Fax is only option--Can't get my HP2840 to show up as a printer

Hello, I'm sorry if this issue's already been addressed; I couldn't find it here in the forum. If it has, please direct me to that thread. I'd appreciate any help on this.
I've moved from and iBook to a MacBook Pro with Leopard and now can't print on my HP2840. When I try to print, the only option that shows up for me in what looks like a print dialog box is "fax" (also has print to pdf).
When I try to add the printer in System Preferences, it only recognizes the machine as a fax.
I've installed, uninstalled, and reinstalled the drivers, but no change. Any ideas?

If not, try deleting the printer/fax from system preferences, reset the printer by holding the c key while pressing +(add), delete all files in the printer folder, reload printer drivers from the Leopard disk. Their located in the folder under "install OSx." Un-click all drivers you are not using. Re-install printer by plugging it in and turning it on. Press add, this should display another menu with your printer on it. Go to your Utilities folder>Disk Utilities, run disk permissions, restart. Turn printer off and than on. Try to print. If the issue persists, please post back and we'll figure it out.

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