Finding Headers

Hi All,
I have an issue where i need to change the header name of the fields. I cannot find the header names such as planned start time, planned end time, planned group. But when i execute the program it appears. Kindly help me find the same in the below program.
                                   LINE-SIZE 250
                                   LINE-COUNT 65.
TABLES : zroster ,
         sscrfields ,
         bhdgd ,
   Type Pools
   Internal Tables
itab for ZROSTER Table
DATA : BEGIN OF i_roster OCCURS 100.
        INCLUDE STRUCTURE zroster.
DATA: vbeln1 LIKE vbak-vbeln.
DATA: dutypost LIKE iflo-pltxt.
DATA : stell_txt(40).
DATA: report LIKE  P2001-BEGUZ.
DATA: remarks(50).
DATA: signature(50).
DATA: ename LIKE pa0001-ename.
DATA: del_stat.
DATA: END OF i_roster.
itab for Events
DATA:   i_events   TYPE slis_alv_event OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
DATA    f_var LIKE disvariant OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE.  "M3
  Global Variables
        repid LIKE sy-repid ,
        variant TYPE disvariant ,
       END OF w .
DATA  g_repid LIKE sy-repid.
  Selection Screen
PARAMETERS :  p_vkorg LIKE zroster-vkorg NO-DISPLAY .
PARAMETERS : p_werks LIKE zroster-werks DEFAULT '1110' NO-DISPLAY.
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_jdate FOR zroster-jdate ."OBLIGATORY .
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_vbeln FOR zroster-vbeln NO INTERVALS .
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_tplnr FOR zroster-tplnr NO INTERVALS .
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_route FOR zroster-route NO INTERVALS .
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_ingrp FOR zroster-ingrp  NO INTERVALS .
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_pernr2 FOR zroster-alt_pernr1 NO INTERVALS .
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_stat FOR zroster-status  NO INTERVALS .
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_spjob FOR zroster-spljob  NO INTERVALS .
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_shtyp FOR zroster-shtyp  NO INTERVALS .
PARAMETERS: p_var LIKE disvariant-variant.
  Initialization Event
  w-repid = sy-repid .
  At-Selection-Screen Event
  PERFORM f_authority_check .
  IF sscrfields-ucomm = 'ONLI' .
Get Data .
    PERFORM f_get_data .
  PERFORM f_get_f4_help.
  Start-of-Selection Event
Display the Entries
  PERFORM f_display_alv.
End-of-Selection Event
*&      Form  f_get_data
    Get the Data from ZROSTER based on Selection Parameters
FORM f_get_data.
  DATA : BEGIN OF i_iflo OCCURS 0,
              tplnr LIKE iflo-tplnr,
              pltxt LIKE iflo-pltxt,
           END OF i_iflo.
          INCLUDE STRUCTURE p0001.
  DATA: END OF i0001.
  DATA :   short LIKE objec-short,
           stext LIKE objec-stext,
           subrc LIKE sy-subrc.
          ZR_ITIME LIKE  P2006-BEGUZ,
          ZR_STDAZ LIKE  P2012-ANZHL,
          ZR_EDATE LIKE  P2006-BEGDA,
          ZR_ETIME LIKE  P2001-BEGUZ.
  CLEAR w_field.
  REFRESH w_field.
  SELECT * FROM dd03l  WHERE tabname = 'ZROSTER'.
    w_field = dd03l-fieldname.
    APPEND w_field.
APPEND w_field.
  SELECT (w_field) FROM zroster
           INTO TABLE i_roster
           WHERE werks = p_werks
             AND vbeln IN s_vbeln
             AND tplnr IN s_tplnr
             AND route IN s_route
             AND jdate IN s_jdate
             AND ingrp IN s_ingrp
             AND pernr IN s_pernr
             AND alt_pernr1 IN s_pernr2
             AND status IN s_stat
             AND spljob IN s_spjob
             AND shtyp IN s_shtyp .
  IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
    MESSAGE e999 WITH 'No Entries for Selected Criteria.' .
    SELECT * FROM vbak INTO TABLE i_vbak FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_roster
                                  WHERE aufnr = i_roster-aufnr
                                    AND aufnr NE space.
To get Duty Post Text
  SELECT tplnr pltxt FROM iflo
         INTO TABLE i_iflo
         FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_roster
         WHERE spras = sy-langu       AND
               tplnr = i_roster-tplnr.
  LOOP AT i_roster.
    CLEAR i_vbak.
    READ TABLE i_vbak WITH KEY aufnr = i_roster-aufnr.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      i_roster-vbeln1 = i_vbak-vbeln.
  Duty Post Text
    CLEAR i_iflo.
    READ TABLE i_iflo WITH KEY tplnr = i_roster-tplnr.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      i_roster-dutypost = i_iflo-pltxt.       " Duty Post Name
      TRANSLATE i_roster-dutypost TO UPPER CASE.
  Get rank.
    CLEAR i0001.
    REFRESH i0001.
              pernr           = i_roster-pernr
              infty           = '0001'
              begda           = i_roster-jdate
              endda           = i_roster-jdate
              subrc           = subrc
              infty_tab       = i0001
              infty_not_found = 1
              OTHERS          = 2.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      RAISE person_not_found.
      SORT i0001 DESCENDING BY begda endda .
      READ TABLE i0001 INDEX 1.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        IF i0001-werks = '1600' AND " Ciscopol
           i0001-btrtl = '1630' AND " Jurong division
           i0001-persk = '21'.      " Non-Management Uniform
          i_roster-del_stat = 'D'.
        i_roster-ename = i0001-ename.
                  begda     = i_roster-jdate
                  endda     = i_roster-jdate
                  istat     = '1'
                  langu     = sy-langu
                  objid     = i0001-stell
                  ointerval = 'X'
                  otype     = 'C'
                  plvar     = '01'
                  short     = short
                  stext     = stext
                  not_found = 01.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          IF stext <> space.
            i_roster-stell_txt = stext.
            i_roster-stell_txt = short.
          CLEAR i_roster-stell_txt.
  Reporting Time
    zr_idate = i_roster-jdate.
    zr_itime = i_roster-pbegtm.
    zr_stdaz = '- 0.50'.
              IDATE = zr_idate
              ITIME = zr_itime
              STDAZ = zr_stdaz
              EDATE = zr_edate
              ETIME = zr_etime.
    i_roster-report = zr_etime.
    MODIFY i_roster.
  DELETE i_roster WHERE del_stat = 'D'.
ENDFORM.                    " f_get_data
SUBROUTINE NAME : f_get_f4_help
AUTHOR      : SAIRAM                     DATE :  18th Mar.2003
DESCRIPTION : To set the starting and end financial periods
               for the entered month and year ranges.
FORM f_get_f4_help.
  f_var-report = sy-repid.
  f_var-variant = p_var.
  APPEND f_var.
            is_variant    = f_var
            es_variant    = f_var
            not_found     = 1
            program_error = 2
            OTHERS        = 3.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  p_var = f_var-variant.
ENDFORM.                    " f_get_f4_help
*&      Form  f_display_alv
    Display the Roster Entries
FORM f_display_alv.
DATA: ls_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv .
  DATA:  alv_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
  DATA wa_ficat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
  DATA l_tabix LIKE sy-tabix.
Top-of-Page Event
  i_events-name = slis_ev_top_of_page.
  i_events-form = 'F_ALV_TOP_OF_PAGE'.
  APPEND i_events.
  g_repid = sy-repid.
            i_program_name         = g_repid
            i_structure_name       = 'ZROSTER'
            i_inclname             = g_repid
            ct_fieldcat            = alv_fieldcat[]
            inconsistent_interface = 1
            program_error          = 2
            OTHERS                 = 3.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  DESCRIBE TABLE alv_fieldcat LINES l_tabix.
  READ TABLE alv_fieldcat INTO wa_ficat WITH KEY fieldname = 'VBELN'.
  wa_ficat-fieldname     = 'VBELN1'.
  wa_ficat-col_pos       = l_tabix + 1.
  wa_ficat-seltext_l     = 'Service Order Bill Request'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_m     = 'Sr.Ord. Bill Req.'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_s     = 'Sr.Ord. Bill Req.'.
  wa_ficat-reptext_ddic  = 'Sr.Ord. Bill Req.'.
  APPEND wa_ficat TO alv_fieldcat.
Duty Post
  CLEAR wa_ficat.
  wa_ficat-fieldname     = 'DUTYPOST'.
  wa_ficat-col_pos       = l_tabix + 2.
  wa_ficat-seltext_l     = 'Duty Post '.
  wa_ficat-seltext_m     = 'Duty Post '.
  wa_ficat-seltext_s     = 'Duty Post '.
  wa_ficat-reptext_ddic  = 'Duty Post '.
  wa_ficat-KEY           = 'X'.
  wa_ficat-KEY_SEL       = 'X'.
  APPEND wa_ficat TO alv_fieldcat.
  CLEAR wa_ficat.
  wa_ficat-fieldname     = 'STELL_TXT'.
  wa_ficat-col_pos       = l_tabix + 3.
  wa_ficat-seltext_l     = 'Rank'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_m     = 'Rank'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_s     = 'Rank'.
  wa_ficat-reptext_ddic  = 'Rank'.
  APPEND wa_ficat TO alv_fieldcat.
  CLEAR wa_ficat.
  wa_ficat-fieldname     = 'REPORT'.
  wa_ficat-col_pos       = l_tabix + 4.
  wa_ficat-seltext_l     = 'Reporting Time'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_m     = 'Reporting Time'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_s     = 'Reporting Time'.
  wa_ficat-reptext_ddic  = 'Reporting Time'.
  APPEND wa_ficat TO alv_fieldcat.
  CLEAR wa_ficat.
  wa_ficat-fieldname     = 'REMARKS'.
  wa_ficat-col_pos       = l_tabix + 5.
  wa_ficat-seltext_l     = 'Remarks'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_m     = 'Remarks'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_s     = 'Remarks'.
  wa_ficat-reptext_ddic  = 'Remarks'.
  APPEND wa_ficat TO alv_fieldcat.
  CLEAR wa_ficat.
  wa_ficat-fieldname     = 'SIGNATURE'.
  wa_ficat-col_pos       = l_tabix + 6.
  wa_ficat-seltext_l     = 'Signature'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_m     = 'Signature'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_s     = 'Signature'.
  wa_ficat-reptext_ddic  = 'Signature'.
  APPEND wa_ficat TO alv_fieldcat.
  CLEAR wa_ficat.
  wa_ficat-fieldname     = 'ENAME'.
  wa_ficat-col_pos       = l_tabix + 7.
  wa_ficat-seltext_l     = 'Emp.Name'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_m     = 'Emp.Name'.
  wa_ficat-seltext_s     = 'Emp.Name'.
  wa_ficat-reptext_ddic  = 'Emp.Name'.
  APPEND wa_ficat TO alv_fieldcat.
Display the List now.
            i_callback_program = w-repid
            i_default          = 'X'
            i_save             = 'X'
            is_variant         = f_var
            it_fieldcat        = alv_fieldcat[]
            it_events          = i_events[]
            IT_SORT            = GT_SORT[]
            t_outtab           = i_roster[].
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
ENDFORM.                    " f_display_alv
*&      Form  f_alv_top_of_page
    Top-of-Page Event of ALV
FORM f_alv_top_of_page.
  DATA: header TYPE slis_listheader OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
  REFRESH header.
  bhdgd-repid = sy-repid.            "Rep Prog Name
  bhdgd-uname = sy-uname.            "USERID
  bhdgd-zeit  = sy-uzeit.            "Time of report
  bhdgd-datum = sy-datum.            "Date of report
  bhdgd-line1 = text-002.            "Header line 1
  bhdgd-mandt = sy-mandt.
  header-typ = 'S'.
  header-info = bhdgd-line1.
  header-key  = 'Report Title:'.
  APPEND header.
  header-typ = 'S'.
  IF NOT w-variant-variant IS INITIAL .
    header-info = w-variant-variant .
  ELSE .
    header-info = 'None'.
  header-key  = 'Layout Selected'.
  APPEND header.
header-info = l_endda.
header-key  = 'Period To:'.
APPEND header.
header-info = l_rundt.
header-key  = 'Run date:'.
APPEND header.
            it_list_commentary = header[].
ENDFORM.                    " alv_top_of_page
*&      Form  f_authority_check
  Authority Check
FORM f_authority_check .
           ID 'VKORG' DUMMY
           ID 'WERKS' FIELD p_werks
           ID 'INGRP' DUMMY .
  IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
    MESSAGE e999 WITH text-e01 .
ENDFORM.                    " f_authority_check

check this code to change header text in alv.
DATA: wa type line of slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
LOOP AT it_fieldcat INTO wa WHERE fieldname = 'BUKRS'.
wa-seltext_l = 'ab'.
wa-seltext_m = 'ab'.
wa-seltext_s = 'ab'.
wa-REPTEXT_DDIC = 'ab'.
MODIFY it_fieldcat from wa index sy-tabix.
Wasim Ahmed

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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communites and to your new Mac.
    When you resize a window to make it wider it will operate in two ways:
    - While there is a scroll bar at the bottom of the window it will reveal
      the hidden columns to the right.
    - Once the scroll bar is gone it will expand the name field.
              (The name field is the most variable one, given you can have really long names.)
    If you don't like the width of any of the columns you can grow or shrink them by grabbing the faint bars between the headers.
    When you open a sub-folder, its window will inherit the attributes of the parent window.
    If you resize a sub-folder window and use the back-arrow, the parent folder will inherit the child’s attributes.
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    If you want to change which and how columns are displayed, open a folder and go to View > Show View Options.
    Hope this helps.

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    Ramin Hashimzadeh wrote:
    Vivek L wrote:
         nvl(a.empnumber,b.empnumber) empnumber
    from tabA a, tabB b
    where =;
    i can't understand, if the tableB and tableA(except null values) empnumber values is same, then what is diffrence this query between yours query?
    select b.* from tabB b
    True, but your assumption is based on OP's sample data and may or may not be true for actual case.
    Read the requirement from OPs first post:
    I have to write a query that should fetch the a column value from table B if the column value is Null in Table A

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    Message was edited by:

    If the Oracle Client is installed correctly, then the OCCI header files will be under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/public in *nix and under %ORACLE_HOME%\oci\include on Windows. You can also  use the Instant Client SDK to develop OCCI applications :-

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    <script type="text/javascript">
            $('##REGION_ID# input[name="f01"]').each(function(i)
                if ($x('f01').value == 1)
                    var forcast = "JANFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "JANACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "JANVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "JANVARPER";
                if ($x('f01').value == 2)
                    var forcast = "FEBFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "FEBACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "FEBVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "FEBVARPER";
                if ($x('f01').value == 3)
                    var forcast = "MARFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "MARACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "MARVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "MARVARPER";
                if ($x('f01').value == 4)
                    var forcast = "APRFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "APRACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "APRVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "APRVARPER";
                if ($x('f01').value == 5)
                    var forcast = "MAYFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "MAYACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "MAYVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "MAYVARPER";
                if ($x('f01').value == 6)
                    var forcast = "JUNFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "JUNACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "JUNVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "JUNVARPER";
                if ($x('f01').value == 7)
                    var forcast = "JULFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "JULACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "JULVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "JULVARPER";
                if ($x('f01').value == 8)
                    var forcast = "AUGFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "AUGACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "AUGVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "AUGVARPER";
                if ($x('f01').value == 9)
                    var forcast = "SEPFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "SEPACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "SEPVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "SEPVARPER";
                if ($x('f01').value == 10)
                    var forcast = "OCTFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "OCTACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "OCTVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "OCTVARPER";
                if ($x('f01').value == 11)
                    var forcast = "NOVFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "NOVACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "NOVVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "NOVVARPER";
                if ($x('f01').value == 12)
                    var forcast = "DECFORECAST";
                    var actual  = "DECACTUALS";
                    var mth_var = "DECVAR";
                    var mth_var_pnct = "DECVARPER";
                $(this).parents("tr:first").find('[headers="' + forcast + '"]').css({"background-color":"silver"});
                $(this).parents("tr:first").find('[headers="' + actual + '"]').css({"background-color":"silver"});
                $(this).parents("tr:first").find('[headers="' + mth_var + '"]').css({"background-color":"silver"});
                $(this).parents("tr:first").find('[headers="' + mth_var_pnct + '"]').css({"background-color":"silver"});
    The highlighting works in Internet Explorer, but the same columns are not being highlighted in Chrome or Firefox and there are no errors being reported in either browser.
    Can someone help me with this?
    Is there additional information I can provide that I haven't.

    Hi Fac,
    This is a classic report. After debugging all 3 browsers I finally found the issue.  First, my javascript isn't very good.
    When I looked at the source of the page, I saw that 'F01' contained the value to determine which month's columns to highlight.
    I then thought that if I evaluated the contents of 'F01', using $x('f01').value, that I could set my variables in my if statements.
    During my debugging of the javascript in each of the browsers I came upon the 'this' object being displayed in the watch window. When I expanded the node to view the contents I saw that it also contained the value of the month to highlight as well.
    I have since changed my 'if' statement to if ($x(this).value == <month number> and the hightlighting is working in all 3 browsers correctly.
    Is this still not the right approach as Jari discusses in his post I referenced above?

  • Outlook - Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2010

    Cannot receive email and "bogus" email being sent to my contacts from me....some to my deceased mother-in-law.

    If they are not in sent items, I dont believe these emails are actually generated.. Check whether they do realy exist in your sent items
    Any one can send any email address by spoofing.. 
    If they are not in the sent items, but your contacts still are getting spams , may be someone is spoofing your email address..  using a php form,
    these kind of thing can be done (not limited to php, may be almost any language can do it ).. But in the event that there is
    no proper email authentication, these spoofed emails are ended up in the spam folder at the receiving end.. 
    By any chance, can u reach any of your contacts who already received spams from you? and take the email header from that receiver???
    And you can trace the email generating source..
    and get the ip details etc
    IF you still suspect your pc is infected use following recommended tools
    Use one scanner at a time
    Download hitman pro 3.7 shareware and can be activated for 30 days free)and have a full system scan.. 
    alternatively you can use hitmanprokickstart usb bootable
    use malwarebyte and have a full system scan
    use Junkware Removal  Tool  and have a full system scan
    And/or use TDSS Killer  have a full system scan..:
    do not open email from unreliable sources like public cafes , and once again change password..
    If it is appearing in your sent items, this could be a worm problem...
    What these kind of worms do is,  steal your session (login) data like cookies and send emails through your email accounts..

  • Output from lsscsi

    Hi, I have run lsscsi and am wondering what some of the SCSI devices identified, actually are
    [0:0:0:0]    disk    Generic- Compact Flash    1.00  /dev/sda
    [0:0:0:1]    disk    Generic- SM/xD-Picture    1.00  /dev/sdb
    [0:0:0:2]    disk    Generic- SD/MMC           1.00  /dev/sdc
    [0:0:0:3]    disk    Generic- MS/MS-Pro        1.00  /dev/sdd
    [1:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      WDC WD2500AAKX-0 15.0  /dev/sde
    [2:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H31L W616  /dev/sr0
    I know what sde and sr0 are. However what exactly are sda, sdb, sdc and sdd ?

    Jimbo wrote:
    Nothing beats a good look see -
    I have examined the server ( more a glorified pc ). On the front are 4 card readers
    Smart Media
    Compact Flash
    These are obviously what are appearing in lsscsi
    Yep, as I guessed in my first reply.
    regards to lsusb -
    There appears to be a number of USB ports on this server - 3 at the front and 4 at the back
    So it looks as if the lsusb output is accurate ( 7 outputs matching 7 ports ). 2 usb ports are obviously USB 2 and 5 are USB 1
    Q1. what's the significance / meaning of all these usb ports showing as device 001 in lsusb but each with a different bus number ( i.e. 1 through 7 ) i.e. are all the ports going through a single internal hub ?
    Q2. the final entry from lsusb intrigues me
    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0bda:0111 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Card Reader
    It has a different device number from the USB ports. I cannot account for what it could be. It is obviously not one of the card readers at the front of the server ( as these are all SCSI as the output from lsscsi shows ). There also does not appear to be any other interfaces / cards visible / connected on the server.
    The only other thing I was thinking - Realtek, could this possibly be a network card ( there is one connected at the back of the server ). However it is a standard Ethernet NIC, I wouldn't expect that to show up as a USB device under lsusb ?
    Any ideas ?
    Your system as multiple USB chipsets/controllers on it.
    Some are integrated into what was formerly referred to as Northbridge/Southbridge functions.   Some are additional controller chips soldered into the system's design. They have USB v2.0 capabilities and slower USB v1.1 capabilities.
      Your card reader has its own controller that uses a chip designed and manufactured by Realtek (they do much more than just LAN chips).
    I'm sure that if you opened the case you'll find headers to connect yet more USB port peripheral adapters to use all the system capabilities.
    The result is that the system can manipulate (and your OS has recognized) devices that hold filesystems, both actual and potential.   It's given itself device path placeholders for such discrete filesystems, should they ever be there.

  • How to use custom IPs in Embedded Linux

    I have designed and implemented two IP cores in Vivado.
    The first is a HLS implemented block (realized with the Vivado HLS video libraries(, with AXI interfaces and connected with a Video DMA. I should send cv::Mat objects to it somehow.
    The second one is a custom designed block which also uses streaming AXI interfaces which is connected with a normal AXI DMA.
    In both cases, I know how to interact with those units on a bare-metal application, using the BSP provided drivers. But, when it comes to Linux/Petalinux? Where do I find headers and functions like the one provided automatically by the standalone (bare-metal) os?
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    giorgio.lopez wrote:
    The first is a HLS implemented block (realized with the Vivado HLS video libraries(, with AXI interfaces and connected with a Video DMA. I should send cv::Mat objects to it somehow.
    Compile the VDMA kernel module, which you can find right there
    then you need to write your own module to map to this new dma channel, this has been mentionned on several topics.
    Finally you write a userspace program which opens this channel and send some data over it.
    giorgio.lopez wrote:
    The second one is a custom designed block which also uses streaming AXI interfaces which is connected with a normal AXI DMA.
    basically the same thing, I have never used VDMA but I think it handles 2D data compared to regular DMA module.
    giorgio.lopez wrote:
    In both cases, I know how to interact with those units on a bare-metal application, using the BSP provided drivers.
    If you are not familiar with kernel modules, you need the hardware address to address the DMA module.
    In bare-metal you accessed those addresses directly, in Linux you address them through virtual addresses mapped to physical addresses.
    A DMA transaction is a little different than regular bus transactions in the sense it allows you not to address each word, the CPU sets the destination address, waits for an end of transfer interrupt, the DMA controller handles the transfer.
    giorgio.lopez wrote:
    Where do I find headers and functions like the one provided automatically by the standalone (bare-metal) os?
    you need to use the Linux kernel APIs, in this project you will need the DMA API basically
    #include <linux/dmaengine.h>
    #include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
    plus learn how to memory map and handle interrupts.
    Relevant Docs:
    The Bible - heavy but I seriously recommend reading it a couple of times to understand key chapters
    Linux DMA API
    Might be of some interests
    DMA from user space (Xilinx) - great
    DMA in kernel space (Xilinx) - great

  • Finding "Use previous headers and footers"

    Working in Word Processing, and I cannot find "Use previous headers and footers" (I need to uncheck it.)

    You need to be in the second or later section of your document to de-activate that feature. Usually, if not always, things are grayed out because they don't make sense in the current context.

  • Outlook201​0 Search finds non-visibl​e email headers?

    Dear fellow Turkey-weekenders, I'm trying to help someone configure their new Outlook 2010 email client to work with their existing Verizon POP3 email account.  I believe we've jumped through most of the hoops correctly but have a minor mystery!
    After following the Verizon web instructions to set up the Outlook 2010 client we have sent several test email from a completely different machine and email system.  Its apparent that our test emails are being received by the new Outlook 2010 client because outlook displays notifications of them in the lower right of the screen as they come in and we can Search all folders, find them and read them.  However, when click on the Inbox or any other visible folder of the new account within the email client there are no emails visible.  There are simply no headers whatsoever - no sender or subject or any other info.
    Another interesting symptom is that the Inbox will correctly display the *number* of incoming messages we've sent or the *number* of unread messages in the Inbox (depending on a setting we found for that) but there are no actual headers visible in the Inbox.  During the client account creation we did request the the pop3 server retain a copy of the emails (for 5 days as recommended in the instructions.)
    If it matters, this in a new setup of Outlook 2010 and this is the only instance of any email client set up on this computer.  The account was previously feeding an Outlook Express client on an old computer but that computer is in a different location and has not been turned on all weekend during the setup and testing of our new email client.
    Is there a server or client setting that needs to be turned on?  Is there an Outlook 2010 folder that is invisible?  We've tried to look at the properties of the emails when Outlook 2010 Search finds them but there are no indications of what folder they might be in other than the Inbox, where they are certainly not visible.
    Go to Solution.

    Solved! (I think )
    Sometimes the only option left for a problem is to "Sleep on it!"  Leaving our problem overnight may have helped us solve it.
    I believe our problem was in overlooking a detail of the new Outlook 2010 Email Client interface.  By default, Outlook 2010 "groups" all incoming headers by Date (such as "Date: Today", "Date: Yesterday", "Date: [previous weekdays]", "Date: Last Week") and does not necessarily "Expand" the "Date: Today" group by default.  This has the unfortunate effect that a new user looking at their brand new Inbox display will see a line that says "Date: Today" with nothing visible under it.  What is not easily realized is that there is a tiny triangular arrow to the left of the "Date: Today" group heading and it is by default set to the "collapsed" state for "Today."
    The "Collapse/Expand" arrows in the new Outlook 2010 interface appear as follows: Hollow white triangle pointing directly to the right indicates a collapse "group."  Solid black triangle pointing slightly down to the right indicates an expanded "group."  The "groups" such as "Date: Today" and "Date: Yesterday" can be expanded or collapsed independently of each other and by default the Outlook client starts out with Today collapsed and Yesterday and groupings beyond "expanded," I believe.
    This grouping feature is nice once you get used to it and all kinds of grouping can be turned on or off but I think for all of you supporting Outlook new users, this expand/collapse feature of the email interface will be something to check on when people report that they aren't receiving email or can't see their email!

  • [SOLVED] Where to find older kernel headers

    I'm currently stuck on kernel 3.8.11-1 x64 on my netbook as kernel 3.9.2 won't boot - basically hangs while grub tries to start the kernel. Had the same issue with Fedora so I know that it's kernel specific....
    Unfortunately my NIC requires that I build the compat-wireless drivers in order to get the alx module in my system. Using the older kernel however, where do I find the headers for it?
    Basically I need to populate my /lib/modules with the 3.8.11-1-ARCH bunch; unfortunately my USB boot stick has version 3.8.10 which won't work.
    Can anyone help me out?
    Also why do the older kernels and related modules etc... get removed so fast from the repo? Shouldn't the older ones be kept for a while at least so if anyone (like me and plenty of others) have issues they can revert back easily without needing to downgrade by finding an older package from somewhere?
    Last edited by JohnnySSH (2013-05-19 06:22:12)

    Excellent. Please remember to mark your thread as [Solved] by editing your first post and prepending it to the title.
    Ok did a bit of "housekeeping" and appended [SOLVED] to all my 3 threads so far :-)
    P.s. I like Arch it seems a lot as it's kinda hackery since you have to build from scrach and the chroot install is cool too - I think it suites my style of being very CLI heavy
    Coupled with a 'real' DEC VTxxx terminal not emulation I think Arch would be the best thing since Ethernet!!
    Last edited by JohnnySSH (2013-05-19 06:27:43)

  • Is list of custom headers and footers. I can't find how to change the footer to print the Long Date

    '''There should be a list of custom headers and footers.''' I can't find how to change the footer to print the '''Long Date'''. It took awhile just to find Page &PT. So I would appreciate if someone could post a list. Also if someone can answer how to print the Long Date.
    Thank you

    When you're on a call, use the volume buttons on the left side of the device.  This will then adjust the In-Call Volume.

  • Basic panel disappeared from Develop module.  LR 5.7 Mac OS 10.10.1 Tried control clicking headers of panels that are still there.  Do not get a pop up list.  Can't find way to restore.  What should I do?

    Basic panel in the Develop model no longer appears.  Started this afternoon.  Been using LR 5 since it came out.  No problem before today.  Searched forums and did the control click on develop module headers.  Check list doesn't appear.  What do I do next?  I did a Time machine restore but nothing changed.

    I have now tried control click, command click, option click and combinations of these on 2 computers running the same lightroom versions, same Mac OS with the same result. No list of develop headers, no way to check/ uncheck. 
    LR on my MacBook has all the panels.  On my iMac Basic and Split Toning are missing. 
    The only result of clicking is collapsing or expanding the individual sliders under the headers. 
    My only thought now is to find the preference files for LR and delete them and see if the missing panels return.  Any other suggestions?
    Sent from my iPad

  • FileInfo - Find Win32 PE/COFF headers in EXE/DLL/OCX files.

    Find Win32 PE/COFF headers in EXE/DLL/OCX files.
    Stuff like exe files version and comments for example.
    Last edited by TuxLyn (2012-12-19 10:14:44)

    Please note: I AM USING:
    JkOptions ForwardKeySize ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
    And that's what's supposed to fix this problem in the first place, right??

  • Find & Move files based on csv headers

    Hi Everyone,
    Basically, I am trying to find locations for those files listed in a csv file. Content of the csv file is shown below:
    And this is my code but I couldn't get it to work!!
    $csv=import-csv c:\input.csv
    Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Select-Object name, PSPath | where {$ -match $} | Export-csv c:\output.csv
    This code will find files if I replace $ with a string, I am not very at scripting and hoping anyone who is experienced in PowerShell could provide some advices! Any opinion is appreciated!! Thank you!!

    Try this:
    $csv = (Import-Csv "c:\input.csv").name
    Get-ChildItem -Path ".\*" -Recurse -Force -File -Include $csv |
    Select-Object Name, FullName |
    Export-csv "c:\output.csv" -NoTypeInformation
    Changed items from posted code:
    Quoted file path in Import-Csv and Export-Csv statements - best practice
    Selected .name property at the $csv assignment line
    Use additional paramters in the Get-ChilItem cmdlet to filter on the file names in the $csv variable
    Picked FullName instead of PSPath in the Select statement
    Variable name was misspelled in the Where statement, but the entire statement has been removed
    Removed Type Information from Export-Csv statement
    Sam Boutros, Senior Consultant, Software Logic, KOP, PA (Please take a moment to Vote as Helpful and/or Mark as Answer, where applicable) _________________________________________________________________________________
    Powershell: Learn it before it's an emergency

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