Fixing Muse Vertical Shift

found this forum very helpful, the answers given to me solved a lot of my issues. However, I still have one. Although my website scrolls down perfectly without shifting to the right I can still do it manually.
I've included a short YouTube clip of the problem. I tried all of the advice above but nothing has been able to solve it. Any help would be appreciated.
Muse Website Vertical Shifting - YouTube

I don't know if my issue is related to this problem or not, but it is the closest thing I've found. I don't have an anchors to adjust the tags.
My issue is the tablet version of my site will scale the content on the page while it's loading so that it appears to jump. you'll see everything that's on the page fit into the tablet browswer as it loads and then it will scale to 100% and be okay while browsing. It's a very unprofessional bug that I'd like to get corrected before posting it.
The second issue I have is with some lightbox composition widgets I'm using that have a slideshow in them showing both video and images. There is something that pushes the widget off center, and will scale the page a little so there's a blank space next to my background. I've attached screen shots here, as well as sent my muse file to the support email via SendThisFile. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I've been trying to solve the problem for quite awhile now.
This image is how it looks as the page is loading:
And how the page is supposed to and does look after it has loaded:
This is how I want the slideshows to appear (the image only versions work correctly):
This is what happens when a lightbox opens that contains a slideshow with video and image:
(It's a little hard to see due to the dark background and lightbox overlay, but there is a lighter grey bar on the right that should not be there)

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    I don't know if my issue is related to this problem or not, but it is the closest thing I've found. I don't have an anchors to adjust the tags.
    My issue is the tablet version of my site will scale the content on the page while it's loading so that it appears to jump. you'll see everything that's on the page fit into the tablet browswer as it loads and then it will scale to 100% and be okay while browsing. It's a very unprofessional bug that I'd like to get corrected before posting it.
    The second issue I have is with some lightbox composition widgets I'm using that have a slideshow in them showing both video and images. There is something that pushes the widget off center, and will scale the page a little so there's a blank space next to my background. I've attached screen shots here, as well as sent my muse file to the support email via SendThisFile. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I've been trying to solve the problem for quite awhile now.
    This image is how it looks as the page is loading:
    And how the page is supposed to and does look after it has loaded:
    This is how I want the slideshows to appear (the image only versions work correctly):
    This is what happens when a lightbox opens that contains a slideshow with video and image:
    (It's a little hard to see due to the dark background and lightbox overlay, but there is a lighter grey bar on the right that should not be there)

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    Here is the screen shot of how the home page looks on a tablet:
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    The brain background fill image above the SERVICES heading is in a fixed size rectangle that sticks beyond the left and right edges of the page. If you make this rectangle 100% width and position the fill image centered, I believe that will address the gap at the right of your page in mobile browsers.

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    I've looked into the issue.
    @Delennish: In your case, the size of the iframe is too large, or you have an extra empty element below the iframe. You can try 2 things:
    1. Best solution but may have side effects: In the main.css, add the following code:
    div.contentholder { overflow: hidden !important;}
    For this option, please check for undesired side effects.
    2. Works, but is ugly: In the main.css, add the following code:
    div.floatholder iframe.wTopic { height: 95% !important;}
    Try playing with the height setting until the 2nd scrollbar disappears.
    @CarolW: The layout you're using is very old. I've made a new responsive layout with TOC only. Please use that one instead: (I'll update my site with this new version later.)

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    Before I tell you the simple solution to this, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you create a custom color profile for your Mac. You can use the included OS X one under System Preferences | Displays | Color | Calibrate, but I personally find this one difficult to use and it doesn’t offer very good end results for me. The color profile creation program that works the best for me is SuperCal. This program is a little gem and after you use it, it will seem like someone gave you a brand new display. The program is free to download, but after seeing how well it works, I hope some of you will pay the $19 registration fee. On a side note, when creating your color profile, I suggest you use a gamma setting of 2.2 (not the default Mac setting of 1.8). This will make your screen match most scanners, digital cameras, printers, web images, photo labs, etc. (which are all based on sRGB which has a gamma setting of 2.2).
    SuperCal can be downloaded here…
    Okay, now you’ve created your calibrated color profile (let’s call it SuperCal) so pictures will now be accurate on your screen. So now here’s the fix for the color shift bug – it’s really so simple. Go into Applications | Utilities | ColorSync Utility. Under the Preferences icon, change the RGB Default from Generic RGB Profile to your new SuperCal one. Voila! That’s all there is to it. Now when iPhoto saves an edited picture, it will embed your custom color profile. So what was once a hated annoyance now actually becomes a feature so that all of your saved pictures will perfectly match your screen.
    Since the Mac is supposed to be the easiest to use computer around, Apple should fix this so that when you change the color profile for your display, OS X also changes it for file embedding, but as it stands it 10.3.9, you must change this in both places manually.

    I appreciate the tip to use gamma 2.2. I'd been wondering about that.
    However, as others have mentioned, tagging your photos with a monitor profile is not the way to go.
    The othe thing is that under Tiger, ColorSync Utility does not have a preferences section. It only has a devices section.
    It is as if iPhoto doesn't know about any profile attached to any picture, whether it's from a camera, scanner, or PhotoShop, and there seems to be no way to tell it which profile to use.
    And even after replacing the Generic RGB profile with the same one the images are tagged (by renaming the other profile Generic RGB), iPhoto still displays the images with more saturation and somewhat darker.
    This is on an Apple Studio 17" CRT very carefully calibrated with SuperCal.
    So I have to come to the conclusion that others have in other threads -- if you're concerned about good color accuracy, don't edit the color balance of your images in iPhoto. Leave that to PhotoShop.

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    I output a page. Then there's an image that decides it won't show up. I then open Muse, re-place that image and its shows up on the next output. Then I create the mobile site. Then the mast head on the main site decides to dissappear.
    ad inifinitum.
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    Here is the link to the test hosting:
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    Can we figure this out? What is going on?

    Thus far I've been unable to reproduce the bug you're encountering. I expect the bug is either related to memory management or the specific timing of events related to when the image was last read in off disk (out of the .muse file) by Muse. Either way, I haven't had any luck so far with reproducing the memory environment or timing necessary to reproduce the bug.
    Here's some additional information regarding how/when Muse decides to generate and upload new versions of files. It may help you workaround the bug while we continue to attempt to reproduce it so we can track down and fix the underlying cause.
    When you Publish, Upload to FTP Host, or Export as HTML, Muse includes a file named manifest.xml. This file stores information about the state of all the pages in the site at the time of the publish/upload/export and all the files that were published, uploaded or exported.
    The next time you publish, upload or export, the first step is that Muse grabs the manifest.xml file that already exists. It uses the information in the file to determine which pages have changed (and thus what files need to be generated) and then verifies the data for each generated file is in fact different than what's already present before it takes the time to upload or write the file to disk.
    The theory for what's happening when the bug occurs is the an image is failing to draw either due to a poorly handled low memory situation or due to a timing problem where the publish/upload/export process is actually producing the file before Muse has completed creating the image that should appear in the file.
    Once this bug has occurred and the blank image file has been uploaded, the information in the manifest.xml will cause Muse to believe everything is up-to-date and a subsequent publish/upload/export will not update the blank image, even if a subsequent publish/upload/export attempt would have created a correct image file.
    When the bug has occurred, if you change anything about the page where the error is occurring (i.e. just nudge an item one pixel right then one pixel left), Muse will generate the data for all the files associated with the page and then check to see if the data differs from what's in the files recorded in the manifest.xml during the previous publish/upload/export. Assuming this operation successfully created the image the data will be seen as different and the corrected image file should be published/uploaded/published by this second attempt.
    It would be helpful to know whether or not this "alter the page" and re-publish approach works or not, since that knowledge may help us narrow down the root cause of the bug.
    If it doesn't work initially, then quit and relaunch Muse, alter the page and re-publish. Doing so will make an out of memory situation very unlikely and it will be likely to change when image is loaded into memory relative to when it's needed by the export process.
    My apologies for not having a quicker resolution for this.
    Anyone else reading this thread that's encountering the same or similar bug with images exporting as blank, please speak up. Given how difficult it is to reproduce, having multiple example .muse files that have encountered the bug may make it easier to find a common underlying cause. Thanks.

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    Hi wokingmac,
    If you are having an issue with your iMac display not responding appropriately, I would suggest that you troubleshoot using the steps in this article - 
    Apple computers: Troubleshooting issues with video on internal or external displays - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L 

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    exactly how are you doing the Conversion
    MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT CONVERTING ANY ADJUSTMENT LAYERS (flatten or merge them before convert)

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