FAST file reading

i need to read large text files, but method i wrote appears to be very slow and cannot be used for larger files.
i have something like this:
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path));
String line = "";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while( line = br.readline()   != null )
br.close();I am sure there is faster way to read. Thank you for help.

Here's the old JTextAreaPrintStream for those extra long lines...
import javax.swing.*;
public class JTextAreaPrintStream extends PrintStream {
    public JTextAreaPrintStream(JTextArea textArea){
        super(new JTextAreaOutputStream(textArea));
    private static class JTextAreaOutputStream extends OutputStream {
        private JTextArea textArea;
        private JTextAreaOutputStream(JTextArea textArea) {
            this.textArea = textArea;
        public void write(int i){
            textArea.append(new String(new char[] {(char) i}));
        public void write(byte[] b){
            textArea.append(new String(b));
        public void write(byte[] b, int offset, int len){
            textArea.append(new String(b, offset, len));
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    static void doDemo() {
        JFrame f = new JFrame("JTextAreaPrintStreamDemo");
        JTextArea display = new JTextArea();
        JTextAreaPrintStream newOut = new JTextAreaPrintStream(display);
        f.add(new JScrollPane(display));
        f.setSize(300, 300);
        System.out.println("How's this?");
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; System.out.println(i++ + 1));

Similar Messages

  • Fast file reader

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    any help?

    This is a very fast method. I use since 4 year.
    public static void copy( in, out, int ibuffer) throws
              byte[] buffer = new byte[ibuffer];
              int byteleidos;                                                                 // Bytes que hemos leido
              while(( byteleidos =,0,buffer.length) ) != -1){

  • LabVIEW 2015 - Fast File Format and PlugIn Architecture

    In LabVIEW 2015 the new "fast file format" was introduced:
    "Improving Load Time for LabVIEW-Built Applications and Shared Libraries.
    You can build stand-alone applications (EXE) and DLLs that load faster by using the fast file format in LabVIEW. <...> When you enable the fast file format, LabVIEW does not use the Application Builder object cache"
    The question about PlugIn architecture, when lot of SubVIs called dynamically (for example, from external LLBs) from relative small core application. What I observed is - the size of the executable with this option was significantly reduced (roughly twice) and the core application itself starts faster, but PlugIns load time is the same regardless from this option (I understand why - when application fully loaded then Dynamic calls just "normal" LabVIEW code and therefore this option takes no effect). Unfortunately in code distribution build spec (as well as in packed libraries) this option is not available.
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    Thank you in advance,

    Andrey_Dmitriev wrote:
    In LabVIEW 2015 the new "fast file format" was introduced:
    Is it possible to get "fast" application also for PlugIn-based architecture and get LLBs or packed libraries in "fast file format"? Can someone explain, what means "LabVIEW does not use the Application Builder object cache" and how this "fast load" mechanism technically working?
    Thank you in advance,
    Hey Andrey!  It's good to see that you guys have been getting some good mileage out of this project.  I'll go through your questions in order ...
    1) These optimization are actually always enabled by default for packed project libraries. In fact, the load time benefits for packed libraries should generally be better than what you observe for .EXEs and .DLLs!
    2) The app builder cache is something that is enabled for EXEs and DLLs that works to cache the results of previous compiles when the source has not been updated.  It is somewhat analogous to the .obj object files generated by a C++ compiler.
    3) I won't get into too many nitty gritty details but the gist of it is... LabVIEWs various non optimized file formats are treated somewhat similarly to the way that we treat 'loose' VIs. In a DLL/EXE/LVLibp we know at build time what the contents and dependencies of a given built binary are going to be.  With this knowledge we can go ahead and construct something that is more similar to a statically linked PE or ELF file (clearly we're not using either of those) while the analogy is not 100% perfect it's the best I can do without going into a couple pages worth of description   In addition to these basic file format changes we did a large amount of work on implementing a new loader which is able to take advantage of the large amounts of precomputed file data that is now included in the format which enabled us to cut a lot of corners that were there previously.

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    so what do you think, which is faster: single-thread or multiple-thread? and if so, how many threads would be fine - 2, 3 or 4?
    thanks a lot

    kvasoo wrote:
    Herko_ter_Horst wrote:
    The I/O thread processing thread(s) approach will work when the processing takes more time than the I/O (i.e. when the medium can transfer information faster than a single thread can process it).it is very likely that processing will take more time then file reading - there will be 5-7 regex to match per line, sometimes object creation and filling object fith some data
    so it seems to be just like I wrote some posts before: while one thread is reading data from file, another could process already read data - I am just considering malcolmmc's idea of blocking queue - one thread to perform I/O operations and one thread to process data - these threads would be connected through blocking queue....hmm that sounds good to me.. thanks malcolmmc
    thank you guys for your help & suggestions and if you still have something to advise me, I will be thankfulSeparation of concerns, dude. Read the raw data in, in one thread, and split out the processing to multiple threads. I really advise you take the time to actually measure the performance of the multi-threaded processing vs the single-threaded one though. I mean, really do actually do that. Don't just assume - as so many people do - that throwing more threads at every problem will always speed it up, because it's so often not the case.

  • Fast Draw Read VI missing in EXE

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    Displays that it is opening main VI (shouldn't state this).
    Loading                                               585 loaded
    C:\Program Files(x86)\EXE\3D Plot\Fast Draw
    C\Program Files (x86)\EXE\instr.lib.
    It then opens a screen that says
    Looking in:
    But can’t find this file anywhere.
    Anyone know the issue and how to fix it?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi battler,
    I have found the file the executable is looking for here:
    I would expect this VI to be included automatically when you add your source files containing 3d graphs.  You may want to check your development computer and verify that the Fast Draw was not removed.  Hope this helps!
    Cole R.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • Issue in Synchronous File Read in clustered environment

    We are using clustered environment (4 managed servers) in Unix. In a OSB 11gR3 proxy service we are using Synchronous File Read. Randomly we are getting the below error. Let us know what could cause the issue. But the same code is working fine in a single stand-alone server configuration.
    Error Code : BEA-380002 , Error Reason : Invoke JCA outbound service failed with connection error, exception: servicebus:/WSDL/wsdlPathAndName [ SynchRead_ptt::SynchRead(Empty,body) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'SynchRead' failed due to: No Data to process.
    No Data to process.
    File /root/oracle/domains/osb/ to be processed was not found or not available or has no content ; nested exception is:
    No Data to process.
    No Data to process.
    File /root/oracle/domains/osb/ to be processed was not found or not available or has no content Please make sure that the file exists in the specified directory. servicebus:/WSDL/wsdlPathAndName [ SynchRead_ptt::SynchRead(Empty,body) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'SynchRead' failed due to: No Data to process.
    No Data to process.
    File /root/oracle/domains/osb/ to be processed was not found or not available or has no content ; nested exception is:
    No Data to process.
    No Data to process.
    File /root/oracle/domains/osb/ to be processed was not found or not available or has no content Please make sure that the file exists in the specified directory.
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1115.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at $Proxy142.sendMessageAsync(Unknown Source)
    at stages.transform.runtime.WsCalloutRuntimeStep$WsCalloutDispatcher.dispatch(
    at stages.transform.runtime.WsCalloutRuntimeStep.processMessage(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.fw.jca.messageinflow.MessageEndpointImpl.onMessage(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.Publisher.onMessageDelegate(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.Publisher.publishMessage(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.InboundTranslatorDelegate.xlate(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.InboundTranslatorDelegate.doXlate(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessorDelegate.doXlate(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessorDelegate.process(
    Caused by: servicebus:/WSDL/wsdlPathAndName [ SynchRead_ptt::SynchRead(Empty,body) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'SynchRead' failed due to: No Data to process.
    No Data to process.
    File /root/oracle/domains/osb/ to be processed was not found or not available or has no content ; nested exception is:
    No Data to process.
    No Data to process.
    File /root/oracle/domains/osb/ to be processed was not found or not available or has no content Please make sure that the file exists in the specified directory.
    ... 56 more
    Caused by: servicebus:/WSDL/wsdlPathAndName [ SynchRead_ptt::SynchRead(Empty,body) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'SynchRead' failed due to: No Data to process.
    No Data to process.
    File /root/oracle/domains/osb/ to be processed was not found or not available or has no content ; nested exception is:
    No Data to process.
    No Data to process.
    File /root/oracle/domains/osb/ to be processed was not found or not available or has no content Please make sure that the file exists in the specified directory.
    ... 57 more
    Caused by: BINDING.JCA-11007
    No Data to process.
    No Data to process.
    File /root/oracle/domains/osb/ to be processed was not found or not available or has no content Please make sure that the file exists in the specified directory.
    at oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileReader.readFile(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileReader.executeFileRead(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileInteraction.executeFileRead(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileInteraction.execute(
    ... 61 more
    Edited by: 842347 on Jul 6, 2011 3:11 AM

    I face the same issue and I have given all permissions to the folder for OS user.
    Because of this error my server is not starting up . Is there any way I can undeploy this composite to get my server running.
    I cant do this from EM because SOA server is failing to start up.
    I have tried removing it from $DOMAIN_HOME/deployed-composites but still when i try restarting the soa server the composite comes up there. Do we need to delete the entry some where else too. Kindly help.

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    Any ideas re: how to make Keynote files read-only?
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    Any ideas how to make Keynote files read-only?  I am happy to use another program, but I want the students to tap the screen in order to see the answer to a question.

    as long as $PATH is set, you shouldn't need to reconnect them (i think).  if you send the list of apps through | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | that'll strip the path
    /edit: added the "(i think)" part
    Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-06-02 21:33:06)

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    Also during installation screens an error window is displayed saying "cache File Read error -- Could not read ProductKey entry from the cache file "

    I also get the following message:
    "Could not read ProductKey entry from the cache file"
    I have no idea how to provide the installation software with the key. I also tried "keycheck.exe"
    Do you have a solution for this problem? Did you finish the installation?

  • File read/write in Oracle JVM

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    fwriter = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("debugLog.txt",true));
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.err.println("IO Exception for Output File" + ioe.getMessage());

    A couple of suggestions:
    1. (Please don't be offended...) I assume you have some stuff like:
    in your try block?
    2. Try catching FileNotFoundException and SecurityException also.
    3. Try providing a full path on the file just to make sure it's not buried somewhere odd.
    John H.

  • A serious issue with excel file read in ODI

    hi gurus,
    Issue with excel file read is that we can read only one file by setting the path from ODBC Data Source Administrator-->System DNS -->Select Work book
    what i want to read the dynamic path(Every time I cant go back and set the Work book to select the excel file..
    So i came up with a solution to write a Vbscript that convert the excel to csv my problem got solved for dynamic paths the script is as follow:
    Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
    For I = 0 to objArgs.Count - 1
    FullName = objArgs(I)
    FileName = Left(objArgs(I), InstrRev(objArgs(I), ".") )
    Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.application")
    set objExcelBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(FullName)
    objExcelBook.SaveAs FileName & "csv",23
    Set objExcel = Nothing
    set objExcelBook = Nothing
    Now this script convert the xls file to csv with comma seprated values
    e.g in excel sheet if data is ABC XYZ PQR
    csv will come with ABC,XYZ,PQR
    here the delimiter is , i want the delimiter as pipe | who's ascii code is 124
    but if i change 23 with 124 its not working i getting the error cannot save as...
    can anyone tell me that what should be the correct code for pipe
    so that the output is ABC|XYZ|PQR
    Edited by: 789141 on Sep 14, 2010 11:33 PM

    I dont have the answer for your question but i have different approach in handling multiple Excel File.
    Step 1. Copy a sample source Excel File and Call it Final.xls .
    Step 2. Map this Final.xls to DSN and in Topology call this Final.xls
    Step 3. Do the Reversing and Map and test the Interface . Once its done.
    Step 4. Create a Package and using a get the list of all the Excel File
    Step 5 . Using this create a Loop to Read the Excel File name
    Step 6 . Copy using OdiFileCopy to Final.xls and run your interface .
    Step 7. Increment the Loop and copy your next File for Final and run the interface
    Step 8 . Finally you will be able to read all the Excel File .
    Step 9 . Delete the source file [ Optional ]
    Hope this helps.

  • Synchronous File Read on Invoke Problem

    I am trying to invoke file adapter to read the file once(Synchronous File Read) as described in Bpeltechadapter guide.
    Read about Synchronous File Reading Capability here
    Also read this: Re: Help! Three questions about FileAdapater. .
    I get this process generation failed when i try to build it. The Empty_msg in inputvariable of invoke works but problem is with Charges_msg in output variable.
    I am sure its something to do with ns but not getting it to work.
    PL_FileInbound.WSDL code*********************
    <import namespace="" location="fileAdapterOutboundHeader.wsdl"/>
    <schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="">
    <import namespace="" schemaLocation="PipeDelimitedNIX_Charges.xsd" />
    <element name="empty"><complexType/></element>
    <message name="Chargesheet_msg">
    <part name="Chargesheet" element="impl:Chargesheet"/>
    <message name="Empty_msg">
    <part name="Empty" element="tns:empty"/>
    <portType name="SynchronousRead_ptt">
    <operation name="SynchronousRead">
    <input message="tns:Empty_msg"/>
    <output message="tns:Chargesheet_msg"/>
    <binding name="SynchronousRead_binding" type="tns:SynchronousRead_ptt">
    <jca:binding />
    <operation name="SynchronousRead">
    <jca:header message="hdr:OutboundHeader_msg" part="outboundHeader"/>
    <service name="PL_FileInbound">
    <port name="SynchronousRead_pt" binding="tns:SynchronousRead_binding">
    <jca:address location="eis/FileAdapter" />
    <plt:partnerLinkType name="Read_plt" >
    <plt:role name="Read_role" >
    <plt:portType name="tns:SynchronousRead_ptt" />
    BPEL Source ******************************************
    // Oracle JDeveloper BPEL Designer
    // Created: Sat Apr 29 16:52:43 CDT 2006
    // Author: dpatel
    // Purpose: Synchronous BPEL Process
    <process name="SynchronousFileRead"
    <!-- ================================================================= -->
    <!-- PARTNERLINKS -->
    <!-- List of services participating in this BPEL process -->
    <!-- ================================================================= -->
    The 'client' role represents the requester of this service. It is
    used for callback. The location and correlation information associated
    with the client role are automatically set using WS-Addressing.
    <partnerLink name="client" partnerLinkType="client:SynchronousFileRead"
    <partnerLink myRole="Read_role" name="PL_FileInbound"
    partnerRole="Read_role" partnerLinkType="ns1:Read_plt"/>
    <!-- ================================================================= -->
    <!-- VARIABLES -->
    <!-- List of messages and XML documents used within this BPEL process -->
    <!-- ================================================================= -->
    <!-- Reference to the message passed as input during initiation -->
    <variable name="inputVariable"
    Reference to the message that will be returned to the requester
    <variable name="outputVariable"
    <variable name="Invoke_1_SynchronousRead_InputVariable"
    <variable name="Invoke_1_SynchronousRead_OutputVariable"
    <!-- ================================================================= -->
    <!-- Set of activities coordinating the flow of messages across the -->
    <!-- services integrated within this business process -->
    <!-- ================================================================= -->
    <sequence name="main">
    <!-- Receive input from requestor.
    Note: This maps to operation defined in SynchronousFileRead.wsdl
    <receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="client"
    portType="client:SynchronousFileRead" operation="process"
    variable="inputVariable" createInstance="yes"/>
    <!-- Generate reply to synchronous request -->
    <invoke name="Invoke_1" partnerLink="PL_FileInbound"
    portType="ns1:SynchronousRead_ptt" operation="SynchronousRead"
    <reply name="replyOutput" partnerLink="client"
    portType="client:SynchronousFileRead" operation="process"
    I would really appreciate your help here.

    I face the same issue and I have given all permissions to the folder for OS user.
    Because of this error my server is not starting up . Is there any way I can undeploy this composite to get my server running.
    I cant do this from EM because SOA server is failing to start up.
    I have tried removing it from $DOMAIN_HOME/deployed-composites but still when i try restarting the soa server the composite comes up there. Do we need to delete the entry some where else too. Kindly help.

  • Problem With File Reading And Sorting

    I'm having problems with a particular task. Here is what I have to do:
    Write a program which reads 100 integers from a file. Store these integers
    in an array in the order in whcih they are read. Print them to the screen.
    Sort the integers in place using bubble sort. Print the sorted array to the
    screen. Now implement the sieve of Eratosthenes to place all prime numbers
    in an ArrayList. Print that list to the screen.
    Here is the code I have so far:
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Eratosthenes
        private ArrayList numbers;
        private String inputfile1 = "numbers.txt";
        public Eratosthenes()
            numbers = new ArrayList();
        public void readData()
            try {
                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputfile1));
                for(int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
                    String temp = reader.readLine();
            catch(Exception e)
    This is the file reading part I have done but it doesn't recognise the line numbers.add() . It brings up the error - 'Cannot resolve symbol - method add(). Thats the first problem I have, can anyone see any way to fix it and to achieve the task. Also can someone help with the structure of a bubble sort method and a sieve of Eratosthenes method as I have no clue whatsoever. Any help will be greatly appreciated.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Ok, I've done that but I'm having another problem. When I'm printing an output to the screen, it prints 100 lines of integers and not 1 line of 100 integers. Can you see the problem in the code that is doing this?
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Eratosthenes
        private ArrayList numbers;
        private String inputfile1 = "numbers.txt";
        public Eratosthenes()
            numbers = new ArrayList();
        public void readData()
            try {
                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputfile1));
                for(int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
                    String temp = reader.readLine();
            catch(Exception e)

  • Mail(1739) deny file-read-data /Library/Preferences/

    Since moving from HDD to SSD and Lion to ML I am getting loads of these errors in my System Log
    Mail(1739) deny file-read-data /Library/Preferences/
    I am not experiencing any end issues as a result but notice I am getting 6 every second which must be causing an issue
    The details are:
    Mail(1739) deny file-read-data /Library/Preferences/
    Process:         Mail [1739]
    Path:            /Applications/
    Load Address:    0x10f773000
    Version:         1485 (6.0)
    Build Info:      3-Mail~1485000000000000
    Code Type:       x86_64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [237]
    Date/Time:       2012-08-05 11:54:01.392 +0100
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.8 (12A269)
    Report Version:  8
    Thread 0:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00007fff8c9d5fee __open + 10
    1   CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8c12a588 __33-[CFPrefsPlistSource synchronize]_block_invoke_0 + 296
    2   CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8c125f07 withDaemonConnection + 87
    3   CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8c12a36c -[CFPrefsPlistSource synchronize] + 316
    4   CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8c1291a1 -[CFPrefsPlistSource synchronizeIfStale] + 113
    5   CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8c12927a -[CFPrefsPlistSource copyValueForKey:] + 42
    6   CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8c128213 -[CFPrefsSearchListSource copyValueForKey:] + 131
    7   CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8c124080 __CFPreferencesCopyAppValue_block_invoke_0 + 32
    8   CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8c1277e8 +[CFPrefsSearchListSource withSearchListForIdentifier:perform:] + 824
    9   CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8bffd67a CFPreferencesCopyAppValue + 186
    10  Foundation                        0x00007fff8ccb7db0 -[NSUserDefaults(NSUserDefaults) objectForKey:] + 22
    11  Foundation                        0x00007fff8ccb7c97 -[NSUserDefaults(NSUserDefaults) boolForKey:] + 23
    12  AddressBook                       0x00007fff92932d8b ABDLog + 290
    13  AddressBook                       0x00007fff92935eda -[ABSafeNotificationEntry reflectNotification:] + 63
    14  AddressBook                       0x00007fff92935cf1 -[ABSafeNotificationReflector reflectNotification:toEntryIfElligible:] + 72
    15  AddressBook                       0x00007fff92935c72 __50-[ABSafeNotificationReflector notificationFunnel:]_block_invoke_0 + 37
    16  CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8c0597d9 __NSSetEnumerate + 985
    17  AddressBook                       0x00007fff92935c26 -[NSSet(ABSetAdditions) _abEach:] + 91
    18  AddressBook                       0x00007fff92935ad3 -[ABCopyOnWriteSet useReadOnlySet:] + 44
    19  AddressBook                       0x00007fff92935a9e -[ABCopyOnWriteSet each:] + 91
    20  AddressBook                       0x00007fff92935a1e -[ABSafeNotificationReflector notificationFunnel:] + 181
    21  CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8bff5b8a _CFXNotificationPost + 2554
    22  Foundation                        0x00007fff8ccb7a76 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 64
    23  Mail                              0x000000010f7757d5
    24  CoreData                          0x00007fff88968e64 -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NSInternalAdditions) _didSaveChanges] + 2132
    25  CoreData                          0x00007fff88958589 -[NSManagedObjectContext save:] + 1241
    26  Message                           0x00007fff88d3e755 -[SeenMessagesManager saveChanges] + 46
    27  Message                           0x00007fff88d372f6 -[POPStore fetchSynchronously] + 2175
    28  Message                           0x00007fff88d2edd2 -[POPAccount fetchSynchronously] + 140
    29  CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8c036cac __invoking___ + 140
    30  CoreFoundation                    0x00007fff8c036b47 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 263
    31  CoreMessage                       0x00007fff8b271d5d -[MonitoredInvocation invoke] + 225
    32  CoreMessage                       0x00007fff8b28a2b2 -[ThrowingInvocationOperation main] + 33
    33  CoreMessage                       0x00007fff8b236602 -[_MFInvocationOperation main] + 431
    34  Foundation                        0x00007fff8ccfdbb6 -[__NSOperationInternal start] + 684
    35  Foundation                        0x00007fff8cd053d1 __block_global_6 + 129
    36  libdispatch.dylib                 0x00007fff8cc5ef3d _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
    37  libdispatch.dylib                 0x00007fff8cc5b0fa _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    38  libdispatch.dylib                 0x00007fff8cc5c23e _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 304
    39  libsystem_c.dylib                 0x00007fff8c361ceb _pthread_wqthread + 404
    40  libsystem_c.dylib                 0x00007fff8c34c1b1 start_wqthread + 13
    Binary Images:
           0x10f773000 -        0x10fb0fff7 (6.0 - 1485) <6C62E4AC-EBA9-3E31-B677-B26356423DE1> /Applications/
        0x7fff88914000 -     0x7fff88b32fff (106 - 407.5) <45EF39FE-7FD6-366E-BB5C-3E86E0B7DA3C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
        0x7fff88bc2000 -     0x7fff88e08ff7 (6.0 - 1485) <79FA27A2-D01A-3D35-AE3A-7F8F41034728> /System/Library/Frameworks/Message.framework/Versions/B/Message
        0x7fff8b20c000 -     0x7fff8b2c4ff7 (1.0 - 1485) <1210621B-BABB-3153-A8DF-DAC0FA671D05> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMessage.framework/Versions/A/CoreMessage
        0x7fff8bfb0000 -     0x7fff8c199fff (6.8 - 744) <47AEA7C7-EF9B-3FC6-AEBF-CE02FC650301> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
        0x7fff8c34b000 -     0x7fff8c417fef  libsystem_c.dylib (825.24) <16B6B86C-53EE-36E8-AC2B-4AADC1008098> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
        0x7fff8c9c4000 -     0x7fff8c9dfff7  libsystem_kernel.dylib (2050.7.9) <E0447BF5-E104-35B0-B28B-4156887D58F1> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
        0x7fff8cc59000 -     0x7fff8cc6eff7  libdispatch.dylib (228.18) <0B6B6E7F-4D8A-3F3B-A4BF-6CF34638DBBB> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
        0x7fff8cc6f000 -     0x7fff8cfcbff7 (6.8 - 945) <0C972F73-0C07-3384-98F2-B176E0289494> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
        0x7fff92926000 -     0x7fff92be1fff (7.0 - 1143) <EC55CF4B-4194-3163-B6E1-8C8D2712FBCF> /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/AddressBook
    Any wise wisdom?
    Thanks, Chris.

    The .plist files are almost always preferences. I believe "plist" is short for "property list". It contains a list of keys (configuration options) and settings for each key, similar in some respects to the way the Windows Registry works, except that there is a separate file for each set of settings, instead of a single registry file as in Windows. In this case it's a shared settings file for Mail, but I couldn't tell you anything more about the contents.
    You were smart to back it up. Usually .plist files can be deleted without signicant loss, because they will be recreated automatically with default settings. But sometimes they contain important settings that may be hard to set up again, especially if you had help setting up your computer in the first place, or have lost important details that you'd need for setting up an app, such as Mail. But sometimes the settings are trivial, for example the position and size of windows, etc., and do not contain settings you'd care about, which may be in another .plist file or in some other kind of file/database.

  • PS CS3, Camera Raw 4.6 Update and Nikon D810 NEF File Reading Issue

      Currently Have Photoshop CS3 & Adobe Bridge CS3
    According to Adobe, Camera Raw 4.6 supports Nikon D810 NEF files.  I have downloaded Camera Raw 4.6 Update. When
    I try to open Nikon D810 NEF files, I get Photoshop CS3  error that says
    "cannot complete request your because it is not the right kind of
    document. These NEF files wont open in Adobe Bridge at all.  What am I doing wrong?

    Before I purchased, let me get your thoughts on another option that just occurred to me which involves:
    1)Editing my D810 NEF files in LR 5.6, which I have, then exporting/saving the edited files as JPEGs.
    2) Doing any additional editing, as necessary (i.e. that might require layering or selections..etc) , with the JPEGs  with Bridge or PS CS3. 
    This method wont involve any additional software purchase now.. right?    Am I missing anything.   here?    Since my final output to my customers are JPEGs any way, wont this work?   Will I be at any disadvantage.   Am I missing anything.   here? 
    From: ssprengel <[email protected]>
    To: charles cash <[email protected]>
    Sent: Monday, October 6, 2014 9:49 AM
    Subject:  PS CS3, Camera Raw 4.6 Update and Nikon D810 NEF File Reading Issue
    PS CS3, Camera Raw 4.6 Update and Nikon D810 NEF File Reading Issue  created by ssprengel in Adobe Camera Raw - View the full discussion  
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  • How to make files read only

    I want to make files read only.  Any workaround is welcomed.

    t quinn wrote:
    I am glad to give some help but I am still confused because we are having different experiences. I have been able to lock Tables on my mac and have that lock respected in iOS for a long while now. Easy to unlock, impossible to relock.  With the most recent upgrade I can lock tables after tapping the upper left dot to select the whole table and going to "arrange" in the paintbrush.
    When you say worksheet are you meaning the entire file? When you say file lock are you meaning password protection? You can see I am confused.
    Based on what ElMagoElGato has described, password protecting would be of no value to him. Once the file is accessed, it is in edit mode. Unless I'm really missing something.
    Files I have imported from Mac iworks apps with elements locked stay locked for me in iOS. Not sure what the problem is.

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