FileVault and sparsebundle image

Recently one of our employees was fired and I was provided their MacBook to try and obtain their data.  Since they are no longer an employee, they are not willing to cooperate with me.
The Mac originally had Leopard on it and was eventually upgraded to Snow Leopard but I presume everything stayed in tact with their file system as they continued to use the machine for several months.  Under Users/username they have a .sparsbundle image that is encrypted due to FileVaulting.
What I have done/attempted:
I reset the Master Password on the computer and can login as root. 
I obtained ther GeneratedUID and their Hash
I have looked at the username.plist file as well
I located the .sparsebundle image and I've attempted to open it via Disk Utility but it is asking for the user's password.
I read that I should delete the FileValutMaster.* files from the keychain
I'm working with the John Ripper program attempting to decrypt the hash so that I can get the user's password.  That has been running for 18 hours so far with no luck.
Any assistance would be great as this is not something that I've done before.  I'd be more than happy to provide any information necessary so that this task can be completed.
their password hint is: fubar

I'll be following this with interest, I've read about how to attempt it, but have not ever seen it done, sorry I can't help.

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    Nik Hisham wrote:
    Hi VK,
    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I logged in as Root, opened a Terminal window and found the sparsebundle image sitting in /.Trashes. I just did a mv to move it back to my user directory. I was able to immediately log back on using my user id.
    glad you've fixed it.
    It was a good thing I didn't empty the trash after moving the image there.
    actually you would not have been able to empty trash because the disk image was in use at the moment.

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    drag the dmg to the dock, right click, and "open at login?", that should achieve what you want

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    OK so if anyone else struggles with this problem (or even if you have launched filevault and you can't access your site anymore), here's the fix that worked for me:
    chmod +a "_www allow search" /Directory
    In here:
    _www - a user that apache runs from (check in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf)
    /Directory - a folder you want to give access to (that would be your home directory in case of FileVault and the mountpoint in case of an encrypted image)
    Hope this helps someone

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    A normal address like is intended to work with static IP addresses, DynDNS is a service specifically intended for dynamic addresses and it will therefore automatically update the address e.g. to match the dynamic IP address each time it changes.
    Some home broadband routers have built-in support to act as a DynDNS client but if yours does not then you can run the DynDNS software on your Mac server. This will then tell the DynDNS servers what your current dynamic IP address is so they can map it to your host name.
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    Have you tried restoring the Preferences yet?

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    Edited by: Philip Eller on Jun 17, 2008 9:18 AM*

    Please post your question to the BW forum.

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    How do you expect anyone to help when we don't know a darned thing about the file, abut your setup, exact version of Photoshop and your OS, machine specs, etc.?
    Note that this is boilerplate text.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CS6", but something like CS6v.13.0.6) and of Bridge,
    your settings in Photoshop > Preference > Performance
    the type of file you were working on,
    machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, total available HD space, video card specs, including total VRAM installed,
    what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far,
    what error message(s) you receive,
    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
    if you're having printing issues, indicate the exact make and model of your printer, paper size, image dimensions in pixels (so many pixels wide by so many pixels high). if going through a RIP, specify that too.
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster, who is not a Windows user).
    a screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

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    Could not open a scratch file because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privileges. (…) | Mylen…

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    Camera Capture (Snap) and stream ‏24 KB
    Camera Capture (Grab) and write ‏24 KB

    For me it is no surprise that the second VI is faster then the first one, the reason is you can not compare this two VI with each other.
    In the first VI you work with TDMS files, in the second with png files. That would be much faster, because TDMS files need a lot of diskspace.
    Second point, why do you open, write and close for eacht iteration of the for loop a TDMS file in your first VI? That need really a lot of resources, so it coudn´t be fats as well.
    Save your converted pictures in one array, an after the acquisition you can save it in one TDMS file. When you need for each picture a TDMS file you have to know that this need some time to do this.
    So now for the architecture of your first VI, please look to the LL Sequence.vifrom the examples (C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\examples\IMAQ\IMAQ Low Level.llb\LL, there you can see how an acquisition of a number of images have been to do.
    When you like it really fast, you make a producer/consumer architecture (see examples in LabVIEW for that).
    So in the first whileloop you acquire the images, write into a queue and in the second, parallel whileloop you read the queue and save the images. (see attachment)
    Hope that helps
    Kind regards
    NI Germany
    Attachments: ‏10 KB ‏12 KB

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    Sounds like you are not running iOS 5 ..........
    Update your iPad 2 to iOS 5............
    I purchased an iPad 2 for my wife for Xmas and it did not come with iOS 5 so I had to update it......

  • Efficiency of decoding and displaying image files?

    My question is this: can Flash Player download JPG and GIF
    files from a server and rapidly open/decode them, ready for
    display, efficiently and
    entirely 'in memory'?
    Would Flex be a good choice of language for developing a RIA
    that needs to continually download lots of JPG and GIF images
    on-the-fly from the server and render them on the screen? I *don't*
    want my application to thrash the hard disc.
    I am designing a 'rich' web app, and I'm investigating
    whether Flex is the right tool for the job.
    Although Flash's animation features are an obvious selling
    point for implementing my user interface, I also need to do some
    server-side rendering. What I want to do is perhaps a little
    unorthodox: I will be generating lots of GIF and JPG files on the
    fly and these will be streamed to the client (along with other
    application data, e.g. in XML format) to update different parts of
    the on-screen document. In need this to happen very quickly (in
    some cases, creating the effect of animation).
    It happens that JPGs and 16-colour GIFs will be, by far, the
    most efficient formats for streaming the images, because of the
    nature of the application. I could of course send the images in
    some proprietary format, geared for my application, but presumably
    decoding the images would be slow as I would have to implement this
    myself in ActionScript, and so I would be limited by the speed of
    Flex 'bytecode'. (I realise Flash is a lot more optimised than it
    once was, but I am hoping to see a gain from using image formats
    that Flash natively understands!)
    Naturally the internet bandwidth should (in principle) be the
    bottleneck. However, assuming I can get my image files to the
    client on time, want I want to know is:
    how efficient is Flash at loading such files?
    Bearing in mind that I'm not just displaying the occasional
    image -- I will be doing this continuously. Most of the images
    won't be huge, but there will be several separate images per
    The image files will be a mixture of normal colour JPGs and
    4-bit colour GIFs (LZW-compressed). I know that Flash natively
    supports these formats, but depending on how Adobe have implemented
    their LZW/Huffman decoding and so on, and how much overhead there
    is in opening/processing downloaded image files before they are
    ready to 'blit' to the screen, I imagine this could be pretty fast
    or pretty slow!
    If my client only has a modest PC, I don't want the JPG/GIF
    decoding alone to be thrashing his CPU (or indeed the disc) before
    I've even got started on 'Flashy' vector stuff.
    I'm new to Flash, so are there any 'gotchas' I need to know
    E.g. Would it be fair to assume Flash Player will do the
    decoding of the downloaded image entirely 'in memory' without
    trying to do anything clever like caching the file to disc, or
    calling any libraries which might slow down the whole process? It
    would be no good at all if the images were first written to the
    client's hard disc before being ready to display, for example.
    Further, if I'm doing something a little out-of-the-ordinary,
    and there is no 'guarantee' that images will be loaded quickly,
    what I'm doing might be a bad idea if a later version of Flash
    Player may (for example) suddenly start doing some disc access in
    the process of opening a newly downloaded image. So, while I could
    just 'try it and see', what I really need is some assurance that
    what I'm doing is sensible and is likely to carry on working in
    Finally, I imagine JPG/GIF decoding could be something that
    would vary from platform to platform (e.g. for the sake of
    argument, Flash Player for Windows could use a highly-optimised
    library, but other versions could be very inefficient).
    This could be the 'make or break' of my application, so all
    advice is welcome! :) Thanks in advance.

    You need a servlet/jsf component to render the image in the response.
    Look at this:

  • How to decoding and encoding PNG and GIF images?

    I could decode and encode JPEG images using following create functions which are in com.sun.image.codec.jpeg package.
    JPEGImageDecoder decoder = JPEGCodec          .createJPEGDecoder(inputStream);
    JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec                    .createJPEGEncoder(outputStream);
    But I dont know required package and functions to decode and encode PNG and GIF images. Please help me.

    Is the API that hard to follow? file/stream/url)
    ImageIO.write( image, format (e.g. PNG, GIF(1), JPEG), file/stream what have you)
    1) Not sure if Java supports GIF saving, it might if you install JAI, or Java 6.

  • Upload and display image in webside

    Hello Friends,
    I am developing an auction web site ,and facing some problem so I need your help.
    There is some confusion about uploading and displaying images in website .In web based
    application if I want to upload images than where have to store the images database or server
    side any folder .I have not idea about that please send your ideas and sussesions.
    Second problem is What is the best way to display images in webside either giving a direct
    path of server side image folder or I need to retrieve all images from database .
    I have no idea about it please send me your guideline which are usefull for me to implement in my
    what is the correct way to upload and display images in website ?
    Thanks . Have a nice day.

    If you are using a Container you just leave your image files in the home directory of your web application. And forget this idea about database. It´s not necessary in this case.
    To display the images just use HTML, <img src="url">.

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