Final project for school

Ok, hi. I'm new here and I would like some help on things I don't know how to do with java. I'm creating a java RPG game, respectfully named RPG, and I need some help on these things:
1.) A random number generator. This is needed to apply "level up" stats for attack and defence scores. I have looked online for the script for a random number generator and I couldn't understand it for the love of me. I would like it to be a 'int' varable (yes, i know the script for the RNG is a 'double' varable, but you can use Math.round to round the 'double' varable to a number a 'int' varable can hold) and seperated for attack and defence (I'm thinking that you can just call the RNG method again, but I'm not sure).
2.) A "map", so-to-say. I need a script for a map because whats an RPG without a map? I've tried writing the map code with no prevail. I really need it to be a number-type system with the varables x_move and y_move. I think the upper-left hand corner is 0,0 and it adds 1 to x_move if you move right and subtracts 1 from x_move if you move left. The problem that I ran into is that it would go into negitive numbers, thus crashing the game because it would look for, lets say -1,4, and then, when not found, will crash. I've tried setting the "north" button visibility to false when you couldn't move any farther up, but it still managed to to go negitive from time to time.
3.) Saving/loading the game. I already have a working code for this, but I would like whatever is saved, like numbers, in a number format, like int. I've written the code like this:
// atk_str ISN'T a String, it's an Int varable. str means strengthand it would output insainly large numbers, like 192830249328. So currently I have everything saved as a UTF (String) and it seems that everything runs fine

Oh... my... god...
I figured out why my buttons weren't working right... and it didn't have anything to do with my if statements...
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class TrivialApplication extends Frame implements ActionListener
static DataInputStream input; //File Input Code
static DataOutputStream output; //File Output Code
ConfirmBox exit_confirm = new ConfirmBox(this, "Exit", "Do you really want to exit?");
MessageBox read_error = new MessageBox(this, "Error", "The selected File was not found.");
MessageBox read_error_2 = new MessageBox(this, "Error", "The selected File could not be Read.");
MessageBox read_success = new MessageBox(this, "Success", "File Loaded Successfully.");
MessageBox write_error_1 = new MessageBox(this, "Error", "The File could not be Found.");
MessageBox write_error_2 = new MessageBox(this, "Error", "The File cound not be Written.");
MessageBox write_success_1 = new MessageBox(this,"Success", "The Game was Saved Successfully.");
MessageBox write_success_2 = new MessageBox(this,"Success", "The Game was Created Successfully.");
MessageBox name_error = new MessageBox(this, "Error", "No File selected.");
//Main Window variables
static Panel item_panel = new Panel();
static Panel button_panel = new Panel();
static Button north_btn = new Button("NORTH");
static Button south_btn = new Button("SOUTH");
static Button east_btn = new Button("    EAST    ");
static Button west_btn = new Button("    WEST    ");
static Panel stats_panel = new Panel();
static TextField stats_txf = new TextField(30);
static Button stats_btn = new Button("Save Game");
static Button stats_btn2 = new Button("Load Game");
static Panel load_panel = new Panel();
static TextField load_txf = new TextField(20);
static Button load_btn = new Button("Load");
static Button create_btn = new Button("Create");
static String version = "0.8.0a";
static String file_name;
static String title = "RPG "+version;
int x;
int y;
boolean N = true; //North Boolean
boolean S = true; //South Boolean
boolean E = true; //East Boolean
boolean W = true; //West Boolean
boolean UP = false; // North Boolean2
boolean DOWN = false; //South Boolean2
boolean LEFT = false; //West Boolean2
boolean RIGHT = false; //East Boolean2
//Game File variables
static String ver_nbr;      //Game File version
static String level;     //Character level
static String cur_HP;
static String max_HP;
static String atk_str;
static String def_str;
static String cur_exp;
static String exp_ned;
static String loc_x; //Map Location(x)
static String loc_y; //Map Location(y)
public static void main(String[] args)
TrivialApplication window = new TrivialApplication();
public TrivialApplication()
Setup(); //sets up the panels
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
add(button_panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
add(stats_panel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
stats_btn.addActionListener(this);     //Save button
stats_btn2.addActionListener(this); //Load button
new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
exit_confirm.setVisible(true); //Works
public void Setup() //Sets up the main window
load_panel.add(load_txf); //Game Name TextField
public void ButtonPanel()
//This peice of code is what was messing up my directional buttons...
button_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
button_panel.add(north_btn, BorderLayout.NORTH);
button_panel.add(south_btn, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
button_panel.add(east_btn, BorderLayout.EAST);
button_panel.add(west_btn, BorderLayout.WEST);
button_panel.add(load_panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
public void Load() //Load Script
file_name = load_txf.getText(); //Gets the File Name
input = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file_name+".dat"));
catch(IOException ex)
ver_nbr = input.readUTF();
level = input.readUTF();
cur_HP = input.readUTF();
max_HP = input.readUTF();
atk_str = input.readUTF();
def_str = input.readUTF();
cur_exp = input.readUTF();
exp_ned = input.readUTF();
loc_x = input.readUTF();
loc_y = input.readUTF();
catch(IOException c)
Check(); //The Check script
Map(); //The Map Script
stats_txf.setText("X: " + x + " Y: "+y); //Debug
//stats_txf.setText("Lvl: "+level+" Health: "+ cur_HP +"/"+ max_HP+"   Exp: "+cur_exp+"/"+exp_ned);
public void Save() //Save Script
output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file_name+".dat"));
catch(IOException ex)
catch(IOException c)
public void Check() //This should check if the current experence is over experence needed
//Seems to work now...
//May add a FileVersionCheck
int cur_exp_chk = Integer.parseInt(cur_exp);
int exp_ned_chk = Integer.parseInt(exp_ned);
if (cur_exp_chk >= exp_ned_chk)
public void Create() //coded 4/12/2006
file_name = load_txf.getText();
ver_nbr = "2.1.0";
level = "1";
cur_HP = "10";
max_HP = "10";
atk_str = "10";
def_str = "10";
cur_exp = "0";
exp_ned = "100";
loc_x = "0";
loc_y = "0";
output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file_name+".dat"));
catch(IOException ex)
catch(IOException c)
public void MapSetup()
x = Integer.parseInt(loc_x);
y = Integer.parseInt(loc_y);
public void Map() //Coded 4/11/2006
//Going to remove soon... no need for it anymore
if(UP == true)
x = x - 1;
UP = false;
if(DOWN == true)
x = x + 1;
DOWN = false;
if(LEFT == true)
y = y - 1;
LEFT = false;
if(RIGHT == true)
y = y + 1;
RIGHT = false;
//Checks the X location
if(0 < x && x < 10)
N = true;
S = true;
if(0 < x && x >= 10)
x = 10;
N = true;
S = false;
if(0 >= x)
x = 0;
N = false;
S = true;
//Checks the Y location
if(0 < y && y < 10)
E = true;
W = true;
if(0 < y && y >= 10)
y = 10;
E = false;
W = true;
if(0 >= y)
y = 0;
E = true;
W = false;
//The *improved* button code
loc_x = ""+x;
loc_y = ""+y;
stats_txf.setText("X: " + x + " Y: "+y); //Debug
//Save Script
output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file_name + ".dat"));
catch(IOException ex)
catch(IOException c)
public void LevelUp() //coded 4/11/2006
//Level Script
int level_gain = Integer.parseInt(level);
level = ""+ (level_gain+1);
//Experence Script
double exp_gain = (Math.random()*2+1);
int exp_ned_temp = Integer.parseInt(exp_ned);
exp_ned = ""+ Math.round(exp_ned_temp*exp_gain);
//Attack Script
double atk_gain = (Math.random()*5+1);
int atk_str_temp = Integer.parseInt(atk_str);
atk_str = ""+ Math.round(atk_str_temp + atk_gain);
//Defence Script
double def_gain = (Math.random()*5+1);
int def_str_temp = Integer.parseInt(def_str);
def_str = ""+ Math.round(def_str_temp + def_gain);
//HP Script
double HP_gain = (Math.random()*8+1);
int HP_max_temp = Integer.parseInt(max_HP);
int HP_cur_temp = Integer.parseInt(cur_HP);
max_HP = ""+ Math.round(HP_max_temp + HP_gain);
cur_HP = ""+ Math.round(HP_cur_temp + HP_gain);
//Save Script
output = new DataOutputStreamnew FileOutputStream(file_name + ".dat"));
catch(IOException ex)
catch(IOException c)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) //Updated 4/19/2006
String arg = e.getActionCommand();
if(arg == "Load")
if (load_txf.getText().compareTo("")<1)
if(arg == "Create")
if (load_txf.getText().compareTo("")<1)
if(arg == "Load Game")
if(arg == "Save Game")
//The Direction Buttons
if(arg == "NORTH")
UP = true;
DOWN = false;
LEFT = false;
RIGHT = false;
arg = "";
if(arg == "SOUTH")
UP = false;
DOWN = true;
LEFT = false;
RIGHT = false;
arg = "";
if(arg == "    EAST    ")
UP = false;
DOWN = false;
LEFT = false;
RIGHT = true;
arg = "";
if(arg == "    WEST    ")
UP = false;
DOWN = false;
LEFT = true;
RIGHT = false;
arg = "";
}gha... thats a lot of code... But the directional buttons work the way they should. apparently, calling ButtonPanel() while inside the Map() script caused the computer to read the Map() script twice, adding 2 + x each time a button was pressed (note, if x = 2, then it would add 2 but take away 4 if another button was pressed)
version 0.8.1a will implement the new(er) button code, so it doesn't take up so much room. I don't know if I want to change the random Number Generators i have in my script... they have been good to me and take up a lot less space then the Random() script would have.
so, now, my next project is the monster script (yay). I don't know in god's name i would be able to do that, but i'll try... Im thinking that I may use mon_x = Math.round(Math.random(mon_x_temp)*10); to figure out the Monsters X & Y cords, but the attacking script and the damage script will be uber hard to do...
Well, intill next time...

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              emp = reader.readLine();
           public static Void stateRate()
              System.out.print ("Enter Employee Hourly Wage: ");
              rate = reader.readDouble();
         public static Void calcHours()
              System.out.print ("Enter Employee Weekly Hours: ");
              hours = reader.readInt();
         public static void calcOvertime()
              System.out.print ("Enter Employee Overtime Hours: ");
              overtime = reader.readInt();
         public static void calcOvertimehours()
              overtimehours = ((1.5 * calcOvertime + CalcHours) * (StateRate));
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         System.out.println ("Your Total Pay for the week is:$ ");
         System.out.print (overtimehours);
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    hi, sorry for my english. I�m change your source because you have problem to read to standar input (console). I wrote coments. bye good luck
    public class MethodsOne {
         private static String emp;
         private static double rate;
         private static double hours;
         private static double overtime;
         private static double overtimehours;
    public static String inputRead() {
         byte buff[] = new byte[80]; // length line console
         try {
         } catch (IOException e) {
              System.out.print ("input text length highest 80 ");
              // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         return new String(buff);
    public static void main(String args[])
         public static void stateEmpId()
              System.out.println ("Enter Employee ID: ");
              emp = inputRead();
           public static  void stateRate()
              System.out.println ("Enter Employee Hourly Wage: ");
              String tmp = inputRead();
              rate = Double.parseDouble(tmp);
         public static void calcHours()
              System.out.println ("Enter Employee Weekly Hours: ");
              String tmp = inputRead();
              hours = Double.parseDouble(tmp);
         public static void calcOvertime()
              System.out.println ("Enter Employee Overtime Hours: ");
              String tmp = inputRead();
              overtime = Double.parseDouble(tmp);
         public static void calcOvertimeHours()
              // overtimehours = ((1.5 * calcOvertime + CalcHours)* (StateRate));
              // bad --- dont use this methods: They are called in the main. Uses local variable
              overtimehours = ((1.5 * overtime + hours)* rate);
              // good --- using local variables
         public static void calcEntirePay()
         System.out.println ("Your Total Pay for the week is:$ ");
         System.out.print (overtimehours);

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    I don't know what you mean by "bandwidth options". If you mean the frequencies and bands the iPad can use with cell carriers, those are listed in the Wireless and Cellular area of the tech specs. For iPads sold in the US, see:
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    stingray_on wrote:
    Sometimes, it cut into someone else photo or completely eliminated it and the audio of others were out of sync.
    If you want to edit it in between other clips, you should use the INSERT edit. You might have used overwrite by accident.
    Also, I wanted to move one clip to another location and ran into problems doing that. I remember in imovie, you drag the clip to a new location and all the other clips move and accommodated the clips. In FCE, everything got out of whack.
    In the timeline, for having the rest of the clips "ripple" down to accomodate the edit, you could first copy the clip, then do a ripple delete (shift-delete). Then you could Paste-insert it (shift-V) where you wanted to move it to.
    Message was edited by: skalicki`

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    All suggestions are welcome, thank you,
    Yvo van Beek
    [email protected]

    The thread in RobbieControl should have a sleep
    period, instead of having it in the RobbieMove method.
    Right now its just calling the robbie-methods all the
    time. Actually I dont like that thread at all, think u
    should have a thread closer to the paintcalling
    methods instead, maybe in robbieMove or just in
    Robbie.The problem is, forward should be able to be called manually, like forward(100). Then Robbie should just move the 100 steps, but not too quick (that's why we implemented the pause). We implemented the Thread into the Remote Control, so that the user can keep the button pressed and Robbie will keep on moving AND because the method forward has to return the real number of steps it made, in order to do that (with 2 robbies) is to move the robbie trough the process of calling the method forward, then keep him busy with the moving process and then return. We first tried one Thread for the Remote and another one for moving Robbie. But that became complicated because the first Thread had to wait() in forward and awaken the move Thread, and after moving set the move thread to wait() en notify() the remote control Thread. But you can't force a wait() and notify() so that gave problems.
    U should probably look at ur doublebuffering. Instead
    of doublebuffer the whole 'world' just buffer the
    components in it. That way u will avoid that
    components isnt fully painted when they move. If doing
    that, components-double buffering, u need to repaint
    the area where the component have moved from. And u
    will need to override some update(Graphics g) methods,
    in World and in robbie. They should just call paint.
    Ive tried it and the rotating looks much better,
    though the movement needs some improvement. I think u
    maybe need to override setLocation...Could you maybe give me a bit of code or explain it?
    I do not understand the process of container => container => component painting... My emailadress is [email protected] (there you can send source of post it here)
    I think the collision-detection should be called in
    World.moveObject.We will change that, thank you :)
    Hope theese comment isnt to vague. I will try find
    some old code of mine, and compare it with urs.
    Stig.Thank you for your help,
    Yvo van Beek

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    i have been trying to export videos and upload them onto youtube giving them a high quality look for some time now.
    the website recommends for the best quality:
    -mpeg 4
    -MP3 audio
    -30 fps
    there is even a video on it here:
    i tried two different ways of exporting my project. i use fc express hd on a macbook pro...the first export was an mpeg 4 divx export. i used the 4 recomendations but it still came out pixilated. i then tried the regular mpeg 4 option in the export menu. this one had a different audio option. there was no mp3 listen and ACL audio or something like that,
    either way they both came out pixilated! this was only a 5 minute long video. i have seen plenty of videos on youtube that were 8 minutes long and crystal clear.
    there must be SOMETHING i should change in my exporting options! please help! its been like a year and a half now that ive been searching for clear youtube videos!
    thanks for your time,

    hmm i tried there suggestions and unfortunatly it came out pixilated!
    i was excited to see the results too because that page given seemed like it would work...
    i double checked all of the settings and they matched up with what they suggested...
    does any body have any suggestions? thankyou!

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    Hi -
    You can try MPEG Streamclip as the convertor.
    It is available free from;
    The format and pixel dimensions of the material you downloaded will influence what you choose to convert to with MPEG Streamclip.

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    This is what the iMovie Help says:
    Is that the procedure you've been following?

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    I just went to the Miraizon site, who has been the sole licensee of ProRes for PC, to see if their $150/license download was still at that price.
    This is what I found ...
    They only sell a few of their other products, and the ProRes/DNxHD codec package only generates an email form to "support".
    I'm afraid you'll have to transcode those files to something like DNxHD or an avi codec or something to work them via PC. And I'd thought about purchasing that codec pack from them but kept putting it off. Now, I wish I'd bought it. Ah well.

  • I'm looking for someone to render (export) a final cut X project for me.

    I'm looking for someone to render (export) a final cut X project for me. I am running FCX on my MB air & it works surprisingly well for small projects. However, I have a 4 minute video that is outside of the limits of my machine. I am assuming there is a way to dropfile the project & have someone else export it for me & dropfile it back to me as a HD video I can post on Vimeo. I am willing to pay for this service.

    I may not be doing this correctly, I created the new library & when I tried to copy the the clips it said this:
    You are editing compound clips or multicam clips between libraries.
    Final Cut Pro will copy files and create new parent clips in the library "Movies".
    The new clips will be independent of the original parent clips.
    Media stored in external folders will be linked to but not copied.

  • Completely new to Soundtrack Pro - need help for school project

    I've never used Soundtrack Pro before, but I need to record and modify some dialogue for a project for one of my classes, and I think that's the only audio program we have on the computers in the lab I'm using.
    Can I use Soundtrack Pro to record myself reading lines of dialogue? And then modify the audio tracks? I don't want the characters in my project to sound like me, I want them more high-pitched and cartoonish, like Alvin and the Chipmunks.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Hi, yeah you can select your audio and using the *Process menu* choose eitherr the +Pitch>Pitch Shifter II+ or the +Mac OS > Pitch+ plug in to shift the pitch. I think Pitch may be better for what you want.
    You can also look under the *Process menu* and find +Time Stretch+ which you can use to speed up your audio if desired.
    Don't forget the Undo command -z

  • Innovative Projects for the final year of my curriculam

    dear Gurus ,
    Would u find me any projects for my J2ee platform which could be more innovative and more logical . If yes , i would be more proud of u all.

    dear Gurus ,
    Would u find me any projects for my J2ee
    y J2ee platform which could be more innovative and
    more logical . If yes , i would be more proud of u
    all.Create a web crawler which looks for text with sms language, and posts them to a J2EE app which converts the texts back to plaintext. E.g. u should be converted to you.

  • I need a solution of this complicated problem to finalize my final project

    This project revolves around an important text processing task, text compression. In particular, you will be required to encode a sequence of words read from a source file into binary strings (using only the characters 0 and 1). It is important to note that text compression makes it possible to minimize the time needed to transmit text over a low-bandwidth channel, such as infrared connection. Moreover, text compression is helpful in storing large documents more efficiently. The coding scheme explored in this project is the Huffman Coding Scheme. While standard encoding schemes, such as Unicode and ASCII, use fixed-length binary strings to encode characters, Huffman coding assigns variable-length codes to characters. The length of a Huffman code depends on the relative frequency of its associated character. Specifically, Huffman coding capitalizes on the fact that some characters are used more frequently than others to use short codewords when encoding high-frequency characters and long codewords to encode low-frequency characters. Huffman coding saves space over state of the art fixed-length encoding and is therefore at the heart of file compression techniques in common use today. Figure 1 shows the relative frequencies of the letters of the alphabet as they appear in a representative sample of English documents.
    Letter     Frequency     Letter     Frequency
    A     77     N     67
    B     17     O     67
    C     32     P     20
    D     42     Q     5
    E     120     R     59
    F     24     S     67
    G     17     T     85
    H     50     U     37
    I     76     V     12
    J     4     W     22
    K     7     X     4
    L     42     Y     22
    M     24     Z     2
    Figure 1. Relative frequencies for the 26 letters of the alphabet.
    Huffman coding and decoding
    Huffman’s algorithm for producing optimal variable-length codes is based on the construction of a binary tree T that represents the code. In other words, the Huffman code for each character is derived from a full binary tree known as the Huffman coding tree, or simply the Huffman tree. Each edge in the Huffman tree represents a bit in a codeword, with each edge connecting a node with its left child representing a “0” and each edge connecting a node with its right child representing a “1”. Each external node in the tree is associated with a specific character, and the Huffman code for a character is defined by the sequence of bits in the path from the root to the leaf corresponding to that character. Given codes for the characters, it is a simple matter to use these codes to encode a text message. You will have simply to replace each letter in the string with its binary code (a lookup table can be used for this purpose).
    In this project, you are not going to use the table given in Figure 1 to determine the frequency of occurrence per character. Instead, you will derive the frequency corresponding to a character by counting the number of times that character appears in an input file. For example, if the input file contains the following line of text “a fast runner need never be afraid of the dark”, then the frequencies listed in the table given in Figure 2 should be used per character:
    Character          a     b     d     e     f     H     i     k     n     O     r     s     t     u     v
    Frequency     9     5     1     3     7     3     1     1     1     4     1     5     1     2     1     1
    Figure 2. The frequency of each character of the String X.
    Based on the frequencies shown in Figure 2, the Huffman tree depicted in Figure 3 can be constructed:
    Figure 3. Huffman tree for String X.
    The code for a character is thus obtained by tracing the path from the root of the Huffman tree to the external node where that character is stored, and associating a left edge with 0 and a right edge with 1. In the context of the considered example for instance, the code for “a” is 010, and the code for “f” is 1100.
    Once the Huffman tree is constructed and the message obtained from the input file has been encoded, decoding the message is done by looking at the bits in the coded string from left to right until all characters are decoded. This can be done by using the Huffman tree in a reverse process from that used to generate the codes. Decoding the bit string begins at the root of the tree. Branches are taken depending on the bit value – left for ‘0’ and right for ‘1’ – until reaching a leaf node. This leaf contains the first character in the message. The next bit in the code is then processed from the root again to start the next character. The process is repeated until all the remaining characters are decoded. For example, to decode the string “0101100” in the case of the example under study, you begin at the root of the tree and take a left branch for the first bit which is ‘0’. Since the next bit is a ‘1’, you take a right branch. Then, you take a left branch (for the third bit ‘1’), arriving at the leaf node corresponding to the letter a. Thus, the first letter of the coded word is a. You then begin again at the root of the tree to process the fourth bit, which is a ‘1’. Taking 2 right branches then two left branches, you reach the leaf node corresponding to the letter f.
    Problem statement
    You are required to implement the Huffman coding/decoding algorithms. After you complete the implementation of the coding/decoding processes, you are asked to use the resulting Java code to:
    1.     Read through a source file called “in1.dat” that contains the following paragraph:
    “the Huffman coding algorithm views each of the d distinct characters of the string X as being in separate Huffman trees initially with each tree composed of a single leaf node these separate trees will eventually be joined into a single Huffman tree in each round the algorithm takes the two binary trees with the smallest frequencies and merges them into a single binary tree it repeats this process until only one tree is left.”
    2.     Determine the actual frequencies for all the letters in the file.
    3.     Use the frequencies from the previous step to create a Huffman coding tree before you assign codes to individual letters. Use the LinkedBinaryTree class that we developed in class to realize your Huffman coding trees.
    4.     Produce an encoded version of the input file “in1.dat” and then store it in an output file called “out.dat”.
    5.     Finally, the decoding algorithm will come into play to decipher the codes contained in “out.dat”. The resulting decoded message should be written to an output file called “in2.dat”. If nothing goes wrong, the text stored in “in1.dat” and the one in “in2.dat” must match up correctly.

    jschell wrote:
    I need a solution of this complicated problem to finalize my final project The solution:
    1. Write code
    2. Test code3. If test fails, debug code, then go to step 2.

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