Fireflies using AS3, conversion from AS2

Hey guys. I'm new to AS3. I do know the bare basics. I figure someone on here will know more than my teacher. (I'm paying for a class to learn actionscript, and as it turns out, he does as little of it as possible.) I wanted to have fireflies floating on my project, like particle effects. I have everything working with a tweaked version of an AS2 file I came across. Everything works in AS2, but I have no idea how to convert the syntax to work in my AS3 file. I get that they're different from each other, but can someone help me acheive the same results in AS3?
The original is the file I'm trying to modify, and fireflies.fla is my modifications, in case anyone wants to see how poorly coded my translation was. It keeps telling me that it can't set the value for a String, though I'm not sure why.
There are two basic components. "Pointer" is an invisible instance that the fireflies use as an anchor (so they can't go off the page), and mcObj is called from the library and is the firefly graphic with coding.
The actionscript for the the parent is:
Stage.align = "";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.showMenu = false;
Stage.onResize = false;
damp = 0.65;
Fat = 2;
limx = 1000;
limy = 100;
maxScale = 8;
bugNum = 15;
startX = pointer._x;
startY = pointer._y;
pointer._visible = 0;
for (i=1; i<=bugNum; i++) {
    attachMovie("bug", "bug"+i, i);
    dot = eval("bug"+i);
    dot._xscale = dot._yscale=maxScale;
    dot.color = new Color(dot);
    dot._x = startX+Math.random()*600;
    dot._y = startY+Math.random()*200;
btn.onRollOver = function() {
btn.onRollOut = function() {
And the coding for the firefly is:
this._x = this._x+this.vx;
this._y = this._y+this.vy;
this.vx = this.vx+(Math.random()*2-1);
this.vy = this.vy+(Math.random()*2-1);
this.vx = this.vx*_parent.damp;
this.vy = this.vy*_parent.damp;
this._xscale = this._xscale-_parent.fat;
this._yscale = this._yscale-_parent.fat;
if (_parent.startX+_parent.limx<this._x) {
    this.vx = -this.vx;
    this._x = _parent.startX+_parent.limx;
if (this._x<_parent.startX-_parent.limx) {
    this.vx = -this.vx;
    this._x = _parent.startX-_parent.limx;
if (_parent.startY+_parent.limy<this._y) {
    this.vy = -this.vy;
    this._y = _parent.startY+_parent.limy;
if (this._y<startY.startY-_parent.limy) {
    this.vy = -this.vy;
    this._y = _parent.startY-_parent.limy;
if (_parent.maxScale<this._yscale || this._yscale<_parent.maxScale/25) {
    _parent.fat = -_parent.fat;
Anyone who can help, please do. I need to have this done by the end of the week :/

//stage.align = "";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
stage.showDefaultContextMenu = false;
var damp:Number = 0.65;
var Fat:Number = 2;
var limx:Number = 1000;
var limy:Number = 100;
var maxScale:Number = 8;
var bugNum:int = 15;
var startX:Number = pointer.x;
var startY:Number = pointer.y;
pointer.visible = false;
for (var i:int=1; i<=bugNum; i++) {
    //attachMovie("bug", "bug"+i, i);
this["bug"+i]=new but();  // assign class
   var  dot:MovieClip = this["bug"+i];
    dot.scaleX = dot.scaleY=maxScale;
var ct:ColorTransform=dot.colorTransform;
ct.color = 0xFFFF66;dot.colorTransform=ct;    dot.x = startX+Math.random()*600;
    dot.y = startY+Math.random()*200;
function onRollOverF(e:MouseEvent):void {
function onRollOutF(e:MouseEvent):void {
And the coding for the firefly is:
var initialized:Boolean;
this.x += this.vx;
this.y += this.vy;
this.vx = this.vx+(Math.random()*2-1);
this.vy = this.vy+(Math.random()*2-1);
this.vx = this.vx*MovieClip(parent).damp;
this.vy = this.vy*MovieClip(parent).damp;
this.scaleX -= MovieClip(parent).fat;
this.scaleY = this.scaleX;
if (MovieClip(parent).startX+MovieClip(parent).limx<this.x) {
    this.vx = -this.vx;
    this.x = MovieClip(parent).startX+MovieClip(parent).limx;
if (this.x!=MovieClip(parent).startX-MovieClip(parent).limx) {
    this.vx = -this.vx;
    this.x = MovieClip(parent).startX-MovieClip(parent).limx;
if (MovieClip(parent).startY+MovieClip(parent).limy<this.y) {
    this.vy = -this.vy;
    this.y = MovieClip(parent).startY+MovieClip(parent).limy;
if (this.y!=MovieClip(parent).startY-MovieClip(parent).limy) {
    this.vy = -this.vy;
    this.y = MovieClip(parent).startY-MovieClip(parent).limy;
if (MovieClip(parent).maxScale<this.scaleX || this.scaleY<MovieClip(parent).maxScale/25) {
    MovieClip(parent).fat = -MovieClip(parent).fat;

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    BlueColourBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, determineColor);
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    Here is a quick and dirty timeline code that does it (class is below):
    var line:Shape;
    var lineGraphics:Graphics;
    var clickSwitch:int = 0;
    var mousePositions:Array = [];
    var conversion:Number = 180 / Math.PI;
    function init():void {
         line = new Shape();
         lineGraphics =;
         stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
    function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
         clickSwitch = 1 - clickSwitch;
         mousePositions[clickSwitch] = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
         if (clickSwitch == 0) {
         else {
    function removeLine():void
         line.rotation = 0;
    function drawLine():void
         lineGraphics.lineStyle(1, 0xff0000);
         lineGraphics.moveTo(0, 0);
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         var nextX:Number = dotDistance;
         while (line.width < Point.distance(mousePositions[0], mousePositions[1])) {
              lineGraphics.lineTo(nextX, 0);
              nextX += dotDistance;
              lineGraphics.moveTo(nextX, 0);
              nextX += dotDistance;
         line.rotation =  conversion * Math.atan2(mousePositions[0].y - mousePositions[1].y, mousePositions[0].x - mousePositions[1].x);
         line.x = mousePositions[1].x;
         line.y = mousePositions[1].y;
    function drawBackground():void
         var s:Shape = new Shape();
         var g:Graphics =;
         g.drawRect(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
         import flash.display.Graphics;
         import flash.display.Shape;
         import flash.display.Sprite;
         import flash.geom.Point;
         public class DottedLine extends Sprite
              private var line:Shape;
              private var lineGraphics:Graphics;
              private var clickSwitch:int = 0;
              private var mousePositions:Array = [];
              private var conversion:Number = 180 / Math.PI;
              public function DottedLine()
              private function init():void {
                   line = new Shape();
                   lineGraphics =;
                   stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
              private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
                   clickSwitch = 1 - clickSwitch;
                   mousePositions[clickSwitch] = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
                   if (clickSwitch == 0) drawLine();
                   else removeLine();
              private function removeLine():void
                   line.rotation = 0;
              private function drawLine():void
                   lineGraphics.lineStyle(1, 0xff0000);
                   lineGraphics.moveTo(0, 0);
                   var dotDistance:Number = 2;
                   var nextX:Number = dotDistance;
                   while (line.width < Point.distance(mousePositions[0], mousePositions[1])) {
                        lineGraphics.lineTo(nextX, 0);
                        nextX += dotDistance;
                        lineGraphics.moveTo(nextX, 0);
                        nextX += dotDistance;
                   line.rotation =  conversion * Math.atan2(mousePositions[0].y - mousePositions[1].y, mousePositions[0].x - mousePositions[1].x);
                   line.x = mousePositions[1].x;
                   line.y = mousePositions[1].y;
              private function drawBackground():void
                   var s:Shape = new Shape();
                   var g:Graphics =;
                   g.drawRect(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);

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            trace(property +" : " +result[property]);
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    S/he's only offering six Dukes here:
    This problem has been done before. Break this down into something simpler. You don't need an applet. Just do it on the command line. You don't need a database. Just create a flat file if you need some persistent data. Do the simple thing first, then build out from there.
    Click on the special tokens link up above and learn how to use [ code][ code] tags.
    Your code is a big, unreadable mess. You've got pare this down into something sensible. If you can't understand it, it's unreasonable to expect someone on this forum to wade through all of that. - MOD

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    Yes, you can delete from iphone:
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    Maybe you should ask Apple.
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              import flash.display.MovieClip;
              public class Creative Scroll Area extends MovieClip {
                        public function Creative Scroll Area() {
                                  // constructor code
    package  {
              import flash.display.MovieClip;
              public class Creative Scrollbar extends MovieClip {
                        public function Creative Scrollbar() {
                                  // constructor code

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    WARNING: The component 'Creative Scrollbar' requires ActionScript 2.0, which is not supported in this version of Flash Professional.
    WARNING: The component 'Creative Scroll Area' requires ActionScript 2.0, which is not supported in this version of Flash Professional.

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    This is the first time I've heard of this problem so no real basis to go on. Try the QT prefs delete again and if not that, then the QT reinstall.
    To do a full quicktime reinstall.
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    Go to the Apple quicktime site and download the appropriate version of Quicktime to your hard drive.
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    Repair Disk Permissions for your System Disk (Disk Utility > Select the system disk > Repair Disk Permissions)
    Good luck.

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