FCS 2 Volume Licence

Hi all,
is it possible to buy a business volume licence for Final Cut Studio 2. Im going to be running five Macs in an office and need to know if I can buy the app in bulk. All computers will be networed etc. Is this possible are do I have to buy versions of the app.
Kind Regards

Yes you can. Call Apple. Dunno the minimum number, but
I think it's way more than 5 seats.

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    Enterprise customer have an option to purchase Creative Cloud for Enterprise. CCE is based on anonymous deployment.
    Here Anonymous deployment means:
    1. Identity of user is not known
    2. It admin License on behalf of institution
    3. Admin portal does not show activation (IT maintains deployment record)
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    Welcome you post on the forum.
    The rule is: a same user code is allowed to open two sessions concurrently. This is not changed. This function is for the need a user may need both session to complete certain tasks.
    RSP has a new function to detect such case if the same B1 user are from two work stations. That is a sign to indicate this feature may be abused.

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    I am sorry Paul for your loss.  Unfortunately it does not appear the transfer of license process was followed.  If you are able to contact the company to obtain the software asset then you can request the license by transferred to your possession.  You can find additional details at Transfer an Adobe product license.

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    Yes, that computer will work fine. You will notice a speed difference running 64-bit apps, which include all Apple's apps that come with SL. SL boots, shuts down and repairs permissions faster too.
    If you have a family pack license, you can use one of those to install it.
    Dave M.
    MacOSG Founder/Ambassador  An Apple User Group  iTunes: MacOSG Podcast
    Macsimum News Associate Editor  Creator of 'Mac611 - Mobile Mac Support'

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    Hi Adobe_forum_SF,
    Please use the below link to download CS6 Products

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    If it was a school licence it seems to me it was meant for school use not personal use.
    If it was a school licence and you have now graduated, it may be time for you to get your own copy. The M.A.S. version is cheap enough and allows multiple installaions on systems with the same Apple I.D.
    If you are still attending the school, take it up with their system admin.

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    So I successfully transferred all my programs from snow leopard except for iWork. It's a volume license so I think there's something wrong with - the migration process? - me?
    Mac OS X (10.7.3)

    So you answered your own question I think - and I'm not commenting on your statement in your next post 
    As for your question about the current version 09 - I don't know and no one here does since we're just users like you. There has been no announcement from Apple; actually the apps work just fine, so as long as they update them, no need to pay for a new version.

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    any info?

    Im sorry you have this issue...
    Though, this is the support community, we are not Apple Employees here, and just iTunes users like yourself.
    As to your issue (which I have googled) You would have to contact Apple's Volume purchase program team. If this is a VPP business account, then here is the email form you can use to contact Apple directly. https://www.apple.com/support/itunes/vpp/
    If the VPP is for education: https://www.apple.com/support/itunes/vpp-edu/
    Good luck.. Hope this helps..

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    The powershell command line we are using is:
    PS C:\windows\system32> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
    PS C:\windows\system32> Add-AppvClientPackage -path file://hostname/app-v/o365-noaccess/ProPlusVolume_en-us_zh-cn_x86.appv -DynamicDeploymentConfiguration \
    with a result of:
    Add-AppvClientPackage : Embedded Script process exited with an error code indicating failure (return code other than 0). Please ensure that Embedded
    Script process can complete successfully and exits with 0.
    Operation attempted: Configure AppV Package.
    AppV Error Code: 100000000C.
    Please consult AppV Client Event Log for more details.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Add-AppvClientPackage -path
    file://hostname/app-v/o365-noaccess/ProPlusVolum ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidResult: (:) [Add-AppvClientPackage], ClientException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ConfigurePackageError,Microsoft.AppV.AppvClientPowerShell.AddAppvPackage
     and these are the error messages we see in the debug app-v client logs:
     Script Launcher successfully waited for script with command line: '"C:\ProgramData\App-V\D24C3BDD-8FAD-44D3-998C-933F8F053682\CD9725CE-4503-4932-863B-4FCDA3F9551D\Root\..\Scripts\Integrator.exe" /I /Msi /License /AppV PackageGUID=D24C3BDD-8FAD-44d3-998C-933F8F053682
    PackageRoot="C:\ProgramData\App-V\D24C3BDD-8FAD-44D3-998C-933F8F053682\CD9725CE-4503-4932-863B-4FCDA3F9551D\Root" MsiName=SPPRedist.msi,SPPRedist64.msi PidKey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx,xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx,xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
    Package {d24c3bdd-8fad-44d3-998c-933f8f053682} version {cd9725ce-4503-4932-863b-4fcda3f9551d} failed configuration in folder 'C:\ProgramData\App-V\D24C3BDD-8FAD-44D3-998C-933F8F053682\CD9725CE-4503-4932-863B-4FCDA3F9551D' with error 0x79100E10-0xC.
    machine script for event AddPackage with command line: '"C:\ProgramData\App-V\D24C3BDD-8FAD-44D3-998C-933F8F053682\CD9725CE-4503-4932-863B-4FCDA3F9551D\Root\..\Scripts\Integrator.exe"' exited with failure error code: The extended attributes are
    inconsistent.. Because Rollback is set to true in the script definition, the current AppV Client operation was rolled back.

    I'd like to reply to this that I also have (or had) the same issue. The "AppV Error Code: 100000000C."
    For me it was a script that I tried to call from a network drive:
            <Wait RollbackOnError="true" Timeout="30"/>
    I tried using the sharename, I tried using vbs instead of ps, I tried to rename the files it was copying (it was a dll) I tried a different destination (it was Windows\sysWoW64)
    In the end it seems to be the AppV client does not have access to the drive/share, even though 'everyone' had read rights. 
    When I changed the location of my script and file to C:\users\administrator\Desktop\copy.ps1 the appv added just fine.
    I'm looking at what to do, probably give all domain computers access to the share\folder because AppV client seems to use the system account for it's actions (also apparant if you call the var %username% from within the appv!), and because my destination is
    sysWoW64 users are not allowed to write there (so the userConfig.xml is not an option)
    So in short: for me it was a NTFS rights issue, the AppV client is not allowed to go and load the .ps1 that is defined in the deploymentConfig.xml
    Check your
    ProPlusVolume_en-us_zh-cn_x86_DeploymentConfig.xml, it probably calls something that the system account has no access to

  • Volume licences for Universities

    I represent a very large university with significant media department in New Zealand and many licenses for Final Cut Pro. We contacted our Apple software official supplier about purchasing Final Cut Pro X and were told it was no longer on their price list (not available to them anymore), and that staff would have to purchase using their personal App Store account and then get reimbursed the purchase price.
    I then contacted Apple Australia who had no idea (poor aussies), and suggested the same as the supplier or to "wait and see"
    Does anybody know what the plan is for large organisation or do they really what business to pay for software that will be licensed to individual staff, who may leave to their competition, yet still retain the software? Are Universities expected to install software on machines used by students that must them be authoried to a personal staff members App Store account?
    With LION due out in a week or so Apple had better get their **** together quick.

    Same here ... we even have a current support / update agreement in place, but can't get a copy of FCPX to evaluate (let alone the 20 seats we have already paid for)!!!
    Apple just keeps passing my emails for information  around internally ....
    For places like us, even staying on FCP 7 will be difficult, since students can't buy their own copies to work on now. New students will very quickly show up with FCPX .. and I don't even know if it will work in our environment! Teaching a tool that can't be acquired won't cut it for long!
    This is one of Apple's better stuff ups to be sure...

  • Volume licence

    I go to link sent to get serial number login works but once there it states I cannot access site.

    I have pasted info.
    Your Adobe licensing order has been processed
    Thank you for ordering media and/or documentation from Adobe. Your order has been shipped.
    Order Number:
    End User Organization:
    Shipping Contact & Location:
    OTTAWA,Ontario,K1G 2E7
    Track your shipment:
    Carrier Web Site:
    http://wwwapps.ups.com/etracking/tracking.cgi?tracknums_displayed=25 <http://wwwapps.ups.com/etracking/tracking.cgi?tracknums_displayed=25&TypeOfInquiryNumber=T &InquiryNumber1=1ZA44W136896210139> &TypeOfInquiryNumber=T&InquiryNumber1=1ZA44W136896210139
    Tracking Number:
    To install software licenses, please visit the Adobe Licensing Web Site https://licensing.adobe.com/sap/bc/bsp/sap/zliclogin/login.htm where you can obtain your serial numbers. You may also download the software if Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) is available for the product.

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    Acrobat 8 can not Support upgrade or update!

    you could try adobe support, contact adobe support by clicking here and, when available, click 'still need help', https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html

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    I'd suggest Amazon but be sure to read the entire sale. You can verify if it something direct from MS or from a 3rd party vendor, OEM or direct, whether or not it is an upgrade or full version and in some cases if unopened you can return it if it was the
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