Fixed my iphone4s battery problem, how about you?

so I too ran into the now infamous iphone 4s, heah my phone is dead, in 4 hours problem.
tried a bunch of random garbage, turn all the cool stuff off, nope.
so I downloaded an activity monitor (not sure it matters which one, but one that shows CPU usage).
wow my brand new iphone 4s was using 70% to 80% of the CPU solid, no dropping down at all.  no wonder the battery is going so fast.
starting turning things off check monitor, turn back on, check monitor.
Meanwhile I have an ICloud account, but storage and backup has always been off and never turned on.
so I thought hey ICloud is off right?  wrong!
With iCloud off I went to a setting called documents and data (settings->icloud->documents and data->documents & data) and turned it
off (keep in mind everything else is on, GPS, push notifications, siri, the works).
and what do you know CPU went from 80% to 1%.  battery went from 4 hours to now all day, using the phone, playing games, talking on the phone
and after all day its still nearly full green.  Im thinking I can go two days without a charge now unless I talk on it more.
so your mileage may vary, so if the documents and data doesnt work for you it will still be a good idea to get a monitor otherwise
your wasting your time turning things on and off without knowing if its doing any good.
end result, everything is on, one thing (well two, icloud and documents and data) off, problem solved.
another point, is after messing with this its clearly a software problem and not a hardware problem.
good luck to everyone and hope this helps.

When you turned off the setting for Documents and Data did you get a warning that all docs and data would be deleted from your phone, and if so what was actually deleted?

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    Background info
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    Info about this solution
    I found this solution on the web however it's orignal intent was to fix a problem with a sony camera that also used the USB mass storage drivers I have adjusted the guide to suit my situation. Also note that I knew ahead of time my USB 2.0 chain was unstable.
    My Laptop Runs XP SP2 Fully Updated
    Step 0: Unplug ALL USB Devices NO Exceptions!
    Step 1: Remove Hidden Devices
    1. Click Start. Click Run. Type cmd and press OK.
    2. Type "set DEVMGRSHOWDETAILS=1" (without quotation marks) and press Enter.
    3. Type "set DEVMGRSHOW_NONPRESENTDEVICES=1" (without quotation marks) and Press Enter.
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    1. Click start and click run then under the run line type in the command "cmd" (without the quotation marks)
    2. In the command line, type in the following (without the quotes) and press enter after each command:
    "cd \windows\inf"
    "ren infcache.1 *.old"
    "ren oem*.inf *.old"
    "del C:\windows\setupapi.log"
    Step 3: Removing all entries under HKEYLOCALMACHINE/Enum/USB that start with VID
    Removing the VID entries from the registry will cause them to be redetected at restart.
    CAUTION: If you have a USB keyboard or mouse, do not remove the VID entry for these devices, otherwise, Windows may not restart correctly.
    1. Click Start and click Run. Type regedit and click OK. The Registry Editor window will open.
    2. Go to HKEYLOCALMACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB.
    3. Highlight and delete all the VID_.... entries. (Also I deleted the entire “USBSTOREfolderE
    Permissions may be set allowing the deletion of the VID_ entries by following the steps below:
    a) Right-click the key to be deleted, and then click Permissions. The VID_... Permissions window will open.
    b) With Everyone highlighted in the Group or User name section, select Full Control in the Permissions section.
    c) Click Apply, and then click OK.
    4. Turn off the computer.
    Step 4: Reconnect the digital camera to the computer system:
    1. Restart the computer.
    2. Reinstall the software from the cd.
    3.     Restart Computer
    4.     After the Windows has finished restarting. Disable the USB 2.0 Controller in device Manager (aka USB ENHANCED)
    5. Plug the Ipod into the usb port.
    6. A New Hardware Detected window should open and reload the drivers.

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    But then I realised it's Antec TruePower and that means it ought to be fine @ 24A on +12v.
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    Otherwise the next bet is the ram if it's low latency SPD in which case you may need to relax it a notch or try increasing the ram voltage a notch - but I don't know if what you have is low latency or valueram or what.
    It might help if you could capture the crash error messages. You can do that by turning off automatic restarts so you get time to read the BSODs - or else there might be something in the event log.

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    In Firefox Tools>options>Advanced Hardware acceleration is turned on.
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    Battery 80%

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    All location services>system services off except mobile network search.
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    Using reminders for diary and calendar events in notifications.
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    Usage 2 hours 51 minutes
    Stand by now 13 hours 4 minutes
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    I'm a proud owner of an iPhone4 who have been getting sporadic battery performance for a little while. One day I can get 5 to 6 hours of usage while another the phone can barely make it past 4 hours doing the same things.
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    1. After placing iphone in charge at night, went to sleep, woke up in morning to find that the iphone was at 65% and losing power while still PLUGGED IN. I had to unplug and replug.
    2. Sometimes iphone will get real hot while I'm not using it. Even after a reboot, it would continue to remain hot and drains battery.
    3. Observation 2 (above) has only happen 2 times unexpectedly.
    Answers to Observations:
    1. I no longer plug my iPhone on certain outlets to charge. I have come to realize that all outlets aren't equal and while some of them will charge up the iphone very fast, it tends to lose that power very fast also which would contribute to the days where I barely get 4 hours out of it. Thus I recommend plugging your phone into a wall outlet and not via an extended outlet. Also using USB to power it up via my PC doesn't provide the best battery life either.
    2. When my iPhone4 gets hot on standby, I know the processor is still running(very fast) which to me means an app is still running even though IOS4 is SUPPOSED to only SUSPEND apps in the background. However, we dont know and assume apps that have not been updated to OS4 simply get closed when we press the home button. Well, I have never updated my AP Mobile app (because the latest update *****) and I feel like it may be one of the culprits that render my phone a hand warmer. However, I also feel like Call Of Duty: Zombies might be another culprit as I always have used one of these apps when the phone keeps getting hot.
    Now of course I won't blame these apps solely as I also feel IOS4 itself IS buggy and may be the bigger culprit. Sometimes X'ing out everything in the background tray solved the hotness problem, sometimes it doesn't and the phone will keep on dropping in battery until it dies.
    Now I always wondered how did apple arrive at their claim of "up to 14 hours talk time on 2g" and "up to 10 hours of internet use on wifi" when I can barely get within that vicinity. While I have been able to figure out how I potentially could get 14 hours of talk time on edge, I still can't see how 10 hours of internet is possible on wifi because... wait for it... WIFI as I have just discovered is one of the biggest slow battery drainers.
    It's true. According to my observations, with Wifi TURNED OFF my iPhone will drop 1% of battery every 7 to 8 minutes of light usage such as reading a book via iBooks or reading jokes on iPhunny. If you do the math, 7.5 x 100 = 750 /60 = 12.5 hours of light usage. Remember this is with wifi off and on edge only.
    Now with WIFI ON and about 2 notifications for apps, doing the same exact thing, I get between 4 to 5 minutes per 1% of battery. One may say, that's not a huge difference, but it is sizable when we do the math, 4.5 x 100 = 450 /60 = 7.5 hours of light usage. This falls in line with my usual 5 to 6 hours since I tend to play a lot of games as well, which required more battery usage than say just reading a book.
    This also hold true for when the phone is on standby which drops 1% every 40 to 60 minutes with wifi OFF. With wifi ON, it was about half the time.
    When I turned off notifications completely with wifi still ON, I failed to notice any significant improvements to battery life as a whole.
    Since I'm not an apple engineer, I was wondering if any body knows an answer to this: I'm aware that the iphone - when wifi is enabled- will keep on scanning all the time. However, I was under the impression that once it FINDS AND CONNECTS to a network, that it should STOP scanning. I mean, why should it keep on scanning if it's connected to a network already?
    But, I feel like the reason why battery life is so different with wifi ON is because it keeps on scanning no matter what. So there's always this tiny process running all the time.
    Despite over blown antenna issues, iPhone4 is a great device with great battery life to boot. The question is whether you are fine with say 6 to 7 hours of usage? If you would like to get more, remember to use a good outlet, turn off 3g if you dont need the data speed since phone calls tend to drop less on edge anyway, and turn off wifi when you dont really need it. Those remedies can add at least 2 extra hours of usage for you.
    DISCLAIMER: Please all the above is only my opinion based on my own observation of my own iPhone4. I'm no professional techie or engineer. So no flaming or raging.

    I couldn't do either here is why.
    1. I have a back drop and the un-cropped image would look horrible and unprofessional   
    2. I have 400 kids and to crop and export each size differently would would be a confusing nightmare for everyone not to mention the time involved as I have pretty 8 difference sizes in each package.
    It should be able to be done like life touch offers these kinds of packages all the time

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    Thank you for any info you may have,

    The Out of Warranty fee is not to "fix" issues, it is for a replacement device.

  • Iphone4s Battery problem

    Hi, I'm using my phone more than a year.
    Recently, my phone battery starts to drain so fast.
    I went to apple store and they said it's battery problem.
    But I found that whenever I turn on the cellular, the battery drains fast.
    If i turn it off, the bettery stays long..
    Is this still battery problem ? or software problem?
    or actually the phone is running some application ?

    I don't think so. However you can follow these steps to extend the life of your iPhone battery.

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    now my battery is 65 but after i power off n open it agn i found that the battery life became 70....

    Hi Diesel
    see, the problem simply is, that I have two phones here, a 4S and a 5S, which both worked perfectly, including using SIRI, for about 2 years, and one bad day in January from one day to the other lost energy really fast... i am talking about from holding out for 2 days to dropping to holding for 6 hours.
    It took me 3 months, 3 phones (the 4S and two new 5S's), 4 apppointments in the Apple store, and about 250 $ altogether (not counting the hidden cost of a prolonged Cellular contract which pays the 800$ 5S over the next 24 months) to find out what the problem was, and now i have two phones here, with SIRI turned off, which miraculously hold their power again for 2 days instead of half a day. and the only thing I did was turning SIRI off.
    I hate to say it, since I actually liked to use it, and I don't see it as a solution, but believe me, I WENT THROUGH ALL the processes you call 'best troubleshooting' BEFORE i switched SIRI off, and I post this here for the people who want to know what to do, if all the 'best troubleshooting' does not help, or the ones who decide they want to short-cut the days of clean installing and switching off apps etc...
    Ah - and I am aware, that may be SIRI is not the only source of the problem, may be it only reacts that way in combination with something else, eg.  a t-mobile contract or what ever...
    but reading through the threads in this community, you must admit, that there are as well 'millions of people' who keep having a problem after trying the standards...
    that is why I wrote " MY case....." in my first post.

  • H.264 .mov problem how can you fix thumbnail and sound issue in Imovie08

    Hi Experts,
    So I used Dvdxdv to rip my personal DVD's to my mac. Since the files were 1.69gb each for a small amount of video, I used quicktime to compress them to H.264 the codecs is Integer(little Endian),H.264 to be exact. An 8 minute video is now 1.09g vs 1.69gb. for the record it is a 2channel total bitrate of 19519. The problem I have is when I load these into Imovie the Thumbnails all show the same picture (sometimes just gray & some show different every once and a while but mainly as described). This may not be a problem to me if the video matched the sound but it does not. It will when you play outside of Imovie using just the file in quicktime but not within I movie. Any thoughts? Is it the size? Please advise as I have used DV files and had no problem. I thought .mov as long as it was H264 would work. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Sorry Video size just incase this makes a difference is 720X480

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    I Would really like to use this feature. But everytime I activate do not disturb I still receive calls and I am still disturbed.
    Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

    If you update to iOS 7.0, DND works both while your phone is locked, & when not locked. On iOS 6.0, only works when your phone is locked.
    You have to go into settings and choose which you want.  Always or only when locked.  If you choose only when locked if you ar using your phone for anything, even it if is just sitting on a home page with the screen unlocked DND won't stop a call from coming through. 

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    I chose to update a app. It says waiting under the apps icon but will not update. I click on it to pause the update but it still drains the battery. I try to delete the app but it won't let me. What can I do?

    Try the power off. Press home button and the on/off button at the same time for a few seconds. Then slide the tab to power off.
    Then press the on/off again after a few seconds. Once it powers on fully, tap and hold on the application to see if it will start wobbling with a x on the corner, if yes, delete it.
    If no, wait for someone else to suggest a better idea.

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    I am an electronics tech but admit I have very little knowledge of these particular kind of Li-ion batteries.  There are 4 terminals but I know, because of its 3.7V nomimal, that it is only a one cell battery so I was wondering is it still possible the battery can get out of balance somehow when it gets too discharged and cause this issue?  Is there something I can do as far as manually balancing these terminal? Is this balance idea completely wrong anyway? Is there anybody who knows what causes this/how to fix it?  I guess what I ultimately want to know is: What is the phone seeing on this battery that is making it think it's not genuine???? 
    I am very frustrated because, as I said earlier, I am just a poor electronics tech and really don't want to pony up another 40 or 50 bucks when this could just happen again and I will be getting a new in August anyway.

    Thats not the issue I can assure you I know about vsync I have allways used it I just hate screen tearing. The problem isnt going to 30fps Ive tried real time fps monitoring. It happens with literally every game no matter what the graphics settings Is.
    I have however narrowed down the issue, I have connected an external screen via hdmi which bypasses the intel graphics adaptor and its butter smooth, The problem lies somewhere with how optimus works or the driver. As optimus always uses the intel graphics adaptor to output to the laptop display that has to be the issue. I have tried updating the intel display adaptor drivers but no joy

  • IOS 6.0.1 working better for me than 6.0, How about you?

    I have an iPhone 4S and it got pretty buggy when I updated to iOS 6.0.  I waited as long as I could before updating to  6.0.1 but when I saw the story on Engadget about iOS 6.0 causing a lot of phones to repeatedly download the same data/apps/texts, etc. I took the plunge and updated to 6.0.1.
    Glad I did.  After I installed the update using iTunes and not OTA I did a reset, ran the battery down to zero and charged it for about 10 hours.  Today the battery life is as good as I have seen it since I updated from 5.X and the wifi connection problems I had been having seem to be resolved.  The 6.0.1 update was only suppsed to fix the wifi issues for iPhone 5 but whatever they put into this update seems to havre really helped.
    I also started setting Proxy to Auto on public wifi networks and this really made a difference when I try to log on to them.  I can now actully connect without having to restart/reset my phone and network settings.  And I stay connected. 
    I am considering updating my iPad to 6.0.1 but I may just wait until they release 6.1, which looks like it will be around new y

    It's been five days since I posted my question.  And I have been very happy with the performance of my phone.  Wifi is great now that I disovered that putting proxy on Auto seems to help with most hotspots, especially at work.  Battery life is really good.  I can get through the day with normal use, make and receive phone calls, send and receive text messages, use normal apps, play games, look things up on the web, etc.  Nothing really heavy but normal usage for me and I am at 30 - 35% battery left at midnight when I plug my phone back in to charge over night.
    Now that AT&T has finally given up on holding those of us with unlimited data plans hostage from using Facetime over Cellular ( I have a 4S running iOS 6.0.1) I may give that a try to see what happens with my battery life there.
    It will be interesting to see what happens when 6.1 is released and what it fixes or breaks.

  • T61p Battery Problem - how can i get the warranty for my baterry?

    - My brother bought a lenovo t61p in US and it is a my present but i live in Vietnam.
    ( Order date and time: 2CQTTE 04/30/08  19:15:30
    Customer Number: 4290001
    Order Number: 2CQTTE
    KIEN TRAN                     
    321 74TH WAY N.  )
    - I have a problem with lenovo t61p baterry now,  i just can use t61p in baterry mode < 1 hour.
    ( manufacture name: SONY
    manufacture date: 2008-04-15
    first used date: 2008-05
    serial number: 4125
    bar-Code number: 1ZET184F40X
    fru-part number: 42T4566
    cycle count: 47
     - It is still under warranty. But can i get the warranty for battery in Vietnam? because Lenovo have a branch in Vietnam ( and the warranty center in Vietnam is in FPT company (big vietnamese company).
    - Please show me how can i get the warranty for baterry in Vietnam? 
    Message Edited by dracubi on 03-01-2009 01:18 PM

    Well I assume that if the laptop is under warranty you should be able to get service for it. You can check the warranty status at  That should tell you what the terms of your warranty are. If it is an international warranty you can get service at your local lenovo distributor. My t61 for example has a 3 year warranty that is valid in Turkey,. But also I have 1 year international, 2 years pan-Europeand and 3 year Turkish warranty. That was one ofthe stipulations in the contract when our thinkpads were purchased....

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