FF4 & 5 refuse to load YouTube log-in page. Earlier versions, no problem, IE & Chrome no problem. What got changed?

Main YouTube screen (http://www.youtube.com/) has a sign-in link at the upper right, should go to the screen for that. Starting with FF4, I get a page redirect warning, but hitting "Allow" does nothing. FF jumps instantly back to the same YouTube starting screen. I have no trouble with this in IE nor in Chrome, nor was it a problem with FF prior to version 4. What's different here, and is there a fix?

*** SOLVED *** !!!
Got it!
I have spent *days* on this, because it just bugged me so much!
FOund it by searching and reading all the Mozilla FIrefox support forums.
Problem was an old hard-coded fix that I put into my HOSTS file, on my Windows XP, SP3 machine. Specifically, I had experienced hang issues with a site called "i.ytimg.com", which I believe is the static cache for Google/Youtube stuff. I tracked this error down to failures of security certificates, but confirmed my security cert store was isometric between my machine cluster (they were all the damn same!)
So, I had put two lines in the HOSTS file, to hard-code an IP address so that Google-youtube pages would not hang up waiting for "i.ytimg.com"
Well, of course, Google/Youtube is now using different locations, or akami servers or some damn thing...
The fix just involved removing these two hard-coded lines from my HOSTS file. I just commented the old fix out, and now everything works.
# --- two lines added to fix i.ytimg.com hang problem
# static.cache.l.google.com s.ytimg.com
# static.cache.l.google.com i.ytimg.com
(The # symbol is used to make a comment in hosts file... )
On Windows XP, XP3, the "hosts" file is typically located in:
If you are having goofy problems with some youtube/google webpages
not rendering, or generating SSL (bad_certificate) errors, check your
"hosts" file, and ensure no ip redirection has been slotted in there
from a while back.
Hope this helps others...
- Mark Langdon, GEMESYS Ltd.

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    __CALLBACKPARAM:{"tb":"gototext", "text":"5"}
    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • Problems with loading Facebook log in page.

    Hello. I have problems with loading the Facebook log in page. It's been a day. Every time I try to go to the website, it reads,
    "The connection was reset
    The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
    The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
    If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
    If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
    that Firefox is permitted to access the Web."
    I did every possible step to overcome the problem but in vain. Please suggest something that could work.....:(

    Please also try to '''Clear Now''' the '''Cache''', '''Cookies''', and '''Site Preferences''' in '''Tools''' ('''Alt''' + '''T''') > [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Clear%20Recent%20History Clear Recent History]. You can also open the '''History''' library ('''Alt '''+ '''S''') > '''Show All History''', search for facebook on the top right search box, right-click a facebook .com entry > '''Forget about this site'''.
    [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-cant-load-websites-other-browsers-can?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=Firefox+cannot+load+websites+but+other+programs+can Firefox can't load website]

  • I upgraded to the new version "4" and it will not load any websites..."unable to locate server" is all i get and cannot figure out the problem ....had to delete and go back to an earlier version whichi understand is unsafe...what to do?

    # Question
    I upgraded to the new version "4" and it will not load any websites..."unable to locate server" is all i get and cannot figure out the problem ....had to delete and go back to an earlier version which i understand is unsafe...what to do?

    That was probably caused by your Firewall blocking the newly installed version of Firefox.
    No known security issues with Firefox 3.6.17, which was just released this past week.

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    Can surf the web, but can't log onto Itunes Store or anything to do with Itunes online. What setting got changed?

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    Hi yuenct,
    You should take a look at the Knowledge Base article [[How to set the home page]].
    There are steps in that article to reset your homepage preferences to default. I would try that first to clear out any strangeness. If that works, you can try setting your homepage again to your personal preference.
    If that doesn't work you should look at the article [[Preferences are not saved]].
    Hopefully this helps!

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    Ej et al
    Let's summarize what we know and have concluded...
    iOS 8.0.2(?) update yesterday AM [after last Mail joy anyway] = culprit
    all other aspects of home network and other devices working normally = not culprit -- iOS 8 install or update cannot address Wi-FI router or other devices' who are all having continued joy
    still no joy in cellular mode on the iPad iOS 8 Mail = culprit is isolated to iPad / iOS 8 Mail.app
    I have read where iOS 8 (or the update) has reset any number of user settings according to its own judgement = no number or types of resets of iPad will make any difference and in fact do not bring joy
    the suggestions I made early on have not been tried = copy account settings or create NEW versions of the accounts
    Simple tests
    go to Google in Safari, perform search - if joy
    create a NEW version of your gMail account in Mail(iOS8) = easy as picking the Google icon in the process
    Add an email account on your iOS device
    K.I.S.S. is always a good starting point. Occam's Razor sez the solution with the least number of variables is LIKELY  the answer

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    I'm imagining that it will require cookies and scripting, but I'm still at the (very) early stages of learning such stuff, so have no clue whatsoever on how to go about it!
    Any bright ideas / tutorials / sites I can nick code from / complete solutions that I don't have to pay for would be much appreciated.

    AFAIK there's no practical way to do what you require.  Sorry.  This is one of the many downsides to Framed sites. It also makes bookmarking and printing pages difficult.  Not to mention user unfriendly from a web accessibility viewpoint.  Re-think your need for Iframes throughout an entire website.   The best websites use one complete page for each topic.  Index, About Us, Contact Us, etc...
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics |  Print | Media Specialists

  • How do i load and use an earlier version of firefox

    I need to reject V8 and load an earlier version please?

    Hi shutters,
    There is a Knowledge Base article called [[Installing a previous version of Firefox]] that should have all the information you need to roll back to an earlier version of Firefox.
    Out of curiosity,what is your reason for rolling back? The developers are always interested in hearing about user's experiences with Firefox. You should consider leaving [http://input.mozilla.com/en-US/feedback feedback] for them so that they can continue to improve the product.
    Hopefully this helps!

  • After loading Acrobat XI, Facebook pages have errors.  Can't find what changed in IE8.  XP OS.

    After loading Acrobat XI, Facebook pages are blank with errors.  Can't find what happened to IE8.  XP OS.  Any suggestions?

    I agree. The Facebook failure must have been coincidental in that machine.  I have a notebook that I loaded the same Acrobat into and it's Facebook is OK - It's on Win 7 OS.  This laptop's (XP)  Facebook works, but it doesn't have the Acrobat loaded into it.  Also have a networked desktop for business on Win 2000 and it's Facebook works too.  Haven't tried another browser in the suspect machine yet.  There's definitely something wrong with it's IE8.  What it boils down to in it, is that it won't logout of Facebook properly. I have to logout on some other machine.  Then when I login on the bad one, Facebook only partially loads it's pages and I can't logout from it.

  • Ever since i downloaded OSX Mountain Lion, Express VPN no longer works properly for me. Even though it says I am connected, webpages refuse to load. However, everything works fine when its turned off. I cannot go on many websites without the VPN.

    Ever since i downloaded OSX Mountain Lion, Express VPN no longer works properly for me. Even though it says I am connected, webpages refuse to load. However, connection speed is fine when its turned off. I cannot go on many websites without the VPN. My current location is Shanghai, China. OSX Mountain was installed this morning and everything worked fine until then. Is Express VPN not supported? What do i need to do in order to get it working again on my Macbook Pro (early 2011). I want to be able to go on websites such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, ect...

    I am having the same issue listed above on my new Mac Mini i just bought, I also contacted Express VPN support and got the same instructions with exception of the command to run in the utilities terminal.  I tried the steps listed, and both commands (posted here, and sent to me directly by Express VPN support), and still unable to connect on my Mac Mini running OS X 10.8.2, but I am able to connect on my iPad and my MacBook which is running Mac OS X 10.6.8.  Usually Express VPN is spot on with their customer support, but this is taking longer to get resolved.  Here is the steps sent to me
    Try doing the following to see if the problem gets resolved:
    Please follow the instructions here: https://www.expressvpn.org/support/setting_dns_servers_mac_os
    (should still be the same for Lion) and then add the following DNS servers: & After adding the DNS servers, please do the following steps as well:
    Note: If you're connecting to your ISP via a PPPoE connection, then set the DNS servers on the PPPoE connection itself and then restart your computer for the DNS settings to take effect.
    1. Click on Applications
    2. Click on Utilities
    3. Click on Terminal
    4. Type the following command (without the quotes): "sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
    5. Press enter and then try reconnecting to the VPN.
    If you're still unable to connect, please send us in the latest log files.
    Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes.

  • Upgraded to Yosemite, Now Safari Won't Load Youtube and Other Sites

    I upgraded to Yosemite the day of. Almost immediately I found that Safari no longer would load Youtube. At all. It would just sit and spin and work and eventually say that the page wasn't available. This was also a problem with other websites. For instance, IGN would load, but it was very, very slow. Redirected webpages from Youtube that used URL shorteners would do the same thing as Youtube, it would just sit and crank away and finally give up.
    When I try the same thing with Google Chrome, it loads those pages just fine. Youtube and these sites also work on my Macbook and my iPad, so I believe the problem is specific to my iMac.
    So... I got really angry a few days ago and did a complete reformat of my computer. I didn't restore my old image from Time Machine, but I did a brand new install and just backed up some precious files. I re-installed Yosemite on my freshly cleaned hard drive and low and behold, Youtube worked, as did all the others!
    But after about four days, the same problem is happening again. Youtube won't load, redirects from Facebook using URL shortening is a disaster again. I'm losing my mind. What could be causing this problem!?? Reformatting was the only idea I had, and I thought it was a very thorough solution. Is Safari doing this for anybody else?
    My system:
    iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011)
    Processor 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512 MB
    Running Yosemite Version 10.10

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then take one of the actions that you're having trouble with. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Impossible to load YouTube files

    For a few days now, I cannot load YouTube files on my iPad and iPad 2.
    The same files are accessible to my iMac 2011 and to my daughter's PC without problem.
    My setup is cable > cable modem > Time Capsule > Ethernet network to computers and WiFi network to iPads and printers.
    Everything works fine except for those YouTube pages that refuse to load and give the message : This video cannot be read.
    I have reset the TimeCapsule (disconnecting the power for a few minutes) and disconnect the power to the cable modem also.
    Also, both iPads can access these YouTube files when they are connected to another WiFi network.
    I have tried to look at setup in Airport Utility but I found nothing that is unusual. I am suspecting the Time Capsule router to have lost something in the setup ports. But I am not absolutely certain.
    Can anybody bring some light to my problem?
    Jean-Luc Brousseau

    Same problem - This is the message:
    /Library/Printers/EPSON/InkjetPrinter2/Filter/rastertoescpII.app/Contents/MacOS/ rastertoescpII failed
    I have done everything suggested from every forum, from updates from Epson, etc.
    PLEASE someone, HELP!  Would I have the same problem if I were to add another printer that's not EPSON?
    Trying to operate a home business and I'm a teacher, so printing is a must for me to do anything.
    THANK YOU for any suggestions and help!

  • Indesign CS3 refuses to load

    Hi, i would be grateful for any advice if you have experience of the same.
    My problem is that indesign CS3 refuses to launch all of a sudden.  About two weeks ago it just wouldn’t (and still hasn’t) loaded.  When i click on the application the spinning donut appears beside the cursor as if it is going to load, but no splash screen appears. and then the spinning "donut" next to the cursor disappears.  If i then start my task manager i can see that indesign.exe is running and if i try to open indesign again another occurrence in task manager will load and so on.  THATS IT, any ideas please?
    i am running Vista 32bit.  the software has worked fine for at least a year and then it just refused to load.  All other creative suite applications run fine (although i am scared to say that due to their temperamental nature).  I haven’t actively installed any updates for any adobe programmes or windows updates prior to the problem either.  The only thing i can think i have installed recently is a new version of iTunes and that’s it.  I am up-to-date with service packs and updates for vista too. 
    i have repaired indesigns installation - No joy, i have uninstalled, rebooted and reinstalled indesign - No joy.  i have also removed the registry entries and data for indesign in the "user app data folder" for indesign when uninstalling and still no joy once re installed.  its driving me mad.
    Please note i have spent the last 2 weeks trawling and i mean trawling Google and the adobe forums for advice.  i have tried many suggestions but am open to any you have to offer, i just want to avoid people thinking i am coming here without researching myself first.  i did try one suggestion which is where you start the machine in safe mode and see if indesign cs3 loads then, which it does, but once i restart to the full usual mode - nothing
    Thanks in advance, i appreciate any useful advice

    Hi Peter,
    i have noticed the following -
    i have two user accounts on my PC (running vista).  One being my personal one and the other being an Admin account (i set this up as i had to do something that required permission - i forget what now - http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/enable-the-hidden-administrator-account-on-wi ndows-vista/).  If i log into the admin account i can launch Indesign as intended, "one click and open".  However it still refuses to load in my personal account.  i cant see how any updates etc wouldnt have been applied globally - so whats the difference?
    I know that probably doesnt help much but thought you may have seen similar or in the past or it may help you identify my problem from past experiences?

  • FF goes through periods of refusing to load web pages

    Since updating to 7.0.1 yesterday, Firefox has repeatedly gone through periods of obstinancy. It started with brief delays but now is quite persistent.
    What happens is that web pages just refuse to load. Any page. FF sits there like it's trying to connect but it never does. Restarting FF can sometimes coax brief connectivity for the saved tabs, but the refusal to load the pages returns nearly immediately.
    Eventually, FF gets out of its snit and I can browse normally for a few hours -- but then, apropos of nothing, it goes back to being obstinant.
    I'm running Windows XP and CA Security Center firewall. FF was fine until it updated to 7.0.1. Internet Explorer and other Internet programs work fine.

    LtPowers - Let's try some standardization. You have ver 7.0.1 so you can go to the App Button, [menu button], Help-> Troubleshoot Information -> Copy all to clipboard, and then open a notepad window - or your favorite text editor - and paste the log there. Look at it and see if it suggests ay answer to you. If not, repost the problem - with the log appended. That way you give notice of hardware and OS, so that users with similar configs, or knowledge, can help. It might be you have too much other stuff loaded for your system's chip memory. If you get to disk caching and swapping, things get really slow. It might be that addons are in conflict with the new version or with each other. That is why the addon listing might help an experienced user to give help. I use XP SP3, and am familiar with the Task Manager window there. It tells me total memory and memory commitment. For instance, now, FF 7.0.1, taking up 805 +/- meg due to the config and large number of windows and tabs open. It says I am using 1.6 Gigabytes of 3.2 [only 2 gig installed memory, the remainder is disk caching, where I can slow way way down if I get there]. I have Chrome open too, several addons, taking memory. I closed Chrome, and it drops to 1.3 gig committed. From experience 400 - 500 meg are take up in system resources, after a bootup with no applications running. So my slowness now is from overstuffing the browser - a problem I had with 3.6 too when I went hog wild on open stuff and addons. If you can check such things on your hardware/software it might help. The big thing, posting a troubleshooting log with the problem is my first helpful idea. Others besides me may read that and have helpful suggestions. Posting the log will also show whether you are disabling addon compatability checking. If you do that - as I do - you are at risk of weird things showing up on upgrading.

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