File Browser (without uploading)

I need to implement a Browse button, that will allow the user to choose a file from his local computer.
I know that there is a UI Element called FileUpload that enable choosing a file and uploading it from the client to the server, but I don't need the upload operation.
all I need is the user to choose a file and I want to know the name of the file that he chose.
thanks in advance, Adi

hello Adi,
u can use the Upload UIE for this. onAction event in the implementation u dont create the file ( i mean dont write the upload file code) instead u just take the file name and print it. u wont get the whole path of the file, jsut the name with extention. i hope u know how to use Upload UIE.

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    ...  and nonsense one: build small AIR app which will pass selected file contents to the browser via local connection.
    AND totally crazy way
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    2. Pass the content to JavaScript
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    Beware! But you'll need a sertificate for your signed Java applet accepted by the user in order to access local file system.

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    Your preset file is too big!
    The maximum size allowed is #fileSizeLimit#
             <!--- Begin processing first file submission --->
        <cfif IsDefined('form.requiredfile_one') AND Trim(form.requiredfile_one) neq "">
                <cfset cookie.requiredfile_one = "#cffile.serverfile#">
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                    (<cfqueryparam value="#cookie.requiredfile_one#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
                    , <cfqueryparam value="#cookie.requiredfile_one_ext#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">,         #findname.ID#, '#findname.uname#', '#requiredname#', '#requiredgenre#', '#bpm#', '#soundslike#', '#requireddaw#', '#requiredvst#', '#requiredlicense#', '#requiredinstructions#')    
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            <cfset newContactID = qNewContact.NEW_ID />

    You might try using Flex on the client.  I have not tried this technique, but *perhaps* the Flex API allows more access to the file system than JavaScript.  Note that the FileReference class used in Flex file samples has a "size" property that *might* give you the size of the file on the client.
    Note that this approach depends on the client using Flash Player and executing client-side code.
    Working with file upload and download .html
    FileReference class

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    Thanks a lot.
    Best regards,

    Hello, Michael.
    I've got what you mean now. Seems that this is a standard behaviour of this tag. And it has a background which I can only guess - you press Upload, upload is done, field is emptied shown that it is ready to upload next file.
    I suppose you should handle such situation in your onUpload method. And set some indicator (text field below the fileupload tag, icon somewhere near, disabling fileUpload's bttons etc.) on the screen accordingly.
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    Thanks & Regards
    Poomani Sankaran

    Hello Sankaran,
    document library is to upload documents, without document you will not be able to add a record or Item to it.
    for your requirement you can use a list and enable folders within the list and maintain the local path of the file as an item in list.
    My Blog-|
    If a post answers your question, please click Mark As Answer on that post and Vote as Helpful

  • File Browse Validation not stopping upload

    Hi Guys,
    I am using Apex 4.0 and need help with the following please:
    I have a file browse item which uploads a file into the built in WWV_FLOW_FILES. The problem is it uploads even when there is an error and my validation flags up.
    Is it supposed to, does anyone no a work around? Basically I dont want the end user to upload the same file more than once.
    Thanks in advance all

    I have a file browse item which uploads a file into the built in WWV_FLOW_FILES. The problem is it uploads even when there is an error and my validation flags up. Is it supposed to...Yes. The file data is just the same as any other form value, and has to be submitted and held in session state (in this case in <tt>APEX_APPLICATION_FILES</tt>) before APEX can do anything with it:
    Basically I dont want the end user to upload the same file more than once.You'll have to perform some kind of validation check for this and if it fails, delete the unwanted file:

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    Hello Mike,
    >> Column NAME in WWV_FLOW_FILES is VARCHAR2(90). It does not include the local filename path. It include a prefix like "F1521676842/" in the front of the filename.
    Yes, you are correct. I spoke from memory, and it seems that I remembered one of my customized tables, where I also save the local full path of the file.
    As far as I can see in my system, the extension of the ‘F123….’ is not with a fix length, and the highest one is 18 characters long. Therefore, it seems that the actual file name should be less than 70 characters long.
    A similar code to the following can be used in a validation check:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function checkFileName(pThis){
      if (pThis.value != "") {
         //get path value (including file name)
         var fileAndPath = pThis.value;
         //find the index of the last "\"
         var lastPathDelimiter = fileAndPath.lastIndexOf("\\");
        //get everything after the last "\"
        var fileNameOnly = fileAndPath.substring(lastPathDelimiter+1);
        if (fileNameOnly.length >70) {
          alert("File name " + fileNameOnly +
              " is too long (" + fileNameOnly.length + " characters).");
    </script>The “HTML Form Element Attributes” of the item should include:
    onblur=" checkFileName(this)"

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    Just curious if this has been implemented. Running Oracle, HTMLDB
    Thanks much,

    I'm not aware of any way to do this using HTML and Javascript only running in a browser. As such, I don't know of a way to do this using HTML DB. Thing is, web browsers take great care to protect your file system from Javascript running behind the scenes.

  • Please help on uploading a CSV file on APEX through file browse

    Hi All,
    I need to upload a csv file in the table through file browse button.For that i have created the below process and function.This method is working perfectly fine when the file size is small.But i need to upload the file of 16 MB size and when i try to upload that file it gives error wwv_flow.accept error.Any expert of APEX please help me out on this error.As i am very new to APEX and i need to get this done as early as possible.Please provide any solution ,i will be really grateful to the person.
    create or replace function hex_to_decimal
    --this function is based on one by Connor McDonald
    ( p_hex_str in varchar2 ) return number
    v_dec number;
    v_hex varchar2(16) := '0123456789ABCDEF';
    v_dec := 0;
    for indx in 1 .. length(p_hex_str)
    v_dec := v_dec * 16 + instr(v_hex,upper(substr(p_hex_str,indx,1)))-1;
    end loop;
    return v_dec;
    end hex_to_decimal;
         v_blob_data BLOB;
         v_blob_len NUMBER;
         v_position NUMBER;
    v_clob_data CLOB := 'anything';
    dest_offset NUMBER := 1;
    src_offset NUMBER := 1;
    blob_csid NUMBER := dbms_lob.default_csid;
    lang_ctx INTEGER := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx;
    warning INTEGER;
         v_raw_chunk RAW(10000);
         v_char CHAR(1);
         c_chunk_len number := 1;
         v_line VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
         v_data_array wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
         v_rows number;
         v_sr_no number := 1;
         delete from scg_recievables2;
         -- Read data from wwv_flow_files</span>
         select blob_content into v_blob_data
         from wwv_flow_files
         where last_updated = (select max(last_updated) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = :APP_USER)
         and id = (select max(id) from wwv_flow_files where updated_by = :APP_USER);
         v_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_blob_data);
         v_position := 1;
    -- Read and convert binary to char</span>
         WHILE ( v_position <= v_blob_len ) LOOP
         dbms_lob.converttoclob(v_clob_data, v_blob_data, v_blob_len, dest_offset,src_offset,blob_csid,lang_ctx,warning);
    v_char := dbms_lob.getlength(v_clob_data);
         v_line := v_line || v_char;
         v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
         -- When a whole line is retrieved </span>
         IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
         -- Convert comma to : to use wwv_flow_utilities </span>
         v_line := REPLACE (v_line, ';', ':');
         -- Convert each column separated by : into array of data </span>
         v_data_array := wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table (v_line);
    if IsNumber(substr(v_data_array(9),1,1)) = 1 then
    v_data_array(9) := substr(v_data_array(9),1,11);
    v_data_array(9) := '01-JAN-1900';
    end if;
    v_data_array(9) := NVL(v_data_array(9),'01-JAN-1900');
         -- Insert data into target table </span>
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into scg_recievables2 (Account_receivable_number, the_account_number, bill_history_tran, service_number, item_type, the_amount_billed, the_remaining_amount,source_of_payment)
         values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9)'
         -- Clear out
         v_line := NULL;
         v_sr_no := v_sr_no + 1;
         END IF;
         END LOOP;

    As noted, this confuses the issue, since a possible answer was posted in the OTHER thread.. Check your server logs, you are probably timing out.. From prior threads with a similar issue:
    Have a look at the httpd.conf file (or get your system administrator to look at it) and see what the value of TimeOut is set to. You may need to increase it in order to export large tables via APEX.
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX
    A lady came up to me on the street, pointed at my suede jacket and said "Do you know a cow was murdered to make that jacket?"
    "I didn't know there were any witnesses", I replied " Now I'll have to kill you too"

  • File Browse Upload Feature for Apex

    I added the File Browse feature to my Apex page. However I would like to customize the file to be uploaded into a different database as a BLOB. Any examples? Thanks.

    Looks like you asked the same question here: File Upload to Custom Table
    Please refrain from double-posting.
    - Scott -

  • Macos file upload file browse has started suddenly to close after a few seconds before allowing me to choose a file

    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100824 Firefox/3.6.9
    A couple of days ago after the latest update every time I try and upload a file to a web site the file browse has started suddenly to close after a few seconds before allowing me to choose a file.

    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100824 Firefox/3.6.9
    A couple of days ago after the latest update every time I try and upload a file to a web site the file browse has started suddenly to close after a few seconds before allowing me to choose a file.

  • Any way to Upload a File Automatically without user interaction in BSP.

    Any way to Upload a File Automatically without user interaction in BSP.
    Problem is;
    We have an terminal pc connected to an Production Machine and has a PLC for reading Machine Actual Datas. This terminal has Windows CE.NET OS. There is one program which Appending PLC Data to Text file (STORAGE CARD\PLC\SAMPLE.TXT).
    Users can access to WAS system in this Terminal (Has network).
    I have to access to SAMPLE.TXT file using BSP when user antered a page in WAS.
    Have you got any solution. I have tried so much methods to do this. But i have not found any solution.

    Yes SAMPLE.txt stored in "STORAGE CARD\PLC" folder in terminal.
    But i am trying in my computer to test with "C:
    I have tried before this method. But I think this is a security exception. Because when i use
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    extName = fso.GetExtensionName("C:\GPS.txt");
    i am getting an alert with message "txt". there is no problem.
    But when i try to access file using this code
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    fileObj = fso.GetFile("C:\GPS.txt");
    i am getting "Automation server can't create object".
    Message was edited by:
            Ibrahim UGUR

  • Restricting length of file name of the file to be uploaded in file browse.

    I have got a file browse item. When the file name is more than 74 characters, it goes to an error page. Can this be avoided?
    To prevent this, I tried using a javascript
    function doSubmitWithProgress()
    if (document.getElementById('P202_FILE_INPUT').value.length > 70){
    alert('File name should be less than 70 characters in length.');
    But this is considering the path of the file as well and hence causing an issue.
    So could you please help me out with this issue.
    If there is a way to avoid going to error page if file name is big that would be great. Otherwise, if there is a way to check just the length of the file name and trigger an alert if it is more than 70 characters, that would help me too.

    The issue is that this code
      // Now create an array that contains the individual pieces of
      // the file name split on the "/" boundaries
      var myArray  = fileName.split('/');has the wrong path separator for Windows. Use backslash instead:
      // Now create an array that contains the individual pieces of
      // the file name split on the "\" boundaries
      var myArray  = fileName.split('\\');double backslash is necessary because '\' is the JavaScript escape character, so it needs to be doubled to indicate that that is the character we want.
    However, also be aware that for security/privacy reasons recent versions of browsers do not expose the file path via the .value method. Firefox, Safari and Chrome only provide the filename. IE6 & IE7 yield the path in Windows format. IE8 and Opera, in an effort not to "break the web" (i.e. to bend over backwards to keep poorly coded and non-interoperable Windows sites working) have adopted an irritating approach of replacing the path with a wholly imaginary "C:\fakepath\".
    So your validation may have to cope with up to 3 scenarios, depending on the browsers that need to be supported: only get the filename (FF/Safari/Chrome); get the full path (IE6/7/8 in some security configurations/older versions of all browsers); get a fake path (Opera/IE8 in other security configurations).
    For more information see:
    (In 2009 MS are still concerned that pathname segments are limited to 8 characters?)

  • Open Cursor Issue because of file browse Item - Is this a Bug in APEX 3.2

    Hi All,
    I am using file browse Item to upload file into the database at two places in my application, but it seems whenever I am submitting those two pages, with file path or without file path, its opening an cursor which remains open after that, because of this open cursor count in the application is getting exceeding every time.
    For testing this I have made an dummy page containing just file browse item and submit button, and still it is increasing the open cursor count.
    Is this a bug in Apex file browse item or there is some other way to handle this.
    Please kindly help me in the above issue as this is affecting the production application.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: user11204334 on Dec 5, 2010 9:57 PM
    Edited by: user11204334 on Dec 5, 2010 9:58 PM

    One observation, Apex is switching the Session ID after one got killed ? I was working on Apex page with browse Item to test open cursor count,
    after killing the SID (227) on which the open cursor count was getting increase, it APEX automatically switches to new SID(149) for that session.
    Now the problem is even if I have two SID's and one hits the maximum open cursor count, It is not switching to other SID instead the whole application becomes unavailable.
    opened cursors current 20 14 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 149 74 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 194 71 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 211 5 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 227 325 APEX_PUBLIC_USER Killed
    opened cursors current 244 15 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 20 14 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 149 76 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 194 71 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 211 5 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    opened cursors current 244 15 APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    Please kindly help in this.
    Thanks in Advance
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: user11204334 on Dec 8, 2010 1:02 AM

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