Filling character array with String

I have character array of size 50. I have a string p="abcdef"
I want to fill this String in char index ranging from 25-30(specific range).
Is there any method to do this?? Please suggest me

corlettk wrote:
Ummm yeah... it's probably homework... Oops!
</drops-and-gives-you-twenty> indeed ;-)
But Hmmm... I've never understood educators universal compulsion to make students do things the hard way.I have no real problem with making students do things the hard way. In this case it looks to me to be an exercise in looping and accessing characters in a String. The OP will gain some knowledge by using the API but he will gain more by actually writing the detailed code himself.
P.S. In the 'New To Java' forum I start with the assumption that everything is homework.

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    class random
         static int[] bull(int size) {
              int[] numbers = new int[size];
              Random select = new Random();
              for(int i=0;i<numbers.length;i++) {
    for(;;) {
    int trelos=select.nextInt(10000);
                        for(int j=0;j<i;j++) {
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    for(int i=0;i<nikos2.length;i++)

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    >I was wondering If filling a bidimensional array (8x10 for example) with random letters
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    >I've tried tons of stuff, but I can't manage to do it.
    With exactly which part of this assignment are you having trouble?
    Can you create a 2-dim array of characters?
    Can you generate a random letter?
    Show the code you have written so far.
    Don't expect others to write a complete solution for you.
    Don't expect others to guess as to which part you're having difficulty with.
    Show the code you have working, and the code which you have tried which isn't working,
    Explain what is happening with it which shouldn't.
     - Wayne

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            static int cnt = 0;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              int[] element = new int[]{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
              Integer[] x = new Integer[2];
              x[0] = 1;
              x[1] = -1;
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                                       element[3] = i3;
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                                            element[2] = i2;
                                            for(int i1:x){
                                                 element[1] = i1;
                                                 for(int i0:x){
                                                      element[0] = i0;
              }Edited by: NikolausO on Oct 30, 2008 4:21 AM
    Edited by: NikolausO on Oct 30, 2008 4:22 AM

    pm_kirkham wrote:
    No I replied to message number 5. as the ' (In reply to #5 )' above my post indicates, which was in reply to (a reply) to Sabre150's post which wasn't using enhanced loops, nor has any obvious place where you could use that approach to fill the array.
    Though you could pass in an array of the values to fill the array with, and loop over those, instead of using 0 or 1, at which point Sabre's approach becomes the same as your OP, but without the manual unrolling:
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public class NaryCombinations {
    public interface CombinationHandler {
    void apply (int[] combination) ;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    calculateCombinations(new int[]{-1, 0, 1}, 4, new CombinationHandler () {
    public void apply (int[] combination) {
    public static void calculateCombinations (int[] values, int depth, CombinationHandler handler) {
    recursivelyCalculateCombinations(values, 0, depth, handler, new int[depth]);
    private static void recursivelyCalculateCombinations (int[] values, int index, int depth,
    CombinationHandler handler, int[] combination) {
    if (index == depth) {
    } else {
    for (int value : values) {
    combination[index] = value;
    recursivelyCalculateCombinations(values, index + 1, depth, handler, combination);
    Which looks to use the same basic approach to the generalization I created shortly after posting the original.
    public class Scratch1
         * A 'callback' to be invoked with every combination
         * of the result.
        public interface Callback
             * Invoked for each combination.
             * <br>
             * Each call is passed an new instance of the array.
             * @param array the array containing a combination.
            void processArray(int[] array);
        public Scratch1(final int[] array, final Callback callback, final int... values)
            if (callback == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The 'callback' cannot be 'null'");
            if (array.length < 1)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The array length must be >= 1");
            if ((values == null) || (values.length < 1))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The 'values' must have be at least of length 2");
            callback_ = callback;
            values_ = values.clone();
            array_ = array;
        public Scratch1(final int order, final Callback callback, final int... values)
            this(new int[order], callback, values);
         * Generates every possible value and invokes the callback for each one.
        public void process()
         * Internal method with no logical external use.
        private void process(int n)
            if (n == array_.length)
                for (int v : values_)
                    array_[n] = v;
                    process(n + 1);
        private final Callback callback_;
        private final int[] values_;
        private final int[] array_;
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
            final Callback callback = new Callback()
                public void processArray(int[] array)
            new Scratch1(6, callback, 2, 1, 0).process();

  • Fill array with Hue values

    Trying to build (simple) color palette, but keep getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 when trying to fill the array with Hue values (Saturation and Brightness remain 100%):
    private Color[] hsb = new Color[numberOfCircles];
    float h=0;
    float raise=(1.f/numberOfCircles);
    for (int i=0; i<stKrogcev; i++) {
        hsb=Color.getHSBColor(h,1.0f,1.0f); //getHSBColor: "Creates a Color object based on the specified values for the HSB color model."
    }What am I doing wrong?
    What other way could you fill array (Color, int, float, ...) with Hue values?
    This is what I have thus far (only colors missing; not sure whether Sun supports images):  []. First three columns in the right-hand table are awaiting RGB values respectively, the last column gets Hue value.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    pbrockway2, numberOfCircles (or stKrogcev ) is an int, and is NOT zero. That Color[] hsb is zero.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class BarvnaPaleta {
         public static void main (String[] args) {
              System.out.print("Stevilo krogcev: ");
              int n = BranjePodatkov.preberiInt(); // BranjePodatkov: just some custom class for reading input
              Okno o = new Okno(n);
    class Okno extends JFrame {
         RisalnaPlosca risalna;
         public Okno(int n) {
              setTitle("Barvna Paleta");
              risalna = new RisalnaPlosca(n);
    class RisalnaPlosca extends JPanel {
         private final int ROB = 300;     
         int     stKrogcev;
         private int izhX, izhY;     
         private int     r1;
         private int     sirina = 60;     
         private int     visina = 20;     
         private double x, y, r2, r3;     
         private double vmesniKot;
         private double polovicaVmesnegaKota;
         //the much needed color arrays
         public Color[] hsb = new Color[stKrogcev];     
         private String[] red = new String[stKrogcev];     
         private String[] green = new String[stKrogcev];     
         private String[] blue = new String[stKrogcev];     
         public RisalnaPlosca(int n) { //constructor     
              stKrogcev = n;
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
              izhX = getWidth()/2 -r1;
              izhY = getHeight()/2 -r1;          
              napolniHSB(g); //  LINE 53
         private void narisiKrog(Graphics g) { //draw the BIG Circle
              g.drawOval(0, 0, r1, r1);
         private void narisiKrogce(Graphics g) { //draw small circles (as many as user wants, max. is 256 of Hue values!
              for(int i=0; i<stKrogcev; i++) {
                           //can't use below two because of the "fillHSB"=="napolniHSB" method not working
                   //Color c = new Color(Integer.parseInt(red),Integer.parseInt(green[i]),Integer.parseInt(blue[i]));
                   g.drawOval((int)x, (int)y, (int)r3, (int)r3);
                   narisiLegendo((int)x,(int)y, i, g); //draw a legend (last method)
         private void napolniHSB(Graphics g) { //fillHSB method
    float h=0, raise=1.0f/stKrogcev;
    for (int i=0; i<stKrogcev; i++) {
    hsb[i]=Color.getHSBColor(h,1.0f,1.0f); // LINE 75
    red[i]=Integer.toString(hsb[i].getRed()); // this and below two for converting HSB/HSL into RGB
         private void narisiLegendo(int x, int y, int i, Graphics g) { //draw a legend, i.e. 4 right columns
    //can't use drawString as there are no color arrays (yet)
                   g.drawRect(getWidth()-ROB, (visina+i*visina), sirina, visina); //Red
                   //g.drawString(red[i], getWidth()-ROB, (visina+i*visina));
                   g.drawRect(getWidth()-ROB+sirina, (visina+i*visina), sirina, visina); //Green
                   //g.drawString(green[i], getWidth()-ROB, (visina+i*visina));
                   g.drawRect(getWidth()-ROB+2*sirina, (visina+i*visina), sirina, visina); //Blue
                   //g.drawString(blue[i], getWidth()-ROB, (visina+i*visina));
                   g.drawRect(getWidth()-ROB+3*sirina, (visina+i*visina), sirina, visina); //Hue
                   //g.drawString(, getWidth()-ROB, (visina+i*visina));

  • Arrays with a string index

    Hi, I am looking for the best way to map a value to a string in an array.
    In PHP this is easy because it supports arrays with string Indexes. For example:
    $array['Canada'] = 5;
    $array['USA'] = 3;
    In Java I can't do this because I can only use an integer to index an array.
    My current solution is to create a two dimensional array:
    array[0][0] = "Canada";
    array[0][1] = 5;
    array[0][0] = "USA";
    array[0][1] = 3;
    I am wondering if there is something better.

    It creates 20 slots for reference variables that can point to Date objects. The references variables are all initialized to null.
    If you do dates[0] = new Date();, that creates a new Date object and points the reference variable in slot 0 at it.
    Date[] dates = new Date[3]; creates 3 slots--0, 1, 2.
    Edited by: jverd on Nov 8, 2007 7:39 PM

  • Why not use "new" operator  with strings

    why we not use new when declaring a String .because in java String are treated as objects. we use new operator for creating an object in java .
    and same problem wiht array when we declare array as well as initialize .here we are alse not using new for array

    Strings aren't just treated as objects, Strings are Objects.
    As for why not using new for Strings, you can, if you want.:
    String str = "this is a string";
    String str = new String("this is a string");
    do the same thing (nitty-gritty low level details about literals aside). Use whatever you like, but isn't it simpler not to type new String(...) since you still need to type the actual string?
    As for arrays, you can use new:
    int[] ints = new int[10];
    int[] ints = { 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 9 };
    But the difference here is you are creating an empty array in the first one, the second creates and fills the array with the specified values. But which to you often depends on what you are doing.

  • Does key comparison work for character arrays?

    I am using the berkeley db(C) to store a 2-column table with key as a character array(not strings). Even though I can see that a record is present when i display all records, I cant get that record using the get function with the correct key. Is there a problem with key comparison? How does berkeley db check two keys for equality? Is there a way around this?
    thanks in advance.

    Your code posting was messed up due to the indexed addressing (the i in square brackets) which is in fact the italic start tag. You can put some spaces inside the square brackets, and make sure to enclose your source code between pre tags ([ pre ] <code goes here> [ / pre ], remove the spaces).
    So, I assume you are trying to store a line of the bi-dimensional char array. = a + i;          
         key.size = sizeof(a[ i ]);
    // char *aa = "0a0s0d0f0g0h0j0k0l0q0w0e0r0t0y0f";(I've changed the name of this pointer to distinguish it from the array)
    aa points to a sequence of chars (a string in fact) that should be the same as the ones in the line of the bi-dimensional char array, line that was stored as key in the database, right? = aa;
    key.size = sizeof(aa);Now, here is the problem. aa is a pointer to char, thus sizeof(aa) is 2B or 4B (depending on the pointer type, near or far) on a 32-bit machine. So, you're performing the search looking only for the match of the first 2 or 4 chars. Change that line to key.size = strlen(aa); or key.size = sizeof(*(a + i)); (the same as key.size = sizeof(a[ i ]);, a being the char array).

  • Replace a character in a String array

    I have an array of strings and am trying to replace the ' character with a space. I keep getting either a cannot be applied or cannot resolve symbol error. Can anyone help?
    String arrayList = request.getParameter("field");
    String newList = arrayList.replace("\'", " ");

    the replace method of the String class takes two parameters and both of them are characters not strings use it like this
    arrayList.replace('\'', ' ');that should fix it

  • Replacing a special character in a string with another string

    I need to replace a special character in a string with another string.
    Say there is a string -  "abc's def's are alphabets"
    and i need to replace all the ' (apostrophe) with &apos& ..which should look like as below
    "abc&apos&s def&apos&s are alphabets" .
    Kindly let me know how this requirement can be met.

    Syntax Forms
    Pattern-based replacement
              IN [section_of] dobj WITH new
              [IN {BYTE|CHARACTER} MODE]
              [REPLACEMENT COUNT rcnt]
              { {[REPLACEMENT OFFSET roff]
                 [REPLACEMENT LENGTH rlen]}
              | [RESULTS result_tab|result_wa] }.
    Position-based replacement
    2. REPLACE SECTION [OFFSET off] [LENGTH len] OF dobj WITH new
                      [IN {BYTE|CHARACTER} MODE].
    This statement replaces characters or bytes of the variable dobj by characters or bytes of the data object new. Here, position-based and pattern-based replacement are possible.
    When the replacement is executed, an interim result without a length limit is implicitly generated and the interim result is transferred to the data object dobj. If the length of the interim result is longer than the length of dobj, the data is cut off on the right in the case of data objects of fixed length. If the length of the interim result is shorter than the length of dobj, data objects of fixed length are filled to the right with blanks or hexadecimal zeroes. Data objects of variable length are adjusted. If data is cut off to the right when the interim result is assigned, sy-subrc is set to 2.
    In the case of character string processing, the closing spaces are taken into account for data objects dobj of fixed length; they are not taken into account in the case of new.
    System fields
    sy-subrc Meaning
    0 The specified section or subsequence was replaced by the content of new and the result is available in full in dobj.
    2 The specified section or subsequence was replaced in dobj by the contents of new and the result of the replacement was cut off to the right.
    4 The subsequence in sub_string was not found in dobj in the pattern-based search.
    8 The data objects sub_string and new contain double-byte characters that cannot be interpreted.
    These forms of the statement REPLACE replace the following obsolete form:
    REPLACE sub_string WITH
    REPLACE sub_string WITH new INTO dobj
            [IN {BYTE|CHARACTER} MODE]
            [LENGTH len].
    2. ... LENGTH len
    This statement searches through a byte string or character string dobj for the subsequence specified in sub_string and replaces the first byte or character string in dobj that matches sub_string with the contents of the data object new.
    The memory areas of sub_string and new must not overlap, otherwise the result is undefined. If sub_string is an empty string, the point before the first character or byte of the search area is found and the content of new is inserted before the first character.
    During character string processing, the closing blank is considered for data objects dobj, sub_string and new of type c, d, n or t.
    System Fields
    sy-subrc Meaning
    0 The subsequence in sub_string was replaced in the target field dobj with the content of new.
    4 The subsequence in sub_string could not be replaced in the target field dobj with the contents of new.
    This variant of the statement REPLACE will be replaced, beginning with Release 6.10, with a new variant.
    Addition 1
    The optional addition IN {BYTE|CHARACTER} MODE determines whether byte or character string processing will be executed. If the addition is not specified, character string processing is executed. Depending on the processing type, the data objects sub_string, new, and dobj must be byte or character type.
    Addition 2
    ... LENGTH len
    If the addition LENGTH is not specified, all the data objects involved are evaluated in their entire length. If the addition LENGTH is specified, only the first len bytes or characters of sub_string are used for the search. For len, a data object of the type i is expected.
    If the length of the interim result is longer than the length of dobj, data objects of fixed length will be cut off to the right. If the length of the interim result is shorter than the length of dobj, data objects of fixed length are filled to the right with blanks or with hexadecimal 0. Data objects of variable length are adapted.
    After the replacements, text1 contains the complete content "I should know that you know", while text2 has the cut-off content "I should know that".
    DATA:   text1      TYPE string       VALUE 'I know you know',
            text2(18)  TYPE c LENGTH 18  VALUE 'I know you know',
            sub_string TYPE string       VALUE 'know',
            new        TYPE string       VALUE 'should know that'.
    REPLACE sub_string WITH new INTO text1.
    REPLACE sub_string WITH new INTO text2.

  • Array access notation with strings?

    I may be confused, but I thought you could use array access
    notation with strings. Can someone tell me why this code doesn't
    work (or suggest new code):
    the code is meant to rewrite the block of text in tText at a
    rate of one character per frame... (when the function is called
    once per frame) but it doesn't work.

    > I may be confused, but I thought you could use
    > array access notation with strings.
    It's made for objects, actually. The array access operator,
    [], allows
    you to access elements from an Array instance and also lets
    you access
    properties from any sort of object. The "trick" it provides,
    in this latter
    case, is that you can refer to these properties -- within the
    brackets --
    with strings, so it's often used to reference objects
    > var sWorkingText:String = tText.text;
    Here you've declared a String variable and set it to the
    property of some textfield. So far, so good.
    > var sNewText:String = oPhotoText[sPageFocus];
    Here, you've declared a String variable, but it seems that
    setting it to a property of the oPhotoText object. That's now
    how this
    The array access operator allows you to *use* strings to get
    at an
    object's properties:
    // functionally equivalent
    someObject["property" + 1];
    var x:Number = 1;
    someObject["property" + x];
    Does that help?
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • How to replace a character in a string with blank space.

    How to replace a character in a string with blank space.
    I have to change string  CL_DS_1===========CM01 to CL_DS_1               CM01.
    i.e) I have to replace '=' with ' '.
    I have already tried with <b>REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '=' IN temp_fill_string WITH ' '</b>
    Its not working.

    Try with this..
    call method textedit- >replace_all
        case_sensitive_mode = case_sensitive_mode
        replace_string = replace_string
        search_string = search_string
        whole_word_mode = whole_word_mode
        counter = counter
        error_cntl_call_method = 1
        invalid_parameter = 2.
    <b>Parameters</b>      <b> Description</b>    <b> Possible values</b>
    case_sensitive_mode    Upper-/lowercase       false Do not observe (default value)
                                                                       true  Observe
    replace_string                Text to replace the 
                                         occurrences of
    search_string                 Text to be replaced
    whole_word_mode          Only replace whole words   false Find whole words and                                                                               
    parts of words (default                                                                               
                                                                               true  Only find whole words
    counter                         Return value specifying how
                                        many times the search string
                                        was replaced

  • How can i combine a string array with a waveform array and write this to a file.

    I am trying to set my VI up so that I can enter test information (notes to myself) and combine that with the time and date then write this as well as the waveform data from the daq to a spreadsheet file.  I am sure this is a simple task but I am new to LabView so any help would be very appreciated.

    An XML file is not a spreadsheet-formatted file, so that's not likely to help...
    Simply call the Write To Spreadsheet File twice. The first time you wire in a 1D array of strings
    which is your test information. Then, you call it when you're writing out
    your data. Make sure you wire a True constant to the "append" input for
    that function.

  • How to fill array with random number?

    I need to fill a 3-dimensional array that has user-controlled dimension sizes with random numbers (1-10). I'm unsure of how to do this. I feel like I have to use the initialize array and maybe the build array functions somehow but I'm not entirely sure. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Something like this
    Kudos are always welcome if you got solution to some extent.
    I need my difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy my success.
    Array with random ‏9 KB

  • Alternative to find unique records with 60 character in selection string.

    We have to find out the values from the Infoobject. When we try to display data from an master object, the maximum length of selection it accepts 45 characters only but we need to input data around 60 characters in selection.
    Thing we tried:
    1. Selecting complete data without any condition but it did not work due to large volume of data.
    2. We tried to extract data from RSA3 but it did not work due to large volume of data.
    Please suggest me alternative to find unique records with 60 character in selection string.
    Himanshu Panchal.

    This sounds a bit strange. Are you perhaps mistakenly storing text data incorrectly as the primary key of the master data? I can't think of any actual data that is that length to ensure usinqueness - even GUIDs are maximum 32 characters - but GUIDs don't count as actual "readable" data although you do need to be able to select it from time to time. Perhaps you have a super secure password hash or something like it ?
    Also are you expecting to have a unique single record returned by your selection? To do this would in general REQUIRE that ALL the data is read because master data is not stored in the DB sorted by the data itself, but stored instead sorted by the it's SID.
    When you say you are selecting data from master data, which master data tables are you using? I have been able to select data from very large MD table (15 million unique records) using SE16 with no problems. Just enter the table name, and before you execute just count the number of records - it helps to know what you want to end up with.
    Have you tried using wild cards (the *) to preselect a smaller number of records : * a bit of your 60 character string *
    If you are trying to select from a non-key field you will encounter performance issues, but you can still use the wildcards, and get a result.
    Don't use RSA3 it was designed to make selections and group them into datapackets. It's not the same as selecting directly on the table in SE11 or SE16

Maybe you are looking for