                        public void run()
                                  //Output starts from here               
                                  OutputStream out=new BufferedOutputStream(new CipherOutputStream(theConnection.getOutputStream(), desEnc));
                                  out.write("Please Welcome me\n".getBytes());
                             catch(Exception e)
                                  System.out.println("Error caught inside output thread : "+e);
                   Thread input=new Thread()
                        public void run()
                                  //Input starts from here
                                  Reader in=new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(new CipherInputStream(theConnection.getInputStream(), desDec)),"ASCII");          
                                  System.out.println("it will not be printed");
                                  StringBuffer strbuf=new StringBuffer();
                                  int c;
                                  while (true)
                                       if(c=='\n' || c==-1)
                                  String str=strbuf.toString();
                                  System.out.println("Message from Server : "+str);
                             catch(Exception e)
                                  System.out.println("Error caught inside input Thread : "+e);
                   catch(Exception e)
              catch(BindException e)
                   System.out.println("The Port is in use or u have no privilage on this port");
              catch(ConnectException e)
                   System.out.println("Connection is refused at remote host because the host is busy or no process is listening on that port");
              catch(IOException e)
                   System.out.println("Connection disconnected");          
              catch(Exception e)
         public static void main(String args[])
              clientSocketDemo client=new clientSocketDemo();     
    **** I know that the CInput tries to read some header stuff thats why i used two threads for input and output.
    Waiting for the reply.
    Thank you.

    Do not ever post your code unless requested to. It is very annoying.
    Try testing what key is being used. Just to test this out, build a copy of your program and loop the input and outputs together. Have them print the data stream onto the screen or a text file. Compare the 1st Output and the 2nd Output and the 1st Input with the 2nd Input and then do a static test of the chipher with sample data (same data which was outputted), then do another cipher test with the ciphertext created by the first test.
    Everything should match - if it does not then follow the steps below.
    Case 1: IO Loops do not match
    Case 2: IO Loops match, but ciphertext 1st run does not match loop
    Case 3: IO Loops match, 1st ciphertext 1st run matches, but 2nd run does not
    Case 4: IO Loops match, both chiphertext runs do not match anything
    Case 5: Ciphertext runs do not match eachother when decrypted correctly (outside of the test program)
    Problems associated with the cases above:
    Case 1: Private Key is changing on either side (likely the sender - output channel)
    Case 2: Public Key is changing on either side (likely the sender - output channel)
    Case 3: Private Key changed on receiver - input channel
    Case 4: PKI failure, causing private key and public key mismatch only after a good combination was used
    Case 5: Same as Case 4

  • Problems with RAC and XA: Fallback

    we are seing problems with RAC and XA (Tuxedo 11, DB 11.2), specifically encountering "ORA-24798: cannot resume the distributed transaction branch on another instance".
    The first scenario relates to fallback after a RAC node failure. There are two servers, S1 and S2. S1 makes an ATMI call to S2. Both servers are in the same Tuxedo group, using TMS_ORA. RAC is set up for failover (BASIC), no load balancing.
    The sequence is:
    - S1 and S2 are connected to the same RAC node n1. All is well.
    - RAC node n1 fails. S1, S2 and the TMS_ORA all fail over to RAC node n2. After the failover has happened, all is well.
    - RAC node n1 recovers. All is still well (as there is no automatic fallback).
    - S1 (or S2) is restarted (either intentionally or because of a crash). Since n1 is up again, S1 connects to n1. Now we get ORA-24798. Permanently.
    S1 is connected to n1 and S2 is connected to n2. Since both are in the same group, both use the same XA transaction branch. When called, S2 attempts to JOIN the transaction branch that S1 started. But the DB (11.2) does not allow the same branch to span more than one node. Hence the ORA-24798.
    This seems to be a severe limitation in the combination of Tuxedo, XA and RAC. It basically means we still have to use DTP services, even with Tuxedo 11 and DB 11.2. Or are we missing something?
    We could put S1 and S2 into different groups, but that seems to be inefficient, and not practical for a real application (10s of servers).
    I am extrapolating from this that RAC load balancing would also not work, as S1 and S2 could be connected to different RAC nodes.

    When using an external transaction manager such as Tuxedo you should still declare Oracle services as DTP services when using Oracle Database 11g. The Tuxedo documentation is not clear about this. The relevant 11gR2 RAC documentation is at and states
    "An XA transaction can span Oracle RAC instances by default, allowing any application that uses the Oracle XA library to take full advantage of the Oracle RAC environment to enhance the availability and scalability of the application.
    "GTXn background processes support global (XA) transactions in an Oracle RAC environment. The GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES initialization parameter, which is set to 1 by default, specifies the initial number of GTXn background processes for each Oracle RAC instance. Use the default value for this parameter clusterwide to allow distributed transactions to span multiple Oracle RAC instances. Using the default value allows the units of work performed across these Oracle RAC instances to share resources and act as a single transaction (that is, the units of work are tightly coupled). It also allows 2PC requests to be sent to any node in the cluster.
    "Before Release 11.1, the way to achieve tight coupling in Oracle RAC was to use Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) services, that is, services whose cardinality (one) ensured that all tightly-coupled branches landed on the same instance—regardless of whether load balancing was enabled. Tightly coupled XA transactions no longer require the special type of singleton services to be deployed on Oracle RAC databases if the XA application does not join or resume XA transaction branches. XA transactions are transparently supported on Oracle RAC databases with any type of service configuration.
    A"n external transaction manager, such as Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server (OraMTS), coordinates DTP/XA transactions. However, an internal Oracle transaction manager coordinates distributed SQL transactions. Both DTP/XA and distributed SQL transactions must use the DTP service in Oracle RAC."
    This issue came up earlier this year in another newsgroup thread at

  • HP LaserJet M1212nf MFP Printer - Communication Failure with the scanner

    Dear all,
    May I kindly ask if there are any known resolutions in terms of a scanning issue with the HP LaserJet M1212nf MFP Printer?
    When it starts scanning the printer only scans the up to the 3rd or 4th page, it stops in the middle of the sheet and produces an error message stating the following: Communication Failure with the scanner.
    Are there any steps that may be followed in order to resolve the incident?
    Many thanks in advance.
    Best regards,

    Hi @Ryan_HP ,
    I see that you are experiencing a communication error during scanning of multiple pages. I would like to help, but I will need some more information to provide you with the correct steps to resolve this issue.
    If you are using Windows, download and run the Print and Scan Doctor. It will diagnose the issue and might automatically resolve it. Find and fix common printer problems using HP diagnostic tools for Windows?
    Temporarily turn off any Antivirus Software, just to rule out any interference.
    Try scanning again.
    What operating system are you using?
    How to Find the Windows Edition and Version on Your Computer.
    Mac OS X: How Do I Find Which Mac OS X Version Is on My Computer?
    How is the printer connected? (USB/Ethernet)
    What were the results when you ran the Print and Scan Doctor? (did it print or scan, any error messages)
    What scanning software are you using?
    Have a wonderful day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Connection issue on 32 bit Linux OBIEE with Postgres and Mysql

    I am having trouble running reports on 32 bit Linux OBIEE version and with Postgres or Mysql as data source . I can connect to same data source (postgres and Mysql) from presentation services on windows box and also run queries from nqcmd using 32 bit linux ODBC driver on linux box running OBIEE server. I turned on odbc trace and I see following failures from Postgres and Mysql.
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 12010] Communication error connecting to remote end point: address = ; port = 9703. (HY000)
    SQL Issued: SELECT test_obiee.c1 saw_0 FROM test_Postgre30 ORDER BY saw_0
    Mysql odbc trace file :
    ppid=1:pid=2908 719a:f4c1fb90 ENTER SQLSetConnectOption
    HDBC 0x08d4f170
    UWORD 1042
    UDWORD 4079342863
    ppid=1:pid=2908 719a:f4c1fb90 EXIT SQLSetConnectOption with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
    HDBC 0x08d4f170
    UWORD 1042
    UDWORD 4079342863
    ppid=1:pid=2908 719a:f4c1fb90 ENTER SQLErrorW
    HENV 0x00000000
    HDBC 0x08d4f170
    HSTMT 0x00000000
    WCHAR * 0xf4c1e140 (NYI)
    SDWORD * 0xf4c1e1a8
    WCHAR * 0xf4c1dd40
    SWORD 1022
    SWORD * 0xf4c1e1ae
    ppid=1:pid=2908 719a:f4c1fb90 EXIT SQLErrorW with return code 100 (SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
    HENV 0x00000000
    HDBC 0x08d4f170
    HSTMT 0x00000000
    WCHAR * 0xf4c1e140 (NYI)
    SDWORD * 0xf4c1e1a8
    WCHAR * 0xf4c1dd40
    SWORD 1022
    SWORD * 0xf4c1e1ae
    ppid=1:pid=2908 719a:f4c1fb90 ENTER SQLFreeConnect
    HDBC 0x08d4f170
    ppid=1:pid=2908 719a:f4c1fb90 EXIT SQLFreeConnect with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
    HDBC 0x08d4f170
    Postgres odbc trace file :
    ppid=1:pid=2951 734f:f4a56b90 ENTER SQLAllocConnect
    HENV 0x0a0cf8c8
    HDBC * 0x0a12f278
    ppid=1:pid=2951 734f:f4a56b90 EXIT SQLAllocConnect with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
    HENV 0x0a0cf8c8
    HDBC * 0x0a12f278 ( 0x0a12f398)
    ppid=1:pid=2951 734f:f4a56b90 ENTER SQLSetConnectOption
    HDBC 0x0a12f398
    UWORD 110
    UDWORD 0
    ppid=1:pid=2951 734f:f4a56b90 EXIT SQLSetConnectOption with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
    HDBC 0x0a12f398
    UWORD 110
    UDWORD 0
    ppid=1:pid=2951 734f:f4a56b90 ENTER SQLSetConnectOption
    HDBC 0x0a12f398
    UWORD 108
    UDWORD 2
    ppid=1:pid=2951 734f:f4a56b90 EXIT SQLSetConnectOption with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
    HDBC 0x0a12f398
    UWORD 108
    UDWORD 2
    ppid=1:pid=2951 734f:f4a56b90 ENTER SQLDriverConnectW
    HDBC 0x0a12f398
    HWND 0x00000000
    WCHAR * 0xf31ad2c0 [      -3] "******"
    SWORD -3
    WCHAR * 0xf31ad2c0
    SWORD 6
    SWORD * 0xf4a4d9de
    I am new to OBIEE and would appreciate any help . I have verified that data source names used in administration matches ODBC DSN in odbc.ini.

    S Chatterji wrote:
    We are in the process of testing backup recovery for our database. We want to test point in time recovery using RMAN.
    Our production has (64 bit)
    Linux 2.6.18- #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 00:34:43 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    and our test area on VMware has (32 bit)
    Linux 2.6.18- #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 00:34:43 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
    Please advice a best practice to achieve this.
    S ChatterjiDuplicate posts do not increase your chances for an answer
    Database » Database - Upgrade, - Test recovery on 32 bit Linux where as Production is on 64 bit with Archive
    Database » Installation, - Test recovery on 32 bit Linux where as Production is on 64 bit with Archive

  • PlayReady failure with specific OS version of Windows 8.1 Update

    I'm observing a failure in my app during Smooth Streaming video playback using PlayReady DRM. The app is a WinJS Universal App solution for Windows Store and Windows Phone, using the latest updates for Visual Studio 2013, Update 4.
    So far, the failure is limited to one specific version of the Windows 8.1 Update. I have two identical devices, both retail versions of the phone, that demonstrate this issue. Note, these same phones that fail with PlayReady can successfully
    stream unprotected Smooth Streaming content.
    My other five Windows Phone devices, with different OS version numbers, do not demonstrate the failure with the identical app installed. Therefore, I suspect the OS version may be the cause.
    Failure description:
    When I attempt to stream PlayReady protected Smooth Streaming video, the player initializes the media player and the MediaProtectionManager, but then displays the error state (The video failed to play. Try again.) immediately, and the following message is
    displayed in Visual Studio:
    MEDIA12899: AUDIO/VIDEO: Unknown MIME type.
    --- Message: MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x887A0004)
    Summary of tested OS versions:
    Windows Phone 8.1 Update
    8.10.14141.167, untested
    8.10.14147.180, untested
    8.10.14157.200, untested
    8.10.14176.243, NOKIA Lumia 830, fails to stream, tested with two devices
    8.10.14192.280, untested
    8.10.14203.206, HTC HTC6995LVW, streams successfully
    8.10.14219.341, NOKIA Lumia 920, streams successfully
    8.10.14226.359, BLU WIN HD W510u, streams successfully
    Windows Phone 8.1
    8.10.12359.845, untested
    8.10.12382.878, untested
    8.10.12393.890, NOKIA Lumia 920, streams successfully
    8.10.12397.895, untested
    8.10.12400.899, NOKIA Lumia 530, streams successfully
    Note, one of OS versions I've tested fails to stream the PlayReady protected Smooth Streaming content, and five other OS versions I've tested successfully stream the same video content.
    Is this a known issue with a specific version(s) of Windows Phone 8.1?

    0x887A0004 equates to DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED. This error is usually generated when you are trying to use Direct3D features that are not supported. Different devices support different D3D features since they contain different video hardware. It is possible
    that a hardware feature that is required by the license is not supported in the hardware / driver of the device. I would recommend that you check the license and make sure that it does not contain any hardware specific requirements such as HDCP.
    In other words try playing content with the least restrictive license and see if it works for you.
    I hope this helps,
    Windows SDK Technologies - Microsoft Developer Services -

  • Multiple ZR2740w failures within one and half year

    i would like to ask you if it is "normal" for me to have this series of issues with my ZR2740w's (by normal i mean if this is typical problem for this model; i know it is not normal to have that many RMA) :
    1) first ZR2740w (let's call it A, bought in December 2011) died completely one month after purchase, panel got replaced via the onsite warranty by a new panel (let's call it B; RMA at end of January 2012).
    2) i bought a second ZR2740w (let's call it C) a half year later.
    3) C died one month ago after a year (end of April 2013), got replaced by probably a new or refurbished panel (call this one D) :
    4) D died today, same (or very similar) issue as C; i expect a replacement panel around Friday or next Monday :
    I wonder if it is something at my side, but i can't imagine what, everything else works fine. Socket voltage is withing tolerance (voltage here in Slovakia should be 230V, my socket has 236V which is within the +/-5% tolerance), the issue happens using any of connections (DVI/DP), from any source (tried 2 different computers with 3 different graphic cards - 2x Intel in various computers, 1xNVIDIA), using different power cables. C died when used on Eaton UPS, D died when connected directly to the socket.
    While i still have year and half left from the warranty of the older display and nearly 2 years of the newer one, i dislike this happening all the time, as it means i am usually one week without one of my displays, plus i can expect both displays dying within one year after the warranty expires, which is unacceptable for ~600€ display (that is around a half of my monthly salary).
    PS: And i don't even mentoin the "running pixels" issue of B on certain backgrounds (gray, blue and similar darker colors) - the pixels are moving from top to bottom, from half to about 3/4 of the display width; this one can be seen mostly when i am closer than 40cm from the display, further away it is nearly invisible (it's hard to catch it on camera, i hope you can see it at the first half of the video) :
    PS2: And i am not sure i will be even able to ask for refund once the replacement for D dies again, as it would be the 3rd failure within warranty, but technically the whole panel gets replaced, so not sure if that law applies in this case... Plus it was replaced by an authorized HP service, not by the seller.

    Just got a call from service centre, they will replace this display again, and if i get a 3rd failure within the warranty period they will refund me through the seller i bought the display from. Still can't understand why it happens, the only common thing between the failures of C and D is the power socket i get the power from (no issues with other devices connected to the same power line - LCD TV, AVR, two PC's, another ZR2740w, 23xi, Mac Mini), which i cannot change and not even the other ZR2740w has problems with.

  • Failure with EWS via WWSAPI (native code)

    Failure with EWS via WWSAPI (native code)
    I'm trying to make a request against Exchange(*) EWS
    using WWSAPI (native code).
    Exchange replies with the error:
     "Cannot process the message because the content type 
     'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8; 
      was not the expected type 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'."
    It seems the SOAP envelope is ill-formed.
    If I manually create the envelope (without WWSAPI) EWS gives no error.
    Is WWSAPI supported for EWS?
    I can provide all the code for testing.
    Thanks & regards
    On WebServices tracing I see the following events:
    Sending message - bin  (id: 1): 
    3C 73 3A 45 6E 76 65 6C 6F 70 65 20 78 6D 6C 6E 73
    3A 73 3D 22 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 77 77 77 2E 77 33
    2E 6F 72 67 2F 32 30 30 33 2F 30 35 2F 73 6F 61 70
    2D 65 6E 76 65 6C 6F 70 65 22 3E 3C 73 3A 48 65 61
    64 65 72 3E 3C 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 53 65 72 76 65
    72 56 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 20 56 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 3D
    22 45 78 63 68 61 6E 67 65 32 30 31 30 5F 53 50 31
    22 20 78 6D 6C 6E 73 3D 22 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 73
    63 68 65 6D 61 73 2E 6D 69 63 72 6F 73 6F 66 74 2E
    63 6F 6D 2F 65 78 63 68 61 6E 67 65 2F 73 65 72 76
    69 63 65 73 2F 32 30 30 36 2F 74 79 70 65 73 22 2F
    3E 3C 2F 73 3A 48 65 61 64 65 72 3E 3C 73 3A 42 6F
    64 79 3E 3C 52 65 73 6F 6C 76 65 4E 61 6D 65 73 20
    52 65 74 75 72 6E 46 75 6C 6C 43 6F 6E 74 61 63 74
    44 61 74 61 3D 22 74 72 75 65 22 20 43 6F 6E 74 61
    63 74 44 61 74 61 53 68 61 70 65 3D 22 49 64 4F 6E
    6C 79 22 20 78 6D 6C 6E 73 3D 22 68 74 74 70 3A 2F
    2F 73 63 68 65 6D 61 73 2E 6D 69 63 72 6F 73 6F 66
    74 2E 63 6F 6D 2F 65 78 63 68 61 6E 67 65 2F 73 65
    72 76 69 63 65 73 2F 32 30 30 36 2F 6D 65 73 73 61
    67 65 73 22 3E 3C 55 6E 72 65 73 6F 6C 76 65 64 45
    6E 74 72 79 3E 43 6C 65 62 65 72 3C 2F 55 6E 72 65
    73 6F 6C 76 65 64 45 6E 74 72 79 3E 3C 2F 52 65 73
    6F 6C 76 65 4E 61 6D 65 73 3E 3C 2F 73 3A 42 6F 64
    79 3E 3C 2F 73 3A 45 6E 76 65 6C 6F 70 65 3E 
    Sending message        (id: 1): 
    <s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
        <RequestServerVersion Version="Exchange2010_SP1" xmlns=""/>
        <ResolveNames ReturnFullContactData="true" ContactDataShape="IdOnly" xmlns="">
    Error occurred: 0x803D0000 - The input data was not in the expected format or did not have the expected value.
    Error occurred: 0x0 - The format of the HTTP request was not supported by the server.
    Error occurred: 0x0 - The server returned HTTP status code '415 (0x19F)' with text
    'Cannot process the message because the content type 'application/soap+xml;
    charset=utf-8; action=""'
    was not the expecte
    Error occurred: 0x0 - There was an error communicating with the endpoint at 'https://gpe-exc2k10/EWS/Exchange.asmx'.
    WsCall API failed by 0x803D0000
    (*) Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP3 with Update Rollup 7

    Thank you for the tip. I was using SOAP 1.2. After changing to SOAP 1.1 it worked fine.
    Thanks and regards,

  • Failure with mpeg2 dvd

    I'm rendering the same sequence of about an hour to different formats mostly hd 1080p h.264 and pal to mpeg2 dvd so encore wont work hard to convert.
    last days I cant get the mpeg 2 dvd to render, I keep getting errors/failure.if I render just mpeg2 it renders perferct.
    so until I could ditch the DVD for good I realy need the AME queue with mpeg2 dvd for my workflow.
    I hav'nt checked it but I'm sure it will export mpeg2 dvd directly from PP

    the settings are done in PP
    by the way if I switch to mercury engine softwere only it renderes but very
    very slow
    2014-05-19 22:52 GMT+03:00 SAFEHARBOR11 <[email protected]>:
        failure with mpeg2 dvd  created by SAFEHARBOR11<>in *Adobe
    Media Encoder (AME)* - View the full discussion<>

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