Favicon.ico outside .mac hosting

I am currently using Iweb08 as my web design and had download Iweb Expander for creating my favicon.ico
Questions: Will my favicon.ico works if I publish my site out from .Mac (using the above apps)
Thank you

iWebExpander works... It does it's job...
The only problem, at least for the moment is that iWebExpander is “Crashing” my Finder... But that’s a minor problem...
About the crashing:
You maybe will get a popup "AppleScript Error" bla bla bla. It's only a popup doesn't mean anything. When the popup appears the process of adding the Favicon is finished.
You maybe will have the spinning circle when in Finder. When the popup appears go to your dock select the finder icon click(and hold click) it and do "Relaunch finder".
You don't have to restart or something. You don't have loss of data. It will not shut down unexpectedly. And so on...
+Nevertheless the job gets done...+
*I was told by Max that there will be an update soon*

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    I get that there's no direct support for favicon's -
    So what I've done is added the favicon.ico file to my
    domain in the root and site directories on my iDisk–
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    So what I've done is added the favicon.ico file to my
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    Create a favicon and add it to the root of the webserver.
    Then every webpage should have this code in the HEAD of the page. Something like:
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/wyodor/apple-touch-icon.png" />
    It cannot be entered in iWeb. You need a HTML Editor.
    Also, is there anyway to add 'title' tags to a page?
    The title of a webpage is based on the large textbox at the top of each iWeb page. It's already there. You do not need to add it.
    Also, Also - where the heck is the local copy of the
    site on my drive?
    ~/Library/Application Support/iWeb/domain.sites2
    Where ~ means your homedirectory

  • Safari stops loading many pages: ../favicon.ico not found

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    Could there be a connection??
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    I would appreciate your help.
    TOM from Innsbruck
    Dual 2.3 GHz Power PC G5 2GB DDR SDRAM   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Airport Express to router to ADSL modem

    Hello Starman!
    Good news: Thank-you for the quick reply
    Bad news: it didn't help.
    I have tried most of the recommended tricks - trashing:
    com.apple.Safari.plist and
    I have reinstalled Safari through the MacOSXUpdCombo10.4.8PPC.
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    Any other suggestion?
    TOM from Innsbruck
    From the activity window (I added the unusual comments in the second column since they don't copy):
    :: 28 of 29 items
    :: not found
    :: 0 bytes of ?
    Dual 2.3 GHz Power PC G5 2GB DDR SDRAM   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Airport Express to router to ADSL modem
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Where do we put the favicon.ico?

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    Thank you

    If you're hosting your site with MobileMe and have a domain name which you're forwarding with CNAME forwarding you just put the ico file in your iDIsk/Web/Sites folder. 
    If you're hosting to a 3rd party server you put the file in the same folder/directory that you upload your site to.
    If you're hosting your site to MobileMe without a domain name put the favicon.ico file in the iDisk/Web/Sites folder and add the following code to an HTML snippet on each page:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var head = parent.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
    var favicon = parent.document.createElement("link");
    favicon.rel = ("shortcut icon");
    favicon.href = ("http://web.me.com/your_MobileMe_Account_name/favicon.ico");
    Thanks to  Koeklin from this topic:
    It's a one time addition to each page of your site and no post publication editing of the site's pages are necessary.

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    Thank you Jon. As I mentioned to Nancy, the Favicon finally showed up this morning. But also thank you for another time saving piece of advice that saved me a lot of time and effort and is not mentioned anywhere. You are so right, "There's really no reason to add the code in the <head> if the favicon.ico is in your site root. Simply placing it there will do the trick in all browsers." I only put the code on my index page because I wasn't sure it would ever show up, and lo and behold, when it finally did this morning, it did on all pages and they had no code.
    It is unfortunate that on all the websites (and I read what felt like all of them) dealing with Favicons, no one mentions these points. It's simple
    create the 16px by 16px favicon.ico
    Place it in the site root
    Empty your cache and bookmark the page
    Wait -- it will show up, possibly the next day.

  • Setting up Favicon.ico file

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    Try putting the icon image up one level.
    I can access it directly as follows
    but the browser does not pick it up. It needs to be in the
    root level for the site (unless the html tells it other wise).
    i.e. http://www.servalonline.com/favicon.ico at the same level
    as the Serval_Online folder.

  • Favicon.ico for Remote Manager ?

    any idea where to place the favicon for The NRM (Remote manager ?)
    No clue where the document root for nrm is ...
    I don't like these tons of error messages:
    Jul 27 14:36:57 XXXX httpstkd[3526]: DATE=20090727123657 GMT HOST=XXXXX PROG=HTTPSTK LVL=Usage SRC.IP="XX.XX.XXX.XXX" SRC.PORT=XXXX PROT="HTTP" MSG="error code 302" STAT="GET" CMD="/favicon.ico" DUR=0
    Thanks and Regards

    On 27/07/2009 13:46, eschaefer wrote:
    > any idea where to place the favicon for The NRM (Remote manager ?)
    > No clue where the document root for nrm is ...
    > I don't like these tons of error messages:
    > Jul 27 14:36:57 XXXX httpstkd[3526]: DATE=20090727123657 GMT HOST=XXXXX
    > MSG="error code 302" STAT="GET" CMD="/favicon.ico" DUR=0
    I assume that currently the favicon being displayed is a green sphere in
    a circle ... ?
    If so you do not actually want to replace it because it's indicating the
    status of the server - if you try and display
    https://<server>:8009/favicon.ico you are redirected to
    https://<server>:8009/sys/login/status_<condition>.gif where <condition>
    should be normal but could be critical, warning, etc. These
    status_<condition>.gif files correspond to those in /opt/novell/nrm (and
    no you can't add a favicon.ico to that directory for it to be used
    instead!). It's not Apache handling NRM so you can't configure it in
    the same way.
    Novell Knowledge Partner (NKP)
    Do you work with Novell technologies at a university, college or school?
    If so, your campus could benefit from joining the Novell Technology
    Transfer Partners (TTP) group. See www.novell.com/ttp for more details.

  • How do I get my favicon.ico to show in my site with firefox browser?

    I uploaded my favicon.ico to the root directory, it shows in Chrome, but not in firefox. I've cleared the cache, still not appearing, yet when I type mydomain.com/favicon.ico it appears in firefox.

    The problem is usually that the file size is too large or there are multiple images (layers) in the file or it is an unsupported format.<br />
    I can't tell more about without inspecting the favicon.

  • What is this? /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1

    I have deployed my JSC project in Sun Application Server, and I see the following server log time to time(many times a day)
    /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 973
    What is it?
    Thank you very much.

    It is a request for an icon image that IE uses to bookmarks and Firefox displays next to the page address in the toolbar. It is returning a 404 (not found) because you do not have one on your site.

  • FAVICON.ico in BSP with link  rel   =  "shortcut icon"....

    I built into my BSP a favicon.
      <link  rel   =  "shortcut icon"
             href  =  "favicon.ico"
             type  =  "image/ico">
    Sometimes it is indicated
    and sometimes not
    Do you know why?
    That is my Coding:
    <%@page            language          =        "ABAP"%>
    <%@extension       name              =        "HTMLB"
                       prefix            =        "HTMLB"%>
    <HTMLB:content     design            =        "DESIGN2003"
                       forceEncode       =        "ENABLED"
                       controlRendering  =        "SAP">
    <link              rel               =        "shortcut icon"
                       href              =        "favicon.ico"
                       type              =        "image/ico">
    <HTMLB:button      id          =   "BU_ANM"
                       onClick     =   "ONINPUTPROCESSING"
                       text        =   "only a Test for favicon"/>

    Hello Eddy,
    thank you for your reply.
    The Icon is in the same place as the web page.
    Now I use this:
    <link  rel                 =        "shortcut icon"
           href                = 
           type                =        "image/x-icon">
    But the same problem.
    When I call the Page from SE80 with F8 it is O.K.
    But when I call the "ALIAS-BSP-Name" from the Browser - no Icon comes.
    Sorry for my english - I hope you understand me...?
    RoBu di AQu

  • Help with favicon.ico!

    I'm using SSL with tomcat and I'm having problems with firefox. When I log into the site using j_security_check I get forwarded to favicon.ico. IE doesn't have this problem, only firefox. I've done a little reading and I've seen people fix it under apache, but I can't find out how to make the change with tomcat.

    And, so, Merlin, what, in your infinite wisdom, led you to post this question in a Java forum?
    Baron Samedi

  • Favicon.ico image does not display consistently for our application,

    We have configured a favicon.ico for our application as below code snippet and referring to the favicon.ico image correctly. The icon file is available in our war file post deployment. The problem is some times it displays correctly and sometimes it does not display correctly.
    <af:outputText value="&lt;link rel='SHORTCUT ICON' href='#{facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}/images/favicon.ico'/>" id="favicon" escape="false"/>
    Can anyone point to any issue related to browser caching or application server caching and any possible fix to this intermittent behavior.

    Browser caching might be a problem, but we can't help as it is a browser issue. All I can say is to clear the browser cache and see if the problem can be reproduced. If yes it doesn't look like a browser problem. Then you have to check if you are connection via proxy which might cache images too. Ask your network admin for help then.
    Do you see this problem only with one browser? Have you check other browsers?

  • .mac host more than one domain at a time????

    can . mac host more than one of my domains at a time?????

    can . mac host more than one of my domains at a time?????
    .Mac doesn't host domain names. If you are talking about web sites, you can have as many sites as will fit in your storage space. You can also use url forwarding to point to as many sites as you want.
    The right place to ask questions about .Mac and domains is probably:

  • .Mac hosting performance -- suggestions/insight?

    I'm very interested in using iWeb 08's new Domain feature, but would like some advice.
    My situation: I currently save my site "to folder" and FTP to Dreamhost. Since my site is large, the uploading process takes an awfully long time, and can be prone to upload errors. It's not an ideal setup, but I crave the user-friendly domain.
    iWeb 08's new feature will help me with this. But is the switch-over from Dreamhost to .Mac hosting worth it, monetarily-speaking? How's .Mac's hosting performance/reliability? Will bandwidth be an issue?
    If you've made the switch from 3rd party hosting to .Mac since 08's debut -- or have solid first-hand experience re: .Mac hosting -- I'd love to hear from you. Thanks in advance!

    You're right -- I should have said hosting the content/files for the site. The domain is registered, and currently hosted by Dreamhost.
    From what I understand, using iWeb 08's "publish to domain" feature, a user's .Mac account hosts the files (just like publishing to .Mac).
    I'm mostly concerned about .Mac performance (load times, stability, etc.) and bandwidth. Want to make sure I'm not sacrificing the end user's experience for my convenience.

  • How do i change favicon.ico in adobe muse?

    how do i change favicon.ico in adobe muse?

    In Muse, you can set a favicon in site properties, on the page properties for a master page, and also in the page properties for a regular page.
    Most people set the favicon for the site, and don't set it on the master or individual pages. Make sure you don't have one set on your home page or master page, and the one in your site properties is the one you want.

Maybe you are looking for