FillColor in CS3

The below line works well in InDesign CS2 to apply fill color :
But the same line doesn't work in InDesign CS3. What has suppose changed in "fillColor" syntax.
Please guide me.
Saravanan .K

> .....words[0].fillColor = app.activeDocument.colors.item("Cyan");
Your code works fine for me.
Did you check the name of the colors of the active document, yet?
$.writeln( app.activeDocument.colors.everyItem().name.join('\r') );
alert( app.activeDocument.colors.everyItem().name.join('\r') );

Similar Messages

  • Where can I find the text fillColor for an empty TextFrame? [CS3]

    I've got a Javascript that needs the fillColor for text in a TextFrame.
    You can set the text fill color on an empty frame and InDesign will use that value when you enter text...but before you enter text, where can I get this value?
    Currently, for empty TextFrames I'm using pageItem.appliedObjectStyle.appliedParagraphStyle to retrieve the other settings. However, the "fillColor" value always appears to be (0,0,0,100).
    Where might I find this value?

    try to read it from

  • CS2 Javascript crashing InDesign works as 2 parts and in CS3.

    I have a script which works fine in CS3 but when I set it up in CS2 I found it was crashing InDesign. I've tried to cut it down to the minimum and set the 2 parts as functions.
    The first function makeMyslug create a new layer called slug and then some text frames on all master pages, with details about the document. The second function printMyslug prints all pages to postscript and adds a page number to the postscript file.
    If I have a document open and run each of the functions separately all is well. If I try and run both function in one go InDesign crashes. The script seems to crash InDesign once the printing process begins.
    NOTE for this example to work you will need to have a document open and make sure there are no blank pages. I'll post in as a reply so that it can be copied if anyone is able to help me out.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    //Here is the script.
    var mySluglay, myBlueBlk, mySlugChr, mySlugPar, myPageNo, myTitle
    myPageNo = 1;
    myTitle = "Test";
    myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    function makeMyslug(){
    //Create a layer for the slug items.
    mySluglay = myDocument.layers.item("Slug");
    if (mySluglay == null){
    mySluglay = myDocument.layers.add({name:"Slug"});
    //Create a blue background color.
    myBlueBlk = myDocument.colors.item("BlueBack");
    if (myBlueBlk == null){
    myDocument.colors.add({name:"BlueBack", model:ColorModel.process, colorSpace:ColorSpace.cmyk, colorValue:[100, 60, 0, 0]});
    //Create a cahr style.
    mySlugChr = myDocument.characterStyles.item("SlugChar");
    if (mySlugChr == null){
    myDocument.characterStyles.add({name:"SlugChar", appliedFont:"Arial"});
    //Create a para style.
    mySlugPar = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("SlugPar");
    if (mySlugPar == null){
    // Set units to mm.
    app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.MILLIMETERS
    app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.MILLIMETERS;
    slugBottomOffset = "20";
    slugTopOffset = "20";
    slugInsideOrLeftOffset = "0";
    slugRightOrOutsideOffset = "0";
    //Set the documents ruler origin to page origin. This is very important
    //--if you dont do this, getting objects to the correct position on the
    //page is much more difficult.
    myDocument.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.pageOrigin;
    //Create the slug details on all master pages.
    myDocument.pages[0].appliedSection.continueNumbering = false;
    myDocument.pages[0].appliedSection.pageNumberStart = parseInt(myPageNo);
    var myDetails = "Title: "+myTitle;
    var myPageWidth = myDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth;
    var myPageHeight = myDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight;
    mp = app.activeDocument.masterSpreads.everyItem().pages.everyItem().getElements();
    for (i = 0; i < mp.length; i++){
    var myTitleBox = mp[i].textFrames.add(myDocument.layers.item("Slug"), undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:[myPageHeight+6,10,myPageHeight+14, myPageWidth-10], contents:myDetails});
    myTitleBox.label = "Title";
    myTitleBox.textFramePreferences.verticalJustification = VerticalJustification.bottomAlign;
    myTitleBox.parentStory.paragraphs[0].appliedCharacterStyle = "SlugChar";
    myTitleBox.parentStory.paragraphs[0].appliedParagraphStyle = "SlugPar";
    myTitleBox.parentStory.fillColor = myDocument.swatches.item("Paper");
    myTitleBox.parentStory.pointSize = 10;
    myTitleBox.textFramePreferences.ignoreWrap = true;
    myTitleBox.textFramePreferences.textColumnCount = 1;
    var mycount = app.activeDocument.masterSpreads.item(0).pages.item(0).textFrames.item("Title");
    var myBlueBlock = mp[i].textFrames.add(myDocument.layers.item("Slug"), undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:[myPageHeight+6, 8,myPageHeight+20, myPageWidth-8]});
    myBlueBlock.label = "BlueBlock";
    myBlueBlock.fillColor = "BlueBack";
    myBlueBlock.textFramePreferences.verticalJustification = VerticalJustification.bottomAlign;
    var myWhiteBlock = mp[i].textFrames.add(myDocument.layers.item("Slug"), undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:[myPageHeight+14.5, 9,myPageHeight+19, myPageWidth-9]});
    myWhiteBlock.label = "WhiteBlock";
    myWhiteBlock.fillColor = myDocument.swatches.item("Paper");
    var myPageNoBox = mp[i].textFrames.add(myDocument.layers.item("Slug"), undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:[myPageHeight-5, 10, myPageHeight+18, myPageWidth-10]});
    myPageNoBox.label = "PageNo";
    myPageNoBox.insertionPoints.item(0).contents = SpecialCharacters.autoPageNumber;
    myPageNoBox.insertionPoints.item(0).contents = SpecialCharacters.emSpace;
    myPageNoBox.insertionPoints.item(0).contents = "Page No";
    myPageNoBox.parentStory.paragraphs[0].appliedCharacterStyle = "SlugChar";
    myPageNoBox.parentStory.paragraphs[0].appliedParagraphStyle = "SlugPar";
    myPageNoBox.textFramePreferences.verticalJustification = VerticalJustification.bottomAlign;
    myPageNoBox.textFramePreferences.ignoreWrap = true;
    myPageNoBox.textFramePreferences.textColumnCount = 1;
    //print function
    function printMyslug(){
    alert("Start print process.");
    myDocument.printPreferences.printer = Printer.POSTSCRIPT_FILE;
    myDocument.printPreferences.ppd = PPDValues.DEVICE_INDEPENDENT;
    for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter < myDocument.pages.length; myCounter++){
    myPageName = myDocument.pages.item(myCounter).name;
    myDocument.printPreferences.pageRange = myPageName;
    //The name of the exported files will be the base name + the page name + ".pdf".
    //If the page name contains a colon (as it will if the document contains sections),
    //then remove the colon.
    var myRegExp = new RegExp(":","gi");
    myPageName = myPageName.replace(myRegExp, "_");
    myFilePath = "/c/idjavascript/test_" + myPageName + ".ps";
    myFile = new File(myFilePath);
    document.printPreferences.printFile = myFile;
    alert("Page "+myPageName+" may be blank plesae check.");
    //call the makeMyslug function
    //call the printMyslug function

  • JS CS3 script form word styles to indesign styles

    I have search over the forums and can find a script the can change WORD styles (with a diskette sign) to Indesign paragraph styles (without the sign). Can any one help me on this?

    Here I translated the script from Russian into English for you. BTW, it is based on a script written by Dave Saunders (thanks Dave for it) — I totally reworked it to my needs. You should replace paragraph style names, font names, find-search strings, etc. with your own stuff.
    // Description: Script for InDesign CS3
    // Version 4
    // Removes local formatting of the text after importing it from Word transforming it into characters styles
    // Removes non CMYK colors
    // Removes imported styles
    // Adds non-breaking space before some abbreviations in text. For example: В, У, гг., млрд.
    // Removes superfluous. Finds-replaces some sequences of characters:  For example:"--" to "—"
    // Removes hyperlinks
    // Copyright © 2008 Kasyan Servetsky
    #target indesign
    if (app.documents.length == 0) {
         alert("Open a document and try again.", "Error", true);
    else {
         var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
         if (myDoc.selection.length == 1) {
              if (myDoc.selection[0] ==  "TextFrame") {
              var myTextFrame = myDoc.selection[0];
              else {
                   alert("Select a TEXT BOX.", "Error", true);
         else {
              alert("Select a single text block.", "Error", true);
         if (!myDoc.saved) {
              alert("This document has never been saved. Save it and try again.", "Error", true);
    //--------------------------------- Progressbar ---------------------------------
         var stop = 11;
         var w = new Window ( 'window', 'Preparing the file', undefined, {closeButton:false, maximizeButton:false, minimizeButton:false} );
         var pb = w.add ('progressbar', [0, 0, 350, 20], 0, stop);
         var txt = w.add('statictext', undefined, 'Starting the process');
         txt.alignment = "fill";;
         pb.value = 1;
         var myTxtReplace;
         var myGrpReplace;
         txt.text = "Finding-replacing text";
         myProblems = 0;
         pb.value = 2;
         txt.text = "Removing non CMYK colors";
         if (app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text") == null) {
              pb.value = 3;
              txt.text = "Creating paragraph style \"Body Text\"";
              var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.add( {     basedOn:"[No Paragraph Style]",
                                                                                                        name:"Body Text",
                                                                                                        fillColor:"Black"} );
         else {
              var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text");
              pb.value = 3;
         pb.value = 4;
         txt.text = "Removing imported styles";
         pb.value = 5;
         txt.text = "Saving local formatting";
         myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(paraStyle, true);
         pb.value = 6;
         txt.text = "Applying paragraph style \"Body Text\"";
         pb.value = 7;
         txt.text = "Processing tables";
         myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().clearOverrides(OverrideType.all); // ***
         pb.value = 8;
         txt.text = "Removing local formatting";
         pb.value = 9;
         txt.text = "Replacing text";
         pb.value = 10;
         pb.value = 11;
         txt.text = "Removing hyperlinks";
         if (myProblems == 0) {
              alert ("No problems were found.", "All done");
         else {
              alert ("Problems were found and corrected.", "All done");
    //************************************** Functions *******************************************************
    function protectLocalStyling() {
        var myStyles = ["Italic","Bold", "Bold Italic"];
        var myPosns = ["superscript","subscript"];
        var myPosnEnums = [Position.superscript, Position.subscript];
         var noCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles[0];
        for (var j = myStyles.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
          var myCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item(myStyles[j]);
          if (myCharStyle == null) {
            var myCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.add({name:myStyles[j], fontStyle:myStyles[j]});
              app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = noCharStyle;
              app.findTextPreferences.fontStyle = myStyles[j];
              app.changeTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = myStyles[j];
        for (var j = myPosns.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
          var myPosCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item(myPosns[j]);
          if (myPosCharStyle == null) {
            var myPosCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.add({name:myPosns[j], position:myPosnEnums[j]});
              app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = noCharStyle;
              app.findTextPreferences.position = Position[myPosns[j]];
              app.changeTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = myPosns[j];
         app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    //  Removing non CMYK colors
    function myReplaceNonCMYK(){
         for(var myCounter = myDoc.colors.length; myCounter > 0; myCounter--){
              if (myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Registration" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Paper" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Cyan" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Magenta" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Yellow" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Black") {
                   if ((myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].space != ColorSpace.cmyk)  || (myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].model != ColorModel.process)){
                        myProblems = myProblems + 1;
                        myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].remove ("Black")
    // Removing imported styles
    function removeImportedStyles(){
         var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text");
         var noneCharaStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item("[None]");
         for(var myCounter = myDoc.paragraphStyles.length-1; myCounter >= 2; myCounter--){
              if (myDoc.paragraphStyles[myCounter].imported == true ) {
         for(var myCounter = myDoc.characterStyles.length-1; myCounter >= 2; myCounter--){
              if (myDoc.characterStyles[myCounter].imported == true) {
    // Processing tables
    function removeInTables(){
         if (myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().tables.length > 0) {
              if (myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("05. TABL_BODY") == null) {
                   myTableStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.add({name:"05. TABL_BODY", appliedFont:"HeliosKas\tCondensed Regular", pointSize:8, leading:8});
              else {myTableStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("05. TABL_BODY")}
         myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(myTableStyle, true);
    // Find-replace pairs
    function myReplaceStuff() {
         myTxtReplace =     [ // TEXT
                                            [" А ", " А^S"],
                                            [" В ", " В^S"],
                                            [" С ", " С^S"],
                                            [" К ", " К^S"],
                                            [" О ", " О^S"],
                                            [" У ", " У^S"],
                                            [" На ", " На^S"],
                                            [" По ", " По^S"],
                                            [" Из ", " Из^S"],
                                            ["г-н ", "г-н^S"],
                                            ["г-на ", "г-на^S"],
                                            ["г-ну ", "г-ну^S"],
                                            [" т", " ^Sт"],
                                            [" г.", " ^Sг."],
                                            [" гг.", " ^Sгг."],
                                            [" грн.", " ^Sгрн."],
                                            [" коп.", " ^Sкоп."],
                                            [" тыс", " ^Sтыс"],
                                            [" млн", " ^Sмлн"],
                                            [" млрд", " ^Sмлрд"],
                                            [" т.п.", " ^Sт.п."],
                                            [" т.д.", " ^Sт.д."],
                                            [" др.", " ^Sдр."],
                                            [" км", " ^Sкм"],
                                            ["см. стр.", "см.^Sстр."],
                                            [" ^p", "^p"],
                                            [" —", "^S—"],
                                            [" —", "^S—"],
                                            ["№ ", "№"],
                                            ["$ ", "$"],
                                            ["EUR ", "EUR"],
         myGrpReplace =     [ // GREP
                                            ["[~m~>~f~|~S~s~<~/~.~3~4~% ]{2,}", " "], // Multiple Space to Single Space
                                            ["--", "~_"] // Dash Dash to Em-dash
                                            // ["~b~b+", "\\r"], Multiple Return to Single Return
    function replaceTxt() {
         app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.findChangeTextOptions.wholeWord = false;
         app.findChangeTextOptions.caseSensitive = true;
         app.findChangeTextOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
         for (i = 0; i <  myTxtReplace.length; i++) {
              var myCurArray = myTxtReplace[i];
              app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = myCurArray[0];
              app.changeTextPreferences.changeTo = myCurArray[1];
         app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function replaceGrep() {
         app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         for (i = 0; i <  myGrpReplace.length; i++) {
              var myCurArray = myGrpReplace[i];
              app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = myCurArray[0];
              app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = myCurArray[1];
         app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myRemoveHyperLinks(){
         if (myDoc.hyperlinks.length > 0){
              for(var myCounter = myDoc.hyperlinks.length; myCounter > 0 ; myCounter--){
                   myDoc.hyperlinks[myCounter - 1].remove();

  • Convert Illustrator script from cs3 to CS5

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm new to illustrator scripting I did some simple InDesign script before but this the first time I am ask to create script for Illustrator.
    We have an old script that will create a report for the properties (e.i.: fonts, linkedImages, strokeWeights, dashes, strokeColors, etc.) of illustrator file. The script is working in CS2 and CS3 but since most of production people are now using CS5 and CS6 they ask if we could migrate this script to CS5. The script is using hashtable.jsx to get those properties. Does the CS5 script still need hashstable file or I have to create the script from scratch with out using the hashtable script?
    Any suggestion or information on how I could convert the script to higher version is mostly appreciated.
    Thanks and regards,

    I can't see #include in the script the only thing hashtable is called by this function. According to what I've read about the hashtable.jsx since it is in the startup script folder illustrator will autoload this script upon launching of the application.
    function TechArtProperties(parent) {
      this.width = 0;
      this.height = 0;
      this.colorMode = DocumentColorSpace;
      this.fonts = new Hashtable();
      this.embeddedImages = new Hashtable();
      this.linkedImages = new Hashtable();
      this.lockedObjects = 0;
      this.hiddenObjects = 0;
      this.strokeWeights = new Hashtable();
      this.dashes = new Hashtable();
      this.strokeColors = new Hashtable();
      this.fillColors = new Hashtable();
      this.effects = new Hashtable();
      this.brushes = new Hashtable();
      this.transparencies = new Hashtable();
      this.gradients = new Hashtable();
      this.layers = new Hashtable();
      this.parent = parent; =0;
      this.artName = "";

  • [CS3] Extending the Document Object Results an Error

    I'm trying to extend the Document object:
    Document.prototype.myOwnMethod = function() {
    /* some code here */
    but I'm getting a Document is undefined error in Illustrator CS3
    I tried extending the Application object:
    Application.prototype.myOwnMethod = function() {
    but I don't get any error.
    How can I resolve this?
    Thanks in advance....
    -- Jeff

    very old post, but not answered.
    PathItem.prototype.nick ="pfad"
    will work if a single Path is initialized before:
    var p =activeDoc.selection.. or something
    ,otherwise not
    to solve this i create my own obj.:
    function Pfad(obj){
         this.nick = "bla"; = obj; // to store the original Obj
    var p = new Pfad(pathItem);
    //then :
    my question is: is this the best solution or could it be done better?
    thank you

  • To find out the "CMYK" FillColor percentage for graph and mesh items

    Is it possible to find out the "CMYK" FillColor values(percentage) for "GraphItems" and "MeshItems" in illustrator cs3 files through programmatically. Please help me.
    Thanks in advance..

    Yes you are correct he needs to access the file info and perhaps the 
    recolor art dialog what they are seeking is to get the values of the 
    cmyk of the fill and stroke for these particular
    objects, so they seem to have to selected first then they have to open 
    and read the value perhaps from the live color dialog as I mentioned 
    before so I think it has to be two scripts one the goes to the 
    Select>Same>Fill Color then goes to the live color then reads the 
    color makes a live color group and returns it to the swatches panel 
    there he can then open the swathes and see the values.
    I think the same for strokes.
    That doesn't work.
    But selecting the stroke and making a swatch of the does work and and 
    the same with fill.
    it may be that simple select the art, select stroke or fill make a 
    swatch create a color group add the swatch to the color group or name 
    I think that is al they need they can then select the swatches and run 
    a script to get the values.
    Does this make sense?

  • Counting specific words aspect for statistic (CS3)

    Hi! everybody!
    I'm looking forward a script using Adobe "Extend Script Toolkit", that could allow me to count (statistics) all specific colored words (in red in my case) that I have in my Indesign CS3 document.
    A friendly French guy sended me that script test code but it didn't work fine on Extend Script Toolkit
    Déclarer variables
    var_Compteur [entier]
    var_Attribut_Couleur_Mot [string]
    var_Mot  [string]
    Initialiser variables
    var_Compteur = 0
    var_Attribut_Couleur_Mot = ""
    var_Mot =  ""
    Début boucle Tant que
    var_mot = non  vide
    si var_Attribut_Couleur_Mot = "Rouge"
    alors var_Compteur = var_Compteur +1
    => mot  suivant
    Fin tant que
    Fin Boucle
    Afficher var_Compteur
    Please help!!!!!
    Thanks a lot!

    Here the code done by peter (megathanks!!!) :
    app.findTextPreferences =  null;
    app.findTextPreferences.fillColor =  "red";
    //set some options here
    app.findChangeTextOptions.caseSensitive =  true;
    app.findChangeTextOptions.wholeWord  =  true;
    app.findChangeTextOptions.includeFootnotes = true;
    alert   (app.activeDocument.findText().length);
    Sadly the script don't work I got an error to the line 2 : app.findTextPreferences.fillColor =  "red";
    could someone tell me what is wrong?
    Again thanks a lot to Peter

  • Adobe Bridge CS3 windows error

    When I open Bridge cs3 on its own after a few seconds the window banner comes up. Adobe bridge has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for any inconvenience. The same happens if I try to open bridge from within Photoshop cs3
    I can still work in the programme ok and move the windows error aside, I would like to fix the problem, Tried to debug but the programme just closes.
    I use windows xp pro with all the latest updates that are available.
    have any others experienced this problem and how to fix it.
    Thanking you in advance.

    Mikep500 wrote:
    This is a copy of the message that comes up.
    No messageto see, but you can check your Startup Scripts in Bridge preferences. Mine are like this:

  • Text Wrap options not showing in InDesign CS3

    Using InDesign CS3 on a Mac 10.4.  I've had this problem for a couple of months now and it's getting past the point of annoying.  When I open my text wrap options pallete it's blank even when I expand options.  I can see the text wrap icons in my header panel, but I no longer have options to change the right/left/top/bottom margins.  Just a general "add wrap" and "remove wrap".  Is there any way I can get my pallete back?  I've tried defaulting my tools, but still it does not show up.  I don't know what to do to get it back.

    Did you try resetting preferences? While pressing Shift+Option+Command+Control, start InDesign. Click Yes when asked if you want to delete preference files. If you don't get the message about deleting preferences, you weren't fast enough. 01ea8cb3f-6d1e.html

  • I am unable to open raw files from my Canon T1i in Adobe Camera Raw of my version CS3 of Photoshop.  I have tried to update my ACR by downloading version 4.6 from the Adobe website but I am still unable to open raw files, just JPEG.  Is there a way to use

    I am unable to open raw files taken on my Canon Rebel T1i in my version of Photoshop CS3.  When I import raw files into Bridge they come up as patches with CR2 on them and when clicked on, a notice comes up stating that Photoshop does not recognize these files.  I tried to update my Adobe Camera Raw by downloading version 4.6 from the Adobe Website, but when I clicked on the plus-in, I got another message that Photoshop does not recognize this file.  I spoke with a representative from Canon who said that I could not update CS3 and that I should subscribe to the Cloud.  I would prefer to use my CS3, if possible.  Can anyone advise me what to do?

    The T1i was first supported by Camera Raw 5.4 which is only compatible with CS4 and later
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    Some options:
    Upgrade to CS6
    Join the Cloud
    Download the free Adobe DNG converter, convert all T1i Raw files to DNGs then edit the DNGs in CS3
    Camera raw, DNG | Adobe Photoshop CC

  • Double-click/Drag-&-drop Photoshop files opens application but not file or I get a message saying that some files in Application Support are missing and I have to reinstall. (Photoshop CS/CS2/CS3)

    This is most commonly due to installing Photoshop CS/CS2 <i>before</i> doing an archive and install of Mac OS10.3 or OS10.4.<br /><br />One solution is to reinstall Photoshop 7/CS/CS3 after you have installed Mac OS10.3 or OS 10.4.<br /><br />If you have Photoshop 7 and 8(CS), the easiest way to reinstall Photoshop (without disturbing the original installation) is to install to your desktop. After the install is done just trash the Photoshop folder on the desktop.<br />Note: This will only work with Photoshop 7 and 8(CS) but not with 9 (CS2).<br /><br />Photoshop CS2 you must delete the Photoshop CS2 folder. If you have any 3rd party Plugins or presets remove them from the folder before deleting. Just placing the folder in the trash will not work it must be deleted. After reinstalling CS2 you can now put all 3rd party Plugins and presets back in the new folder.<br /><br />---------------------------<br />Another solution courtesy Anne Shelbourne<br /><br />Open your Previous System folder. <br />Find "Adobe Unit Types". <br />Copy it into: <Your current system Hard Drive>/Library/ScriptingAdditions/<br />Then reboot your Mac.<br /><br />---------------------------<br />However, if you happen to be running a non-English version, like Photoshop CS CE or Photoshop CS ME, it appears the missing file does not get installed. You would need to install and delete the international English version first.

    The problem you got into is a known problem after updating to Tiger. It is a small 4K file that gets trashed with the update. It is called the Adobe Unit Types. Both Photoshop and Photoshop Elements need this file to function.
    One way to get it back is to reinstall Photoshop, the other is to add this file again.
    You can get the file from here
    It is only 3,7 KB big.
    You put the file you download here:
    [hard disk] /Library/ScriptingAdditions. If you don't have a Scripting Additions folder, you create it.
    As you trashed Photoshop, you need to completely deinstall it to be able to reinstall it.

  • PhotoshopNews: Adobe Photoshop CS3 at a glance!
    Even more content out there now on the home page of

    I haven't been able to download CS3 yet, but the Martin Evening pdf (thanks for the link!) has what looks like a piece of great news buried in it:
    "For example, before you first had to create an empty new document with the exact pixel dimensions before you could place an image (such as a raw file) as a Smart Object. With Photoshop CS3, you can now place a raw capture file as a Smart Object layer in a single step."
    If I understand this right, it means that the functionality of the old Dr Brown Place-a-Matic script is now available from Aperture. We can -- or this makes me hope we can -- send a RAW from Aperture to PSCS3 for editing, and then Place the same image, perhaps twice, as a Smart Object, edit away, and when we Save get the whole edited image back in Aperture without going through the Finder.
    I used to use this (from Bridge) all the time to double-expose RAW shots: adjust the sky to one exposure and the ground to another, masking to get both into the final image, all without messing with the pixels of the RAW image. I've missed it. Whoopee.

  • Do I need to install CS3 on Windows 7 64 bit before installing CS5 Upgrade?

    I am replacing a graphic designer's Windows Vista laptop with a Dell Precision T5500 desktop.  Do I need to uninstall CS3 from the laptop and decommission the serial number?  Then do I need to install CS3 on the new desktop before installing the CS5 upgrade?  I was told I needed to decommission the installation, but I don't remember having to do that with other installations.  Thanks in advance!

    You should definetly deactivate any software before uninstalling. But you don't have to install CS3 in order to install CS5. Just have the serial number handy for verification. That said, depending upon the user's needs, you might want to leave CS3 available.

  • My harddrive crashed.  I got a new hard drive, and attempted to port my CS3 design software onto my new hard drive.  It says it cannot work and I must uninstall and reload the software.  I registered the software and have the serial, but cannot find the o

    I bought the design premium in 2007 and can no longer find my original software.  I need to uninstall and reinstall but again can't find my software, but all applications are in my backup drive. Any help?

    Here is a download site which goes back to CS3:
    Or you may use this one, (t is crucial to follow all the initial steps precisely):
    There are known issues with Yosemite, if that is the OS, but according to this site, someone has made Yosemite work with almost all CS/CC versions.
    For a specific CS3/Yosemite issue, namely CS3 crashing on opening under Yosemite, this solution,
    1) Open System Preferences > Java
    2) Wait for the Java Control Panel to load
    3) Open Adobe Illustrator (while keeping the Java Control Panel window open)
    has been given by Allycs in post #10 in this thread:
    1) Open System Preferences > Java
    2) Wait for the Java Control Panel to load
    3) Open Adobe Illustrator (while keeping the Java Control Panel window open)

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