Flash Board Game - If a player's destination space has a player on it already, move one more space.

I have been struggeling with this for sometime and I am totally stuck. In my flash boardgame I am trying to make players unable to land ontop of each other. The code I am currently using compares the current space of Red Player comparing it to where the other player is. What I need to know, is how do I make it compare Red Player's target space to the other player's current space.
function moveRedPiece():void
          trace("Spin Complete");
          for (var i:int = 0; i < numberOfMoves; i++){
                    currentSpaceRed += 1;
                    if (redArray[currentSpaceRed].x == p1.x && redArray[currentSpaceRed].y == p1.y && i == numberOfMoves - 1) {
                                          currentSpaceRed +=1;
                                          trace("RED BUMP");
                    else {
                                          trace("not landing on blue");
                    while (currentSpaceRed >= redArray.length) {
                                          currentSpaceRed -= redArray.length;
                    redtargetX = redArray[currentSpaceRed].x;
                    redtargetY = redArray[currentSpaceRed].y;
                    var redTween:TweenMax = new TweenMax(p2, 1.5, {x:redtargetX+3,y:redtargetY+4,ease:Expo.easeInOut, onComplete:dropMeRed});

each space should have a variable that indicates if it is unoccupied or occupied by red or occupied by the other player.

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    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent
    var keyArray : Array = new Array(false,false);//An array to check if keys are pressed
    var ballSpeed : int = 5;//the speed of falling lemmings
    var moveSpeed : int = 7;//the speed the player can move their boat at
    boat.x = stage.stageWidth/2;//move the boat to the centre of the stage at the start of the game
    var lives : int = 5;//the amount of lives the player will have
    var score : int = 0;//the starting score a player has
    var minSpawnTime : int = 1500;//the time it takes the lemmings to spawn
    var maxSpawnTime : int = 3250;//maximum time before next lemming is spawned
    var spawnTimer:Timer = new Timer(2000,1); //2 seconds and loops
    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;//text box reads lives left
    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//text box reads score
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//event listener to tell flash to call "key pressed"
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleased);//event listener to tell flash to call "key released"
    stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//event listener to tell flash to call "update" for new frames
    startGame();//tells flash to call the startGame function
    function startGame():void//a new function called startGame
        spawnTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, spawnBall);//new event listener to listen for the timer to run out and spawn new lemming
        spawnTimer.start();//starts the clock on the timer
    function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyPressed for when player uses arrow keys
        if(event.keyCode == 39)//if the keyboard event is the right key
            trace("right");//prints right in output window
            keyArray[0] = true;//right key array is true
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            trace("left");//prints left in output window
            keyArray[1] = true;//left key array is true
    function keyReleased(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyReleased for when arrow keys are released
        if(event.keyCode == 39 )//if the keyboard event is the right key
            keyArray[0] = false;//right key array false
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            keyArray[1] = false;//left key array false
    function update(event:Event) : void//a new function called update for updating the x position of the boat
        if(keyArray[0] == true)//if the keyArray for left is true
            boat.x += moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat right with the designated move speed
        if(keyArray[1] == true)//if the keyArray for right is true
            boat.x -= moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat left with the designated move speed
    function spawnBall(event:TimerEvent): void//a new function called spawnBall
        trace("SPAWN");//prints SPAWN in the output
        var ball : Ball = new Ball();//declares a new "temporary variable called "ball" that stores object of Type:Ball and populates it with a new object Ball
        stage.addChild(ball);//adds this new ball onto the stage
        ball.y = 0;//set the ball's vertical position to fall from
        ball.x = ball.width + (Math.random() * (stage.stageWidth - (2*ball.width)));    //sets the ball to have a random position on the x axsis so they seem to fall randomly
        ball.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);    //new event listener for the ball to listen for a new frame and to call the "moveBall" function
        spawnTimer.reset(); //resets the spawnTimer so it can be re-started
        spawnTimer.delay = minSpawnTime + (Math.random() * (maxSpawnTime - minSpawnTime) ); //set the delay for the next time to be somewhere between the minSpawnTime (1.5 seconds) and maxSpawnTime (3.25 seconds)
        spawnTimer.start();//tell the spawnTimer to start again
        if((maxSpawnTime - 20) >= minSpawnTime) //if the maximum time between spawn times is too close to the minimum time between spawns
            maxSpawnTime -= 20;//drop the minimum time between spawns by 20
    function moveBall(event:Event):void //new function called "moveBall" takes up 1 argument "event"
        event.currentTarget.y += ballSpeed; //move the object this functions event listener by the speed set.
            if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(sea)) //if the lemming falls and hits the sea object
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//and we are still on frame 2
                lives--;//take 1 life away from player
                if(lives > -1)//if the player still have lifes
                    //set the text box to display the amount of lives remaining
                    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;
            if(lives < 0)//if the player has less than no lives game is over
                stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                gotoAndStop(3);//tell flash to go to and stop on the loser screen
            event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove the falling objects from the game
            event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove eventlistener for when game is over updating falling objects
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//if the player is still in game
                if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(boat))//if eventListener is attached to hits the game object called "boat"
                    score++;//add 1 to the players score
                    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//update the score text to read the players score
                    event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove remove the lemming after it has hit boat
                    event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove the eventlistener after caught so it doesnt keep updating
                if(score > 24)//if the player has more than 24 points
                    stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                    stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                    stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                    spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                    gotoAndStop(4);//tell flash to go to and stop on the 3rd frame of the time line i.e. the Game Over screen

    tried commenting them out doesnt effect it either...
    this is what the code now looks like with everything that should remove the key presses commented out
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent
    var keyArray : Array = new Array(false,false);//An array to check if keys are pressed
    var ballSpeed : int = 5;//the speed of falling lemmings
    var moveSpeed : int = 7;//the speed the player can move their boat at
    boat.x = stage.stageWidth/2;//move the boat to the centre of the stage at the start of the game
    var lives : int = 5;//the amount of lives the player will have
    var score : int = 0;//the starting score a player has
    var minSpawnTime : int = 1500;//the time it takes the lemmings to spawn
    var maxSpawnTime : int = 3250;//maximum time before next lemming is spawned
    var spawnTimer:Timer = new Timer(2000,1); //2 seconds and loops
    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;//text box reads lives left
    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//text box reads score
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//event listener to tell flash to call "key pressed"
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleased);//event listener to tell flash to call "key released"
    trace(this);  // if you fail to see this trace the playhead is not entering this frame and is executing none of this code.
    stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//event listener to tell flash to call "update" for new frames
    startGame();//tells flash to call the startGame function
    function startGame():void//a new function called startGame
        spawnTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, spawnBall);//new event listener to listen for the timer to run out and spawn new lemming
        spawnTimer.start();//starts the clock on the timer
    function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyPressed for when player uses arrow keys
        if(event.keyCode == 39)//if the keyboard event is the right key
            trace("right");//prints right in output window
            keyArray[0] = true;//right key array is true
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            trace("left");//prints left in output window
            keyArray[1] = true;//left key array is true
    function keyReleased(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyReleased for when arrow keys are released
        if(event.keyCode == 39 )//if the keyboard event is the right key
            keyArray[0] = false;//right key array false
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            keyArray[1] = false;//left key array false
    function update(event:Event) : void//a new function called update for updating the x position of the boat
        if(keyArray[0] == true)//if the keyArray for left is true
            boat.x += moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat right with the designated move speed
        if(keyArray[1] == true)//if the keyArray for right is true
            boat.x -= moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat left with the designated move speed
    function spawnBall(event:TimerEvent): void//a new function called spawnBall
        trace("SPAWN");//prints SPAWN in the output
        var ball : Ball = new Ball();//declares a new "temporary variable called "ball" that stores object of Type:Ball and populates it with a new object Ball
        stage.addChild(ball);//adds this new ball onto the stage
        ball.y = 0;//set the ball's vertical position to fall from
        ball.x = ball.width + (Math.random() * (stage.stageWidth - (2*ball.width)));    //sets the ball to have a random position on the x axsis so they seem to fall randomly
        ball.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);    //new event listener for the ball to listen for a new frame and to call the "moveBall" function
        spawnTimer.reset(); //resets the spawnTimer so it can be re-started
        spawnTimer.delay = minSpawnTime + (Math.random() * (maxSpawnTime - minSpawnTime) ); //set the delay for the next time to be somewhere between the minSpawnTime (1.5 seconds) and maxSpawnTime (3.25 seconds)
        spawnTimer.start();//tell the spawnTimer to start again
        if((maxSpawnTime - 20) >= minSpawnTime) //if the maximum time between spawn times is too close to the minimum time between spawns
            maxSpawnTime -= 20;//drop the minimum time between spawns by 20
    function moveBall(event:Event):void //new function called "moveBall" takes up 1 argument "event"
        event.currentTarget.y += ballSpeed; //move the object this functions event listener by the speed set.
            if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(sea)) //if the lemming falls and hits the sea object
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//and we are still on frame 2
                lives--;//take 1 life away from player
                if(lives > -1)//if the player still have lifes
                    //set the text box to display the amount of lives remaining
                    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;
            if(lives < 0)//if the player has less than no lives game is over
                //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                gotoAndStop(3);//tell flash to go to and stop on the loser screen
            event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove the falling objects from the game
            event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove eventlistener for when game is over updating falling objects
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//if the player is still in game
                if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(boat))//if eventListener is attached to hits the game object called "boat"
                    score++;//add 1 to the players score
                    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//update the score text to read the players score
                    event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove remove the lemming after it has hit boat
                    event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove the eventlistener after caught so it doesnt keep updating
                if(score > 24)//if the player has more than 24 points
                    //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                    //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                    stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                    spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                    gotoAndStop(4);//tell flash to go to and stop on the 3rd frame of the time line i.e. the Game Over screen

  • 11.7.700.169 Error: "Adobe Flash Player 11.7 r700 has stopped working" -- HELP!!!

    I have encountered this problem many times now. Way to many to be anywhere near happy about. I can understand having an issue with it and looking up stuff on my smart phone instead. But this program is also affecting my online game World of Warcraft. I'm not happy.
    Anytime I open any program that uses the flashplayer, I get the pop up window of "Adobe Flash Player 11.7 r700 has stopped working", and then it force closes.
    I have repeatedly removed it, re-installed, you name it. It's not working.
    Here's my information:
    Browser:     Mozilla Firefox (20.0.1)
    Player:        Adobe Flash Player 11 (11.7.700.169)
    System:       Windows 7, Vista Home Edition with Service Pack 1
    Computer:  eMachine T525, AMD Athlon BE-2350 Processor, NVIDIA GeForce 3100, 320 GB hard drive
    I have read other people having this issue, and reviewed the information given. 1 Adobe reply to the same issue as mine to a different person was:
    1. Chris Campbell, 
      May 7, 2013 6:52 PM    in reply to miamiman55 
    To help troubleshoot we'll need the following system information:
    Exact Flash   Player version
    Steps to reproduce the problem
    When reporting issues with video or audio, it's also helpful to get your system hardware and driver details.  Instructions for finding this information can be found here:
    Finally, sometimes video and audio problems are caused at a lower level and not directly related to Flash Player.  I recommend trying both of the links below to see how they perform.  If the problem exists with both, then Flash Player is most likely not the culprit as the HTML5 video link does not use Flash Player when playing.  You can verify the use of HTML5 by right clicking the HTML5 video and looking for the words "About HTML5" at the bottom of the context menu.
    HTML5   video
    Non-HTML5 video
    I did the test at the bottom of this person's reply to test if I was having an issue with the HTML5 or not.  Both the 'HTML5 video' and 'Non-HTML5 video' ran perfectly fine for me.
    Please help! I'm losing my mind with this program! I've been having to deal with this for months now, and am getting really annoyed, and frustrated, especially since my calm down and chilling time after work, kids, and family is my playing WoW, and I can't even do that!

    I think you are hitting a known bug in 11.7.700.169
    Either install an earlier version from http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/archived-flash-player-versions.html
    or wait until the new version is released later this week.

  • Flash 11.7.700.169: "Adobe Flash Player 11.7 r700 has stopped working"

    Okay, I posted this already, and have had no one help me. I posted this 2 days ago!!! Original post: http://forums.adobe.com/message/5314268#5314268
    Please. If I'm missing something, let me know. If there's help, where is it?
    Where's Adobe's prompt help?
    If it helps, here's the oringal message I posted:
    I have encountered this problem many times now. Way to many to be anywhere near happy about. I can understand having an issue with it and looking up stuff on my smart phone instead. But this program is also affecting my online game World of Warcraft. I'm not happy.
    Anytime I open any program that uses the flashplayer, I get the pop up window of "Adobe Flash Player 11.7 r700 has stopped working", and then it force closes.
    I have repeatedly removed it, re-installed, you name it. It's not working.
    Here's my information:
    Browser:     Mozilla Firefox (20.0.1)
    Player:        Adobe Flash Player 11 (11.7.700.169)
    System:       Windows 7, Vista Home Edition with Service Pack 1
    Computer:  eMachine T525, AMD Athlon BE-2350 Processor, NVIDIA GeForce 3100, 320 GB hard drive
    I have read other people having this issue, and reviewed the information given. 1 Adobe reply to the same issue as mine to a different person was:
    1. Chris Campbell,
      May 7, 2013 6:52 PM    in reply to miamiman55
    To help troubleshoot we'll need the following system information:
    Exact Flash   Player version
    Steps to reproduce the problem
    When reporting issues with video or audio, it's also helpful to get your system hardware and driver details.  Instructions for finding this information can be found here:
    Finally, sometimes video and audio problems are caused at a lower level and not directly related to Flash Player.  I recommend trying both of the links below to see how they perform.  If the problem exists with both, then Flash Player is most likely not the culprit as the HTML5 video link does not use Flash Player when playing.  You can verify the use of HTML5 by right clicking the HTML5 video and looking for the words "About HTML5" at the bottom of the context menu.
    HTML5   video
    Non-HTML5 video
    I did the test at the bottom of this person's reply to test if I was having an issue with the HTML5 or not.  Both the 'HTML5 video' and 'Non-HTML5 video' ran perfectly fine for me.
    Please help! I'm losing my mind with this program! I've been having to deal with this for months now, and am getting really annoyed, and frustrated, especially since my calm down and chilling time after work, kids, and family is my playing WoW, and I can't even do that!

    Ok, lets start. The first option you gave me. Didn't work. I went into safe mode like it said (RealPlayer is not on this computer). The problem still presisted. I then made a new profile, and still the same responces. Tried default one more, no avail.
    I then prceeded to the step for the mms.cfg file.  Unfortunately, I cannot access that file. It's not readable on the computer. (Such problems with every turn I take )
    So, I then proceeded to the second option of the hardware acceleration. Talk about falling flat on my face. It wouldn't even pull up my type of flash for me to even access the settings. It gave me the little sad face stating "Adobe Flash has crashed".
    I have provided screen shots of what I get when I get the Adobe crashes.
    This is the first popup window I get whenever I start to have issues with Flash.
    This is showing what I got for the type of flash. except, first time it showed, there was the sad "Flash Crashed" face image. Notice the notification in the right bottom on the screen. That pops up everytime Flash forces close.
    This is the sad "Flash crashed" face I am talking about. And yes, I submit reports everytime I get the chance to.
    I don't know if this would help. But this popup happens occasionally with the Flash popup.
    Just an FYI; that first Flask Popup even occured everytime I went to attach an image.  Hopefully this will help figure out what's going on. Please let me know if you need more info.

  • Pogo board games. What they are using?

    I been to Pogo.com and tested board games. All are made with JAVA.There games are 2D.
    1 - Can some one tell me what mix of techonologies they are using. Board, Poker games? .
    2 - Can we made these games with Java 2D library?
    3 - What multiplayer server they are using for multiplayer games. Any idea?
    4 - How do you find creating games with Java 2D instead of flash (any idea). Is it easy to use 2D library?
    5 - If we use 2D library than we need to know Java to work on that?
    thanks in advance.

    Pirzada wrote:
    I been to Pogo.com and tested board games. All are made with JAVA.There games are 2D.
    1 - Can some one tell me what mix of techonologies they are using. Board, Poker games? . Well, I would think you have answered your own question before you have even asked it--Java.
    2 - Can we made these games with Java 2D library?Yes.
    3 - What multiplayer server they are using for multiplayer games. Any idea?Are you asking if there are multiplayer gaming engines that you can incorporate into your software instead of programming it yourself?
    4 - How do you find creating games with Java 2D instead of flash (any idea). Is it easy to use 2D library?You lean Java, study the tutorials on Graphics and 2D, then write what you like.
    5 - If we use 2D library than we need to know Java to work on that?Ummm... well, yes, of course: do you have to know French to speak it?
    thanks in advance.

  • Ok, i am lost. do i need to re install adobe flash for games in   facebook thru explorer

    I have adobe flash 12 installed in programs section. it is enabled. I can play facebook games thru chrome. when i try to play via explorer, it says must install latest version. do i need to re install via windows, or does that 12 already run? Pat Willener gave a link to see if it is installed and it says it is not, but it is in my programs section already and enabled

    "User-Agent Strings"
    That doesn't mean a lot, I'm sure, but it's the root of your problems, and Flash Player has nothing to do with it.
    Microsoft "rewrote" the User-Agent Strings for the abomination they call their latest and greatest browser. User-Agent Strings are what websites use to identify the browser you're using and provide the proper content for it's browser engine, like ActiveX stuff, and Flash or HTML5 video. Thanks to the geniuses in Redmond, WA, the User-Agent Strings for IE11 (which has a Trident engine), ID it as either "Gecko" (Firefox) or "Webkit" (Chrome). Problem is: when the site the directs to the content for one of these two engines, the Trident engine in IE can't intepret it and the site then sees IE as an "unidentified" browser.
    The problem with an unidentified browser is that the plug-ins in that browser aren't recognized either, so even though you're up to date, it says you need the latest Flash Player when you use IE11. YouTube... has converted to HTML5 video so if it doesn't detect Flash Player, it can display HTML5 (MP4) video which requires no plug-in to play. Facebook can't do that, because HTML5 doesn't apply to games... only video.
    Microsoft has no plans to "fix" the mess thay've created because they think it's a great idea to block you out of the websites you visit.
    They recommend using "Compatibility View" and pretending that you're using an older verison of IE... Problem with that is that it's seen limited success, and you have to enable it for EVERY page that has problems... individually.
    I'm not big on "pretending" so I recommend actually using another browser.
    Firefox (from Mozilla)
    Opera (from Opera)
    Safari (from Apple)
    Chrome (from Google)
    ANY of those will work where IE11 won't, with the Flash Player Plug-in (For all other browsers), and Chrome doesn't even need that because it has its own Flash Player plugin built in.

  • Flash-based Games Appear as White pages after Chrome Update with Adobe selected as the plugin

    Chrome auto-updated today and since then most of the Flash games load to a white screen.  I always have the Macromedia/Adobe Flash plugin enabled and Pepper Flash disabled, but I'm finding the only way I can display any flash-related games is to disable the Adobe and enable PepperFlash.  The games load, I can hear them, and in some cases the cursor changes to the theme for that game, but the screen will remain white.   Once this started I updated Adobe the latest one, as there must have been a recent release...same problem.   If I have the Macromedia/Adobe Flash Plugin enabled I need to click to any other open tab and then click back again and then scroll slightly and the video will be there immediately.  If I disable Macromedia/Adobe Flash and enable PepperFlash the games display the video with no problem.   These are the exact pages that were working just fine with the Macromedia/Adobe plugin enabled immediately before allowing the Chrome to auto-update.
    Also, when I go to the Adobe site to test the versions it displays the correct revision for the version that's enabled at the time, for pepperflash and 12.0.0,43 for Adobe, but even when the Adobe is the only one enabled and I have closed and reopened the Chrome browser before testing, the site tells me I have the Adobe Flash disabled while still giving the correct version.
    I tried Ingognito mode and it did seem to work, but the only extension I have is AdBlock, which gave me no problems prior.  I disabled AdBlock and tried running the games with Adobe enabled again in normal mode...same problem. 
    Cleared the cache, flash cache...
    All just started immediately after the chrome update. 
    Is anyone else using the same version of Chrome experiencing similar issues with the Macromedia/Adobe flash player enabled?
    Chrome version 32.0.1700.76 m

    Update Firefox to the current version which is 9.0.1
    Here's a list of bug fixes in the latest version which may include yours: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/9.0.1/releasenotes/buglist.html

  • Seeking teammate to port Flash web game to iPad/iPhone

    I have developed a Flash AS3 game which I like to have ported to iPad and iPhone using the Adobe Air Player and release it in the App Store.
    It's a simple & proven concept, with polished gameplay and an original twist in the visuals. The overall game is simple, porting shouldn't take longer than 2-3 weeks (even though I'm not too familiar with any kinks this rather new Air Player Tech might have on the iOs devices).
    I'm looking for an individual to port this game. You would receive 50% of the App Store sales (we can do Android+Mac App Store later if we like). I take care of adapting gameplay and screen designs to the different devices, and would promote the game.
    Please hit me up if you think you have reasonable experience and this sounds like a fun project to you! [email protected]

    But it does use Flash to play it, the App creator simply packaged/embedded the Adobe Flash Player with his content.
    Apple allows Adobe Flash, and Adobe Flash Content, Apple just makes the developer include the Flash Player inside the App.
    So yes, it is a Flash game, just played inside an app instead of a webpage, but its the same flash player.

  • Making a Board Game

    I wasn't really sure where to place this thread but here goes. I want to make a simple board game (Checkers or maybe Chess) in two player mode only (One player will come later). I am not sure how exactly to go about it. Are there any special methods or classes I have to implement? I would like to build it so that the pieces, when released, go to the center of the square they are held over. Does this involve any special mapping of the board image? Would it be better to create the board in a paint program and implement it that way or should I use java.awt.geom to do that? And since I don't want to copy somebody else's chess pieces (that would be cheating) is there a way, in java, to create images like that? and if not what imaging program should I use (definitely not adobe photoshop)? Should I even be attempting to do this kind of thing yet?

    Here is the code I have so far:
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class JChess extends JPanel {
        BasicStroke three;
        public JChess() {
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
         Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
         three = new BasicStroke(3);
         g2d.fillRect(-100, -100, getSize().width + 100, getSize().height + 100);
         g2d.translate(75, 75);
         g2d.drawLine(0, 0, 600, 0);
         g2d.drawLine(0, 0, 0, 600);
         g2d.drawLine(0, 600, 600, 600);
         g2d.drawLine(600, 0, 600, 600);
         //first row
         g2d.fillRect(0, 75, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(0, 225, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(0, 375, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(0, 525, 75, 75);
         //second row
         g2d.fillRect(75, 0, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(75, 150, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(75, 300, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(75, 450, 75, 75);
         //third row
         g2d.fillRect(150, 75, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(150, 225, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(150, 375, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(150, 525, 75, 75);
         //fourth row
         g2d.fillRect(225, 0, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(225, 150, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(225, 300, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(225, 450, 75, 75);
         //fifth row
         g2d.fillRect(300, 75, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(300, 225, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(300, 375, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(300, 525, 75, 75);
         //sixth row
         g2d.fillRect(375, 0, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(375, 150, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(375, 300, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(375, 450, 75, 75);
         //seventh row
         g2d.fillRect(450, 75, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(450, 225, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(450, 375, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(450, 525, 75, 75);
         //eighth row
         g2d.fillRect(525, 0, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(525, 150, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(525, 300, 75, 75);
         g2d.fillRect(525, 450, 75, 75);
    }As you can see I don't know what I am doing or what I am supposed to do LOL. = )

  • Board Game problem

    Im creating a board game and I'm having a problem. The aim of the game is to eliminate the opponent's pieces. Each time a player gets a three in a row of pieces, they are allowed to remove any one of the opponent's pieces.
    My problem is this: If a player gets a three in a row, in his next two moves I want to disallow him moving one piece out of this three in a row and then back into it so as to try and remove another of the opponent's pieces with the same three in a row.
    Here is the Player Class
    public class Player
         char piece;
         String name;
         int numberofPieces;
         Player(char pieceVal, String name){
                   numberofPieces = 5;
    }So when a player gets three in a row, I want to record his 3 in a row, and watch his next two steps and prevent him from having the same 3 in a row after 2 steps.
    Can anyone help me? It has been wrecking my head for 2 days now!!
    Thank you.

    How about keeping a turn counter as well as the coordinates of the pieces in the player's last 3 in a row?

Maybe you are looking for

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