Firewire drive as startup

The hard drive in my iMac recently failed (clicking noise, computer can't find startup disk). So I set up OSX on an external firewire drive and designated that as the startup. That works, except that the computer seems to want to check the internal drive first - on startup and some other disk functions I can hear the clicking drive and then eventually the external drive is accessed. Is there any way to tell the computer that the internal drive is really dead so just leave it be? Thanks for the help.

Mac OS X needs to poll the system to find all available disks on those occasions you mentioned. Since the drive is physically connected to the system and still active (though broken), Mac OS X is still attempting to access it.
The only way I can think of to prevent it is to open the iMac and disconnect the drive internally. But if you do that, you might as well replace the drive.
In Disk Utility, how does the drive appear in the sidebar. Does it still have a volume under the drive, or is it just the drive?

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  • Firewire drive startup problems

    There's been a lot of talk regarding issues with Firewire drives and Leopard. I've tried reading through these posts in an effort to solve a problem I've been having. I haven't found any posts that match what I've been experiencing; however, I apologize if this has been covered elsewhere.
    All right, here's what's happening. I've been using a Neptune external firewire drive from OWC for the past couple of years. I've experienced flawless operation until last week when I upgraded to Leopard. Things were OK for a few days, but now this particular drive hangs upon startup -- I get the spinning beachball. When I turn this drive on, everything stops: the finder, and programs I try to open, etc. Sometimes it shows up on the desktop, sometimes it does not. Sometimes it shows up in Disk Utility, sometimes it does not. Once I turn the drive off, the Finder regains its composure and continues along its merry way.
    Any attempts to repair the drive using Disk Utility (when it shows up) have been unsuccessful, because the program freezes before too long. I've also tried the "unplug your machine for 15 minutes" trick, but this doesn't resolve the problems either. Doing this allows the drive to show up on the desktop, but it still hangs after a few moments.
    From what I can tell, the FW drive is attempting to do something, I just don't know what. I hear lots of crunching going on inside the enclosure. I don't think it's a Spotlight issue, because there is no dot inside the spotlight icon.
    Anyone have any suggestions? Am I just not being patient enough?

    Hey i had the same problem with one of my external drives as well but it was a drive that i just got so i was able to have Lacie help me track down the problem. I am not sure if my problem was the same one you are having if you have had the drive for 2 years and use it allot it may just be getting ready to die but here is what they said so give this a try.
    Make absolutely sure that the drive has a direct connection to the computer, and is the only external drive connected if you have more than one. Do not connect through a hub, or a port replicator, as those are things which could possibly be contributing to the problem. And, use ports on the rear of a desktop machine, as front ports are always hubbed. If you have any other external hard drives aside from this one, make absolutely sure they're disconnected, for troubleshooting.
    The method for correcting corruption, which also is our next hardware troubleshooting step, involves repartitioning and erasing the drive in the Disk Utility. This is a process which does erase the drive entirely, including the corruption.
    Disk Utility is accessed by opening the Macintosh HD, then the Applications folder, and then the Utilities folder. Within that, Disk Utility has an icon of a hard drive with a stethoscope on it.
    - Highlight the GB hardware line- in your case, the approximately 465GB disk line.
    - Click the Partition tab which becomes available up top.
    - There should be an Options button at the bottom. Click it, and on the following window, make sure that the dot is next to ‘Apple Partition.’ Click OK through the window.
    - Volume Scheme must be changed from 'Current' to '1 Partition'.
    - Format is ideal to leave default Mac OS Extended Journaling.
    - Uncheck the option for ‘Install Mac OS 9 Drivers.’
    - Change the volume name 'Untitled 1' to whatever you prefer, alpha numeric only, and it is very important to give it a name that is new to it.
    - Hit the Options button at the bottom of the window, and make sure the dot is in Apple Partition, then click OK through.
    - Hit the Partition button in the lower right. Then click the Partition button through the warning window that comes up.
    - The process is finished, when you see the name you gave it, indented under the GB hardware line you highlighted at the beginning.
    If complications occur during or shortly after the format, that's when we're leaning towards isolating a physical problem to the drive. I recommend changing USB cords, trying a different power supply, and if possible another computer, to see if it makes things better. If it completes, I advise copying some data to it manually, to make sure it works. If it does, you should be all set.
    If you find that your computer does not properly dismount the drive when it goes to sleep, you might want to consider changing this setting so that the computer does not go to sleep when the drive is attached. Unfortunately, there's nothing in the drive that can be changed to affect the way the computer dismounts the drive when it enters sleep mode.

  • Going Crazy! How to force startup using firewire drive on G3

    Okay, I think I'm going crazy. I have searched last night and today for my answers and still no solution.
    I have an old G3 I'm trying to install Tiger on. I don't have a dvd drive in the G3, so I installed onto a firewire drive from my G4. I booted from the firewire drive and manually copied all the file over to the internal drive on the G3. Some things wouldn't copy. Obviously, this is part of my problem. Unfortunately, I did not run the disk utility, etc before restarting after doing this. Now, I get a kernel panic on a grey screen with frozen beach ball cursor. When I reboot from my Techtool 4 pro disk, I can access the program, but it's all fuzzy grey on the screen. Plus that didn't work. I have tried to reboot from my older OS10.1 install disk. But I can't do anything with it, and it won't install over the newer "incomplete" system. If I restart pushing X or C or Option button, nothing happens. The G3 has two internal drives, each with a system on it. Neither will start up. The firewire drive is hooked up, and I can't reboot from that.
    Can anyone tell me the shortcut to reboot from the external firewire drive? What do I push? Or is

    G3s cannot boot from FireWire drives:

  • External FireWire Drive Can't Install OS 10.4.6 as Startup Drive

    I have a QPS 60 GB FireWire Drive shows as non-bootable Drive for OSX. Is this dive upgradeable through Software or Firmware:
    Drive Description as follows:
    FireWire Bus:
    Maximum Speed: Up to 800 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: QPS
    Model: 0x340
    GUID: 0x80CF0034000CB2
    Maximum Speed: Up to 400 Mb/sec
    Connection Speed: Up to 400 Mb/sec
    0 Unit:
    Unit Software Version: 0x10483
    Unit Spec ID: 0x609E
    Firmware Revision: 0x424
    Product Revision Level: 4.24
    0 SBP-LUN:
    Capacity: 57.27 GB
    Removable Media: Yes
    BSD Name: disk1
    OS9 Drivers: No
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Not Supported
    Information (About This Mac)this Mac was purchased before OSX was released. Could it be not be formatted to Mac OS Extended (Journaled)or possibly some other reason? It has worked well with OS9 and all the versions of OSX through OS 10.4.6 without any difficulty or software upgrades as a storage device.
    1.25 GHz Dual G4 Desk Top   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    are the install disks that come with the computer limited to that specific computer? We have 2 powerbook G4s (a 15 and a 17 inch) The 15inch is giving me the trouble. It's possible that I grabbed the install disk for the 17inch.
    Never used the disks before. When I insert the disk, reboot and hold the c key, the computer eventually goes to a solid blue screen without anything on it and stops.
    As an experiment, I inserted the install disk in the 15, then attached the 15 to the 17 as a target. Teh 15 mounted on the 17 with the install disk mounting. I then drilled down through the install files until I go to the os install package and double clicked. It started to install but after about an hour it ended with an error message.

  • How do I install a bootable copy of Tiger to an external Firewire drive?

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    I'd like to be able to install Tiger on my external FW hard drive, install Techtool pro on that same drive and then try to repair the internal drive on my iMac by booting from the external drive. Is that possible? Is it a good idea? Can I install to the external drive from my internal Superdrive without being able to boot from the install DVD? How should I do that?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Because you must boot from the Tiger DVD in order to install Tiger I'm afraid you are somewhat out of luck. However, with no guarantee either express or implied here's something you can try:
    First, download a freeware utility called Carbon Copy Cloner from or Second, connect your Firewire drive and insert the Tiger DVD into the optical drive. Be sure it mounts on the Desktop along with the Firewire drive. Third, open your Disk Utility from the Utilities folder and use it to format or erase the Firewire drive. If you prefer you may wish to partition the Firewire drive to allocate a partition for the Tiger DVD (you will need about 6 GBs.) Fourth, open the CCC utility and click on the Lock icon beside the grayed out Clone button and authenticate. Then click on the Preferences icon. In the section labeled "Target Disk Options" be sure that the box labeled "Make bootable" is checked. No other items should be used. Click on the Save button. Fifth, select the Tiger DVD as the Source Disk, select the partition on the Firewire drive as the Target Disk. Now click on the Clone button.
    Go away for a while because the clone process will take time. Once it finally completes you can eject the Tiger DVD. You now should be able to boot the computer from the Firewire drive partition. Open your Startup Disk preference pane, select the Tiger partition on the Firewire drive from the icon list, then click on the Restart button.
    If this works your machine will boot into the Tiger installer from the Firewire drive. You can then install it onto your iMac. I would suggest you use the Archive and Install option. You may find the following helpful:

  • My iMac (late 2006) no longer boots from FireWire drives, although they contain all the system files.

    My iMac (late 2006) no longer starts (boots) from Firewire drives, although they all contain a current system (Mac OS X 10.6.7). If the drives are connected with USB 2, they boot normally. The FireWire drives appear in the Start Volume program, but they do not boot. If I press and hold the Alt key while booting, only the internal drives and the USB drives appear as options. What can I do in order to boot from FireWire drives as I always could in the past?

    I'd first recommend doing a SMC reset and if that doesn't work refer to:
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord and all peripherals.
    Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds.
    Release the power button.
    Attach the computers power cable.
    Press the power button to turn on the computer.
    Shut down the computer.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.

  • Can't install OSX on firewire drive?!?

    I have a brand new Mac Mini (specs below) and just purchased an OWC Ministack v2 for extra USB and Firewire ports, with a Hitachi 250GB drive in it.
    It's in 1394 mode, hooked up to the Mini, which recognizes it as a firewire drive. I'm able to copy files to it and open them fine, drive passes all tests.
    When I insert the Install Disc 1 that came with the Mac Mini, I run the installer, which boots up from the disc and askes for the destination. It sees the firewire drive, but says that I cannot install OSX on that volume.
    My question is, does the installer only allow you to install OSX on the Mini drive itself?!? Or is there something wrong with my drive? Anything I can do to get around this?
    I have a separate Tiger install CD, but the Mini can't run the installer (presumably because it's pre-Universal Binary?).
    THANKS a ton for your feedback, much appreciated.

    Aye that was certainly the reason behind the problems I recently had when I was setting up an external drive with my Intel MacBook Pro.
    After much testing and a little searching via Google, it would seem that Disk Utility was formatting the drive as an Apple Partition Map (APM) partition rather than a GUID Partition Table (GPT) that is necessary to use an external drive as a startup drive for an Intel Mac.

  • Cannot Boot from OSX on external firewire drive

    I recently bought a seagate hardrive and installed it in an external firewire casing. I partitioned it into two partitions, and installed osx 10.4.10 on one of the partitions, the same as is running on my Ti Book.
    I tried selecting the os on the firewire drive as the startup disk, but when i restart, after the grey screen i get the flashing question mark icon, until the mac recognises only the default osx on the internal drive and boots with that instead.
    That not working, i created a clone of my startup disk using DejaVu in my system preferences and saved it on the other, empty partition on the external drive and tried booting from that.
    On restarting, i get the grey screen once again as the backlight fires up, and nothing more. the screen remains grey without any further ado until i hold the power button and force it to turn off. then as i start it up again, up comes the flashing question mark icon followed by a boot from the internal drive.
    Any Solutions on this?
    Many Thanks, Neptune.

    Hi Dale,
    Whoops- everythings not as smooth as i thought it was!
    since i restored my internal drive, a lot of things have been really messed up, starting with, for example, iTunes reverting to version 4 instead of 7. that wasnt a problem, i still had the 7 installer, and soon had my whole music library back again. but the computer appears to have a problem with the handling of graphics. the finder wont create previews of even simple jpeg images, nor will it for video. quicktime wont open any video file, i get some random error message which i cant remember stating it could not open the file. and if i view my finder window in grid icon view, the usual blue mac os desktop image that i keep as a background in the finder window isnt there, instead its pitch black. same goes for the slideshow feature in the application graphic converter, i can start a slideshow and it will scroll through the images, but every image will instead be completely black. there are no scroll bars in itunes. i can scroll down randomly by clicking where the scroll bar should be, but there is nothing visual there at all, no scroll bar, no arrows. when i connect my ipod, the main ipod window of itunes wont display any graphics either, be it the picture of the ipod or the capacity bar indicating usage of the drive for music, videos, data, etc. instead, fine print says something similar to 'cannot display image, quicktime and lzw tiff decompression plugin (?) required' I cant remember word for word what it says, dont quote me on that.
    the computer also came to a dead freeze twice in ten minutes, i had to hold the power button down to get it to shut off.
    im sure there are other issues too which i havent yet noticed, but even these, i havent the faintest clue what could be causing them!
    do you?

  • Is it possible to boot a G4 (pci graphics) from an external firewire drive?

    I have a Lacie 250 gig bootable external firewire drive which is recognized on my Power PC G4 400 but I cannot get it to boot from this drive. The procedure works fine on my ibook... I looked into a possible firmware update but the apple site says no update is necessary for the G4 400/pci graphics...
    Any suggestions?

    There sure are some radically contradictory posts here! (This isn't typical, at least in this section of the Discussions, RMx2.)
    Can anyone who has posted here (or might join in here) actually boot from a hard drive connected via USB? I just tested this with OS X and I can't. For some time now, the Discussions have been riddled with posts, whether 100% accurate or inaccurate, that Macs don't boot from USB drives, despite the seemingly conflicting info in the article that Don kindly referenced. (John Huber: Don't eat your words just yet, John!)
    Here's my personal experience, for what it's worth... I have a rev.2 B&W G3 which recognizes, reads, and writes to drives via USB, but refuses to boot from them (I tested with OS X 10.3 and 10.4). I also have a QS 2002 G4 that yields the same results. The QS G4 will, however, boot from these drives via FW. I used a WiebeTech ComboDock for testing this with both USB and FW. I tested with two different hard drives, both of which are known to have stable, working versions of OS X on them.
    My G3 running OS X 10.3.9 sees the USB-connected drives in the Startup Disk Preference Pane, but when I click to Restart after selecting the USB system folder there, I get a beachball (haven't seen that in awhile...) and have to Force Quit System Preferences. Console tells me that that it could not get open firmware information or set open firmware information, and that it can't touch or set System/Library/CoreServices/BootX, returning Error 1 running bless.
    On the QS running Tiger, the USB OSs don't even appear in the Startup Disk Pane of Sys Prefs. I can see the USB drive(s) using the Startup Manager, but selecting them and restarting results in a hung startup to a spinning cog with a prohibitory sign on the screen...
    I haven't tried playing around with open firmware NVRAM settings (and don't intend to, except perhaps for trying an NVRAM reset), nor have I attempted to boot to OS 9, reset the startup disk there, and attempt the boot again to the USB device in OS X and in OS 9, which I may try later on when I have a bit of time...
    Message was edited by: Majordadusma

  • Powerbook freezes when I connect maxtor firewire drive

    Ever since I installed tiger and upgraded to v 10.4.6 my G4 powerbook freezes when I connect a Maxtor firewire drive. I also recently installed Final Cut Pro Studio v 5.1. The maxtor drive mounts fine on another PB OS X 10.1.2. A Lacie firewire drive mounts fine on both computers. I can't figure it out. The powerbook with tiger crashes on startup when the maxtor firewire drive is attached or when it's just turned on. Does anyone have any solutions??

    Welcome to the Apple discussion forums.
    This isn't a guaranteed fix, however, did you update to 10.4.6 via software update or the combo installer? There have been some odd happenings recently when people have updated via the software update function. If you did the upgrade that way, you might try clearing your system and kernal caches (I use OnyX to do that, and other maintenance. It can be found at ). Then download the 140mb combo updater, which can be found at .

  • Can firewire drives in series sometimes cause system failure?

    We have had problems with a 2007 iMac (23") locking up at times. We have AppleCare, and have run numerous tests to try to elucidate the problem.
    After the Apple service center here could not find any problem during several days of testing, we've been doing some testing back in our office. Here's what we seemed to have discovered:
    Problems SOMETIMES seem to arise when two firewire drives are connected in series to the firewire 800 port. One is a LaCie d2 Big Disk USB 2.0 & FireWire 800 , the other is an OWC Mercury Elite Firewire 800 Pro. Our normal way of running these has been with the LaCie as the outermost of the two. We discovered that we seem to be free of problems if the order is reversed and the LaCie is off, though she can also run for (at least) a while with the LaCie on, as well.
    I'm theorizing that our problems may be related to one of two things:
    1) Conflict between the way the two drives, and the iMac, implement the firewire 800 standard.
    2) Startup problems when the firewire drives are turned on more-or-less simultaneously. One drive could be in a state where its interface is transitioning from "pass through" (drive off) stage to the "active" (drive on) state.
    My question is this: Is anyone aware of any problem like this? Is it understandable that such a problem could affect the system enough to even freeze up the system?

    Sure external devices can cause issues with your Mac if it's causing some kind of hardware problem with the Firewire bus-- drawing too much power, over or under voltage etc.. Some iMacs just have problems with the FW ports themselves. Sometime resetting the SMC will fix it:
    I have two FW800 drives from OWC daisy chained and I have not had any issues at all. I would try and isolate the two drives if possible to see if the problem persists. Disconnect one of the drives for a few days and use just one drive. Then switch and connect only the other drive for a few days. Then maybe try one of them on FW800 and the other on USB. The FW400 and 800 share the same bus so it may not be any differnt testing one on each if it ends up being a power issue. I wouldn't think it's a power issue though because the external drives have their own power and should not be drawing any power from the computer. But you never know

  • OF can't see external bootable Firewire drive on restart

    I've installed OS X 10.5 on an external Firewire drive via the optical drive on my Powerbook, however I can't get the computer to boot from this drive, regardless of whether I set it as the startup disk in System Preferences or by booting from the OS X install DVD and selecting it as the startup disk from there. The drive mounts fine in both OS X from the system drive and is visible from the OS X Installer.
    If I Option restart to get a list of bootable devices, it doesn't appear at all.
    I've reset the PMU, reset the NVRAM in Open Firmware and reset the PRAM and NVRAM by pressing CommandOption+PR.
    I've changed FW cables, used the other port on the drive, changed the drive setting from slave to CS all to no avail.
    I can boot my 15" MBPro from this external drive without a problem.
    I'm unsure if this is related, but if I leave the Powerbook off for an extended period, when I restart it, it has forgotten the time and date, and can't seem to remember the airport network password either. Is there some PRAM battery which has crapped out?
    What is going wrong??

    Well it definitely sounds like you need a new clock battery. Unfortunately I doubt that is related to the hard drive issue. But for now try replacing the battery and reply back if the problem persists.

  • How to mount one of two external drives on startup without login

    I have a Mac Mini that runs as a server on my network.  It has two external USB drives attached: one contains documents, and the other is a TimeMachine backup of the server.  Neither disk mounts on a machine on the network until a user interactively logs in, but I would like one of them to be mounted at startup of a MacBook Pro on the network running OS X Mavericks 10.9.3.
    The following script was suggested at <> in response to a desire to mount all external FireWire drives running under OS X 10.5 Leopard:
    You can do this with the following command (note: it will ask for your admin password):
    sudo cat >/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount.plist <<"EOF"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    I have two questions about this command:
    1.  Is it valid for OS X Mavericks 10.9.3?
    2.  Can it be modified to mount only one of the external disks attached to the server (the one containing documents)?
    Thanks in advance for your kind assistance with these questions.
    Best wishes,
    Stuart A. Forsyth
    <Email Edited by Host>

    I can now confirm this file
    does automatically get created on Mavericks Servers but not on non-Server Mavericks machines. It is possible to create it on non-Server Mavericks machines and reports are this works as expected.
    Obviously the fact it is created automatically by on Mavericks servers means Mavericks still supports this.
    Rather than hand-editing the file as per the original tip the following will achieve the same goal but will result in a binary format plist file which is what would create.
    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount AutomountDisksWithoutUserLogin -bool true

  • How to install tiger on external firewire drive

    I'd like to upgrade my dual 2GHz Power PC G5 to 10.5, but I need access to OS9 from time to time. To solve this I wanted to install 10.4 with OS9 on my external HDD. I partitioned my Western Digital drive (connected by FW800) and installed 10.4 from the install disk. However, when I select it as the startup disk, the startup fails to identify the disk and starts from the internal drive.
    I tried to follow instructions from an old post, but one thing that was different was that when partitioning my harddrive, I did not have the option for GUID, I just had the option for Apple Partion Map. Oddly, now that I installed OSX 10.4, the option for GUID appears, but still seams incorrect since I'm on a G5 CPU.
    Any ideas why I can't boot from the external drive? Any suggestions on how to install OS9 and migrate my user folders over when I get it working?

    Many Western Digital firewire drives will not boot a PPC mac. From this WD support page:
    The following external hard drives are not bootable on Power PC based Macintosh computers systems through USB/FireWire 1394(a/b):
    * My Book Essential Edition
    * My Book Essential Edition 2.0
    * My Book Home Edition
    * My Book Mirror Edition
    * My Book Office Edition
    * My Book Premium Edition II
    * My Book Pro Edition II
    * My Book Studio Edition
    * My Book Studio Edition II
    * My Passport Studio
    * My Passport Elite
    * My Passport Essential
    * WD Passport
    * WD Passport (Silver)
    If your drive is new and on the list, I would try to return it and get a different brand.

  • 10.4 Installation on External Lacie Firewire Drive

    Hi -
    I have a number of Macs running 10.4 and each has an external Lacie firewire drive attached, with a partition for an external startup drive. I recently bought a new Lacie 250 GB Porsche firewire drive to rplace a smaller Porsche model, but I cannot install OSX 10.4 on it because the install disk does not recognize the external drive as an installation source. I have upgraded the firmware on the drive but that has made no difference. Does anyone have any idea as to what the problem might be and help me figure out how to install the operating software on the external drive? Thanks for your help.

    Thanks for your reply. The drive is actually being used on a G4 tower that's about 6 years old. I partitioned the drive into two sections: about 7GB for the operating system and the remainder of the 250GB for backup purposes. Neither volume shows up on the Tiger insdtall disk as a source for the installation (by the way, I also tried it on my G3 iBook, with the same results).

Maybe you are looking for