[Fla] Foro en flash

alguien conoce por ahí algún foro hecho en flash.
Tenemos que hacer uno
y si hay algo ya hecho, para comprar o gratis, nos
ahorraría un montón
de horas de trabajo.
Gracias y saludos

Gracias Juan.
Alguien conoce alguno más???
Un saludo
Juan Muro escribió:
> Salu2
> `8¬]
> Juan Muro
> "Pedro_pfphoto" <[email protected]>
escribió en el mensaje de
> noticias news:fv55ur$4ob$[email protected]..
>> Hola:
>> alguien conoce por ahí algún foro hecho en
flash. Tenemos que hacer
>> uno y si hay algo ya hecho, para comprar o gratis,
nos ahorraría un
>> montón de horas de trabajo.
>> Gracias y saludos

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    Ned - Nice to have guys like your good self giving the advice you do!
    Hope the chap sorts out his mp3 library Problems!
    For my part, I don't want to even try come to terms with FLASH - great as it is.
    If you would like to have the job of making changes for me @  Footballtipping.co.uk/ - let me know. Contact - [email protected]
    You will be rewarded to your liking! -
    Regards all & keep at it!
    Mike Roche

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    If it's a flash cs3 fla, then you might have a lot of problem since cs3 has new features that flash8 cant take care of.

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    You can find old trial versions at the site linked below. 
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site or else the download will not work properly.

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    Do you see something that would indicate you cannot make full use of the trial?  You'd have to research the terms and conditions of use, but I don't believe there are any restrictions on the purpose of use of trial versions. And I doubt there is any way to distinguish a trial version swf from a paid version swf.
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    sound like you try to opne flashMX2004 or flash8 foles in MX.
    that wount work. An upgrade would help, or asking your source for
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    I am working on a PC in Windows Vista. I wondered if this was the issue as well. I can share the file if you want to see it, compiled in flash, and compiled in Air.
    Thanks very much,

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    Any info on this, or if anyone reproduces the error, I'd be interested in hearing.

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    You cannot open CS3/4 file in Flash 8.  Either you or the person sending you the files has to save the files down to Flash 8 versions before you can open them in Flash 8.  CS3 can save files down to Flash directly since each version of Flash can save to the previous version.  But CS4 files would need to be saved as CS3 files first, and then CS3 could be used to save back to Flash 8.  If any features new to CS3/4 are used in the files, these features will be lost in the conversion.

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    I've been looking fro the same answer for quite some time, I do not think compiling without the IDE is possible ( if you absolutely need the assets from your flas, that is), I have since changed my workflow to accomodate foe this shortcoming.

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    Use JStart
    FlashJester Support Team
    e. - [email protected]
    w. - www.flashjester.com
    "This has been one of the most impressive and thoroughly
    experiences of customer support I have ever come across -
    Director - hedgeapple

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    Yes Arial will always export lightning quick.
    Compress movie was a chance that you used some bitmaps that might have agressive compression. Oh well.
    You copied 120 symbols and received good results. Great! Try copying half your library and do the same. Soon you will find out which item is causing this gigantic halt.
    Over a decade ago it took my old P4 about 5 minutes to export a movie I was making and I never knew why. It always ran very cruddy in one specific area too. I finally took a look inside one vector that was insanely complex and huge (like 3000x3000 size 8 years ago is HUGE). It was being scaled down to 5% of its size to fit on screen haha. I simply exported it to a bitmap and all of a sudden everything was fixed. Lots of these things happen. You just need to find out what part of your library is causing issues. So I'd keep copying more and more symbols while exporting until all of a sudden you copy, export and it takes forever. Then you know what the culprit is.
    In my experience the 2 things that have ALWAYS caused a ridiculos amount of time to export is audio and fonts with all glyphs exported.

  • [FLA] importar pelicula flash externa en cabecera

    tengo una cabecera para una web, hecha en flash, a la que
    quiero pasarle
    como parametro otro .swf que sera importado en dicha
    Me explico, por ejemplo en el apartado "contacto",
    le quiero pasar un parametro del estilo
    <param name="FlashVars" value="peli=telefono.swf" />
    en donde me aparece una animación con un telefono.
    Despues para que me aparezca ese SWF incrustado en la
    pelicula de la
    cabecera, lo estoy llamando de la siguiente forma:
    loadMovie(_root.peli, movieTarget);
    Por ahí quedó algo mal, o es problema de
    comillas..o que se yó, la
    cuestión es que la cabecera no muestra el flash externo.
    Si alguien lo ve claro que me eche un cable

    Haré la prueba, gracias de nuevo
    Juan Muro escribió:
    > Convierte el nombre de tu swf en una variable:
    > var1:String = new String("telefono.swf");
    > loadMovie(var1,contenedor);
    > Salu2
    > `8¬]
    > Juan Muro
    > "Juanjo Cardona"
    <[email protected]> escribió en el
    > mensaje de noticias
    news:g61qoc$r2g$[email protected]..
    >> Muchas gracias Juan por la aclaración,
    >> pero el problema en realidad no es la llamada, ya
    que si pongo el
    >> codigo como tú me dices ya sé que me
    >> El problema es cuando quiero hacerlo "dinamico" y
    leer desde el flash
    >> el swf que se me pase como parametro.
    >> Que de alguna manera pueda hacer
    >> loadMovie(_root.parametro_pasado, contenedor);
    >> Juan Muro escribió:
    >>> Hola Juanjo:
    >>> Llámalo así:
    >>> loadMovieNum("telefono.swf",1);
    >>> Y de esta manera lo cargarás en el nivel 1,
    pero si lo quieres cargar
    >>> en un movieclip (nombrew de instancia
    'contenedor') vacío lo puedes
    >>> hacer así:
    >>> loadMovie("telefono.swf", contenedor);
    >>> Salu2
    >>> `8¬]
    >>> Juan Muro
    >>> "Juanjo Cardona"
    <[email protected]> escribió en
    >>> el mensaje de noticias
    news:g5q0fi$bt9$[email protected]..
    >>>> Buenas,
    >>>> tengo una cabecera para una web, hecha en
    flash, a la que quiero
    >>>> pasarle como parametro otro .swf que sera
    importado en dicha cabecera.
    >>>> Me explico, por ejemplo en el apartado
    >>>> le quiero pasar un parametro del estilo
    >>>> <param name="FlashVars"
    value="peli=telefono.swf" />
    >>>> en donde me aparece una animación con
    un telefono.
    >>>> Despues para que me aparezca ese SWF
    incrustado en la pelicula de la
    >>>> cabecera, lo estoy llamando de la siguiente
    >>>> loadMovie(_root.peli, movieTarget);
    >>>> Por ahí quedó algo mal, o es
    problema de comillas..o que se yó, la
    >>>> cuestión es que la cabecera no muestra
    el flash externo.
    >>>> Si alguien lo ve claro que me eche un cable
    >>>> Gracias

  • Opening up CS3 file .fla file in Flash Pro 8

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    Flash file from CS3 saved as a Flash 8 file and I can't open it in
    my flash 8 version - does anyone know why? Thanks Eric

    Hi funkysoul - "he sent me a Flash file from CS3 saved as a
    Flash 8 file " - he did that and it isn't working - I think he has
    a student version, would that have anything to do w/ it? Also,
    adzenx - I have Flash 8 because that is the version I purchased
    back when it is avail - I hadn't upgraded since then.

  • Exporting to a .swf or .fla from InDesign CS6 - issues with timeline when opened in Flash.

    Looking for help with exporting files for Flash. I have tried both .swf and fla exports from InDesign for the animations I have created. The .swf file will play fine in Flash player but I am having no luck using the .swf or .fla file in Flash. The .fla file will open in Flash but there is no time-line. I can import the .swf file into Flash, but again there is no timeline - all the graphics and elements are visible in the library.
    - Is there a particular way the file(s) have to be exported from InDesign in order for them to appear with a time line in Flash?
    - Are there particular do's and dont's when it comes to creating InDesign files that are going to be used as Flash animation?
    Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    The page turning animations in an exported swf are accomplished via ActionScript—they are not timeline based tween animations. You might be able to decompile the swf and get to the code, but I've never tried it. Google SWF decompiler.
    When you export to fla the animation ActionScript code is not included, so you lose the page turn animations. Each spread is saved as a MovieClip and the clips appear on sequential keyframes of the root timeline. With an fla it's up to you to write any animation code.

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