Flash and Windows CE

Where I can find the flash player for Windows CE?
It's free or not ?

Hi Gloria,
You may use sockets. There are 2 types of sockects in as3.0: binary and XML.
See Adobe's references.

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    P.S.: I listed the topic under Lion because it never happened before I upgraded to it.

    Give this a try guys. Found it while searching:
    Close iTunes, open Terminal and write these two lines
    defaults delete com.apple.dock itunes-notifications
    defaults delete com.apple.dock notification-always-show-image;killall Dock
    Seems to have fixed it for me!

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    Hello everyone,
    Please read this TechNote for information on how this issue can be fixed.
    Suhas Yogin

  • Flash and Windows Media

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Two places to check:
    In your Utilities folder, go to Audio MIDI Setup.app. Select it. When the panel opens make sure your Output settings are: Line Out - 44100 mhz, 16 bit 2 channel. Also, make sure the volume slides are to the far right.
    Restart the computer.
    If no change, go to your System Preferences>Sound>Output. Make sure Line Out is selected, again slider to the far right.
    As an aside, if you recently upgraded to 10.4.8, make sure you "repaired permissions" using Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.

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    Hi may you please ask a new question, sclutterd, it gives us troubleshooting info. Nightly is pretty unstable anyways.
    * https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/new

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    Generally, it's not the flash drive that makes it compatible, but the formatting used on it.  In Disk Utility on a Mac, the format is called MS-DOS (FAT).  In Windows, I believe it is called FAT32.
    A USB flash drive formatted that way should be readable and writable on both Mac OS X and Windows.  But you may want to try a "trial run" before relying on it for the trip.

  • Frequent Fails when installing Adobe Flash Player (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8.0, and Windows 8.1)

    Constantly see the following error message from Adobe Flash Player Installer:
    Error has been encountered. Close this window and try downloading again.
    What in heck does that error message mean?
    This message occurs most of the time when I try to update to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.
    It would be one thing if it was only occurring on Windows XP, but it shows up on Windows 7, Windows 8.0, and Windows 8.1 frequently.
    Just for curiousity looked at the Windows 8.1 Event Viewer and NO error message shows up there.
    Would be nice to:
    (1) know what the error really is so that it can be reported to you to get it fixed once and for all.
    (2) have Adobe Flash Installer NOT to delete itself every time that the installer is run.
    (3) have an OFFLINE download installer to download and install Adobe Flash Player without the MacAfee installer.
    (4) have Adobe UNCHECK that the Install MacAfee installer that you have to opt out of each time you do an Adobe Flash Player download. You should make it to OPT IN not OPT OUT! Don't need another program installed without my permission. This causes issues when I have to uninstall MacAfee on computers that others in my family use.
    It seems to takes up to 20 times to download the Adobe installer over a period of many days or weeks to get it to install properly.
    I have written software for over 36 years as a computer programmer and now Senior Software Developer. I have do installers on my own and have to figure out how to solve my own issues on the installers to get them fixed.
    This issue doesn't seem to be tied to any particular version of Windows... Same issue occurs on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8.0, and Windows 8.1! The ONLY commonality seems to be Adobe Flash Player.
    Certainly Adobe should be smart enough to fix this issue once and for all.
    If the issue is that there is a network congestion error that it cannot download the installer, please say so and please please please DO NOT delete the downloaded installer every time that it is run on a PC.
    I'd like to fix the security issues with the Adobe Flash Player AS SOON as there is a patch for it. I don't like having security issues over a long period of time.
    Please address this issue so that I can put this to bed and not have to keep sending you messages that once again the Adobe Flash Player Installer is yet again broken!
    Certainly you have a staff at Adobe that CAN fix this problem quickly!

    more information about errors can be found in the FlashInstall.log file in C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash (and the SysWOW64 equivalent on 64-bit systems)
    the offline installers (below) do not delete themselves
    you can find the offline installers
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
    the offline installers are not bundled with any 3rd-party crapware

  • I can't get the websites like youtube, facebook, etc to load. everything comes up as just text/words. i've downloaded adobe flash and real player on windows xp.

    i have windows xp. i just got the computer and internet on it. i downloaded adobe flash and real player. but i still can't get sites like facebook and youtube to work. i always get popups that ask if its a trusted site and to add the exception, which i do. yahoo and msn work, i can see photos and pictures and images just fine, but facebook and youtube are still all just words and error messages. any suggestions besides what i've already tried? i'm not tech savvy so step by step is how i learn best!

    Check the date and time and time zone in the clock on your computer: (double) click the clock icon on the Windows Taskbar.
    Check out why the site is untrusted and click "Technical Details" to expand this section.
    If the certificate is not trusted because no issuer chain was provided (sec_error_unknown_issuer) then see if you can install this intermediate certificate from another source.
    You can retrieve the certificate and check details like who issued certificates and expiration dates of certificates.
    *Click the link at the bottom of the error page: "I Understand the Risks"
    Let Firefox retrieve the certificate: "Add Exception" -> "Get Certificate".
    *Click the "View..." button and inspect the certificate and check who is the <b>issuer of the certificate</b>.
    You can see more Details like intermediate certificates that are used in the Details pane.
    If <b>"I Understand the Risks"</b> is missing then this page may be opened in an (i)frame and in that case try the right-click context menu and use "This Frame: Open Frame in New Tab".
    *Note that some firewalls monitor (secure) connections and that programs like Sendori or FiddlerRoot can intercept connections and send their own certificate instead of the website's certificate.
    *Note that it is not recommended to add a permanent exception in cases like this, so only use it to inspect the certificate.

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    I know it has been a while since you replied to me. I tried it at the time and sadly it didnt work and I got frustrated and ignored it for a while. I have just tried what you suggested again and this is how it went:
    • I have connected both the AX and iMac via ethernet cables to the O2 box.
    • This time my iMac did detect the AX and it automatically opened the AirPort Utility window.
    • I followed your instructions on the setting and connected it to my existing network etc.
    • It asked to restart the AX.
    • After a long wait this message appear:
    "Airport Utility was unable to find your Apple wireless device after restarting.
    The settings for this Apple wireless device have been successfully updated, but there was a problem rejoining the wireless network or finding the Apple wireless device. You may need to select your network from the AirPort menu and try again."
    I tried this and now when I click Rescan in the AirPort utility it just says that it cannot detect any devices. And in the meantime the AX is still flashing orange.
    Do you think that the AX is faulty. Although it was functioning perfectly in my previous flat. I just don't understand how one minute the iMac detects it and the next it doesn't even though the settings have been supposable successfully updated. Very frustrating.
    Thanks for your time,

  • Flash 7 and Windows Mobile 5.0

    I have a Windows Mobile 5.0 device (Verizon PPC 6700) and
    just bought a small app that requires Flash 6.0. This site talks
    about 7.0 being the latest (and being backwards compatible). I
    installed the app by placing the .cab file on my device and
    clicking on the file...which kicked off an install program on the
    device and it seems to have installed correctly. I rebooted the
    device but don't see any setting / programs for Flash 7.0 (although
    it does show up in add / remove programs). Is this installed
    correctly? My purchased app won't run and it's supported on this
    device as well....the developer is blaming Flash and telling me
    it's not installed. The Flash 7.0 download page indicates
    compatibility with Windows Mobile 5.0....any advice?

    >I have a Windows Mobile 5.0 device (Verizon PPC 6700) and
    just bought a
    > app that requires Flash 6.0. This site talks about 7.0
    being the latest
    > (and
    > being backwards compatible). I installed the app by
    placing the .cab file
    > on
    > my device and clicking on the file...which kicked off an
    install program
    > on the
    > device and it seems to have installed correctly. I
    rebooted the device
    > but
    > don't see any setting / programs for Flash 7.0 (although
    it does show up
    > in add
    > / remove programs). Is this installed correctly? My
    purchased app won't
    > run
    > and it's supported on this device as well....the
    developer is blaming
    > Flash and
    > telling me it's not installed. The Flash 7.0 download
    page indicates
    > compatibility with Windows Mobile 5.0....any advice?
    Can you see this on your device?
    If so, then Flash is installed fine. Note, though, that Flash
    content will
    only play when viewed in a browser (html file) or when
    embedded in an
    application using ActiveX or similar. So if you are tryting
    to play a swf
    file, that won't work.

  • I can't open video file in the page , i download and install flash many time but don't work , i use firefox 5 and windows 7

    i can't open video file in the page , i download and install flash many time but don't work , i use Firefox 5 and windows 7

    My current version of Chrome is having problems, too! It's so annoying. Anyone have any suggestions now? I basically can't view or download any PDFs because of this.
    Does anyone else think this is a problem not only with Adobe? I would think Apple would have something to do with this? Wouldn't they get some idea from the developer versions that no browser can open PDFs while running Lion!? Pretty bad customer service on the part of a company that prides itself on being VERY customer-friendly. Wouldn't you say?

  • USB Flash Drive issues, FAT and Windows, Help!

    Here's the deal:
    I have a flash drive, I formatted it in FAT because it needs to be used on my Mac (Snow Leopard) and Windows. When I format it, it adds 2 or 3 other partitions like 200MB. BUT does not show it in Disk Manager or in Finder. I can read and write to the drive on my Mac, and it works (Mac thinks it's FAT). When I go to Windows it says it needs to be formatted. So after a leg-breaking experience in XP to reformat it as FAT, I can't just drag and drop folders into it. If I drag a folder to it it gives me an error code -36. HOWEVER, I can make a new folder on the drive (CommandShiftN) and drag files into the new folder. What the heck? Never had these issues in Leopard. What is the issue? Is this just Snow Leopard or is something screwed and I need to reinstall? Help. Thanks in advance.

    1) Open Disk Utility.
    2) Click your flash drive.
    3) Click "Partition" tab.
    4) Change "Volume Scheme" drop down box to 1 partition.
    5) Change format to FAT.
    6) Click "Options" button.
    7) Change partition table from GUID to Master Boot Record.
    8) Click Apply.
    All done.

  • Install only 32bit version of AX Flash Player for IE8 and Windows 7 64bit

    For several reasons I would like to install only the 32bit version of Flash Player AX for IE 8 and Windows 7 64bit.
    It was possible to do it when the installers where separated but I see no information how to do that now.
    It is very convenient for me to have my 64 bit IE 8 browser without Flash that I use to browse and not get annoyed by the flash on the web and use the 32bit IE 8 on youtube, vimeo, etc when flash is necessary.
    I hope the option to choose which version to install will get back if it is not possible now.
    Please let me know if such kind of request should be made somewhere else as new feature or whatever.
    Thank you.

    That was the first thing I tried. It either works on both or disables on both versions. Something is messed with the settings as well, or has been made that way on purpose. Also the next thing I tried was to uninstall only the part residing in System 32 (leaving the one in SysWOW64) but the result was both not working after the uninstall. It remained in Programs but wasn't working anymore in both versions of IE 8. So I just put back the latest 32bit version which is not security wise..

  • Help: symbol shifting between mac and windows, flash cs3

    I'm doing work reviewing flash files created by other users
    on mac and windows. I'm using os x 10.5.6. When I open a file
    created in windows / flash cs3 some symbols on the stage will have
    shifted upwards on the y axis. If I correct the shift and then send
    it back to the windows user they see the symbols incorrectly
    aligned, as if I had moved symbols around on a correctly aligned
    The strange thing is not everything on the stage is shifted.
    Only particular symbols will move, and it's usually symbols only
    (not text frames, drawing objects, etc).
    I believe there's a general history of bad behavior when
    saving flash files and trading them back and forth between mac and
    windows, but does anyone know what may be causing this? Or a
    Thank you in advance.

    also, I tried opening the same files in vista using a mac
    mini with vista installed on a bootcamp partition. When opening
    other windows authored flash files there I had shifting issues as
    well, so I'm not convinced it's strictly a mac vs. windows issue.
    Unless it's a flash cs3 on windows xp doesn't like mac flash cs3
    and vista flash cs3...

  • Nano as a flash drive between Mac and windows

    I intended to use the nano as a flash drive. I use Apple at home, but have to use windows at work. My other flash drives have no problem moving files between both. But when I connected the nano at work, Windows gave me some initialize message. Would that delete my data on nano? I just disconnected and wait for your help.
    How can I use the nano as a flash drive between my mac and windows at work?

    Check what the iPod's format is; if the iPod nano is in Mac format, it can't be used on a PC which doesn't have third-party software such as MacDrive installed onto it. Initializing or restoring your iPod will erase everything on it.

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