Fill light presets for PV2012

I don't claim that these will match PV2010 fill light.  What I claim is, these applied after import will provide a fill light - like effect similar in strength to fill light of the same name.  I used to start many of my images with fill light, and these are a way to get to similar starting points faster.
Fill Light 20
Exposure 0.27
Contrast -15
Highlights -10
Shadows +10
Clarity 5
Saturation 5
Fill Light 40
Exposure 0.55
Contrast -30
Highlights -20
Shadows +20
Clarity 10
Saturation 10
Fill Light 60
Exposure 0.83
Contrast -50
Highlights -50
Shadows +50
Clarity 20
Saturation 25
Fill Light 80
Exposure 1.1
Contrast -60
Highlights -50
Shadows +50
Clarity 20
Saturation 25

Well, whilst it may well be a bug, it still can be used to create some interesting images. Try setting the Black level slider to the same value as Fill light one - this creates an interesting stylized effect. This however does not work on all the images.
Look for Paris photos (colour ones) here - these are examples where Fill light and blacks were both upped to 100.

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    Hi Venu,
    Don't know about best-practice, but you can do this by using the file adapter, using the "Run Operating System Command" to execute a print command on the file.
    The file can be formatted in a mapping program.

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    The Fill Light adjustment is the single most processor intensive of all the controls in Lightroom. When you first move the slider it causes Camera Raw to generate a large blur copy of the image and that takes a bit if time. During that initial bit if time, fill Light will NOT be as responsive as the other controls in only takes a moment but if you are trying to make adjustments while CR is building the mask, you'll get jittery results. The key to using it is to move the adjustment off zero, pause a bit while the mask is being generated and then start fine tuning the adjustment. After that initial move off zero is done, it should be about as fast as most of the other controls-and no, you DON'T want CR to auto-generate the mask for every image by default, it would make Camera Raw much slower overall.

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    Before, I start, I'm going to be entirely objective here. You are having a genuine issue here and I'm approaching from that point completely. You've documented it well, which helps in following it.
    Both Fill Light and Highlight recovery use internal masks to work. This means that there has to be an edge somewhere. When dealing with sudden contrast jumps like in your image, then it is possible to get the edge showing. I'm looking at 2 images here on my machine. Both of the same scene. A ruin against a blue sky. One underexposed a lot, the other mildly underexposed. Over 30 of FL gives me an edge like yours on the underexposed image, but not until 60 with the mildly underexposed image. The edge in the first image still looks okay until I start adding Recovery. This is probably because the Masks have the same edge point and are boosting each other, making it look much worse.
    FWIW, the Fill Light in Lightroom is not based on any RSP code, so I suspect that a like for like figure comparison is moot, much like comparing F or C scales on a degree by degree basis.
    Is there an issue? Not so much on reasonably exposed images, but for underexposed images, I do see an edge when pushing Fill Light in regions of high contrast . It is exacerbated by using Recovery.
    It has been mentioned before by me in the past.

  • What happened to fill light in Camera Raw 7? I miss it.

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    If you really, really want it back you can force the conversion to use process 2010.
    But try Trevor's suggestion, and especially try taking the time to unlearn the old way and get used to using all the new controls.  I'm finding it easier to get good results more quickly with the new setup.

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    Any resolution to this?

    There are a number of LR4 Develop presets That apply PV2012 without doing the develop conversion process. This sure looks like a bug to me!
    I agree with Rob that there should be a "warning" popup and proper conversion if you choose to proceed.
    You can submit a bug report here:
    For now your easiest solution is to create your own develop presets, or copy LR3's presets by 'Import' into a 'New Folder' titled 'LR3 Presets inside the LR4 Develop module 'Presets' panel. .html
    I just tried it on my Windows 7 LR4.1 and the LR3 presets work fine in LR4. It looks like they also include PV2010 as part of the LR3 preset, so make sure you don't use them with any LR4 PV2012 processed images. LR3 must be installed (or reinstalled) to 'Import' the LR3 develop presets into LR4.
    Here's the path on Windows 7 to 'Import' the LR3 presets inside LR4's Develop module:
    C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Develop Presets\Lightroom Presets
    The new 'LR3 Presets' folder will also show up in LR3's Develop preset panel. Simply ignore it if you still use LR3, but don't delete the folder.

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    I always have to chuckle at this question. Aperture introduced a much, much more sophisticated tool, Highlights and Shadows, in Aperture 2, if not 1.5. Now that Lightroom has finally caught up, everyone thinks that it is something new.
    You may find this thread helpful:
    Bottom line, Highlights and Shadows can do much more than "Fill Light." And, in any case, Lightroom 4 dropped "Fill Light" for ... "Highlights and Shadows."
    If you want a brute force "Fill Light", try some of these:
    -- "Brightness"
    -- Brushing Dodge and Burn

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    hvxuser wrote:
    I found that most interesting.... but again I ask why do you need to go to all the hassle and it IS hassle of RE-encoding from MXF to QT? I'm editing the MXF files straight.
    There is no "reencode", it is a simple transfer and addition of a QT wrapper so that FCP can read the files. Nothing is re-encoded, no metadata is lost, as Ben says. Hassle? What UTTER nonsense! if you rename the clip, FCP knows what links to what, and when you import you can RENAME and ORGANIZE your clips...a KEY thing to an efficient workflow.
    Are you telling me you EDIT THE MASTERS? You don't back up your footage at all? So, if your hard drive fails (and they often do), then all your footage is gone. Even if you edit the MXF files directly with Raylight, you ought to back up the masters by copying them to another disk, or LTO, or whatever. Just common sense. I keep my original MXF files on an archive disk and import the files into FCP where I can rename and organize how I please.
    In all my time of using the HVX (about 16 months) I've never known FCP to save the Metadata.... even if it hides it somewhere obscure its still a waste as FCP can't intiragate it.... i.e. I did a search this morning for all 720 50p footage shot in Tibet on P2 card serial number XXXXXX.... its an absolute breeze with P2cms. How can you do that with FCP? you can't you have to rummage through potentially 100's of clips.
    What metadata are you referring to? All you need are the clip names and timecode information really, and FCP retains that. Even if you rename a clip from 0003FG5 to "man crosses street," FCP knows that MAN CROSSES STREET is tied to 0003FG5. If the drive fails or media is lost, and you reimport, it goes right to the clip.
    I don't in anyway doubt your qualification in this field BUT I find it odd that your advocating such a convoluted workflow!
    Convoluted? Are you STILL saying that you edit your MASTER CLIPS and don't back them up? And if you do back them up (as you should), doesn't THAT double the size of your footage?
    First I program the metadata into the HVX via the SD card. I shoot what I need. I then hook up to my MBP to the HVX and fire up P2cms. I then injest the card(s). Lastly I fill in any outstanding required metadata.
    When I come to edit the footage.... I have the powerful P2cms database on hand to find any footage that I need within my collection of 1000's of clips. That then gets dropped into the required sequence. No fuss no hassle!
    Sorry to say it but after spending about a year with it all I can say is that Apple's workflow *****
    Depends on what you are doing, what you are editing, and what workflow you need. Your workflow works for you, but doesn't necessarily work for everyone. Just like the Importing workflow doesn't work for everyone. A lot of people like and use Raylight and edit the masters right away. ENG crews, people who need fast turnaround. It works. But so does importing and renaming and all that. There isn't ONE way to do things, because there are many many different production types...each requiring a different approach.
    Work the way you what you do. Don't knock something because it isn't the way you do it. As the saying goes, "there is more than one way to skin a cat." As long as the cat ends up skinned, what does it matter how you did it?

  • Fill Light algorithm

    Hi all
    I find the fill light slider in lightroom and ACR 4 to over increase saturation creating an unpleasing effect...
    ... of course my monitor is calibrated and I have everything color managed the right way
    I also tried dxo optics pro, ***I LIKE LIGHTROOM BEST*** but... their fill light algorithm gives much more natural effect, so please talented adobe engineers... fix this in next releases

    To Wolf and Lee :
    -Yes shadow/highlight in photoshop is more powerful and can give the exact result one is looking for with some practice
    But lightroom is a standalone program aimed at users that doesn't want to much bother with complicated tweaks, I'm not complaining about, I just find that this particular adjustment doesn't match the quality I was expecting
    I tried it with a raw file taken by my s3 pro (wich has 14 bit/channel raw format and much more dynamic range then other DSLRS) and I find dxo optics pro giving more pleasing results right away regarding this particular slider
    I think that with all the controls we have in lightroom one will be able to achieve the look he's after, and I'm happy with so many tweaks, I particularly like it smart cropping, TAT, the vibrance slider and the facilitated curves controls are really nice and so far unmatched by any other software I know
    But still IMHO fill light slider could me much better, trying this particular function in dxo confirmed what I was thinking

  • Unable To Use DVDSP4 Presets for HD-DVD in the H.264 Format

    I recently prepared a 23 minute slide show using Fotomagico from high resolution Hasselblad slides scanned in at 1200 dpi. Within Fotomagico I rendered the Fotomagico slide show to Apple ProRes 422 HQ, took it into Final Cut Pro 6.03 and added an intro and closing section. I then sent this to Compressor and selected the 30 minute HD-DVD preset which uses mpeg2. All went fine with the encoding to mpeg2 and I got a successful build and format out of DVDSP4 after importing the resulting .m2v file into DVDSP4. However, while the disk plays back fine in my Mac Pro it plays back with stuttering (audio and video) on my Toshiba HD-A2 HD-DVD player. I used a Verbatim Datalife DVD+R, but several other discs from other manufactuers including a DVD-R disc showed the same problem.
    Please note that I have the latest firmware on my Toshiba HD-A2 and I have successfully burned RL HD-DVD discs using my PC and Windows software (Ulead's DVD Movie Factory 6+) which play fine without stuttering on my HD-A2.
    I then decided to send the project to Compressor and use the 60 minute HD-DVD preset that encodes to H.264. Once again Compressor successfully executed the encode of my 23 minute slide show and it plays fine in QuickTime or MPEG StreamClip. However, every time I try and import this .mov file encoded in H.264 using the Compressor preset for HD-DVD into DVDSP4, DVDSP4 brings it in to the assets folder, but after a couple of seconds DVDSP4 crashes. Using console I get a message that DVDSP4 quit unexpectedly due to a "segmentation fault".
    I also tried to take the ProRes Fotomagic project in Final Cut Pro 6.02 and send it out with Quicktime Conversion using the H.264 codec. Again I have a file that plays fine in QT, but when I try and import this .mov file into DVDSP4, I get the message "imcompatible format".
    In summary, I am completely frustrated after many many hours of work at trying to prepare an HD-DVD on red laser of my slide show in DVDSP4. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong, and I would be most appreciative of any suggestions anyone may have.
    Thanks in advance.

    Am I the only person who has ever tried to use the Presets in Compressor 3 for encoding HD-DVD disks? I would like to use these presets for burning HD-DVD's to standard red laser media as I have done on my PC. With the mpeg2 Preset I can get nothing but stuttering video when played back on my Toshiba HD-A2 and when I use Compressor 3 to encode with either of the H264 presets, the resulting .mov file causes DVDSP4 to crash when I import the file. Has no one else experienced this? Does anyone have any thoughts on addressing these issues other than to go back to working on my PC?

  • I am trying to determine the new project preset for multi-camera video shot as follows:  3 Canon camcorders, main shot is DV (tape) (720x480), b-roll is DVD (mini-disk) (720x480), additional b-roll is AVCHD (1920x1080).  Film is from a wedding, DV contain

    I am trying to determine the new project preset for a multi-camera video shot as follows:  3 Canon camcorders,
    Main shot is DV (tape) (720x480, 29fps) - ceremony and reception
    b-roll is DVD (mini-disk) (720x480, 29fps) - bride preparations
    additional b-roll is AVCHD (1920x1080, 29fps) - groom preparations and misc all day ceremony and reception. 
    Film is from a wedding, DV contains main footage so I assume it will need to be the base.  I am planning to use the preset for DV-Widescreen.  Is there a better option?  I'm concerned about playback as the three appear to have different PAR.  I'm using Premiere Elements 10 on W8.
    Ultimately this will be burned for two formats - one for a DVD that can be watched on a widescreen TV, second for a short clip trailer to go on vimeo.
    (And no I won't be doing this again for a wedding that I shoot.)

    Please review since I am not sure how you obtained Video 3 tall when you scaled Video 3 with Constrain Proportions in effect.
    It becomes a zoomed in effect to get rid of the black borders. But, there is no tall and thin involved anywhere.
    And, after the Scale increase, you can always click on the screen and move the image around a bit
    (without overdoing it to get black borders again).
    After and an adjust
    Please let us know if you are OK with the information above.
    Thank you.

  • Is there a way to create a preset for drop shadows?

    I'm setting up a template for a new brochure that will need drop shadows on every product that is being placed. Is there a way to save a preset for a drop shadow so I need not have to recreate the shadow every time? Also this is being distributed to many people to work on and effects presets would be hugely beneficial-just not sure if that is possible? Although it is Indesign, and they are usually on the up and up for this kind of thing.

    The Eyedropper Tool is a quick way of applying the same drop shadow to many objects
    But as peter says object styles is a much simplier way.

  • Error while filling setup tables for 2lis_13_vahdr

    Dear friends,
    I am getting below Error while filling setup tables for 2lis_13_vahdr.
    More faulty documents found than the tolerated 0000000000
    Message no. M2222
    Can any one guide me how to address this issue.
    Thanks and Regards

    Hello Nithya,
    It seems the No of tolerated faulty documents that you have given is 0. So when you initialize try to these.
    While executing OLI*BW including a value in the maintain  "No. tolerated faulty documents" - 5000 or 10000.
    Then execute the program in background.
    Once the job is completed check the background job log if any errors.

  • Error while filling setup table for Sales

    Dear Team,
    We are getting following error while filling setup table for Sales (application component 11) and for Billing (application component 13),
    application component 11
    Error determining rate: foreign curr.  local curr. INR date 08.10.2007 (doc. 673624) (JOB - RMCVNEUA)
    Message No M2810
    application component 13
    Billing document 480050000: error determining stats. currency rate (no updating)
    More faulty documents found than the tolerated 0000000000 (JOB - RMCVNEUF)
    I have seen lot of threads based on this but all r showing diffrenent currency to INR but for the above mentioned documents currency is in INR only so why it is showing the error I am not able to determine.
    If anybody faced this problem kindly reply to this.
    Best Regards,

    Hi There,
    Might be your using a wrong document number.
    I mean if your using the 11 you should use only Sales document number and for 13 you should only use billing document number.
    If you use vice versa that error will throw.

Maybe you are looking for

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