Flash is not visible when transparent is set to true

Hi everyone. I'm writing an application in HTML and
Javascript which uses <OBJECT> and <EMBED> to display a
flash. The flash is invisible when transparent = false in the
application settings xml file.
I used the following to HTML code to display the flash:
<p width="100%" align="center"><embed pluginspage="
wmode="transparent" width="370" height="280"
FlashVars="height=270&xheight=280&xwidth=370&width=360&uri=yourminis%2Fyourminis%2Fmini%3 Ayoutube&swfurl=%2Fwidget%5Fyoutube%2Eswf&"
allowScriptAccess="always"></embed><br /></p>
This is a flash file that is designed to run on a domain
other than where the flash file is hosted on. More information on
the flash at
So the question is... how do I display a flash file when
transparent is set to true?
OS: Windows XP
CPU: Intel Centrino Pro

This means that the SWF is written so that it only works when
embedded in a web page. When you add the SWF to the stage as a
stand-alone display object using addChild() it is not being hosted
in the web page.
You have 2 options:
1. Modify the SWF code (if possible) to remove the
ExternalInterface requirement. You can write code in your AIR
application javascript to subscribe directly to events from the SWF
using addListener() and call functions directly on the SWF object
(Flash/Actionscript is not my primary development environment... so
if I have gotten the terminology wrong I apologize, but I HAVE
written a flash application that worked as I describe). My SWF
actually works embedded in HTML or not using the code "if
(ExternalInterface.available) {
ExternalInterface.addCallback("setIsPlaying", setIsPlaying ); }"
2) Somehow add a HTMLLoader in a new child window (with
transparent = false) to the stage as a new child. I have not yet
figured out exactly how to do this, so If anyone can provide
information on how to do this, I too would be appreciative.

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  • Ie9 flash object not showing when wmode is set

    I'm searching and searching but do not find any solution for this.
    We're having a flex web application that is working fine until now. We're using until recently the google maps flash api, unfortunately this is already deprecated and will disappear completely in september 2014. Therefor we moved the whole integration to the js v3 api, which is working fine. The whole thing is an overlay over the application, since everything is moved to js, I added the property wmode to the object in html and set it to opaque in order to be able to layer everything. It's working fine for most people, but some (including my boss) are seeing a blank screen. Seems that nothing happens (although the swf loads), and I can not figure out why. Same browser (ie 9 or 10), same flash player version (11.6.xxx). Browser cache cleared, flash player cache cleared...
    Somebody having a clue? Removing the wmode-property solves the issue, but then I'm not be able to get my map on top of the application.
    The swf is definetly loading since I see calls made to the server in order to login etc. It's also not a flash player issue. The swf-file is directly accessable and rendering if done so.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
    Smart developers always View Source.
    This application was built using Adobe Flex, an open source framework
    for building rich Internet applications that get delivered via the
    Flash Player or to desktops via Adobe AIR.
    Learn more about Flex at http://flex.org
    // -->
        <meta name="google" value="notranslate" />  
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10; IE=9;"/>     
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <!-- Include CSS to eliminate any default margins/padding and set the height of the html element and
             the body element to 100%, because Firefox, or any Gecko based browser, interprets percentage as
             the percentage of the height of its parent container, which has to be set explicitly.  Fix for
             Firefox 3.6 focus border issues.  Initially, don't display flashContent div so it won't show
             if JavaScript disabled.
        <style type="text/css" media="screen">
            html, body  { height:100%; }
            body { margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; text-align:center;
                   background-color: ${bgcolor}; }  
            object:focus { outline:none; }
            #flashContent { display:none;}
        <!-- Enable Browser History by replacing useBrowserHistory tokens with two hyphens -->
        <!-- BEGIN Browser History required section ${useBrowserHistory}>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="history/history.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="history/history.js"></script>
        <!${useBrowserHistory} END Browser History required section --> 
        <!--  BEGIN OogScreening -->
        <script src="PlusOptixSync.js" language="javascript"></script>
        <!--  END OogScreening -->
         <script language="javascript">
            function getEIDxml()
              var strXML = document.MirageApplet.readCardAsXMLString() + " ";
              return strXML;
            function setOuterSize()
                var nomWidth = 1280;
                var nomHeight = 800; // 786 viewable in fullscreen
                var actWidth = nomWidth;
                var actHeight = nomHeight + 150 - 30; // fullscreen change coeff (ruimte die we winnen door f11) - taakbalk
                window.resizeTo(actWidth, actHeight);
                //window.outerWidth = actWidth;
                //window.outerHeight = actHeight;
                //script die de F1 help functionaliteit van de browser afzet. Dit is nodig omdat IE de F1 functionaliteit van de flex applicatie onderdrukt
                document.onhelp=new Function("return false");
                window.onhelp=new Function("return false");
        <script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            // For version detection, set to min. required Flash Player version, or 0 (or 0.0.0), for no version detection.
            var swfVersionStr = "${version_major}.${version_minor}.${version_revision}";
            // To use express install, set to playerProductInstall.swf, otherwise the empty string.
            var xiSwfUrlStr = "${expressInstallSwf}";
            var flashvars = {};
            var params = {};
            params.quality = "high";
            params.bgcolor = "${bgcolor}";
            params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
            params.allowfullscreen = "true";
            params.wmode = "transparent";
            var attributes = {};
            attributes.id = "${application}";
            attributes.name = "${application}";
            attributes.align = "middle";
                "${swf}.swf", "flashContent",
                "${width}", "${height}",
                swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr,
                flashvars, params, attributes);
            // JavaScript enabled so display the flashContent div in case it is not replaced with a swf object.
            swfobject.createCSS("#flashContent", "display:block;text-align:left;");
          <!-- Groeicurven 5.0 scripts -->
          <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
          <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
          <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/Namespace.js"></script> 
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/mirage-services.js"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/mirage-binding-utils.js"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/mirage-event-dispatcher.js"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/groeicurven-highcharts-constants.js"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/groeicurven-highcharts-theme.js"></script> 
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/groeicurven-highcharts-config.js"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/groeicurven-highcharts-factory.js"></script> 
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/groeicurven-highcharts-zoomer.js"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/groeicurven-highcharts-formatter.js"></script>      
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/groeicurven-highcharts-prototype.js"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/groeicurven-events.js"></script>             
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/groeicurven-controller.js"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/groeicurven-flex-bridge.js"></script>
          <script language="javascript">
        <!--  BEGIN GoogleMaps -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/google-maps.css">
        <script src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/styledmarker/src/StyledMarker.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/util/cvi_busy_lib.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/google-maps-events.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/google-maps-controller.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/google-maps-mediator.js"></script>
        <script language="javascript">
            function openMaps(data)
                document.getElementById('mapsContent').style.visibility ="visible";
                document.getElementById('optionsList').style.visibility ="visible";
                document.getElementById('activeCheckboxDiv').style.visibility ="visible";
                document.getElementById('mapsContent').style.zIndex = 100;
            function adresFoundHandler(marker, filtereEnabled){
                document.getElementById('mapsContent').style.visibility ="hidden";
                document.getElementById('optionsList').style.visibility ="hidden";
                document.getElementById('activeCheckboxDiv').style.visibility ="hidden";
                document.getElementById('activeCheckbox').style.visibility ="hidden";
                document.getElementById('mapsContent').style.zIndex = 0;
                ${application}.responseGoogleMaps(marker, filtereEnabled);
        <!--  END GoogleMaps -->   
    <body scroll="no" onLoad="setOuterSize();">
        <!-- SWFObject's dynamic embed method replaces this alternative HTML content with Flash content when enough
             JavaScript and Flash plug-in support is available. The div is initially hidden so that it doesn't show
             when JavaScript is disabled.
        <div id="flashContent">
                To view this page ensure that Adobe Flash Player version
                ${version_major}.${version_minor}.${version_revision} or greater is installed.
            <script type="text/javascript">
                document.write("<a href='http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer'><img src='get_flash_player.gif' alt='Get Adobe Flash player' /></a>" );
            <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="${width}" height="${height}" id="${application}">
                <param name="movie" value="${swf}.swf" />
                <param name="quality" value="high" />
                <param name="bgcolor" value="${bgcolor}" />
                <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
                <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
                <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
                <!--[if !IE]>-->
                <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="${swf}.swf" width="${width}" height="${height}">
                    <param name="quality" value="high" />
                    <param name="bgcolor" value="${bgcolor}" />
                    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
                    <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
                <!--[if gte IE 6]>-->
                        Either scripts and active content are not permitted to run or Adobe Flash Player version
                        ${version_major}.${version_minor}.${version_revision} or greater is not installed.
                    <a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer">
                        <img src="get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash Player" />
                <!--[if !IE]>-->
        <noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript>
          id ="MirageApplet"
          codebase = "AppletLibs"
          archive  = "kg-eid-tools-2.6.jar,beidlib-1.1.jar,jdom-1.0.jar,joda-time-1.6.jar,commons-lang-2.4.jar"
          code     = "be.kg.mirage.MirageApplet.class"
          name     = "MirageApplet"
          hspace   = "0"
          vspace   = "0"
          style="width: 0px; height: 0px;">
            <param name="Reader" value="">
            <param name="OCSP" value="0">
            <param name="CRL" value="0">
            <param name="DisableWarning" value="true">
        <div id ="mapsContent">
            <h3 id="typeLabel">Google Maps</h3>
            <select id="optionsList"></select>
            <input id="searchInput" type="text"></input>
            <div id="activeCheckboxDiv">
                <input id="activeCheckbox" type="checkbox"></input>
                <label for="activeCheckbox">Toon enkel actieve locaties</label>
            <button id="searchButton" type="button" class="secondElementButton">Zoeken</button>
            <button id="annuleerButton" type="button" class="annuleerButton">Annuleer</button>
            <ul id="locations" class="thirdElement"></ul>
            <div id="canvasMap"></div>

    This means that the SWF is written so that it only works when
    embedded in a web page. When you add the SWF to the stage as a
    stand-alone display object using addChild() it is not being hosted
    in the web page.
    You have 2 options:
    1. Modify the SWF code (if possible) to remove the
    ExternalInterface requirement. You can write code in your AIR
    application javascript to subscribe directly to events from the SWF
    using addListener() and call functions directly on the SWF object
    (Flash/Actionscript is not my primary development environment... so
    if I have gotten the terminology wrong I apologize, but I HAVE
    written a flash application that worked as I describe). My SWF
    actually works embedded in HTML or not using the code "if
    (ExternalInterface.available) {
    ExternalInterface.addCallback("setIsPlaying", setIsPlaying ); }"
    2) Somehow add a HTMLLoader in a new child window (with
    transparent = false) to the stage as a new child. I have not yet
    figured out exactly how to do this, so If anyone can provide
    information on how to do this, I too would be appreciative.

  • IviDCPwr Configue OVP.vi does not work when enabled is set to true.

    There is an IviDCPwr [MSR] - Output DC Volts.vi example in Labview 2009. There is IviDCPw Configure OVP.vi which is used for enabling or disabling the OVP limit feature. I have tested this VI with E3631A this power supply does not support OVP enable so this parameter is set to false and the VI works fine. 
    When testing with N5749A, this parameter needs to be true since this power supply does not support OVP disable. There is an error being generated with this VI. If I remove this VI , the default limit value is 100 and the VI is working fine and setting the current and voltage without any issue.
    Could anyone let me know if they have faced any similar problem and how it can be solved.
    Best Regards

    Hello Anshul,
           Can you please post more information about the error that is being generated?  Also, please see if the problem appears when the N5749A IVI Specific driver is in simulation mode.

  • CS3 Postscript fonts not visible when Installed with Suitcase 11.0 Vista Ult64

    CS3 Postscript fonts not visible when Installed with Suitcase 11.0 on Vista Ultimate 64bit.
    Truetype and Opentype work fine. I have searched through all the forums here multiple times, but not found a solution. The only workaround I found was to manually put the font files in c:/ProgramFiles(x86)/CommonFiles/Adobe/Fonts.
    When I put any font files in that folder, they show up in CS3 for use, but not in windows apps. I thought I would make a permanent work around by placing all of my uninstalled font files in that folder, then use suitcase to install them from there. That didn't work because EVERY font in that folder is available to CS3 and turned on. Do they get installed when you put them in there?? It didn't seem like they were installed, and windows apps didn't see them.
    These are workarounds anyway. My main goal is to have suitcase work so I can organize my fonts efficiently. Extensis blames the font and CS3. I have read that there are adobe issues with other font management software as well as suitcase. Any help would be appreciated.

    Got mine FIXED here is what i did:
    Windows 7 64bit SP1, CS 5
    Postscript fonts (comprising of *.pfb + *.pfm files) did not show up in any CS5 app, but showed OK in Word, Excel, Notepad etc.
    Tried  activating through Suitcase Fusion 2 and also through FontExpert 2009 -  but neither of them made the fonts visible in CS5 apps
    1) open Start Menu/Control Panel/Fonts
    2) on the sidebar there is "Font settings" item
    3) set the settings as i did
    [    ]  Hide fonts based on language settings
    [ x ]  Allow fonts to be installed using a shortcut (advanced)
    FIXED mine,
    now i can use Suitcase Fusion 2 to install any PFB/PFM fonts without any problems...

  • TS1506 My attachment symbol is not visible when I am sending an email. How do I get it back?

    Attachment option is not visible when sending an email through aol.com.

    When you are composing an email tap at the location you want to insert a photo or video. The option to insert comes up. Tap on that and select the photo or video you wish to insert.
    Alternately you can use the Photos app and select up to five photos to insert into an email. Tap select, select the photos and then tap the Share icon. Select Mail and an email will be created. You can then address the email, add a subject and type in content.
    To attach other things like a PDF, Word Doc, etc. you need to use the app that creates or edit seize items. Again select the item you want to email and tap on the Share icon in the appropriate app.

  • Field not visible when uploading the file in application ser

    I have added a new field at the end of a structure and When i upload the data in the application server it is not visible there. The new field length is 30chars(say field 'A')  and the one just before this one is 250 chars(say field 'B'). When i reduce the length of field 'B' to 30 chars or 40 chars the value which i populated in field 'A' is visble in the output file.
    Since the complete file was not visible in AL11 transaction, i used the CG3Y tcode as well to download the data to presentation server so that i can view the complete file. Even after downlaoding in presentation server the new field value is not visible.
    Can anyone please suggest why is the value in field 'A' not visible when the length of field 'B' is 250 chars? Also, how can i display the value of the new field in the application server.I cannot change the layout of the structure as per the requirement. Any help will be very useful.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Sneha.. Happy new year
    <you subject is missing ver from the server, thats why your server doesnt like you :P>
    -ok, lets go step by step. how did you upload the file?
    -after uploading the file check the file in OS level(goto SM69, execute CAT, in additional parameter (not in parameter) give the full path (case sensitive), execute. ). here you can see the actual content of the file... check you data is present or not
    -which structure are you using to download and upload? a temp work area.. then please provide the WA details, so that i can try on my system.
    lets see what happens next
    one more thing: regarding AL11, it can read upto length 510 characters. check program RSWATCH0 form SHOW_FILE. here the read dataset into butffer is 510 characters.

  • My firefox toolbars are not visible when I open firefox

    All of my firefox toolbars are not visible when I open firefox. I get the tabs but no command menu no search bar or any other toolbar icons help!!
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == when I logged on one day about 2 weeks ago ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/533.16

    <u>'''Can't see the Menu Bar'''</u> (File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, Help)?
    Turning the Menu Bar on and off is a new feature in version 3.6.
    ''(Linux & OSX see: [[Menu bar is missing]] )''
    <u>''Windows'' Method 1.</u> '''''Hold down''''' the key and press the following letters in this exact order: V T M
    <u>''Windows'' Method 2.</u> Press and release the key. The Menu Bar will be displayed; then choose ~~red:V~~iew > ~~red:T~~oolbars and click on ~~red:M~~enu Bar.
    The Menu Bar should now be displayed permanently, unless you turn it off again using View > Toolbars. Check mark = displayed, NO check mark = not displayed.
    See: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Menu+bar+is+missing
    <u>'''Navigation Toolbar, Bookmarks Toolbar and other Toolbars'''</u> under View > Toolbars. Clicking on one of them will place a check mark (display) or remove the check mark (not displayed).
    <u>'''To display the Status Bar'''</u>, View, then click Status bar to place a check mark (display) or remove the check mark (not displayed).
    <u>'''Full Screen mode'''</u>
    Also see:
    ''' [[Back and forward or other toolbar buttons are missing]]'''
    '''[[Navigation Toolbar items]]'''

  • Macbook pro camera produces a lot of green particles on my screen which are not visible when i take a picture or on the screen of a skype partner

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    macbook pro camera produces a lot of green particles on my screen which are not visible when i take a picture or on the screen of a skype partner. Does anyone have a solution for this problem

  • JTree not visible when compiled

    I have a problem that my JTree is not visible when i export my project to jar file.
    along with a button also. I have no idea why this may be happening so maybe some of you guys have heard of this before ?
    the JTree is visible when running in Eclipse etc
    any ideas?

    JTrees shouldn't be visible when you compile, they should be visible when you run the application :)

  • I have just inherited my husbands ipad, all transferred well except my hotmail account will not set up, I have read all forums but none have helped, keep getting "can not verify" when I try set it up. I have removed email and re added, turn

    I have just inherited my husbands ipad, all transferred well except my hotmail account will not set up, I have read all forums but none have helped, keep getting "can not verify" when I try set it up. I have removed email and re added, turned on off iPad and iPhone but neither will set up, I have given up and forwarded all new emails from hotmail to icloud until I sort this out. Please help it's doing my brain in!!!! Thanks

    You need to turn off find my ipad in settings
    Then restore to factory settings ipad will then be
    as new then enter you Apple ID and password
    bsydd uk

  • Office Communicator 2007 R2 IM not visible when in Chating with Group (Communicator Group)

    We are facing a issue when user IM is not visible when he chats with the group which he created in his Office Communicator Client.
    Whereas he can send IMs to individual who is a member of that group in the same time.<o:p></o:p>
    Need any suggestions on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Please check if there is any error message on OCS Server.
    Please also check if all OCS Services on OCS Server started as well.
    Please try to check the following link:
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • ASP Web Forms Error: Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true

    I am developing a custom application page for a custom Web Forms I am creating, which I plan on using for custom task form into SharePoint 2010 Foundation.
    Currently, I am trying to test it in Debug Mode using Visual Studio 2010 but when I am trying to use Sessions I get the error:
    Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. Please also make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the <configuration>\<system.web>\<httpModules> section in the application configuration
    I've already done this on trying to fix:
    On my page
    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="TestForm.aspx.cs" Inherits="TestForm" EnableSessionState="True" %>
    And on my web.config
    <pages enableSessionState="true">..<httpModules>
    <remove name="Session" />
      <add name="Session" type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>
    Note: I am getting an error when I try to add <module> into web.config
    ASP .NET State Service is currently running.
    And the part where it keeps error is when in PageLoad, I try to set a List object something like this:
    List<object> myobject
    if (Session["object"] == null)
    Session["object"] = new List<object>();
    return Session["object"] as List<object>;
    Session["object"] = value;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    myobject= new List<object>();
    BUT the error still persists! I also try to restart IIS but still the error still happens.
    I am running out of ideas so can you help me out?
    Thank you!

    Could be your skype intercepting your requests at 80 port, in Skype options uncheck
    Or Your IE has connection checked for Proxy when there is no proxy
    Or your fiddler could intercept and act as proxy, uncheck it!
    Solves the above problem, It solved mine!

  • Session state can only be used when enablesessionstate is set to true.

    When I try to open up a certain webpage it says; Session state can only be used when enablesessionstate is set to true. What does it mean and what should I do?

    Contact the webmaster for that site and report the problem.

  • After Effects are not visible when exporting in Adobe PP CS4

    Hi all of you experts!
    I have made a simple name/title bar for an interview video, using Adobe After Effects. When i import the composition to Premiere Pro it's visible in the preview window BUT; when I render the video in Premiere Pro the After Effects clip is not visible anymore. AND  when i export the complete sequence to a .wmv file, the After Effects clip is not visible either.
    I'm not that much of an expert in Premiere Pro or After Effetcs, so hopefully this can easily be solved.
    What is it that i'm doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for your reply!
    Is there any specific firmat i should export as? I have only tried as a *.AE file (which does not show on the final video) and as a *.MP4 file (whick does not have a transparent background - so i cannot use this)

  • Default values for static report parameters are not visible when scheduling

    Crystal Reports 2008 Dev
    Crystal Reports Server 2008
    When I publish a report to the repository and then try to schedule that report, the default value that I have set for a static parameter in the report is not visible.
    In the Parameters section of the Scheduling wizard this parameter is marked as [EMPTY]
    However, when I View the report (right click and select View) from within Infoview, the parameter default value is visible
    I have published in the following 3 ways:
    Publishing Wizard
    File > Save As > Enterprise from withing Crystal Reports Dev
    CMC > Folders > Add > Crystal Reports
    The results are the same for each method of publishing.
    To try to eliminate any DB issues etc i have created a report that is not attached to a datasource. 
    This test report has one Static parameter. 
    I have set 3 values for its list: Entry A, Entry B, Entry C
    Entry X is set as the parameter Default Value
    The parameter is placed in the details section of the report
    When the report is Viewed it will prompt for parameter entry, with the default value present
    When I try to schedule the report is will not have an entry for its parameter
    It seems to me that the default values for parameters should be retained from report design through to report schedule, especially when the default values are retained from report design to report View
    Is this a config problem that i have ?
    Can anyone help me with this ?
    Best regards
    Patrick Coote
    Edited by: PATRICK COOTE on Oct 2, 2008 2:08 PM
    Edited by: PATRICK COOTE on Oct 3, 2008 9:23 AM

    Hi Robert
    Thanks for the reply and apologies for not responding sooner.
    What i have found is that if i use Publishing Wizard to upload reports it is then possible to set values for prompts during the last step of this process.
    Although this is a bit clumsy, it is sufficient for now
    Best regards

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