FLash is it the best solution?

I am in the process of purchasing Flash pro and would just
like to enquire. I am able to integrate Database with Flash Pro,
using either ColdFusion or ASP and will this work for a portable
DB, like the ones that MYSQL / SQL have?
I need to create a catalog DVD/CD is Flash the best solution?
Your advice will be appreciated

WlpMorton wrote:
Not many webpages can fit entirely on my screen at once with this device.  A Toshiba Thrive 10" has a resolution that is only 1280x800.  Too old for a Retina display.  Just about all pages require scrolling.
Try one of the conversion apps.  Search the Play Store for "Web2PDF" for example.
All you have to do is "share" the page to web2PDF, and it will send it to a webpage named "pdfmyURL".  The page you want to print will download immediately to your device, and you can then use HP ePrint & Biz to send it to your printer.
Kind of a kludge, but it works!
I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
You too can become an HP Expert! Details HERE!
If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
If it solved your issue, Click the "Accept as Solution" button so others can benefit from the question you asked!

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    You appear to have two issues: 1) a hard drive that is not working properly and 2) files you wish to recover.
    Re 1) you need to answer Kappy's questions.
    Re 2) does the drive load and can you see your photo files? If so can you copy them to another drive?
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    Encore is activated when you activate Premiere Pro... so, as Stan asked, how did you install P-Pro?
    Ask for serial number http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1234635 has a FAQ link
    -and a fix for Encore http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1421765?tstart=0 in reply #7
    -plus more Encore http://helpx.adobe.com/encore/kb/cant-write-image-fie-larger1.html

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    Thanks, Steve

    for always on - all nodes should be part of one windows cluster..if there site C is on different domain - I do not think it works.
    Logshipping works --as long as the sql on site C is is same or higher version(sql 2012 or above).  you can only do read only.
    IMHo, if you can make site C in the same domain then, Always is better solution else log shipping
    also, if your database has enterprise level features such as - partitonin, data compression -- you cannot restore the database on lower editions- so you need to have enterprise edition.
    Hope it Helps!!

  • What is the best solution to this problem?

    I have so many solutions in mind right now but i am looking for the best solution if possible. i have the following query
    SELECT one_query.date_required as Month_id,
               nvl(one_query.amount_used, 0) as overalluserhours_A,
                  nvl(second_query.amount_used_b, 0) as overalluserhours_B,
                  nvl((trunc(((second_query.amount_used_b/one_query.amount_used) * 100), 2)), 0) as p_change
                 (select to_char(b1.needed_date,'YYYY-MM') as date_required,
                    SUM(b1.amount_used) as amount_used,
                      b1.type_id as type_id
                        from table_one b1
                         where b1.zone_type like 'NEWYORK%'
                         and b1.type_id = 'CARS'
                        and trunc(b1.needed_date) between to_date('2009-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('2009-12-31', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
                              group by to_char(b1.needed_date,'YYYY-MM'), b1.type_id) one_query,
                (select to_char(b2.needed_date, 'YYYY-MM') as date_required,
                                SUM(b2.amount_used) as amount_used_b,
                                       b2.type_id as type_id
                                    from table_one b2
                                       where b2.zone_type like
                                  and b2.type_id = 'BIKES'
                                   and trunc(b2.needed_date) between to_date('2009-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('2009-12-31', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
                                 group by to_char(b2.needed_date, 'YYYY-MM'), b2.type_id)second_query
    where one_query.date_required = second_query.date_required(+);the above query is being used on table_one. The current problem I am having is based on the fact that table_one might sometimes contain data for only chicago and not for newyork. in this case, table_one would look like this
    identification_id         needed_date                   zone_type             type_id                  
    2                             3/22/2006 12:00:00          CHICAGO                BIKES
    3                              2/12/2006 12:00:00         CHICAGO                BIKEShowever though, in other case, it could be the other way around. in this case, table_one will look like this
    identification_id         needed_date                   zone_type             type_id                  
    4                            4/21/2007 12:00:00          NEWYORK                CARS
    5                             1/12/2007 12:00:00         NEWYORK                CARS
    and finally table_one could contain information for both cases. hence, we could have the following situation
    identification_id         needed_date                   zone_type             type_id                  
    6                            6/21/2008 12:00:00          NEWYORK             BIKES
    7                            8/12/2008 12:00:00         CHICAGO               CARSKindly note, my above query is currently being used inside a function. I know I can write so many if statement to handle but the main issue is regarding the fact, i am also using that query in another query which performs so many union all.

    I'm not sure how you're going to parameterize it, how those filters change from call to call, but an idea would be something like this:
    select date_required month_id,
           max(amt_used_chicago_bikes) overalluserhours_A,
           max(amt_used_newyork_cars) overalluserhours_B,
           (max(amt_used_chicago_bikes) / max(amt_used_newyork_cars)) * 100 p_change
      from (select zone_type,
                   to_char(b1.needed_date, 'YYYY-MM') as date_required,
                   b1.type_id as type_id,
                   SUM(case when zone_type like 'CHICAGO%' and type_id = 'BIKES'
                                 then b1.amount_used end) as amt_used_chicago_bikes,
                   SUM(case when zone_type like 'NEWYORK%' and type_id = 'CARS'
                                 then b1.amount_used end) as amt_used_newyork_cars
              from table_one b1
             where trunc(b1.needed_date) between
                   to_date('2009-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') and
                   to_date('2009-12-31', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
             group by b1.zone_type,
                      to_char(b1.needed_date, 'YYYY-MM'),
    where amt_used_chicago_bikes is not null or amt_used_newyork_cars is not null
    group by date_required;Again, this is not the biggest concern regarding performance and certainly not the best way of doing it. Cracking those 250 lines of SQL and making it optimized would probably be the best way to approach the issue here.

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    wat is the best solution if I get an error some dll file is missing ,  is that SFC utility to run  or sytem restore  or some other solution?

    then it's fine to perform a system restore, but it will revert some changes you have made on your system.
    and detailed infoemation would be helpful.
    TechNet Community Support
    Most error messages relating to missing .dll files are due to virus scanners. The scanner removes the threat (the .dll file) but leaves the program behind that tries to invoke the .dll file. Your recipe of using System Restore to fix the problem could well
    backfire: It might restore the infected .dll file! This is why it is important to know the full wording of the error message. If the missing file resided in the System32 folder then it's probably OK to restore it. If it resided elsewhere then restoration would
    probably be a bad idea.

  • Adobe Acrobat the Best Solution?

    I've never used Adobe Acrobat for anything other than reading PDF files and new to Macs.
    I have a training records for work that I want to go from filling out every week in a binder to the computer. I want to either scan the current form into my MBP (I have a HP 2410 PSC but can't scan through the Airport) and set it up so I can fill out the form every week and save them on he hard drive.
    OR I can create a whole new document but again I need to be able to have fields that I can just fill in every week.
    With the finished product I would like to be able to fill out the form but not be able to change the form itself. (I hope this makes sense)
    Would Acrobat be the best product to use to create this or is there another better product out there for the Mac?

    Numbers and Excel are spreadsheet programs, not database programs. Depending on how simple your needs are, however, either may provide a solution.
    There is also Bento, a very inexpensive database program from Filemaker. There is a free demo, and this may prove a good solution.
    If you already have Adobe Acrobat, it does offer forms functions and would save you from having to but additional software. I have never used the forms functions for actual production (just played around with it). However, you can set up a form, have check boxes, radio buttons, text fields, etc. and then have the entered results saved and/or output for further manipulation.
    Acrobat might prove the best solution for what you are trying to do.

  • [Sales/Shipment report] - What's the best solution?

    Hello everybody.
    I have to develop a report with some sales data, delivery service data and shipment costs data.
    I have the cubes: 0SD_C03, 0SD_C04, 0LES_C02.. and I thought to do a multicube, but I don't no how to link these cubes...
    I don't have, for example, Sales Document/Item and/or Delivery Document/Item in all os these cubes...
    What is the best solution to this sittuation?
    I thought in some solutions like...
    1 - Extend extractor of 0LES_C02 to include Sales Doc/Item, but I don't know if all delivery doc is related to a sales doc.
    2 - I know I have all the fields that I want in the tables VBAP and LIPS...so I thought in create an generic extractor with a view of these two tables, and than creat a Z cube, to receive these datas...
    I really don't know whats the best solution, or if there is abother solution to this....
    I'll apreciate ideas, or a solution from someone that already face with this and developed a solution.
    Best Regards,

    Its better for you to add sales order,item in the cubes also from the source where your cube gets data ie from DSO as they are only point through which you can combine sales,delivery and billing data.

  • What is the best solution for me to run Microsoft Access on my brand new iMAC?  Assume I'm a casual user.

    What is the best solution for me to run Microsoft Access on my brand new iMAC?  Assume I'm a casual user.
    I am lead to believe by some real smart guys on the Apple site that If I have the Apple Store partition my iMAC and add the full suite of Office products on that partition, I can run the few Access programs I have and need to run.
    Comments encouraged.  Thank you in advance for your consideration and help.

    You would have to install Windows, then install Microsoft Office Professional for Windows on it  To install Windows you will have to choose between Boot Camp (faster, free) and a Virtual Machine (simpler, slower, easier to backup)
    You should try LibreOffice (free), it can open Access files, it may not have all Access's feature set though, worth a try.

  • What is the best solution for migrating from Maverick to Yosemite?

    What is the best solution for migrating from Maverick to Yosemite? Anyone have suggestions?

    Back up all data. Update all third-party software to the latest version and remove any you don't need. Download the Yosemite installer from the App Store. Run it.

  • The best solution? Hub-and-spoke, Peer-to-peer, Multi-cast?

    By the best solution, I mean in terms of price and quality (latency, minimum lag, etc)
    App type: Video conferencing
    Platforms: PC, Mobile (Android, iOS) [If mobile support would reduce performance or increase costs, I am willing to scrap it]
    Users: There will be 5 - 30 users logged into the service in the same room at a time. And a maximum of  5 - 7 users in that room will have their webcam's on at any given time.
    My main concern is performance, Since I might make it a paid service in the future, I don't think users would pay for something that has a lot of lag or trailing effects.
    So I was hoping to get some advice on how I should set it up and pros and cons in respect to LCCS

    Hi Sam,
    Let me add my two cents here, when speaking about MAN deployments the name of the game is MPLS, so I guess you are using the same on your Cat 6500s and connecting your customers on 3550s using Vlans.
    Regarding your questions:
    a) Upgrading Ethernet to L3 for traffic shaping: This is basically done at 3550, so I suppose that's what you intend to do, plus you will be letting Spokes talk to only Hub site, so inter Vlan, atleast between Hub and each spoke will be required, hence inter valn routing. Other way is to configure P2P circuits between Hub site with Vlan mapping (per spoke) and Spoke sites with Port mapping, in this scenario Inter Vlan routing is not a necessity.
    b) Security: This depends on what exact architecure you have deployed, in my case I have simply installed a Gateway router with BGP peering with PEs, a separate VRF alongwith redistribution does the trick.
    Hope I addresses the query correctly, let me know if that helped..

  • I have a lot of movies on my computer and need to free up memory.  What is the best solution, if I think I may need these movies in the future?

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    I do have an external hard drive, but have never been able to figure out if you can store movies on it, instead of on the computer hard drive.
    Thanks so much!

    Good evening,
    I see you have another post about deleting movies and iDVD projects.  Wanting the video to be available in the future is a significant criteria because video files are very large and are very compressed to fit on a DVD.   If you want the video to be available in the future for additional editing (eg, highlights of the year), ideally you'd want to save the video in a format which will easily allow this.   To me, this suggests you delete the iDVD projects but keep the iMovie files for future editing.  This accomplishes the easy editing objective but keeps a lot of large files on your hard drive (each iMovie/iDVD project will be about 20% smaller -- assuming a 4 to 1 compression).
    If you are willing to accept some additional work in the future and are okay with some reduction in video quality, you can pull sections from an existing DVD and use iMovie to combine them.  The extra work is required to decompress the DVD, and this is also the reason for loss of some sharpness.  This strategy reduces the file size of your combined projects by about 80% if you save disc images (virtual DVDs), or if you save the physical  DVDs, you save 100% of the space.
    I'd decide about the tradeoffs before jumping into action.

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