FF4@WinXP vs. Personas?

If you use FF4 (WinXP) with personas, mouseover effect looks bad, "Win2000-like":
I use extension Menu Icons Plus (v1.9 - in later this part is missing), to make this hover effect looks better:
Can this be fixed somehow? Is this bug on FF4/WinXP, since it looks nice in Win7?

Maybe i wasn t clear enough: I play FPS games ,but i dont use CMSS neither in XP or 7. The motivation is simple ,when i was using Audigy 2 leaving CMSS on made the positional sound to suck hard.So i off it with X-Fi too. I want plain stereo when using headphones(rarelly, it s bad for ears) or 2 speakers. If you re using multichannel headphones thats something else. 1.) I only use CMSS when i need to use my Logitech X 530 full 5.1 with mp 3 to upmix. 2.) EAX is emulated by Alchemy under W7 so you wont get correct postional with or without CMSS on. 3.) For listening music under XP or 7 you should use Foobar 2000 and it s ASIO plug in http://www.foobar2000.org/ . The sound in W7 is better in my opinion as perception overall ,less distorsions.You should also take a look at the Audio properties in W7 and try another sampling rate. 4.)You can use a dual boot XP and 7 anytime.

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    Try http://forums.adobe.com/thread/892474

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    *Windows Vista Home Basic
    *Google Toolbar
    *Shown Menu Bar

    Hi David,
    Thank you for your detailed question. It sounds like the real issue is pdf files. Are there any antivirus/firewalls that might be blocking this specific file type? or are there any preferences in your control panel that might be blocking this?
    Do you have any stored preferences for PDF files in Firefox?
    *[[Applications panel - Set how Firefox handles different types of files]]

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    You can move the iTunes folder to a separate drive on your pc an then configure each account to use this drive / folder as iTunes library ... The problem is, that iTunes by default stores everything in your personal music folder which is separate for each user account in windows (and by default is on "C" drive).
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    Hi Srikar,
    It depends.
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    I finally figured it out! It had to do with the smb.conf file and a missing file. Here's what happened (for people with future problems like this):
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    o In Terminal, did a 'sudo pico /etc/smb.conf' and changed the line "dos charset = 0" to "dos charset = CP850"
    o Still didn't work, and found from the log.smbd file that the convert msg was gone, but was replaced with a "Failed to open /private/var/db/samba/secrets.tdb" msg.
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    You're welcome


    I HAVE FF 3.6.21 Is FF4 a completely new install or does it install over the existing installation. Does it import settings, bookmarks, stored passwords, etc or do I have to add all that. Lastly, if I don't like FF4 can I go back to FF3 easily

    Firefox 4 is no longer available. If upgrading, the only version that you can/should go to is Firefox 6.0.1, the current version. Firefox 7.0 is scheduled to be released on 09-27-2011 ('''''scheduled date is subject to change'''''). After Firefox 4.0, each upgrade replaces the prior version and the prior version is "abandoned" as far as security and stability updates are concerned.
    Installing Firefox 6 will preserve your prior bookmarks, passwords, etc. You can/should make a backup of your personal information for safekeeping; what if you have a hard drive failure?
    *See [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Backing+up+your+information Backing up your information] '''''and''''' [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_backup Profile backup]
    To test the new version 6.0.1 and leave your current Firefox 3.6.21 intact, you can install Firefox Portable. Firefox Portable is not produced by Mozilla (but is based on Firefox released versions) and is not supported on this site -- has its own support forum (see below). Firefox Portable installs in a separate folder on your hard drive and keeps its profile (personal information) separate so that it does not interfere with your current Firefox installation settings or personal information (bookmarks, passwords, etc.). You can also install Firefox Portable on a USB/thumb/pin/jump drive.
    *Firefox Portable general information: http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable
    *Firefox Portable user forum: http://portableapps.com/forums/support/firefox_portable
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''
    Not related to your question, but...
    You need to update some plug-ins:
    *Plug-in check: https://www-trunk.stage.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in: [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Shockwave%20plugin%20with%20Firefox#w_installing-shockwave Installing ('''''or Updating''''') the Shockwave plugin with Firefox]
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in for Mozilla browsers: [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Java%20plugin%20with%20Firefox#w_installing-or-updating-java Installing or Updating Java in Firefox]

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    Generally speaking, when you install a new release of Firefox, the installer detects your existing settings and uses those to set up the new version. When you upgrade infrequently (this would be about a year's worth of releases), there might occasionally be glitches in the process. Therefore, I suggest making a backup of your Firefox profile folder (your personal settings folder) first. This article has suggestions on backing up: [[Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles]].

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    #A link to Firefox 4 versions will not be offered by any '''''responsible''''' contributor here, because Firefox 4 versions contain stability and security issues <u>that will not be corrected</u>. Firefox 4 is a thing of the past.
    #The only currently supported versions that a '''''responsible''''' contributor here will offer are Firefox 5 and Firefox 3.6.18. Firefox 3.6.18 is currently scheduled for support for only 2-3 more months, then it, too, will be a thing of the past. Firefox 6 will probably be introduced about the time the Firefox 3.6.18 support is discontinued.
    #To downgrade to Firefox 3.6.18, follow these instructions '''''very carefully''''':
    #*Back up your personal information (bookmarks, passwords, etc.) before proceeding just in case something goes wrong: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Backing%20up%20your%20information
    #**'''''If you need to''''', see the following article. See the last 2 sections "Copying files between profile folders" and "Your important data and their files" to restore important information '''''if something goes wrong in the downgrade''''': https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Recovering%20important%20data%20from%20an%20old%20profile
    #*Download and SAVE Firefox 3.6.18 to your Desktop, then proceed as in the "Clean re-install" article below: https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html
    #*Clean re-install: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Standard_diagnostic_-_Firefox#Clean_reinstall
    #*You may also need to reset your extension databases in your profile folder. Do the procedure after locating your profile folder (see "Back up your personal information" above) and closing Firefox. The files will be automatically re-built when you re-start Firefox: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Unable_to_install_themes_or_extensions_-_Firefox#Corrupt_extension_files

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    I'm using Photoshop CS 8.0 on WinXP, but when I load images for Web Photo Gallery, it shows the error as: "This is an error disbling controls for missing tokens. Some files or folders for selected style might be missing."
    I don't know what happens and please show me how to fix it. I need here very urgent for my works.
    Thank you very much for your strong support and paying attention.

    Thanks for answering.  I need to create a Web Photo Gallery so I can upload thumbnails and full-size pictures to my website and have viewers be able to download the full-sized pictures.  The Flash version does not permit downloading and requires that you use one of the provided templates.  It appears that Photoshop Elements 8 is a downgrade from Photoshop Elements 2.0 in this respect.  Is there any way to accomplish what I want to do with Photoshop Elements 8.0?
    By the way, I really like your video tutorial on the Adobe website.
    Phil Fleming
    Philip E Fleming MD FACS
    < personal info removed by forum host for security >

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    IE9 allows me to delete this personal info from forwarded emails.

    Try an SMC reset. The article covers when this is required, but doing this will not affect anything.
    Reset SMC

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