This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hola a to2,
Tengo varios flv en una misma capa cada uno distinto... y he
creado una =
acci=F3n en cada fotograma "stop;". Por supuesto se para en
el primer =
fotograma, no l=E9e el segundo por el stop.
Como podr=EDar decirle q pase al segundo fotograma para leer
su =
contenido (el segundo flv) en cuanto acabe el primer flv ?
No se si me hab=E9is entendido muy bien...
Gracias por todo
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.6000.16544"
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D1>Hola a
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana
size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D1>Tengo varios
flv en una misma capa =
cada uno=20
distinto... y he creado una acci=F3n en cada fotograma
"stop;". Por =
supuesto se=20
para en el primer fotograma, no l=E9e el segundo por el =
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana
size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D1>Como podr=EDar
decirle q pase al =
segundo fotograma=20
para leer su contenido (el segundo flv) en cuanto acabe el
primer flv=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana
size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana
size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D1>No se si me
hab=E9is entendido =
face=3DVerdana size=3D1>muy
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana
size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana
size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D1>Gracias por
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana
size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana
size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana
size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana
size=3D1></FONT> </DIV></BODY></HTML>

Puedes utilizar un listener para saber cuando acaba el video
y saltar al
siguiente fotograma:
var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
listenerObject.complete = function(eventObject:Object):Void {
nombredeflv.addEventListener("complete", listenerObject);
Un saludo.
"Manolo" <[email protected]> escribió en el
news:fv9kpu$2n3$[email protected]..
Hola a to2,
Tengo varios flv en una misma capa cada uno distinto... y he
creado una
acción en cada fotograma "stop;". Por supuesto se para
en el primer
fotograma, no lée el segundo por el stop.
Como podríar decirle q pase al segundo fotograma para
leer su contenido (el
segundo flv) en cuanto acabe el primer flv ?
No se si me habéis entendido muy bien...
Gracias por todo

Similar Messages

  • FL8: Loop im FLV - wie programmieren?

    ich lade ein FLV per AS in einen Flashfilm; ganz nach
    Anleitung. Geht
    auch alles. Jetzt m�chte ich das FLV in Schleife
    abspielen lassen und
    habe vergeblich nach einem schicken
    onVideoComplete-Eventhandler gesucht.
    Was nimmt man da? Trickst man dann mit onStatus herum? Klingt
    nach Notbehelf...
    Hier das Skript bisher (aus Flashhilfe):
    // Create a NetConnection object
    var my_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection ();
    // Create a local streaming connection
    my_nc.connect (null);
    // Create a NetStream object and define an onStatus()
    var my_ns:NetStream = new NetStream (my_nc);
    // Attach the NetStream video feed to the Video object
    vidcontainer.attachVideo (my_ns);
    // Set the buffer time
    my_ns.setBufferTime (5);
    // Begin playing the FLV file
    my_ns.play (_root.vidpath);
    Christian Scholz
    Grindelallee 27c
    20146 Hamburg

    Sal� Christoph,
    >> Na, bleibt zu hoffen, dass dies wenigstens einer
    ist, der gerade
    >> deutsche S�tze formulieren kann.
    > Leider falsch Harald. ;)
    Aso, der geh�rt also auch zu besagter Gruppe?
    > Also ich glaube, wir sollten uns �ber die
    Sprachkultur in der MMNG nicht
    > beschweren.
    Tu ich eh nicht, Alda! *g* (naja, eigentlich bin ja /ich/ der
    > Hier kann jeder ordentliche S�tze formulieren und
    Fragen stellen, die
    > man 1. verstehen und 2. beantworten kann.
    Hast Recht. Hoher Prozentsatz hier.
    > In anderen Foren, in denen
    > ich unterwegs bin (nein, keine Gamerforen) sieht das
    leider anders
    > aus. Da existiert schon ein fester Anteil von Usern, die
    nicht mal in
    > der Lage sind einen vern�nftigen deutschen Satz
    zu bilden. Da hat man
    > ganz sch�n zu tun diese S�tze
    �berhaupt zu verstehen. Diese User sind
    > zwar meist nach 2,3 Beitr�gen weg, aber
    daf�r kommen wieder neue.
    Gib mal ein Beispiel f�r so einen Jargon bitte.

  • How to I get an FLV Skin to display on external sites?

    This is thee most frustrating thing! I've been trying to get
    my FLV skin to display on other sites when embedded, but the video
    is the only thing that shows up. There are no play back controls;
    nothing! I can view things just fine on my site (so that is NOT the
    problem) – it's just not displaying on other sites.
    I am using an FLV component and I do have all the necessary
    files loaded in the same folder. It's just when I try embedding the
    SWF file on an external site, the only thing that shows up is the
    video w/ no controls or skin.
    Is there embedding code to include the second SWF file?
    Is there a better way in creating a SWF file that includes
    the FLV component? ActionScripting or something that needs to be
    If so, please explain! I got ALL DAY AND NIGHT! This is
    driving me up the wall. There is NOTHING on the web that talks
    about this.

    I found a link which informs that not all servers allow the MIME type for "f4v" files. . .
    Also, when I tried inserting a FLV object using Media>FLV the menu option only allowed me to insert FLV files, not F4V files.  So that comes back to the issue of what type of container you would be using since the Dreamweaver FLV container does not support F4V.

  • FLV File does not play when published to my web server

    Hi. I have created a short video in VC3 and selected the FLV option to create a web page. When I uploaded the entire file content to my web server (windows 2003 server hosted at Network Solutions) the FLV file will not play. Now... if I do the same with a WMV tile, the video plays.
    You can view the file at
    We have another video published in WMV format, although the video vs audio sync is out of wack at the moment, at
    What am I doing wrong?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi again
    You should probably double-check to ensure the standard.js file was also copied in when the HTML page was imported. It should be there but it never hurts to double check.
    You might also perform a double-check to ensure things ended up in the correct folder (if you are organizing your project into folders). It could be that you moved the HTML page into a different folder and orphaned the JavaScript file.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Relative path for .FLV

    Hi There,
    I'm having difficulty with an FLV video I want to show in my
    The path has to be relative which I assume means relative to
    the .swf file that launches it. So I add the .flv to a slide in my
    presentation and set the path as simply the name of the file. The
    file is stored along with the project and when I test it in preview
    mode it works fine.
    When I publish to .swf and watch the presentation running on
    my local machine the video displays fine. But when I upload to the
    webserver and watch it over the internet....... no video.
    I tried typing the file as:
    and none of them work.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi all
    Just an update on this situation. Jerry was kind enough to
    send me a link to test. The net result is that the video is
    refusing to play even if it is linked to directly.
    This would seem to indicate one of the following is true:
    * The file name is different (perhaps SafetyNet.flv or
    SAFETYNET.FLV or safetynet.FLV)
    * The server doesn't know how to or that it should transmit
    FLV file types
    * The file simply doesn't exist in the location as you
    believe it does.
    At this point it's appearing that perhaps the server doesn't
    recognize FLV files. There is more on that at
    Cheers... Rick

  • How do i create a button that will always play my flv, not just once?

    I'm currently using captivate 5.5 and need to use a button to load my flv.  That button works fine and when the flv finishes it returns me back to the slide with the button on, the problem is the button no longer works when you press it again if you want to see the flv again...help!  My flv is set up to not be visible as I want it to be hidden until the button is pressed as it cover my entire slide when it loads.  I set it to run for the duration of the clip so it's great when it returns me to my slide but then the button won't make it visible again when you press it.  I tried setting the button to enable after show hoping it would reset the button but that doesn't work...as you can see I only know the basics of Captivate!

    The issue may be due to the fact that once you've clicked the button its Success criteria has been used.  This can be reset by re-entering the slide where the button is located.
    So in order to have your video play multiple times, you may need to use a different strategy than your current one.  You could try placing the video on a different slide to your button.  Set the button click to jump to that slide, and once the video has finished playing, set the OnSlideExit action to jump back to the slide with the button.  That way your button gets reset each time ready for another click to launch the video slide.

  • Quicktime 7.1.3 not showing the Flash FLV Exporter option.

    I have a macbook with FCP 5.1.2, Quicktime 7.1.3 and Flash Pro 8 installed.
    The same as with my G5, but different release of FCP (FCP 4.5 HD in G5)
    On my G5 all is fine. I see the FLV export plug in.
    The problem is in my Macbook : I can't see the FLV export plug option in Quicktime (export) nor in FCP (file>export>via Qt conversion).
    I've made the same installation process in both machines.
    Perhaps a problem with the Flash 8 Professional installation on Intel Macs ?
    (That installation was well finished)
    Anyway, I can encode with the FLV standalone encoder that comes with Flash 8 pro, but sometimes the plug in is a shortcut way to get a FLV file on the fly.
    Could anyone help me to resolve that situation ?
    Many thanks in advance. I always got a solution from you Guys!

    QuickTimeKirk, thanks for the reply.
    Yes, I think as you that the problem is from FLV exporter from Flash 8. It is not Universal. I will not go backward with QT. I prefer to wait until the UB Flash 8 Pro see the light..... or Flash Pro 9 (for sure it will be Universal)
    Thanks again !

  • .FLV Video will not work when linked to on intranet (Captivate 5)

    I have a project with video (.FLV).
    1. Project was developed and published to a folder on the local hard drive of a PC.
    2. Project was copied to my company's intranet server.
    3. If I click on "My computer" and navigate to the network folder where the project is, the project and video work fine.
    4. If I LINK to the project (say to send the location to someone in an Outlook message) the project WILL open, but the video will not (reads "Connection Error").
    I did add the video to the library of the project.  The video file is in the same folder as the published project.
    I have worked with support over the phone and wanted to try something different before calling back.  The solution they gave me was to zip the project.  I haven't tried that because it will not be practical for my small hospital.  My users will need to be able to click on something and make it work, they may not have admin rights to the pc or the knowledge/desire to unzip a file.
    Thanks for reading.

    I thought I'd add a few comments in addition to Rod's good suggestions. For the benefit of others who may follow this thread in the future where their .flv is stored on a web server or MS SharePoint. I'd suggest checking with the web server administrator to assure that the server accommodates the .flv "mime type". This is often the problem when you see the "Connection Error" statement.
    This Adobe Knowledge Base article gives details to fix it.
    This can also be the case if the .flv is being delivered from SharePoint.
    http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/da-DK/sharepointcollaboration/thread/af003e0e-8 c87-47fe-91d3-47e36ffddec3
    Of course these might not be where your .flvs are stored, but just in case...
    John Daigle
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp and Captivate Instructor
    Evergreen, Colorado

  • FLV image falls behind audio

    Hi all,
    I have a client who wants video with an alpha channel overlaying other images in an iPad application.
    AFAIK this can only be done with FLV video files but the video files have pretty poor performance in the sense that often the audio starts and after a bit the image tries to catch up by increasing the framerate or skipping frames.
    The videos are really short (3 to 5 seconds) and have a datarate of approx. 500kbps (onMetaData shows 500). Using an app called System Status I notice the CPU (ipad 2) reaches about 60-75% load when playing the video.
    Does anyone know how to prevent the lag or know of another neat trick to display video with an alpha channel?
    Same thing happens (a tiny bit less?) with videodatarate==256.
    Not really statistical but lower CPU load when playing the video seems to correlate with better playback.
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks, Ill give it a try today and let'cha know. The article is quite interesting. :)

  • Playback problems with external FLV's

    Hi everyone,
    I am working on a site that loads all of the pages into a
    holder as swf's. Everything in the site works well, except that the
    first page takes a little longer to load than I wish it would. I
    want to find a good pre-loader but, for now, I am trying a
    different approach.
    The intro / opening page is a video I made in After Effects
    and imported into flash's time line, it is around 2.3MB and loads
    in about 5 seconds (to start playing) as a SWF. To make it load
    faster I re-exported from After Effects using cue points to trigger
    copy changes that had been sequenced in the timeline with the video
    before which works great, and imported the video as an external
    file that is loaded when the SWF loads.
    The problem is, once the "page" loads and plays and I
    navigate to another page, then go back to the home page, the whole
    flash system seems to be running much slower. Even rollovers and
    fades are taking a lot longer than before and the video playback is
    very choppy. The intro is a repeating flv that loops with AS3 that
    I found in another forum.
    Is there a way to "reset" the flash container so that each
    time it loads a SWF there is no residual data left behind? That's
    the only reason I can think of that would cause this kind of issue.
    I know that "unload" is not a function that is still available in
    Any ideas or suggestions are more than welcome.

    You should backup your data regardless.    It is not a question of if you will lose data but when.   "Do you feel lucky today?" (asked Clint Eastwood in "Dirty Harry").  Here are several solutions:
         A backup with bad node is still better than no backup at all. Once you are backed up, you can use Alsoft Disk Warrior to repair those nodes, if the hardware of the drive isn't failing.
         You should also be aware that node issues can start when the hard drive gets over 85% full.

  • An image changing to FLV Video Player in AJAX Update Panel

    I'm trying to design part of a website can seen as video gallery. I have videos related to subcategories; and subcategories that related to categories.
    I was using popups but now want to change it. Simply, firstly there are images and descriptions(in an update panel) of videos on page. After clicking thumbnail, the region includes thumbnail and description wil be changed to FLV video player.
    Outside of updatepanel player is working good. but when i move it into updatepanel; doesn't working in IE. Because JS code (AC_FL_RunContent(.....)) is not working in updatepanel. Tried another script (like alert('hello!');), it's working. I think i have problem with the function named AC_FL_RunContent(...). It's working as i want, if open page with Firefox.
    Looked for this in google. Visited many pages, but never find a solution for this nor source of problem. I hope someone can help me
    Using ASP.Net. I'm attaching my tree structure and codes below:
    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default"%> 
    DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" //www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">

    html xmlns ="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

    head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <title>Untitled Page</title>
    <link href="StyleSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    <script type ="text/javascript">
      with (navigator){
          var isIE = (appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && userAgent.indexOf("Opera") == -1);
          var isWin = (appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1);
          if (!isIE || !isWin){
            var flashVer = -1;
            if (plugins && plugins.length > 0){
                var desc = plugins["Shockwave Flash"] ? plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description : "";
                desc = plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ? plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"].description : desc;
                if (desc == "") flashVer = -1;
                  var descArr = desc.split(" ");
                  var tempArrMajor = descArr[2].split(".");
                  var verMajor = tempArrMajor[0];
                  var tempArrMinor = (descArr[3] != "") ? descArr[3].split("r") : descArr[4].split("r");
                  var verMinor = (tempArrMinor[1] > 0) ? tempArrMinor[1] : 0;
                  flashVer = parseFloat(verMajor + "." + verMinor);
            // WebTV has Flash Player 4 or lower -- too low for video
            else if (userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv") != -1) flashVer = 4.0;
            var verArr = reqVerStr.split(",");
            var reqVer = parseFloat(verArr[0] + "." + verArr[2]);
            if (flashVer < reqVer){
                  window.location = http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash;
    function  callFLVP(){
      AC_FL_RunContent('codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0','width','320','height','240','id','FLVPlayer','src','FLVPlayer_Progressive','flashvars','&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Clear_Skin_1&streamName=./VideoGallery/serpende&autoPlay= false&autoRewind=false','quality','high','scale','noscale','name','FLVPlayer','salign','lt','pluginspage','http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','movie','FLVPlayer_Progressive');

    script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <body onload="MM_CheckFlashVersion('7,0,0,0','Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. Do you want to download it now?');">
      <form id="form1" runat="server">
          <ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
            <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
                <asp:Literal ID="thumbLiteral" runat="server"></asp:Literal>
                <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="showvideoButton" EventName="Click" />
            <asp:Button ID="showvideoButton" Text="Video" runat="server" onclick="showButton_Click"/>
    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
              thumbLiteral.Text = "<img src id=\"imgThumb\" src=\"./VideoGallery/small/serpende.jpg\" />";
         protected void showButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
              string strNoScriptBlock = "";
              strNoScriptBlock += "<noscript>";
              strNoScriptBlock += "<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\"http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0\" width=\"320\" height=\"240\" id=\"Object1\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf\" /><param name=\"salign\" value=\"lt\" /><param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" /><param name=\"scale\" value=\"noscale\" /><param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Clear_Skin_1&streamName=serpende&autoPlay=false&a utoRewind=false\" /><embed src=\"FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf\" flashvars=\"&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Clear_Skin_1&streamName=serpende&autoPlay=fal se&autoRewind=false\" quality=\"high\" scale=\"noscale\" width=\"320\" height=\"240\" name=\"FLVPlayer\" salign=\"LT\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash\" /></object>";
         strNoScriptBlock += "</noscript>";
         string strScriptBlock = "";
         strScriptBlock += "<script>";
         strScriptBlock += "callFLVP();";
         strScriptBlock += "</script>";
         ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "strScriptBlock", strScriptBlock, false);
         thumbLiteral.Text = strNoScriptBlock;

    Let's check this first;
    If you have problems with current Shockwave Flash plugin versions then check this:
    * see if there are updates for your graphics drive drivers
    * disable protected mode in the Flash plugin (Flash 11.3+ on Windows Vista and later)
    * disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin
    See also:
    * '''http://kb.mozillazine.org/Flash#Troubleshooting'''

  • FLV Playback Component - specifying an image before it plays

    I am using the FLV Playback Component to play a video.
    Instead of playing automatically, I want to be able to set an image
    (or a frame of the movie) to display and only play the movie after
    the user clicks the play button. I can't find anything anywhere to
    explain how to do this or a workaround for it. Can anyone point me
    in the right direction? thanks.

    Actually, I'm just trying to access the movie controls in the
    FLV Playback component, so I can adjust how the work.
    This does not work:
    Neither does this:

  • Delete flv from server

    How do I delete an flv file from a media server? I have an
    application in which registered users can store flv files. When a
    user is removed from the system, I want to remove their name from a
    database and all of their videos from the server. I've taken care
    of deleting the users from the database, but don't know how to get
    rid of their videos. I have all of the file names stored in the
    database, so thatis not a problem.

    you can do it using a php file that delete the flv files as
    you delete other
    files, managing file sentences
    "SiHoop" <[email protected]> escribió
    en el mensaje
    news:fsdkuu$kao$[email protected]..
    > How do I delete an flv file from a media server? I have
    an application in
    > which
    > registered users can store flv files. When a user is
    removed from the
    > system, I
    > want to remove their name from a database and all of
    their videos from the
    > server. I've taken care of deleting the users from the
    database, but don't
    > know
    > how to get rid of their videos. I have all of the file
    names stored in the
    > database, so thatis not a problem.
    > Thanks!

  • Exporting as an .FLV movie ??? Works from native QT but NOT FCP QT options

    I have Flash 8 + the video encoder and FCP 5.1.4 on my Mac.
    When using Quicktime independently I can export as an FLV. However when exporting from FCP (using Quicktime) there's no option...
    Can anyone help, I know this is possible because we have the same set up at work.
    Cheers. Mark.

    Yep, that's what I mean when I say I've tried from Quicktime...
    No option at all

  • Flv player works locally but not when uploaded

    Another day, another issue...
    I have a flash movie that includes an flv player with previews and buttons. It reads the content from an xml file.
    It works without problem when I test it locally. Trouble is when I upload it, everything displays correctly but the flv movie file doesn't play. Here's the test link:
    XML file is http://www.swsoftware.com/NCJHS/Assets/Video/video.xml
    Flash file is http://www.swsoftware.com/ncjhs/assets/video/flvplayer.fla
    Anyone have any suggestions? I'm new to flash and this forum has been a tremendous help in resolving my (somewhat numerous) problems.

    When I tried to view the posted url I got the following
    errors in the order I have listed them.
    CSInit is undefined Line 23
    Line 75 Object Expected
    Line 66 Object Expected
    My Platform.
    IE 7
    Windows XP Pro

Maybe you are looking for

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