Fast Draw Read VI missing in EXE

EXE contains 3D graphs.
Install EXE then click on desktop icon.
Displays that it is opening main VI (shouldn't state this).
Loading                                               585 loaded
C:\Program Files(x86)\EXE\3D Plot\Fast Draw
C\Program Files (x86)\EXE\instr.lib.
It then opens a screen that says
Looking in:
But can’t find this file anywhere.
Anyone know the issue and how to fix it?
Go to Solution.

Hi battler,
I have found the file the executable is looking for here:
I would expect this VI to be included automatically when you add your source files containing 3d graphs.  You may want to check your development computer and verify that the Fast Draw was not removed.  Hope this helps!
Cole R.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer

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    974009 wrote:
    Hello all,
    I have been working on a Sun Netra T1 105 for the past two weeks That system is too old for Solaris 11 and Solaris 10. That generation UltraSPARC module isn't going to be recognized by those newer OS's.
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    Edited by: 974009 on 29-Nov-2012 07:34When you get the chance, glance at this link to a copy of the Netra T105's resource page as it appeared in the old Sun System Handbook (SSH). The link is to a non-Oracle site that mirrors the old now-discontinued free version of that SSH.
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    I think it is something to do with your boot-device bring it down to 'ok'
    Run printenv to see the boot devices.
    ok printenv boot-device
    boot-device = disk disk2 net
    Run the devalias command to see the path for the boot-device:
    ok devalias disk
    disk /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@0,0
    Review the path to ensure that it is the correct path to the boot device.
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    Concurrency control:
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    You using the fast lane reader you are by passing entity bean and accessing the data from table A directly.
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    ThomasDullien wrote:
    But the users is used to a lot of pain :-P...well, when it comes to inflicting pain on the users you can never do enough, which makes this even more interesting :-)
    Thinking about it again, I think it's not a good idea to draw the entire thing as a BufferedImage and them copy components...
    Memory consumption alone will be at least 0.5bn * a few million, e.g. more RAM than we have. This is correct, it will consume a huge amount of ram. You should, however, keep in mind that swing will internally double-buffer everything in order to provide smooth scrolling. You might need to turn it off for your JPanel using JPanel#setDoubleBuffered(false).
    I guess what I need is:
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    the sub-area.
    Then, to draw, naive, without any optimiztions:
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    calculate if the rectangle overlaps with the visible sub-area
    if no, next
    if yes, calculate the rectangle's pixel size, draw it
    Does that make sense so far ? Or was this what you meant when you said "mind the clip" ?Pretty much. As the previous poster pointed out, you can always ask a Graphics object for its clip bounds. It is a common mistake to assume that Graphics will do the clipping for you - well, it will, but at a much higher cost compared to you doing it manually. Still, considering the amount of rectangles, you might want to optimize your clipping routine rather than just iterating over millions of rectangles with each repaint. I'd suggest you use a technique usually used for collision detection (this is a grossly oversimplified view):
    Create an array of your rectangles and sort it by their x values. A rectangle will not be visible if its x value is larger than clip.x+clip.width, or if rectangle.x+rectangle.width is smaller than clip.x. Now, you can detect the last rectangle you need to consider using a binary search for clip.x+clip.width. All rectangles 'right' of this one in the array don't even have to be checked in the first place. Assuming that your rectangles are of equal width, you'll simply need to go 'left' while the rectangle you're looking at still fulfills the condition (rectangle.x+rectangle.width < clip.x). This will ideally give you a very small subset of rectangles to examine (you'll still have to check the y values, but you can apply the same approach here as well). Theoretically, this ought to be a lot faster than naive iteration.
    ThomasGood luck :-)

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    #1  applesyncnotifer.exe- entry point not found.
    #2  the procedure entry point sqlite3-wal-checkpoint could not be located in the dynamic link library. sqlite3.d11.
    #3  service 'apple mobile device' (apple mobile device)
          failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.

    With Windows Explorer, navigate to your C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support folder.
    Copy the SQLite3.dll that you should find there, navigate to the nearby Mobile Device Support folder, and Paste it in there also.
    Restart the programme all should be well
    In case that your OS is (64 bit)
    1. Open windows explorer, go to location C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support
    2. Copy file "SQLite3.dll"
    3. Now paste it in the folder  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support
    4. Restart the programme, it should not display that message, it should be clear.
    Good Luck

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    Any ideas on what we could try?  Or why this is happening?

    I don't think Standard has this option. Acrobat Pro does.
    This page confirms it:

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    Adobe Utilities-CS5/ExtenScript Toolkit CS5
    In the relevant section in
    Result: BridgeTalk Diagnostics
    Group = cs
    Path = D:\programs\Adobe\Creative5\Adobe Flash CS5\Flash.exe
    Display Name = Adobe Flash Pro CS5
    MsgAuthentication = ON
    MsgDigest = ON
    ESTK = OFF
    Status = (not running)
    ExeName = Flash.exe
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    my istallation put it at one extra level i.e. in
    D:\programs\Adobe\Creative5\Adobe Device Central CS5\Adobe Flash CS5\Flash.exe
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    Then I added the folder Adobe Flash CS5 in Creative 5.
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    was required so, instead of just adding this File I coppied the Configuration folder to the Adobe GFlash C5.
    The the Flash program is now present in Extension Manager, and I am now able to add extensions.
    Why the installation put the Flash.ex in a dfferent folder from the other programs in the suite I don't know, buT i didn't want to mess with the folder structure.

    I don't know why your flash was installed in "Adobe Device Central CS5". It is supposed to be installed in the same level as "Adobe Device Central CS5", in your case, "D:\programs\Adobe\Creative5". Was Flash installed by another person? Or the target directory was set to this wrong folder? Anyway, you can think "Adobe Device Central CS5" as another component or product in CS5 family, just like "Adobe Flash CS5".

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    We are required to use IE 8, within IE we have an intranet which references PDF files.
    If I open the PDF file from the network \\fqdn\share\xyz.pdf it works and is very fast (in PDF Viewer)
    If I open the same pdf, from the same path inside of IE 8, it opens but then freezes for 6-25 sec.
    I cant change browsers, I cant change versions or readers.
    Any idea how to resolve?
    My first thought was to have it open in the reader vs the browser, but the checkmark to disable opening in browser does not exist.  Disabling the plugin also did not work.
    Server 2003 R2
    IE 8
    Reader 11

    Fixed my own issue.
    Do the following steps to disable Adobe Reader browser plug-in in IE8:
    1. Launch IE8
    2. Click on Tools menu > Manage Add-ons
    3. Select the "Toolbars and Extensions" under "Add-on Types"
    4. Select the "Run without permission" from the drop-down menu under "Show"
    5. Select the "Adobe PDF Reader"
    6. Click on the "Disable" button
    7. Click on "Close" button to dismiss the "View and Manage your Internet Explorer add-ons"
    Fixed my issue.

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    Recently i had rebooted my computer, and i could only use iTunes 7.4.3 for a long time. However, recently i tried to upgrade and when i did, my shortcuts had no targets and you couldn't change the target either. I looked into it and i realized that in any type of iTunes installation, the shortcuts would not work, and in the iTunes folder, the iTunes.exe is either not there or i believe it's corrupt. Whenever i try to open iTunes, the shortcut flashes, disappears, then nothing happens. When i check my processes, iTunes.exe is running but iTunes does not open. I've looked on all of the Apple support articles and have tried all of them, but i've had no luck. I've tried everything from iTunes 3 to 6 and all of the iTunes 7 upgrades. I need some original help. Anyone have any clue where i should start?

    Sorry about the delay.
    Thinking that since one of the security dlls on the PC was (is still?) disabled, and you're getting a reasonably uncommon error message number on the QuickTime install, we'd better try getting the malware possibilities off the table.
    Download fresh definitions and run vigorous virus and spyware scans. Back that up with one of the reputable online virus scans (they can sometimes pick up an infection on a PC even if the security sftware on the PC has been disabled).
    Here's a link through to the Symantec online virus scan. (Apologies in advance, it takes an eternity to run ... Just did one on my mother-in-law's PC last week, so it's fresh in my memory.)
    Symantec Security Check
    If the Symantec scan finds anything, what does it call the beasts? (Exact spelling, please ... that helps with searching the Symantec database for information about the malware.)

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