FCE export to disk - file big! help

Hi there friends...
Ok, I have completed/exported my editing on FCE but my 1 hour 13min video comes in as 12 gig to the quality i want.
How can i compress it to a 4.7g dvd disk??
Thank you

I'll contribute a few more tips ...
Before you export your final movie, do the following. This will ensure all video is rendered and your audio is also prepped for exporting:
*Sequence > Render All > Both* and
*Sequence > Render Only > Mixdown*
Then, when you export to QuickTime Movie, UNcheck the option called "Make Movie Self-Contained." This will give you a relatively small file that will export quickly. Import it into iDVD the same as you would any self-contained QuickTime file. Doing this will greatly speed up the export from FCE and does not alter the quality of your movie.
If you have placed chapter markers in your Sequence, when you export to QuickTime Movie, be sure to select the option *Include > Chapter Markers.* Also, in *iDVD Preferences >Movies*, select *Create Chapter Submenus* before you import the file you exported from FCE.
Also, in *iDVD Preferences > Projects > Encoding,* select +High Quality+ or +Professional Quality.+

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    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    With only that limited information (e.g., no organizer app nor version, no version of the Desktop Software, etc.), all I can think to do is provide this:
    KB12268 Synchronization support for BlackBerry Desktop Software for Windows
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  • Export file size help...output seems way too big

    I have a 12 minute movie with audio, video and stills in it.
    Currently when I export it the file is 865MB...  I need it to be less than 100 with decent quality.  It is a tutorial video that will be downloaded from the web.
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    I am using the following setup:
    Quicktime Format
    1400x790, 15(fps), quality 100
    48000 Hz, Stero, 16 bit
    Sequece, 01-OverviewSWKit
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    Well, with the Apple H.264 encoder in a QuickTime container, you're a bit limited to the number of things you can tweak to decrease final file size. Using a more advanced H.264 encoder, like the free x264, will give access to many of the more "high-tech" bells and whistles that are part of the H.264 standard. One potential would be to tick the "Key frame every # frame" box and try a few values there, usually at multiples of your frame rate. Key frames are "whole" frames that take up much more space in the final file size, and decrease their frequency might help slightly decrease file size, though it will also affect quality.
    Short of changing the dimensions of your destination video, decreasing the frame rate, or changing the bitrate of the video and audio streams, you will eventually reach a limit of how much you can push one parameter or another. You might try using H.264 in the Format (not codec) dropdown; this will give you a bit more control over encoding to an H.264 MP4 file. Unless you specifically need a QuickTime MOV, you might find you get better results with the H.264 MP4.
    These are of course just the options in Premiere itself. Once you go outside the castle walls, you can find a whole bunch of other options, though they usually come at a steeper learning curve. The big thing to remember is that there is no free lunch when it comes to encoding; you have to give a bit here to gain there, and it's all about setting thresholds of what you're willing to accept.

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    Pull the 3 songs into GB's timeline (the big gray area), they will appear on 3 different tracks (unless they are DRM protected songs from the iTunes Store.) You can push them around, cut them, etc. When you're finished, use the "Share" menu to send them to iTunes or save them to your disk, make sure you check the "compress" box and pick mp3 as the compression method.

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    Can anybody help me?
    At this point one can only make guesses as to a solution since you have not really provided any useful information.
    I have edited several videos using Final Cut Express and exported them as .mov files to my desktop.
    For future reference, an MOV file is any compressed data in an MOV file container. Data can be any compression format compatible with the system configuration on which the file was made—to include both Apple QT native compatible codecs and "Pro" app installed codecs to third party codecs like WMV, DivX, XviD, MPEG-2, etc. In order to eliminate codec problems, in the future please indicate the specific codecs involved.
    Now, because I have a small internal hard drive (128GB SSD), I copy all of my raw footage to an external hard drive and then delete the files from my Mac HD. But, I keep the finished videos on my desktop. When I try to play the video while the hard drive is plugged in, QuickTime opens and plays the video just fine. But, when the external hard drive is NOT connected and I try to play the video (from my Mac HD), QuickTime won't open it nor play it.
    This would normally be the playback description of a "QT Reference" file. Basically, a reference file is a very small/quickly created file that tells the player to play data that is actually contained in one or more other files. However, since the reference file cannot be played if the main data file(s) are not accessible (i.e., when the external drive is disconnected), you should also be getting an error message telling you it cannot find referenced data and you have yet to confirm this here.
    If I absolutely have to, I will carry the external HD around with me so I can play my videos, but I was just wondering if it had to do with the codec (H.264) my OS (10.6.8) QuickTime X or FCE (4.1).
    Once again, since we don't know what form of compression was used or what settings were used, it is impossible to determine if there are any secondary problems to be delt with here. In most cases, a high date rate/low compression format is used for import/editing purposes and the final file is "exported" to a specific compression format depending on its specific target use. In most cases, H.264/AAC is the best compression format for "distibution" since it has a very wide range of settings which allow you to adjust the file size and quality aspects to suit any specific device or target use and to do so as a "standalone" (re-compressed) files which are independent of any data in source/other files.

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    If you are using Mac, press Apple + I to get the information. It show a table. There is a section call Open with. Change the file with pdf icon to open with indesign. If using PC, just click on the second button on the mouse and open with Indesign.

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    I've attached our html file as well.
    We're an eco startup with limited time and budget - so any help you have would be so appreciated.
    Thank you!!

            World Centric Monthly Newsletter   August 2009     
    Palo Alto Joins the Ban Against          
             Non-Recyclable Materials
           This Spring, Palo Alto joined the list of more than 30 cities and counties in California who are making good on their efforts toward reducing their greenhouse gas emissions
           by enacting partial or comprehensive bans on polystyrene (PS) foam and/or non-recyclable disposable foodservice containers. Around the same time, a California statewide ban on the use of PS containers was tabled before reaching the State Assembly floor. Representative
           Jerry Hill, one of AB 1358’s sponsors, pulled the bill due
           to concerns addressed in the Appropriations committee hearing of the bill, regarding the fiscal impacts which
           were not addressed in bill’s contents.
           Largely represented by the California Restaurant Association, opponents of AB 1358 lobbied legislative representatives and argued there would be a negative fiscal impact on struggling restaurant owners and their customers in order to accommodate the more expensive alternatives to PS containers.     There are the unquantifiable and “hidden” costs of contaminating our bodies and environment which would far surpass the fiscal impact on the plastics, restaurants and consumer industries. Studies published by the Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education have indicated that varying levels of styrene residues
             are present in 100% of all human fat tissue in the
             United States, as PS products are found to lose weight after in contact with hot or fatty/acidic foods and liquids, causing migration of the styrene into the food or fluid, ending up in the human body. On the high end, the levels were “one third of levels known to cause neurotoxic symptoms”. In the environment,
             PS is rarely recycled and does not biodegrade.     Supporting safer alternatives to polystyrene, in addition to the collection infrastructure and processing mechanisms for the compostable and recyclable products would help create more green jobs in the long run and would be a move in the right direction away from unnecessary harm
           to our health, our communities and our world. Keep your eyes open for a revised version of AB 1358 in Spring 2010!     For more information about polystyrene
           visit Earth Resource.     For a partial energy, emissions and water analysis
           of polystyrene and its alternatives visit our website.           World Centric Compostable
             Hot Cup Lid
             World Centric is pleased to announce we now offer a fully compostable hot cup lid that
             fits our 10oz, 12oz, 16oz,
             and 20oz paper hot cups.
           The lids can be ordered in cases of 1000 or packs of 100.
           For more information or to order, please visit our website.           This Month
             We’d Like to Applaud
           Project Open Hand
           San Francisco's non-profit
           organization that prepares and delivers food to seniors, people living with HIV and homebound critically-ill residents. For nearly 25-years Project Open Hand has been providing “meals with love” to local residents in need of help and care in
           California’s San Francisco and Alameda counties.
           Programs include meals, groceries and nutrition information as well as education and referral programs
           for all of the people served. A staff dietitian also visits several sites per week to speak with seniors and critically ill local residents about the importance of eating well
           and staying healthy.
           Project Open Hand continues to serve nearly 800,000 annually and has served as a model for over 100 organizations across the United States and the world.
           If you are interested in making a donation,
           please visit Project Open Hand.
           Help Project Open Hand continue to do what it
           does best – deliver quality food to those in need.           
    “World Centric has gone
               about every aspect of
               business in the most
               sustainable of ways. 
               It is a model for socially
               responsible business.”
               Ari Patz
                   Industry Trends
               Although PLA is a sustainable alternative to a petrochemical-
               derived product, its limitation has
               been not only its cost, but its inability
               to maintain structural integrity in hot temperatures and humid conditions because of its low melting pint.
               However, researchers at Teijin
               (formerly in partnership with Cargill)
               have improved their plant-based
               ‘Biofront’ PLA polymer to be able
               to withstand higher temperatures –
               by modifying its hydrolytic resistance.
             Get more information here.                          
                   Get Great Deals!
                   Check out our clearence items.
                   Did you know?
               Styrene can leach from polystyrene.
               Over the long term, this can act as
               a neurotoxin. Studies on animals
               report harmful effects of styrene
               on red-blood cells, the liver, kidney,
               and stomach organs.
               US Environmental Protection Agency (1992) “Styrene”. Air Toxics Website.                          
                   Where to Find us:
                   CRRA Conference
                   August 2 - 5
                   Palm Desert
                          Western Foodservice
    & Hospitality Expo
                 August 30 - September 1
              Livable Green
                 September 19
    San Mateo                                
         Find us:            World Centric
    2121 Staunton Ct. Palo Alto, CA
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  • Is there any easier way to edit imovie files that have been exported as mov file then added to FCE 4?? As every move I make has to be rendered and takes forever??? Also my recording is going out of focus without me touching the camera, why has this happen

    Is there any easier way to edit imovie files that have been exported as mov file then added to FCE 4?? As every move I make has to be rendered and takes forever??? Also my recording is going out of focus without me touching the camera, why has this happened any idea what causes this??
    iMovie '08, Mac OS X (10.5.8), FCE 4

    My daughter has had her Razr for about 9 months now.  About two weeks ago she picked up her phone in the morning on her way to school when she noticed two cracks, both starting at the camera lens. One goes completely to the bottom and the other goes sharply to the side. She has never dropped it and me and my husband went over it with a fine tooth comb. We looked under a magnifying glass and could no find any reason for the glass to crack. Not one ding, scratch or bang. Our daughter really takes good care of her stuff, but we still wanted to make sure before we sent it in for repairs. Well we did and we got a reply from Motorola with a picture of the cracks saying this was customer abuse and that it is not covered under warranty. Even though they did not find any physical damage to back it up. Well I e-mailed them back and told them I did a little research and found pages of people having the same problems. Well I did not hear from them until I received a notice from Fed Ex that they were sending the phone back. NOT FIXED!!! I went to look up why and guess what there is no case open any more for the phone. It has been wiped clean. I put in the RMA # it comes back not found, I put in the ID #, the SN# and all comes back not found. Yet a day earlier all the info was there. I know there is a lot more people like me and all of you, but they just don't want to be bothered so they pay to have it fix, just to have it do it again. Unless they have found the problem and only fixing it on a customer pay only set up. I am furious and will not be recommending this phone to anyone. And to think I was considering this phone for my next up grade! NOT!!!!

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    go to the directory where the itunes librairy is stored (google search!). Select the file hit "command+i" on your keyboard or control click on the file and select get info. there is an option to either lock or ulock the file. unlock it. restart your computer and see if it works.

  • Export to disk compressed files only? bad bad bad

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    Exporting to disk allows you to select a destination for the export and this is highly desirable because I don't like cluttering up my itunes library with snippets of songs or individual tracks.
    If this is the case than GB 3 has a serious design flaw. Export to disk is a basic function of all music software. To hobble this on purpose is beyond my understanding.
    Anyone out there know the answer?

    Garageband 1 and 2 have the same flaw. 8^) Exporting to iTunes is the "official" Apple way. I would create a special playlist for your GB exports so you can keep track of them and delete them as necessary.

  • InDesign CS6 "Failed to export the JPEG file. File cannot be written. Disk may be locked or full."

    I get this error "Failed to export the JPEG file. File cannot be written. Disk may be locked or full." when sending small (3"x3") and large (40"x60") files to a printer hot folder. Sometime if I close the program and restart it will let me export. What could be causing this to happen?
    I am on Windows 7 with 4GB RAM PC.

    I guess the printer is grabbing the file before it is entirely written…
    Workaround: Do not save to a hot folder. Move the files after exporting to the hot folder.

  • Export Flash 8 file - strange conversion behaviour. Please Help.

    I have CreativeSuite CS2 and Macromedia Studio 8 loaded on Tiger 10.4.11 on two computers; an iMac Intel Core Duo 2.8GHz which is the main tool, and an upgraded G4 450 DP which uses a Dual G4 Sonnet Encore 1.8Ghz (7447A chips) as back-up. Both computers have use Tiger 10.4.11 OS.
    Problem 1:
    A .swf Flash file is exported and saved on the iMac without any problems. However when the same file is transferred to the G4 as back-up, the file undergoes a change wherebye the icon looks like a 35mm filmstrip and sports the Illustrator CS2 yellow flower. Double clicking the .swf file opens Illustrator CS2 which, unsurprisingly, tells me it cannot open the unknown file type (.swf). Flash 9 Reader is loaded as is Flash 8 application. Flash fails to open the converted file on the G4!
    Problem 2:
    As a work-around, I open the movie artwork file on the iMac, export the movie as a QuickTime.mov. A dialogue box opens telling me the installed version of QuickTime does not support the installed version of Flash and I should open Publish Settings in Flash and save as Flash 5 file. I do this. I export the file and again am presented with the same message! Every Quick Time export attempt has failed either on the Intel Core Duo or on the G4.
    Two Questions:
    1. Why is the original .swf filed changed to an illustrator file on the G4 and how can I retain it as the Flash file?
    2. What is the problem that prevents ProQuickTime version 7.6.4 (518.35), recognising the Flash 5 export conversion process?
    Any help would be very much appreciated.

    Praise be to Lord above! I have fixed it! And because I'm a nice guy and wouldn't want anyone else to go through the same frustration - I'm going to tell you how...
    It was a problem with the registry that was causing the issue and funny old thing - uniblue's 'Registry Booster' solved the issue. It's ironic that software from the same company was used to solve the problem I know...I had almost decided to uninstall all uniblue products, but decided to run one last scan with registry booster to see what happened....So just to sum up, this is how to solve the above issue:
    1. Re-create/rebuild your library as detailed in this article: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1451 or replace itunes folder with backup. Delete any corrupted/damaged files.
    This alone should solve many issues but if you keep getting repeated corruption problems like I did then the problem seems to be within the REGISTRY.
    2. To solve the registry error - I ran uniblue's 'Registry Booster' programme. I have no idea how to fix the registry manually. Sorry.
    Message was edited by: andy525

  • Unable to update software or upload pics from SD card-how do I remove files from startup disk? Please help!

    Unable to update software or upload pics from SD card-how do I remove files from startup disk? Please help!

    Hello Smile_333
    The article below will assist with finding things and help increase the hard drive space for your computer. The best way is to have an external hard drive to copy things to if you do not want to delete and loose things.
    OS X Mountain Lion: Increase disk space
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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