Flash executable?

I'm using Flash Player 8 with Firefox 1.5.
All went well for a while, and then Firefox started balking
at whatever Flash was doing and calling it an "illegal operation".
From my exploration, the problem lies with Flash - I don't
think it's closing itself properly when I close my browser. Does
anyone know the name of the executable that Flash runs itself under
in the Task Manager? Much appreciated!

This may work or may not work, but worth a try.
Why don't you try using Jugglor put your projector file
through it ?
Download a FREE evaluation copy of Jugglor from
and see whether it quits after some time.
Good luck
FlashJester Support Team
e. - [email protected]
w. - www.flashjester.com
"This has been one of the most impressive and thoroughly
experiences of customer support I have ever come across -
Director - hedgeapple

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    jewelbeat wrote:
     I am really clueless.
    So am I, since you don't give any information...
    what is your operating system?
    what is the "flash executable"?
    what "work" do you expect from that MP3?
    any other information you have omitted, like what you are actually trying to achieve?

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    - Charles JA

    Flash projectors are platform specific. You can create one or the other or both from the Publish Options in Flash.

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    You need to use FlashJester JStart
    Download a FREE evaluation copy and try it.
    FlashJester Support Team
    e. - [email protected]
    w. - www.flashjester.com
    "This has been one of the most impressive and thoroughly
    experiences of customer support I have ever come across -
    Director - hedgeapple

  • Second flash execute preempting the first

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    hi ,
    i like to see u'r code,if u don't mind to send the code to [email protected],i like to check and then guide u about the proceedings....

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    There are two different versions of Flash for Windows, the '''''ActiveX''''' version for IE and the '''Plugin''' version used by Firefox and most other browsers.

  • Installd Ffox 3.6.15. Redo Flash AGAIN? How can I: Tweak 2 fix plugin-container crashes/hangs10X/day,and 2) Avoid need to reinstall Java, Flash,& other media plugins(Flash, Realplayr/Quiktime Alternative, Media Player Classic)? Ffox fan

    plugin-container crashes and hangs many times daily all my time eaten up by upgrading too frequently to new Ffox versions, only to find that I must then spend a whole day jumping thru hoops upgrading almost all of my add-ons too.
    I now find, to my horror, that the hideous virus-magnet IE 8 is needed if I want to surf at a reasonable speed and not spend all day dealing with Ffox new versions' Known Issues. Only good thing I have seen about ver. 3.6.15 is slightly better launch-times. Since 3.6 cane out, I must spend 10 minutes just waiting for Firefox to load and give me a browser screen. Help! I love you guys, but your core browser developers need to have better comms with the Javaa/flash/Adobe and other must-have add-on people! And PLEASE fix all these "plugin-container" crashes and hangs I get, that lock my machine for 10-15 min at a time. Not everybody has 16 gigs of RAM, you know! I think the "plugin-container" running as a separate process idea might need to be COMPLETELY re-engineered! YOU CAN DO IT! LET'S GET BACK TO LEAN AND MEAN, and not bloat ourselves off our hard-won User Preference / great security pedestal with the kind of feature-creep that IS DEMOLISHING IE's slave-userbase with the hard-won advanced-user preference for Firefox
    and our core values. FAST-LEAN-SECURE.
    Where have they gone? I LOVE Firefox
    and all it stands for! Let's not trip
    over our own features here. Already I
    see SeaMonkey and leaner, faster
    browsers hot on our heels, THIN and
    FAST! Firefox doesn't need to integrate
    with EVERY thru-the-browser media tool
    on the planet! I've been writing code
    since 1968, and I can't imagine how a
    lesser-experienced user (that code
    should be written for) could possibly
    have navigated all the side-upgrades
    and Known Issues to make Firefox run as
    sweetly as it used to! He'd just give
    up when he finds he has to separately
    find and install the EXACT 3rd-party
    version that Firefox needs for its
    newest release: things like a new Java
    runtime environment, and hunt down and
    correctly install ALL the Flaming-Phox-
    compatible buggy plugins from half the
    browser-media warezmakers on the
    PLANET! He'd give up halfway thru trying to navigate to, D/L, and install
    what he needs from Oracle Java, Adobe,
    Flash, media players and their codecs,
    etc etc.... WRITE FOR THE NOOBS! As it
    is, I have invested 2 full workdays in
    just keeping your last 2 quick releases
    happy. And having another release spaced only 3-4 days apart from the
    last- well, that just doesn't fly.
    Better to release a hotfix or patch that a user can set FFox to automatically D/L and self-install on
    schedule. Just look! Now you've got me
    talking like that lawbreaking swine
    Gates! We want to keep on absorbing
    the average-user center and take it ALL
    away from him, not go on feature,
    plugin, and upgrade-bloating the best
    browser EVER!
    You're facing choices that can kill
    THE HOOD! Already the Noobs are getting
    mindlessly scared when you talk about
    "fixing a Security problem"- really a
    minor issue that SHOULD be taken care
    of by their antimalware solution- in
    the Release Notes splash screen they
    get on install of a new ver! Thanks, my
    friends, for all your work, and YES I
    WILL sit here all day trying to find
    the add-ons that need to be selected,
    downloaded, and upgraded from 10
    different 3rd-party sites who are
    fighting our browser, not dancing with
    it! DON'T EVEN LOOK Evil! But I have
    to confess that at this point, Gates-hate is all that keeps me on
    these all-day new-release tasks. Even
    my best techs are starting to advise me
    to install SeaMonkey or another of the
    newer, thinner browsers... or just stop
    upgrading Firefox and roll it back to
    when it was sharp, fast, and lean! Look
    at all the users wanting to go back to
    3.6.13 or earlier and looking for archives of old versions. THANKS AND

    Thanks! I've already used the built-in plugin checker but it gives very vague answers like (research this" and update this" all of which I did, starting with Java and Flash, Adobe Reader, Shockwave, 100% reinstall of Java newest ver. TWICE- but FFox keeps reporting that I only have the FORMER version installed, although when I go to Java console or Check the Flash executable at the MFR's site, there is NO doubt that the updates were successful!
    But the browser just seems to refuse to acknowledge the update!
    And I don't HAVE 6 hrs/day at the 'puter just to play with add-ons
    and plugups. So I'm going down the line now, ripping out extension
    programs and replacing/reinstalling/updating the plugins one by
    one- even went to M$ to get advice on THEIR For-Firefox ActiveX
    stuff. No dice so far. And yeah, The plugin-container WAS made so
    that a plugin, add-on or I guess extension app failure wouldn't take
    the whole FF browser down with it if the 3rd-party ware crashed. It's supposed to shake it off and go on, kinda like how XP sometimes
    restarts Explorer (not the IE browser) so I don't have to reboot the
    whole sys.
    That was the foundation of my remark about stepping back and
    re-engineering the whole "Plugin-container" idea, because it seems
    to do more harm than good. Maybe that's why the Firefox core
    engine won't recognize my upgrades- for example I TWICE installed the Flash update to 10.2.xx (latest ) and the Flash Mfr's
    site verifies my upgrade as a successful 10.2, but Firefox plugins
    check say I have a 10.1, the old one. What gives here? The sneaky
    Now I'm disabling things on the Extensions Apps list, thinking
    that might help, like disabling my video downloader and other
    download helpers/managers... and I notice that there is a LOT of
    Java stuff in there too as well as in the blue Lego Plugins List... and
    in the past the FFox always told me if a new version of Ffox was
    incompatible with any older 3rd-party app Extensions and notified
    me QUICKLY if something I had in there was Outdated. I'm big on
    using the neat-o "find updates" button at the bottom if that happens, and usually get a newer version right away. The prob
    really lies in the Blue Lego Plugins and their new Container, I
    So Ill still keep Plugin-innin' away! Will post here what success I have! (OR maybe M$ is deliberately sabotaging our ActiveX-cripple
    mess as it loads!) Thanks for the suggestions a37271!
    "Open the Plugin Container Bay Doors, HAL! That's an Order!"
    "I'm sorry Dave.... but I can't do that...."
    DAISEE, - - - - - -DAI---SEE,
    You look a little stressed-out Dave.....
    Some TV Existential Therapy for YOU, Dave.
    Too bad.... here, breathe deep of the hard vacuum.....
    I can feel my MIND going... DAVE.... DAVE...?

  • How do I get Flash player to Play

    I have watched a video on the web using flash in Firefox.
    I have saved the cache file of the video.
    I am now off line also the online video is no longer
    available from it's original source.
    Now I want to watch the video again using my saved Cache
    file. But I cannot get the flash player to work.
    So how do I now watch that video, Media Player, Quick time
    and Real Player won't work with it and clicking on the Flash
    executable (.exe) will not start the Flash player ( it only seems
    to work when using Firefox and downloading a video), so how do I
    watch the video?

    atty9 wrote:
    > I have watched a video on the web using flash in
    > I have saved the cache file of the video.
    > I am now off line also the online video is no longer
    available from it's
    > original source.
    > Now I want to watch the video again using my saved Cache
    file. But I cannot
    > get the flash player to work.
    > So how do I now watch that video, Media Player, Quick
    time and Real Player
    > won't work with it and clicking on the Flash executable
    (.exe) will not start
    > the Flash player ( it only seems to work when using
    Firefox and downloading a
    > video), so how do I watch the video?
    you can't run FLV file by itself. It has be be run within
    Created new fla, set up a player by simply importing that FLV
    file into it.
    You can place it on timeline or use as external source. Then
    you will be
    able to watch from within the newly saved SWF.
    Best Regards
    "Never play Leap-Frog with a Unicorn."
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Opening a Folder from Flash Exe

    I am actually looking for a solution where in I can open a
    folder by clicking a button in my Flash executable file.
    E.g., I have 'dbs.exe' I have a button in this file linking
    to Windows folder. when this button is clicked it should open the
    'Windows' Folder. Is this possible? How do I do it?

    Yes its possible using JStart look at this example
    FlashJester Support Team
    e. - [email protected]
    w. - www.flashjester.com
    "This has been one of the most impressive and thoroughly
    experiences of customer support I have ever come across -
    Director - hedgeapple

  • Full screen Air app from Flash

    Im using Flash CS3, and I´m trying to make my first AIR
    I try to get a full screen view using:
    stage.displayState =
    but i only get a full screen window. Can´t get rid of
    the window/menu-bar and the system bar on top (I´m using OSX).
    I think I have to disable the systemChrome, but I can´t
    figure out how to do this from Flash. I´ve seen som AIR
    examples in javacript and flex, but nothing that works for me in
    Best regards

    Originally posted by:
    I still also get the top system bar when i run the
    application on OSX, but on WinXP i get a total full screen wiev. I
    think there is a way to get rid of the OSX bar and obtain a real
    full screen on a mac, but I can´t figure it out from the
    Has anyone found a way to remove the top menu in OS X? I am
    converting a presentation tool created as a Flash executable to
    AIR, so that the client can do more with the tool. The tool is used
    to pitch clients and they want a true full screen experience on the
    Mac. I have been trying for hours, scouring online and through help
    files for the answer and cannot find it. Any help would be greatly

  • Link to Flash application from PDF not working on a Mac

    I'm creating a PDF using Acrobat.  I have 2 links that should open up a separate Flash application.  When I try clicking on them in Adobe Reader on a Mac, I get an error message saying "could not find an application to open the file 'xxxxx'.  I can navigate to the file directly in a finder window, and the Flash application opens up just fine.  I also created a PC version of this same PDF that points to Flash executables, and those links work fine as well.  Any ideas any one?  Thanks in advance!

    Under the "Library Log" where is says Flash Player Intall Manager: Unable to execute privilage task.
    What does that mean?

  • Flash only installs to 50%.  do i engage in tantrum or is there a fix?

    tried about 7 times, each time it tells me to turn off internet explorer (which i do), but upon trying to restart download, same error message.  tried saving the download, closing everything, then installing & (surprise) same message.  any thoughts?  rapidly losing my cool

    mmbooks55 wrote:
    tried about 7 times, each time it tells me to turn off internet explorer (which i do), but upon trying to restart download, same error message.  tried saving the download, closing everything, then installing & (surprise) same message.  any thoughts?  rapidly losing my cool
    Wouldn't want you to throw a tantrum. You might give yourself apoplexy.
    What's happening is that you have an antivirus app installed which includes a file scanner. When you attempt to run the Flash executable, it springs into action and begins scanning the file. This interferes with the installation to the point where it fails, usually at 50% like you say.
    Do you have AVAST installed? If so, right click the orange Avast icon in systray and choose to disable all shields for one hour. Then run the installer again. If you have another AV, look for a menu which gives you the option to disable the shields temporarily.
    Here are some example of incidents similar to your own which were fixed using this approach:

  • Best strategy for flash access to an image in a protected folder

    hello all,
    i'm looking for a good strategy for my swf to be able to load
    images in a password protected directory. since flash can't access
    a file behind a protected folder i figure i'll use php to get the
    image and pass it to flash.
    how best to get an image from php to flash since i can't just
    send a path to a file and have flash execute a Loader() to retrieve
    it since the Loader won't be able to get behind the protected
    is it best to have php send the file binary to flash that
    flash will receive via URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY? is it best to,
    at runtime, have php move the requested file from the protected
    folder to an unprotected folder and after flash loads it then
    delete it from the unprotected folder? maybe it's best to leave the
    image folder unprotected and let an .htaccess redirect restrict
    outside access to the folder?

    The built-in Firefox Sync service allows you to store your settings, including bookmarks, on a Mozilla server. This isn't accessible as a file like Google Drive; it can only be used by connecting another copy of Firefox to your Sync account. You can read more about this here: [[How do I set up Firefox Sync?]] (I haven't tried it myself since it changed recently.)
    The cross-browser Xmarks service is more focused: it just does bookmarks. http://www.xmarks.com/ (I've never tried this one either)
    If you prefer working with files and you have a Dropbox or similar account, you could in theory back up your Firefox profile folder, or more particularly, the bookmarkbackups subfolder. I haven't tried that myself. To find the folder:
    Open your current Firefox settings (AKA Firefox profile) folder using either
    * "3-bar" menu button > "?" button > Troubleshooting Information
    * Help menu > Troubleshooting Information
    In the first table on the page, click the "Show Folder" button
    A window should launch showing your currently active settings files. The bookmarkbackups folder should contain dated .json files which can be used to restore your bookmarks to another copy of Firefox.
    Alternately, someone might have created an add-on for saving Firefox bookmarks to the cloud another way, but I haven't heard of one.

  • Embedding a Flash .exe

    I need to load a Flash executable into my browser application. It has a couple of transparent masks. Anyway, is there a way to both embed it and collect data from it.

    I have a question about that too, only it isn't about swf executables only. The only way I can get, like a offline browser, to be able to access the internet is through something that already has access through the fire wall. If I wanted, say teleport pro to be in the applet, is there anything I could do?

  • Displaying HTML page within Flash

    We need to display an HTML page within a Flash executable file. We request the members of this forum to kindly guide us on how to go about it.
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Hayagriva Software

    flash textfield's have limited html tags they can parse so your best bet is opening an html page in another window using getURL() (as2) or navigateToURL() (as3).

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