Faster than setCharacterAttributes(aset, false);

I'm currently working on a XML Schema tool, I have implemented a syntax highlighter.
However for large doucments it is very inefficient.
I'm using a JTextPane using the method:
setCharacterAttributes(aset, false);
to change the colour of words. I have heard that a more efficient text displayer is the jEditorPane but I can't get it to change the colour of individual words.
Can anyone help?

dannyyates wrote:
Setting aside the Java and heap/non-heap issue, surely memory mapping a file will use logical address space (hence you couldn't map more than approximately 2Gb on Windows, or 3Gb on Linux), but not actually consume physical memory. What would it use physical memory for? That's the whole point of memory mapping the file, after all. Otherwise, you'd just load it into memory!I believe the point of memory mapping a file is that you can read/write it presumably without another buffer copy (well, that and shared memory, but ignoring that for now). if you loaded it directly into heap memory, you'd have to copy it back out whenever it was modified. for the purposes of read-only, there's not much difference between mem-mapping it and just reading it into a heap buffer, it's just a difference as to which memory limit you'll hit first. i'm not sure what your argument is pertaining to physical memory, i was only ever referring to logical memory. when i said "native", i meant process memory outside of the java "heap".
to reiterate, ignoring heap/non-heap issues, if you memory-map a file, it will be consuming some amount of logical memory on the box, the size of the memory mapped. if you instead read the file using a bufferedinputstream, you will only ever be using 8k (or whatever the buffer size is) of memory, period. thus, if they perform comparably (which i would expect they would in a situation where you are just reading straight through the file), then using the bufferedinputstream will definitely be an overall win.

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    That statement about 4k/5k in Premiere CC with the nMP is false, insofar as performance goes.
    I just tested 5K Red raw files just dragged into Premiere Pro CC (latest version). I expected this to be slow, given my HD experience. However, on my 8 core/D700, I can play 1/2 just fine, full speed. And I even can also do that with a very streneous plugin/filter attached - FilmConvert (in OpenCL mode), also at 1/2 which is quite impressive. I can even add a bunch of other Premiere filters and SG looks and it still stays at full speed at 1/2.
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    I was also curious about Javascript in Director, so I ran a
    JS version of the same script:
    function test() {
    startTime = _system.milliseconds
    for(potentialPrime=1;potentialPrime<=1000;potentialPrime++) {
    isPrime = true;
    for(i=2;i<potentialPrime;i++) {
    n = parseInt(potentialPrime/i);
    if (n*i == potentialPrime) {
    isPrime = false;
    trace("Total Time: "+(_system.milliseconds - startTime))
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    Thanks Erik,
    If nothing else, this huge list of updates and fixes, shows clearly that the Logic Dev team is working hard on fixing and improving LPX to a major degree.... and from the list of fixes done.. show they do read the bug reports submitted!
    As an aside....
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    Can i add a normal usb driver?
    Yes, but be sure that the drive is formatted correctly for Mac in Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    I will see it as an external drive in the time capsule network?
    The drive will appear as a shared network drive, like the Time Capsule.
    It will work as fast than time capsule?
    No, the drive will operate at about half or 50% of the speed of the Time Capsule.

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    Well, I have heard this lament before with the G5s, and all I can say is that I guess Apple is slowly starting to drop support for the PowerPC generation (it was inevitable). I assume you've upgraded to 3.0.1?
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    I doubt the .5 of RAM can make that much difference, is the WD Raptor the difference and am I just spoiled by it?
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    So you have a Raptor as boot in your home based Dual Processor and it seems faster than the faster Dual Core you have at work.
    That's understandable, especially since the Dual Core most likely has a 7,200 RPM 250 GB slow drive (and more filled being at work, using more fonts?), plus the Dual Core shares a fronside bus, unlike the Dual Processor which has one for each. Photoshop pre-CS2 swaps memory to disk, so a faster boot drive will help. (Tiger overrides CS2's RAM limit, so more RAM will give better performance)
    At home you have the Raptor as boot and most of your user files on the second drive I'm assuming, allowing you to access two drives at once using two busses.
    Of course CPU intensive tasks the Dual Core 2.3 should beat the Dual 2, but since Mac OS X is heavy boot drive speed dependant (caches, swaps etc) the "User Interface feel" should be more responsive on your Dual 2, giving you the impression it's faster.
    Big fat filled slow boot drives really cripple Mac OS X performance (NAND RAM coming?)
    I've written a better explaination here
    click for text doc

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    Hi Mac Attack,
    My computer will not disconnect from the internet.  It seems to find a clone router and continues even when I shut down and unplug my my own home iy
    Your main question was 'chopped' in the title. Please reply in the body of a reply box with the full question and anything you have tried. And no, the long report was not helpful .
    If the same website is opening each time you launch a browser (Safari?) hold down the shift key as you launch to prevent previous pages from opening.
    Have a look at your settings in Safari > Preferences. Especially General and Privacy.
    Reset Safari to remove cookies and other stored data.
    System Preferences > General
    Have a look at your settings in System Preferences >  Security & Privacy.
    Call back with more questions.

  • Will my duel 800 G4 work with Leopard? Its fast than the 867 G4?

    My duel 800 G4 was the top of the line when I purchased it, much faster than the 867 G4, which seems to be the limit on the new Leopard operating system. Will I still be able to upgrade? I have seen on other Apple forums many people asking the same question? I would appreciate any help.

    Well, the minimum system requirements that Apple tells us really aren't always totally truthful. For example, they say OS 10.4 needs a minimum 256 MB Ram, and a DVD drive. That isn't true. I have tested this on a few different machines and found that the true minimum requirements are 192 MB for installation, 128 MB for running. On an ibook G3 500 mhz with 128 MB RAM, 10.4 ran surprisingly well. It was a little laggy of course, but it was stable and reliable. Also, you do not need a DVD drive, as you can use target disk mode to install the system from another computer (yes, the other computer needs a dvd drive...but I am speaking in specifics). What they say in their requirements is for the general public, but most of the time they aren't entirely dogmatic on those requirements.
    If it were my guess, I would say 10.5 will probably run on your system. If they entirely cutoff installation based on clockspeed, I'm guessing some mac-hacker will figure it out.
    Also, as far as your computer being top of the line "when you bought it"-that's the issue. Basically everyone's mac was top of line or near top of the line at it's release. But we all know the computer industry is not a slow moving market. Your computer can be outdated in a few months or a year. I helped a guy buy his first mac a few months ago (imac). 2 days later Apple released the new imac. That's the nature of computers. And you really can't expect Apple to keep supporting machines approaching 7 years old (my ol' Gigabit). They want to be at the head of the market, and pushing the old out is some times the only way to do it.
    You always have the option to upgrade your system. Go and look at some cpu upgrade cards. They aren't all that expensive. For $400 I turned my dual 450 to a dual 1.4 Ghz (and don't forget the level 3 cache). Third party upgrades are what keep us old timers goin.

  • Are the brushes in Photoshop CC faster than CS6 - still need to use CS5 for large files

    Are the brushes in Photoshop CC any faster than Photoshop CS6.
    Here's my standard large file, which makes the CS6 brushes crawl:
    iPad 3 size - 2048 x 1536
    About 20-100 layers
    A combination of vector and bitmap layers
    Many of the layers use layer styles
    On a file like this there is a hesitation to every brush stroke in CS6. Even a basic round brush has the same hesitation, it doesn't have to be a brush as elaborate as a mixer brush.
    This hesitation happens on both the mac and pc, on systems with 16 gb of ram. Many of my coworkers have the same issue.
    So, for a complicated file, such as a map with many parts, I ask my coworkers to please work in CS5. If they work in CS6 I ask them to not use any CS6 only features, such as group layer styles. The only reason why one of them might want to use CS6 is because they're working on only a small portion of the map, such as a building. The rest of the layers are flattened in their file.
    Just wondering if there has ever been a resolution to this problem...or this is just the way it is.
    Thanks for your help!

    Note that this is boilerplate text.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CS6", but something like CS6v.13.0.6) and of Bridge,
    your settings in Photoshop > Preference > Performance
    the type of file you were working on,
    machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, total available HD space, video card specs, including total VRAM installed,
    what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far,
    what error message(s) you receive,
    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
    if you're having printing issues, indicate the exact make and model of your printer, paper size, image dimensions in pixels (so many pixels wide by so many pixels high). if going through a RIP, specify that too.
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster, who is not a Windows user).
    a screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • Video in my flash presentation playing faster than the animation

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    the prob i m having is that on a core2quad, animation is faster than videos,and on p4 video is slower than animation.
    the best played presentation is on core2duo.
    how can we solve this prob?

    Try calling Apple - (1-800-MY-APPLE)
    and/or you can try the online service assistant-
    Message was edited by: belovedjs

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    Yes you want a camera that records to disc, HDD or SD card but not to tape. However they aren't always necessarily faster than real time, and your imac will play a great part in whether that's possible or not

Maybe you are looking for

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