FileSystemView.getSystemDisplayName() under Linux

i'm trying ti get the description of a filetype under Linux (Ubuntu: 7.10).
Under Windows the call of FileSystemView.getSystemDisplayName(new File("test.txt")) will return "Textdocument" (or simliar...)
under Ubuntu Linux nothing (null) is returned.
Any idea how to get the DisplayName under Linux?
Tia, aumaster

Based on what the method's API doc says is returned,
the file type description as it would be displayed by a native file chooser or null if no native information is available.
It would seem that no native information giving this is available.

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    You can execute several commands in the process started by cron. You separate them using semicolons.
    Have you tried a cron entry like this:
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    Code Sample:
    import javax.swing.JDialog;
    import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class JMFSound extends Object implements ControllerListener {
         File soundFile;
         JDialog playingDialog;
         public static void main (String[] args) {
              JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
              File f = chooser.getSelectedFile();
              try {
                   JMFSound s = new JMFSound (f);
              } catch (Exception e) {
         public JMFSound (File f) throws NoPlayerException, CannotRealizeException,     MalformedURLException, IOException {
              soundFile = f;
              // prepare a dialog to display while playing
              JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane ("Playing " + f.getName(), JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
              playingDialog = pane.createDialog (null, "JMF Sound");
              // get a player
              MediaLocator mediaLocator = new MediaLocator(soundFile.toURL());
              Player player =     Manager.createRealizedPlayer (mediaLocator);
    player.addControllerListener (this);
         // ControllerListener implementation
         public void controllerUpdate (ControllerEvent e) {
    System.out.println (e.getClass().getName());
         if (e instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
                   System.exit (0);
    Message was edited by:

    Hello everyone,
    I'm currently working on a nice cross-platform project involving sound producing. I decided to take a look at JMF and test it a bit to know if its features can suit me. I tried to make it works under windows, using a very simple sample of code. The system seems to play the sound as some console output detects the start and the end, but all i hear is a very short noise ( 1/2second ) like a "CLIK" and nothing else. I tested the code under linux, using the same computer and it works just fine, playing the same wave nicely and entirely.
    some info:
    -i used the cross platform JMF, no performance pack ( i tried it , but still no result )
    -the code just opens a file dialog and plays the selected file
    -the selected file was always a very simple .wav
    -i did not use system classpath variables because i don't like it, i rather use local classpath ( which works fine too, no doubt about it )
    -i tested this little soft on 2 other computer using windows XP, and still got the same result.
    Please, have you got an idea about what's going on ?
    Thanks a lot for any answer!
    Maxime - Paris . France
    Code Sample:
    import javax.swing.JDialog;
    import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class JMFSound extends Object implements ControllerListener {
         File soundFile;
         JDialog playingDialog;
         public static void main (String[] args) {
              JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
              File f = chooser.getSelectedFile();
              try {
                   JMFSound s = new JMFSound (f);
              } catch (Exception e) {
         public JMFSound (File f) throws NoPlayerException, CannotRealizeException,     MalformedURLException, IOException {
              soundFile = f;
              // prepare a dialog to display while playing
              JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane ("Playing " + f.getName(), JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
              playingDialog = pane.createDialog (null, "JMF Sound");
              // get a player
              MediaLocator mediaLocator = new MediaLocator(soundFile.toURL());
              Player player =     Manager.createRealizedPlayer (mediaLocator);
    player.addControllerListener (this);
         // ControllerListener implementation
         public void controllerUpdate (ControllerEvent e) {
    System.out.println (e.getClass().getName());
         if (e instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
                   System.exit (0);
    Message was edited by:

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    > uname -a
    Linux watson 2.6.20-1.2933.fc6 #1 SMP Mon Mar 19 11:38:26 EDT 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
    java -versionjava version "1.5.0_11"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_11-b03)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_11-b03, mixed mode, sharing)
    javac -versionjavac 1.5.0_11
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    import javax.swing.*;
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        SwingWindow() {
         JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();     
            JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
            JMenuItem newItem = new JMenuItem("New");
            newItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
         JTextField text = new JTextField(200);
         setSize(700, 275);
        public static void createAndShowGUI() {
            JFrame frame = new SwingWindow();
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {

    You can implement the FocusListener interface. When
    the first JFrame gains focus, call
    text.requestFocusInWindow(). I hope this helps.The call requestFocusInWindow is not helping, perhaps even making it worse.
    The problem seems to be that I am in the situation where the call
    is returning the expected Component. The problem is that the KeyListener class that is registered with the Component is not being called when a key is being pressed.
    The issue is that I have a component that has the keyboard focus, but the KeyListener class
    is not responding.
    This seems to be a linux only problem which makes it only mysterious.

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    Under Linux openSUSE 12.3 I use Scangear MP 1.80 for my Canon PIXMA MG8250.
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    There are two basic types of core OCR algorithm, which may produce a ranked list of candidate characters.
    Matrix matching involves comparing an image to a stored glyph on a pixel-by-pixel basis; it is also known as "pattern matching" or "pattern recognition". This relies on the input glyph being correctly isolated from the rest of the image, and on the stored glyph being in a similar font and at the same scale. This technique works best with typewritten text and does not work well when new fonts are encountered. This is the technique the early physical photocell-based OCR implemented, rather directly.
    Feature extraction decomposes glyphs into "features" like lines, closed loops, line direction, and line intersections. These are compared with an abstract vector-like representation of a character, which might reduce to one or more glyph prototypes. General techniques of feature detection in computer vision are applicable to this type of OCR, which is commonly seen in "intelligent" handwriting recognition and indeed most modern OCR software. Nearest neighbour classifiers such as the k-nearest neighbors algorithm are used to compare image features with stored glyph features and choose the nearest match.
    Software such as Cuneiform and Tesseract use a two-pass approach to character recognition. The second pass is known as "adaptive recognition" and uses the letter shapes recognized with high confidence on the first pass to better recognize the remaining letters on the second pass. This is advantageous for unusual fonts or low-quality scans where the font is distorted.
    So I wonder which kind of OCR algorithm are you using?


    Our Reports are developed under Windows (Report Builder and Windows 2000/Windows XP) and generated under Linux (IAS with Red Hat Advanced Server). The Report Output is a PDF, that will be downloaded by the user with WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT. This works fine, but fonts are not shown correctly in the PDF, especially ARIAL, which is the font we use.
    I have run the Fontsolution Configuration Script from Metalink, but we still have a problem.
    When you look at the font.pdf, wich is the testreport from fontsolutions, some sizes and styles of Arial are printed correctly others not.
    Arial 8 is ok, but Arial 10 and Arial 12 are something like Times New Roman.
    Arial 12 Bolded is correct, but Arial 12 italic and Arial 12 bold italic are also not
    the Arial Font.
    How can we correct this problem?
    These are the files changed by Fontsolution Configuration Script:
    # uifont.ali provided in fontsolutions.tar for developer 9.0.2
    # $Header: uifont.ali@@/main/22 \
    # Checked in on Tue Jan 8 15:32:42 PST 2002 by idc \
    # Copyright (c) 1999, 2002 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. \
    # $
    # $Revision: /main/22 $
    # Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994, 2002.
    # All Rights Reserved.
    # Each line is of the form:
    # <Face>.<Size>.<Style>.<Weight>.<Width>.<CharSet> = \
    # <Face>.<Size>.<Style>.<Weight>.<Width>.<CharSet>
    # The <Face> must be the name (string/identifier) of a font face. The
    # <Style>, <Weight>, <Width>, and <CharSet> may either be a numeric
    # value or a predefined identifier/string. For example, both US7ASCII
    # and 1 are valid <CharSet> values, and refer to the same character set.
    # The <Size> dimension must be an explicit size, in points.
    # The following is a list of recognized names and their numeric
    # equivalents:
    # Styles Numeric value
    # Plain 0
    # Italic 1
    # Oblique 2
    # Underline 4
    # Outline 8
    # Shadow 16
    # Inverted 32
    # Overstrike 64
    # Blink 128
    # Weights Numeric value
    # Ultralight 1
    # Extralight 2
    # Light 3
    # Demilight 4
    # Medium 5
    # Demibold 6
    # Bold 7
    # Extrabold 8
    # Ultrabold 9
    # Widths Numeric value
    # Ultradense 1
    # Extradense 2
    # Dense 3
    # Semidense 4
    # Normal 5
    # Semiexpand 6
    # Expand 7
    # Extraexpand 8
    # Ultraexpand 9
    # Styles may be combined; you can use plus ("+") to delimit parts of a
    # style. For example,
    # Arial..Italic+Overstrike = Helvetica.12.Italic.Bold
    # are equivalent, and either one will map any Arial that has both Italic
    # and Overstrike styles to a 12-point, bold, italic Helvetica font.
    # All strings are case-insensitive in mapping. Font faces are likely to
    # be case-sensitive on lookup, depending on the platform and surface, so
    # care should be taken with names used on the right-hand side; but they
    # will be mapped case-insensitively.
    # See your platform documentation for a list of all supported character
    # sets, and available fonts.
    # BUGS:
    # o Should accept a RHS ratio (e.g., "Helv = Arial.2/3").
    [ Global ] # Put mappings for all surfaces here.
    # Mapping from MS Windows
    #Arial = helvetica
    #"Courier New" = courier
    #"Times New Roman" = times
    #Modern = helvetica
    #"MS Sans Serif" = helvetica
    #"MS Serif" = times
    #"Small Fonts" = helvetica
    "Sadvocra" = helvetica..Oblique.Medium
    "sAdC128d" = helvetica..Plain.Medium
    "CarolinaBar-B39-25F2" = helvetica...Bold
    #"IDAutomationSMICR" = helvetica
    # Mapping from Macintosh
    #"New Century Schlbk" = "new century schoolbook"
    #"New York" = times
    #geneva = helvetica
    [ Printer ] # Put mappings for all printers here.
    [ Printer:PostScript1 ] # Put mappings for PostScript level 1 printers here.
    # Sample Kanji font mappings
    ...UltraLight..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...UltraLight..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...ExtraLight..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...ExtraLight..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...Light..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...Light..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...DemiLight..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...DemiLight..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    .....JEUC = "GothicBBB-Medium-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Medium..JEUC
    .....SJIS = "GothicBBB-Medium-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Medium..SJIS
    # Mapping from MS Windows
    #Roman = palatino
    #Script = "itc zapf chancery"
    #FixedSys = courier
    #System = helvetica
    # Mapping from Macintosh
    #"Avant Garde" = "itc avant garde gothic"
    # Mapping from Motif display
    #fixed = courier
    #clean = times
    #lucidatypewriter = courier
    #lucidabright = times
    #Arial = helvetica
    #"Courier New" = courier
    #"Times New Roman" = times
    # MICR font
    [ Printer:PostScript2 ] # Put mappings for PostScript level 2 printers here.
    # Sample Kanji font mappings
    ...UltraLight..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...UltraLight..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...ExtraLight..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...ExtraLight..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...Light..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...Light..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...DemiLight..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...DemiLight..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    .....JEUC = "GothicBBB-Medium-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Medium..JEUC
    .....SJIS = "GothicBBB-Medium-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Medium..SJIS
    # Mapping from MS Windows
    #Roman = palatino
    #Script = "itc zapf chancery"
    #FixedSys = courier
    #System = helvetica
    # Mapping from Macintosh
    #"Avant Garde" = "itc avant garde gothic"
    # Mapping from Motif display
    #fixed = courier
    #clean = times
    #lucidatypewriter = courier
    #lucidabright = times
    [ Printer:PCL5 ] # Put mappings for PCL 5 printers here.
    helvetica = univers
    times = "cg times"
    clean = "antique olv"
    fixed = courier
    lucida = univers
    lucidabright = "cg times"
    lucidatypewriter = courier
    "new century schoolbook" = univers
    terminal = "line printer"
    [ Display ] # Put mappings for all display surfaces here.
    [ Display:Motif ] # Put mappings for Motif displays here
    # Fix for bug no 778937 DO NOT MOVE!
    Roman.....sjis = lucida.....jeuc
    Script.....sjis = lucidabright.....jeuc
    FixedSys.....sjis = fixed.....jeuc
    System.....sjis = lucida.....jeuc
    .....sjis = .....jeuc
    # Mapping from MS Windows
    Roman = lucida
    Script = lucidabright
    FixedSys = fixed
    System = lucida
    # Mapping from Macintosh
    "Avant Garde" = helvetica
    "Bookman" = times
    [ Display:CM ] # Put mappings for all CM displays here.
    # These are DEC-specific, and may need localization
    *..Blink = Blinking
    *..Inverted+Underline.Bold = ReverseBoldUnderline
    *..Inverted+Underline. = UnderlineReverse
    *..Underline.Bold = UnderlineBold
    *..Inverted.Bold = ReverseBold
    *...Bold = Bold
    *..Underline = Underline
    *..Inverted = Reverse
    * = Plain # The font of last resort
    # Oracle Report PDF sections
    # Three new sections have been added:
    # [ PDF ] - Used for font aliasing and Multibyte language support
    # [ PDF:Embed ] - Used for Type 1 font embedding
    # [ PDF:Subset ] - Used for True Type Font subsetting
    [ PDF ]
    # This example shows how to rename helvetica font to Courier font
    # helvetica = Courier
    # You can Alias specific styles of font as below
    # helvetica.12..Bold.. = Courier.14....
    # "Lucida Bright".12..Bold = "New Century Schoolbook"
    # Support for Far Eastern Languages:
    # PDF section can be additionally used to enable Multibyte language support
    # built into Reports. To use this feature with Adobe (r) Acrobat (c), you
    # need to install the Asian font pack available online at the Adobe web site.
    # .....SJIS = "HeiseiKakuGo-W5-Acro"
    # A Japanese report run with Shift-JIS character set is replaced to
    # HeiseiKakuGo-W5-Acro CID font.
    arial = Arial
    "arial" =Arial
    "arial narrow" = "Arial Narrow"
    "courier new" = "Courier New"
    tahoma = Tahoma
    "microsoft sans serif" = "Microsoft Sans Serif"
    "ms sans serif" = "MS Sans Serif"
    "times new roman" = "Times New Roman"
    [ PDF:Embed ]
    # This example shows how to embed Type 1 helvetica font into the PDF file:
    # helvetica = "helvetica.afm helvetica.pfa"
    # You need to specify the .afm file before the .pfa file.
    # The font files must exist in one of the folders specified in REPORTS_PATH.
    [ PDF:Subset ]
    # This example shows how to subset Arial True Type font into the PDF file:
    # helvetica = "Arial.ttf"
    # The True Type font files must exist in any one of the folders specified in
    helvetica..Oblique.Medium = "Sadvocra.ttf"
    helvetica..Plain.Medium = "Sadc128d.ttf"
    helvetica...Bold = "CarolinaBar-B39-25F2-Normal.ttf"
    # If you have entries for a same font in many PDF sections, then Font
    # Aliasing entry will take precedence over Font Embedding entry. Entries
    # in Font Embedding will take precedence over the entries in Font Subsetting
    # section.
    # Generic entries for a font must follow more specific entries for the same
    # font. For instance, if you want to subset helvetica Plain, helvetica Bold,
    # helvetica Italic and helvetica Bold-Italic fonts, your entries must be:
    # [ PDF:Subset ]
    # helvetica..Italic.Bold.. = "Arialbi.ttf"
    # helvetica...Bold.. = "Arialb.ttf"
    # helvetica..Italic... = "Ariali.ttf"
    # helvetica..... = "Arial.ttf"
    # If helvetica..... entry appears in the top of the list, all the styles of
    # helvetica font in the layout will be subset as helvetica Plain font.
    # This is the printer configuration file.
    # The format for entries in this file is:
    # <OSName>:<Type>:<Version>:<Long Name>:<Description File>:
    # The first field is the name of the printer. It is the name you give
    # to lpq.
    # The second field is the type of driver to be used for the printer.
    # Currently, "PostScript" and "ASCII" are the only types of driver for
    # printers supported for now. But in future we may be supporting
    # drivers for other printer types.
    # The third field is the version of the type of printer driver. It's 1
    # or 2 for all PostScript printers; or 1 for ASCII printers.
    # The fourth field is a long description of the printer. This will be
    # presented to the user in the "Choose Printer" dialog window.
    # The fifth field is the printer description file to be used. For
    # PostScript printers it is the PPD file of the printer. (This field is
    # currently unused for ASCII printers.)
    # You can use default.ppd for the description file if you don't have a
    # PPD file for the printer, but it's best to use the correct PPD file
    # for the printer.
    # You must fill in at least the first two fields (printer name and
    # type). If the version is empty, it defaults to "1"; if the long name
    # or description are empty, they will default to empty strings. A
    # version of 1 or an empty long name is fine, but, for PostScript
    # printers, you must fill in the description file name.
    # You don't have to update this file to use any printer. The printer
    # chooser interface let's you select a printer and driver at run time,
    # as well as associate a printer description file to the printer. You
    # should list all printers accessible to users here, however, to
    # simplify selecting a printer.
    # The first entry in this file will be used as the default printer, if
    # no printer was selected in the operating system. (For Unix, the
    # following environment variables will be used in turn to get the
    # default printer's name:
    # For other platforms, see the Installation and User's Guide for your OS
    # for information on setting the default printer.)
    # WARNING: Do not define multiple entries for the same printer by the
    # same name. Selecting a printer with multiple entries will always result
    # in the first entry being selected. Instead, see if your OS allows you
    # to create an alias for the printer, and use an alias for the second type.
    # The following are examples; replace them with printers accessible from
    # this machine.
    # hqunx15:PostScript:1:The really slow printer on 12th floor:dcln03r1.ppd:
    # hqdev2_pos:PostScript:1:The fast ScriptPrinter in 1281:dclps321.ppd:
    # hqunx106:ASCII:1:LNO printer in the 11th floor printer room:none:
    # hqdev9:PostScript:1:Bogus printer for Reports ASCII QA:default.ppd:
    # hqunx121:PostScript:1:APO printer in 500OP for NLS QA:ok800lt1.ppd:
    # --- Note that the following two printers are aliases for the same
    # --- physical printer, with different names for different types:
    # tk2hp4m:PCL:5:HP printer in 771 for testing PCL:ui4.hpd:
    # tk2bw1ps:PostScript:1:HP printer in 771 for testing PS:hp4mp6_1.ppd:
    # Not A Printer:ASCII:1:Configure your uiprint.txt file:none:
    fontprinter:PostScript:1:printer for fonting fixes:default.ppd:
    *PPD-Adobe: "4.0"
    *% Adobe Systems PostScript(R) Printer Description File
    *% Copyright 1987-1992 Adobe Systems Incorporated.
    *% All Rights Reserved.
    *% Permission is granted for redistribution of this file as
    *% long as this copyright notice is intact and the contents
    *% of the file is not altered in any way from its original form.
    *% End of Copyright statement
    *FormatVersion: "4.0"
    *FileVersion: "3.1"
    *PCFileName: "DATAP462.PPD"
    *LanguageVersion: English
    *Product: "(Dataproducts LZR 2665)"
    *PSVersion: "(46.2) 1"
    *ModelName: "Dataproducts LZR-2665"
    *NickName: "Dataproducts LZR-2665 v46.2"
    *% ==== Options and Constraints =====
    *OpenGroup: InstallableOptions/Options Installed
    OpenUI Option1/Optional Lower Tray: Boolean
    *DefaultOption1: False
    *Option1 True/Installed: ""
    *Option1 False/Not Installed: ""
    CloseUI: Option1
    *CloseGroup: InstallableOptions
    UIConstraints: Option1 False *InputSlot Lower
    *% General Information and Defaults ===============
    *ColorDevice: False
    *DefaultColorSpace: Gray
    *FreeVM: "178744"
    *LanguageLevel: "1"
    *VariablePaperSize: False
    *FileSystem: False
    *Throughput: "26"
    *Password: "0"
    *ExitServer: "
    count 0 eq {  % is the password on the stack?
    dup % potential password
    statusdict /checkpassword get exec not
    } ifelse
    {  %  if no password or not valid
    (WARNING : Cannot perform the exitserver command.) =
    (Password supplied is not valid.) =
    (Please contact the author of this software.) = flush
    } if
    serverdict /exitserver get exec
    *Reset: "
    count 0 eq {  % is the password on the stack?
    dup % potential password
    statusdict /checkpassword get exec not
    } ifelse
    {  %  if no password or not valid
    (WARNING : Cannot reset printer.) =
    (Password supplied is not valid.) =
    (Please contact the author of this software.) = flush
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    serverdict /exitserver get exec
    systemdict /quit get exec
    (WARNING : Printer Reset Failed.) = flush
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    0 0 moveto currentpoint matrix defaultmatrix transform
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    add sqrt round cvi
    ( ) cvs print (dpi) = flush
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    /cvp {(                ) cvs print ( ) print } bind def
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    newpath clippath pathbbox
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    [ (Upper) (Lower) ] statusdict /papertray get exec
    (get exec) stopped ( pop pop (Unknown)} if = flush
    *CloseUI: *InputSlot
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    *ManualFeed False: "statusdict /manualfeed false put"
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    statusdict /manualfeed get {(True)}{(False)}ifelse = flush
    *CloseUI: *ManualFeed
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    *Font Times-Italic: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
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    *Font TimesNewRoman-ItalicMT: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
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    /str 100 string dup 0 (fonts/) putinterval def
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    FontDirectory exch known
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    {exit} ifelse
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    (*) = flush
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    FontDirectory { pop == } bind forall flush
    (*) = flush
    *% Printer Messages (verbatim from printer):
    *Message: "%%[ exitserver: permanent state may be changed ]%%"
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    *Status: "waiting"
    *Status: "printing"
    *Status: "warming up"
    *Status: "PrinterError: BD check"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Paper jam"
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    *Status: "PrinterError: Warming up"
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    *Status: "PrinterError: Sorter or jogger error"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Scanner check"
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    *Source: "serial9"
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    *Source: "Centronics"
    *% Printer Error (format: %%[ PrinterError: <one of these> ]%%)
    *PrinterError: "BD check"
    *PrinterError: "Paper jam"
    *PrinterError: "Replace toner bag"
    *PrinterError: "Warming up"
    *PrinterError: "Timing error"
    *PrinterError: "Fuser check"
    *PrinterError: "Cover opened"
    *PrinterError: "Toner empty"
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    *PrinterError: "Sorter or jogger error"
    *PrinterError: "Scanner check"
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    *% For "Dataproducts LZR 2665" version 46.2
    *% Produced by "" version 2.0 edit 47
    *% Converted to meet 4.0 specification
    *% Last Edit Date: Sep 15 1992
    *% The byte count of this file should be exactly 011228 or 011572
    *% depending on the filesystem it resides in.
    *% end of PPD file for Dataproducts LZR 2665

    If you want to make platform independent use of fonts, you have to use the family, such as sans serif.
    Arial is owned by monotype ( You have to contact them if you wish to redistribute it with your application. They also might have a suitable version that renders nicely under linux.

  • Cannot install JMF under Linux Mandrake 10

    I simply cannot install JMF under the Mandrake 10 Official Linux distribution. I downloaded the jmf-2_1_1e-linux-i586.bin file and tried to execute it as root. It unzipped some files then showed me an error message about AWT and GTK+. I found a hack consisting of modifying the .bin file to have the PATH variable point to SUN JDK, the error does not show up, but the installation still does not work. In fact, the installation works, but the Diagnostics applet keeps telling me than class files are not present. My Mozilla 1.6 Java plugin is working and displaying the applet. My JMF lib directory does not contain sound.jar, such jmf.jar. I set the CLASSPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH according to the readme.html file. I would like to know if it is a compatibility problem with Mandrake 10, the 2.6 kernel or if JMF just DO NO work under Linux. In the latter case, JMF is a violation to the Java portability philosophy and I would never use it on my own initiative, just if I were asked to.
    After the files are unzipped, I have the following warning and error messages.
    Name: HorScrollBar
    Class: XmScrollBar
    The specified scrollbar value is greater than the maximum
    scrollbar value minus the scrollbar slider size.
    JavaSound Capture Supported = true
    JavaSoundAuto: Committed ok
    java.lang.Error: Can't open video card 0
    java.lang.Error: Can't open video card 1
    java.lang.Error: Can't open video card 2
    java.lang.Error: Can't open video card 3
    java.lang.Error: Can't open video card 4
    java.lang.Error: Can't open video card 5
    java.lang.Error: Can't open video card 6
    java.lang.Error: Can't open video card 7
    java.lang.Error: Can't open video card 8
    java.lang.Error: Can't open video card 9
    Even if I do not have a working video capture card (I have an ATI All-in-Wonder 128 but it is not working under 2.6 kernel), JMF should work because some people do not have a video capture card. I also tried with the cross-platform ZIP file, but this one does not contain sound.jar either and the Diagnostics applet keeps complaining about missing class files. I tried to search on the Web for solutions to this problem or for a way to change the CLASSPATH used by the Mozilla Java plug-in (if it uses a different CLASSPATH than the one from the environment variable), but nothing, nothing. Is there a distribution from which JMF would work better than Mandrake 10? Or can JMF work only under Microsoft Windows or Sun Solaris? I also tried Blackdown, but a README file directed me to the Sun's page, nothing to download here about JMF.

    well, your not the only one.
    I have it working in Debian, and JDS.(JMF is setup automatically in JDS).(2.6.6 kernel)
    I looked at the installation structure of JDS, and was able to duplicate what they did for Debian.
    Maybe it will work for Mandrake two??
    ok, all you have to do is copy or create soft links from your Mozilla directory, just like you did with the java plugin, and link to all the *.so files in JMF-2.1.1e/lib directory.
    Should work.
    I also read that not haveing the native files only matters if you are doing Capture. not play.
    to get your ATI All-in-Wonder 128 to work, make sure you install the correct driver, and have it working under linux, then try it in JMSTUDIO

  • Failed to install enterprise manager under linux

    When I installed Oracle 10g( under linux, I got an error when running
    /ora01/db/oracle/product/ within oracle universal installer.
    The emConfig.log file shows such error:
    oracle.sysman.emcp.exception.EMConfigException: Invalid value null for parameter PORT
    at oracle.sysman.emcp.ParamsManager.checkParam(
    at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPreConfig.checkConfigParams(
    at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPreConfig.checkParameters(
    at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPreConfig.invoke(
    at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPreConfig.invoke(
    at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig.perform(
    So I have to run emca after the oracle installation. I am new to this tool. I modified both tnsnames.ora and listener.ora file to set port to 1521. And then I run emca -config all db,
    but now I cannot pass "entering the password for SYS user" (I already set SYS user's password to oracle, and it works when using sqlplus.) .
    I am totally confused. What should I run emca to set up the enterprise manager's website? Now I can use localhost:5560/isqlplus and localhost:5560/isqlplus/dba.
    Many thanks!!

    I just run emca as oracle instead of root, then the password got passed, but I got new errors:
    Aug 30, 2007 5:59:59 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
    SEVERE: Failed to allocate port(s) in the specified range(s) for the following process(es): JMS [5540-5559],RMI [5520-5539],Database Control [5500-5519],EM Agent [3938] | [1830-1849]
    What should I do? Is running emca -config all db necessary to get enterprise manager installed?

  • No sound on Audigy 2 ZS under Win XP, under Linux

    I have an Audigy 2 ZS installed on my AMD 64 3500+, Board Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe (BIOS 0). I first installed Win XP, Sound drivers and everything worked fine, then installed SUSE Linux 9.3 (x64-Version), and everything was fine too. After a while, under Win XP the sound card stopped working. I don't remember what I changed in my config, but I couldn't get it working again under XP. Under Linux everything is still ok.
    I even reinstalled XP, and still there's no sound. Strange thing is, that the drivers install perfectly and everything on the system seems to be ok, but there's no sound neither on digital-out nor analog.
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    I tried both, disabling, enabling.
    Currently there's a digital sound system with external decoder connected to it (Creative Soundworks DTT3500 Digital), as well a 5. analog Headphone, so all jacks execept line in are connected. Headphones and sound system is ok, I tested that on other PCs.

  • Problems importing to 8.1.6 SE under Linux from 8.1.6 Solaris

    Dear collegues,
    We used Oracle 8.1.6 SE under linux mostly for development and have a need do import production database into developement server. We recently upgraded RedHat 5.2 to RedHat 6.2 and omved to Oracle 8.1.6, but currently expirienced next problem:
    IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1874 encountered
    ORA-01874: time zone hour must be between -12 and 13
    IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully
    Import file made under Solaris when timezone set to usual POSIX value. Under Linux I tried to set TZ both to values like 'GMT+6' and according new glibc docs to 'Asia/Novosibirsk'. When I export and then import data on linux I have allthings OK. If I have files from 8.0.5 It's OK too. Does anyone expirienced such problems? Any suggestion?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Graham Strang ([email protected]):
    Hey all. Just to let you know that it is entierly possible to get Oracle to install under RedHat 7 and run happily. I have done it on two differenct machines. There is a bit of fooling with glibc to get it to work. However after you do that it works like a dream. VALinux has a work around posted at:
    The READEME.Oracle8i has the work around and the two tar balls are the necessary files. I followed the directions to the letter and they worked like a dream. Any questions feel free to drop me a line.
    OK, so i followed your instructions to the letter (several times), sure I get past the 80% bug but now I have new erros coming up , -"Error in invoking target install of makefile /usr/oracle/sqlplus/lib/". I get a whole series of these errors for various mk files. These errors apear during the link phase of the install, prior to the glibc workaround I was not getting this. I am a newbie to Linux and trying to give it a serious go but so far I have had little luck
    Any help appreciated.

  • How to output executable Bin file under linux from java

    im beginner in java under linux and i want to out put my java programs to be bin files that can run
    if this not possilble
    how to run the output jar files with just double click ?
    does i have to run sh file that do the hob how?
    thanks in advance.

    say your main method (application's entry point) is located in a class,
    then first you create a text file (say, manifest.txt) that contains this line:
    and then you append this to the jar's manifest as such:
    jar cfm yourjarfile.jar manifest.txt [additional files you might want to add]
    for more info,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Analog Triggering and Interrupt generation on the PCIe-6320 under Linux

    We would like to use the analog triggering functions of the PCIe-6320 under Linux to time tag external events.
    I have no experience with the MH DDK but have been told this is what we would need to implement the functions we want. We plan on using Fedora Linux and we are targetting kernel 2.6.31 with the PREEMPT_RT patch applied. We may consider slightly more recent kernel versions. The PREEMPT_RT patch is used to greatly improve determinism in the system and get real-time responses to some external events.
    Here is what we wish to do in more details:
    We wish to route at least two analog inputs to the comparator, then route the output of the comparator to a digital input which in turn would create a PCIe interrupt. The interrupt software handler would than time tag that event for our application purposes. We need the comparator threshold to be software programmable in level and slope. We are also interested in using the Watchdog Timer feature of the board.
    Our application is written in C/C++.
    Would the above be feasible? Please provide comments and instructions how we should address our requirement.

    Patof wrote:
    I am not familiar with the MHDDK. I would like to have an idea of the effort required to implement the functions I have described using MHDDK on Linux. Like I mentionned, we plan on using Linux kernel 2.6.31 with the PREEMPT_RT patch. Could you provide comments on that matter? I need to evaluate the amount of time I will need to spend to deploy and use MHDDK for the PCIe-6320.
    There are two factors to consider when writing a driver for your specific application:
    Using the deterministic kernel API calls
    Writing to the device registers to
    Control the watchdog timer
    Configure the analog comparator
    Manage the analog subsystem state as trigger events occur
    Handle device interrupts
    The MHDDK for X Series offers the following behavior out-of-the-tarball:
    A Linux kernel module using the standanrd kernel and PCI subsystem calls
    Mapping device registers to user-mode for access
    Demonstrating/documenting how to
    Control the watchdog timer (dioex6.cpp)
    Manage the analog subsystem state as trigger events occur (aiex2.cpp, aiex4.cpp)
    Handle device interrupts (reference manual only)
    There are two notably missing pieces and one item to consider:
    Missing: deterministic kernel API calls. If you decide to use the nirlpk module, you would need to change it from the standard interfaces to the deterministic variants.
    Missing: configuring the analog comparator. You will need to implement this with additional insight from this discussion board.
    Consider: if your application requires device access from kernel-mode only, you would not be able to use the MHDDK's C++ classes that perform device programming but would need to implement register programming in C.
    To estimate the time for these three, here are my recommendations:
    Review the nirlpk.c source file to understand how device access and DMA buffers are implemented and mapped to the user-mode application.
    Beware that operation-specific programming help (as you would need for analog triggering) typically requires two weeks for a complete response.
    Review the ChipObjects in the MHDDK distribution to understand how register addresses, widths, and bit fields affect device programming.
    Joe Friedchicken
    NI VirtualBench Application Software
    Get with your fellow hardware users :: [ NI's VirtualBench User Group ]
    Get with your fellow OS users :: [ NI's Linux User Group ] [ NI's OS X User Group ]
    Get with your fellow developers :: [ NI's DAQmx Base User Group ] [ NI's DDK User Group ]
    Senior Software Engineer :: Multifunction Instruments Applications Group
    Software Engineer :: Measurements RLP Group (until Mar 2014)
    Applications Engineer :: High Speed Product Group (until Sep 2008)

  • Color saturation problem in Acrobat Reader 7.0.9 under Linux

    I'm working with a guy who is producing PDFs of my work with Indesign.
    Using acrobat reader under Linux (version 7.0.1 and also 7.0.9), the colours in these PDFs always appear very saturated. This is a big problem for me because I cannot see with the reference viewer the results of PDFs to be sent to print.
    I tried the same pdf file under OS X & Windows, it appears OK with Acrobat reader. Other free pdf readers under Linux also show the right colours (but not always the transparency ;-).
    Does anybody has an idea to help me?
    @Adobe people: in case you want to test, I drop a copy of my PDF file at: (2.24 MB)
    Thanks in advance
    Jean-Christophe Cardot

    We are able to reproduce color saturation problem at our end. We have noted down and will work on this.

  • How to do a ping with ICMP in Java under Linux?

    Does anyone know an easy way to do a ping with ICMPs under Linux? I did it under Windows, but under Linux, I've got some issues. I need a procedure that sends a ping with a id number and a seq number and another function pong that waits for a reply and returns the seq and id of the packets it received.
    if anyone did this, please tell me how. I know it should be a native method, but how do I implement it...

    rigth, i thought of that. but imagine that i have something like 100 hosts wich i must ping something like 20 times and get all the results in something like 5 seconds.
    so i don't think that runtime will be a solution because that kind of pings tend to be safe and wait 1 sec between 2 succesive pings in order to prevent a flood.
    i already did it in windows with a native dll. but i'm not so experienced in linux... :( so, if anyone can help...please do

  • Gif images is  not coming in oracle forms 9i under linux

    I am trying to show images using Read_Image_File under
    linux os ,at run time i am not able to see images.
    If any one solution pl mail me at [email protected]

    A couple of suggestions -- put the image files in your FORMS90_PATH that is set in default.env, and also be aware of case-sensitivity of file names.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Point of Entry Excel form w/data to Flow into Access DB Hosted on SharePoint 2010

    Hello -  I have an Excel file with multiple tabs that require different people to enter data.  I need to post the Excel file on SharePoint with the data entered to flow into an Access DB.  I am new to SharePoint and would appreciate any ideas or thou

  • Yahoo Messenger no longer works with 9.0

    Yahoo messenger stopped working after upgrading to Firefox 9.0. Can see contacts, but cannot connect with them by clicking on them. Tried to restore Win XP Pro to two days ago, but Firefox crashes when accessed. Any suggestions.? Do I need to update

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    I try to use Lenovo 90W Ultraslim AC/DC Combo Adapter and Nokia E52?! Any idea how to charge my mobile phone?, because when I put on L9 power tips with mini USB cable they don't work (not charge)! On, they don't have any infor

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    Hi all I'm looking for a decent Flash Decompiler for the Mac. I have a demo of the Gordon Flash Decompiler, but the demo doesn't let me save anything as an fla, which I think is all I want to do with it. Plus I've read more bad than good reviews onli