[FLASH] Pausa en una acción

Hola a todos/as
¿Sabe alguien como puedo hacer una pausa para ejecutar
un MC desde un botón.
Me explico..
Tengo un botón y cuando lo pulso ejecuta el MC demasiado
rápido, hay alguna
forma en actionscript para que al pulsar el botón se
demore un par de
segunds y luego ejecute el MC?????
Gracias de antemano

¿Has probado con: ?
segundos= 10;
espera = function () {
a = setInterval(espera, segundos * 1000);
"yeye" <[email protected]> escribió en el mensaje
news:ge9vff$caj$[email protected]..
> Hola a todos/as
> ¿Sabe alguien como puedo hacer una pausa para
ejecutar un MC desde un
> botón. ?
> Me explico..
> Tengo un botón y cuando lo pulso ejecuta el MC
demasiado rápido, hay
> alguna forma en actionscript para que al pulsar el
botón se demore un par
> de segunds y luego ejecute el MC?????
> Gracias de antemano
> Saludos

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  • Issues with video in Flash (pauses, interactivity, etc)

    Hi. I hope someone can help me out with this.
    I have a rendered video sequence that consists of an intro, a section that is intended to loop indefinitely, and a conclusion.
    The intention is that I bring the three clips into Flash, have the first one play, and when it's done, play the second one, and keep looping it until a button is hit, and then play the third.
    I've got it all set up and coded, but there's a few problems.
    Main one is the pause when the second video returns to its first frame when looping back.
    The structure of the Flash project is:
    Preloader sequence
    Single frame containing a movieclip version of the first video and a this.stop(); code
    (The movie clip of the first footage has code at the end of its timeline telling it to gotoAndPlay("Loop"), which is the label of the next frame after the Intro frame and stop code mentioned above)
    In the next frame ("Loop"), there's about 30 frames or so, with the Loop footage movie clip (as a 30 frame segment with a single keyframe at the start of it), and vector animation of buttons flying in.  At the end of this 30 frames is a this.stop(); code.  So, the timeline plays through, the buttons fly in, and the Loop movie play (and continues to play even after the 30th frame of the main timeline is reached, and the stop is executed).
    The Loop movie clip loops because there is no stop at the end of it's timeline.
    The buttons are coded so that pressing them make the main timeline jump to the Conclusion section (the next frame after the end of the 30 frame Loop section)
    That's how I set it up... I'm sure there's better ways to do it, but that seemed the most logical to me, from what I do know of Flash.  Only big issue is the pause that occurs when the timeline loops back.
    Any way around this?
    (Using Adobe Flash CS3)

    If you have a video embedded into the swf timeline, is it unavoidable that there is a pause when it loops back?
    Why IS there a pause?  It's no like there's a physical read head that has to move, and by the time of the loop, it wouldn't be an issue of it having to download the frames... even IF it weren't preloaded at the start.  So, I'm curious what that pause IS caused by.... (and how to get rid of it, if possible).

  • Simular en flash los botones de Atrás y Siguiente del navegador en una web hecha en flash que carga una pelicula swf por cada apartado

    Hola a todos:
    Necesito simular el boton de Atras y Siguiente del navegador
    en una web
    desarrollada en flash. Me explico: cada vez que pulsamos
    cualquier opción
    del menú de la web, ésta carga distintas
    películas swf, por lo cual no
    podemos movernos a través de los botones del navegador
    Atrás y Siguiente.
    Quisiera de alguna forma que se guardara el itineraria
    seguido por el
    usuario, y poder realizar la misma función que los
    botones de Atrás y
    Siguiente, a través de dos botones de flash.

    Puedes crear dos variables. En una almacenas las
    películas visitadas ordenadas
    de más antigua a más reciente. Creas una
    función que te permita navegar por esos
    registros. Cuando pulses el botón de atrás vas
    cargando en pantalla la penúltima
    visitada (supuestamente estarás en la última). A
    medida que vayas accediendo a
    películas natiguas, vas rellenando la otra variable, que
    será la que te permita
    "ir hacia delante". Algo así como el comportamiento de
    los botones del navegador
    "Juanma González .:. Dep. Creativo Prodigia Consultores
    <[email protected]> escribió en el mensaje
    news:f0sl7p$s4g$[email protected]..
    Hola a todos:
    Necesito simular el boton de Atras y Siguiente del navegador
    en una web
    desarrollada en flash. Me explico: cada vez que pulsamos
    cualquier opción
    del menú de la web, ésta carga distintas
    películas swf, por lo cual no
    podemos movernos a través de los botones del navegador
    Atrás y Siguiente.
    Quisiera de alguna forma que se guardara el itineraria
    seguido por el
    usuario, y poder realizar la misma función que los
    botones de Atrás y
    Siguiente, a través de dos botones de flash.

  • [Flash] hosting para una tienda on line

    Hola. ¿Me podéis decir qué requisitos necesita
    tener un hosting para
    alojar una web que va a tener una tienda on line hecha en
    Muchas gracias

    Flash por sí solo, no es lo suficiente potente para
    implementar un sistema
    de carro de la compra o una tienda on-line. Para ello, los
    que utilizan flash para implementar el front-end (la parte
    visible) de una
    tienda on-line, necesitan programar un back-end (la parte que
    no se ve pero
    donde se realizan todas las operaciones) con un lenguaje de
    programación de
    servidor, que soporte el acceso y consulta a bases de datos.
    lenguajes, los más usados, son ASP, ASP.net, PHP, o
    ColdFusion (CFM), deben
    estar instalados en el hosting donde se vaya a implementar la
    tienda on
    line, entre otros requerimientos. (explicándolo
    Cuando contratas un hosting preparado para aplicaciones (por
    ejemplo Linux),
    por regla general, ya te dan instalada una versión del
    servidor (Apache) un
    lenguaje de servidor para programar tus propias aplicaciones
    (PHP) y la
    posibilidad de crear bases de datos (en nuestro ejemplo,
    bases de datos
    MySQL, gestionables desde otra aplicación, también
    por regla general
    previamente instalada). Una vez tenemos contratado todo esto,
    configurar nuestra aplicación de tienda virtual
    programada en el lenguaje de
    servidor, a que realice conexiones con la base de datos que
    le da soporte,
    que previemente hemos creado en nuestro hosting, dando una
    serie de
    parámetros de seguridad, entre los que se encuentra el
    usuario de la base de
    datos, una contraseña...
    En fin es un proceso un poco enrevesado, pero que una vez te
    introduces en
    ese mundillo, se vuelve más entendible.
    "Naranja" <[email protected]> escribió en el
    news:[email protected]...
    > Muchas gracias Francisco. No hay ningún requisito
    especial ¿no? Es que me
    > están programando una web con una tienda on line y
    me dicen que mi hosting
    > (Arsys) no da servicio para tiendas on line en Flash y
    que debo pasarme a
    > su servidor.
    > ¿Es verdad que dentro de servidores distintos
    (supongamos php) habría que
    > ajustar la programación a cada uno de ellos?
    > Muchas gracias

  • [FLASH] Como ampliar una imagen asi...

    Buenos dias,
    Alguien sabria decirme como se puede conseguir lo q realiza
    esta pagina
    Esto es, unicamente teniendo la imagen q de primeras se ve en
    temporales de internet, al clickar sobre esta se realiza una
    ampliacion de
    la zona misma hasta por 3 veces sin perdida de calidad y sin
    dejar nuevos
    jpgs entre los temporales.

    Esta es la URI correcta
    Buenos dias,
    Alguien sabria decirme como se puede conseguir lo q realiza
    esta pagina
    Esto es, unicamente teniendo la imagen q de primeras se ve en
    temporales de internet, al clickar sobre esta se realiza una
    ampliacion de
    la zona misma hasta por 3 veces sin perdida de calidad y sin
    dejar nuevos
    jpgs entre los temporales.

  • I have one flash pause and 4 flash red light.

    The blackberry will not turn on. I have it plug it into my laptop and it will not recognize it. The screen stays black. I have tried running jl_cmder v1.9.3. It just comes up with a black screen and it goes away. I'm running Windows XP. Any help that would be great. Thanks

    Please see the troubleshooting guide at the link below.
    There is a section that explains the beep codes and the suggested course of action to repair.

  • (Flash): Mostrar animaci�n una vez

    Tengo esta pregunta sencilla, en realidad, nunca
    necesit� hacerlo y por eso
    desconozco c�mo se hace. Lo que necesito es que mi
    animaci�n de Flash se
    ejecute una vez y que al final quede parada en un determinado
    fotograma y no
    vuelva a comenzar.
    �C�mo se hace?
    Muchas gracias.

    es simple, en el fotograma que quieras que se detenga tu
    pel�cula, creas un
    fotograma clave y le asignas la acci�n "stop".
    Saludos, espero que sea lo que buscas.
    "Federico Ezequiel" <[email protected]>
    escribi� en el mensaje
    news:e6f41q$7il$[email protected]..
    > Hola:
    > Tengo esta pregunta sencilla, en realidad, nunca
    necesit� hacerlo y por
    > eso
    > desconozco c�mo se hace. Lo que necesito es que
    mi animaci�n de Flash se
    > ejecute una vez y que al final quede parada en un
    determinado fotograma y
    > no
    > vuelva a comenzar.
    > �C�mo se hace?
    > Muchas gracias.
    > Ezequiel

  • Flash pauses when wiewing other tabs

    flash pauses when wiewing other tabs, i always multitask when on the interenet, i'll be playing games on facebook while email and other stuff, yet since, when i can to another tab flash pauses therefore making my internet experience take longer to do the things i normal do, flash should be allow to carry on whille i wiew other pages as some games on facebook and website take ages to do oe watch what i need therefore i passed to time on other website and not if i want to play games on facebook i gotta stay on that page to complette the action which on most occasion can take upto 5MINS SO STOP PAUSE FLASH WHEN I'M NO LONGER ON THE WEBSITE IT COMPLETE RUIN MY INTERNET EXPERENCE!!!!
    win 7 64bit
    ie9 32bit
    Message was edited by: JC001984

    Hi BlueSplash, What tslocum10 posted should take care of your problem. If it doesn't, then Chris Campbell of the Flash Player Team has posted a thread with some information that may be helpful to you. This thread is not to be used to comment on, just for info.

  • No puedo agregar una imagen en Flash

    Buenos dias,
    Estoy intentando agregar una imagen en flash CS5, de una animación que dias antes habia realizado y me aparece esto:
    Alguien me puede ayudar con esto!

    El dilema es que tipo de imágenes estas utilizando? solo te sucede en ese documento o es una constante en el programa? creo que hay muy poca información para poder ayudar

  • Mouse won't connect, 2 flashes

    Anyone know what it means when the mouse flashes twice, pause, twice etc?
    My Apple BT mouse has worked flawlwssly with my 12" PB for 2+ years, now all of a sudden it refuses to connect - new batteries, on-off, clicky click click, the most i can get out of it is occasionally it looks like it's connected for a second then the PB says 'connection lost' and it goes back to the 2 flashes, pause, 2 flashes. The problems happen to coincide with setting up a BT headset on the machine last week, but would that really cause an issue? Thanks in advance for any suggestions...

    Hello niccas:
    Since the only variable seems to be the BT headset, I suspect you have identified the cause of your connection problem. This Apple help information explains that the blinking pattern indicates the mouse is discoverable:

  • Can`t make it start, continuously flashing led

    Hi, I have a Power Mac g5 2.0ghz with 4 memory slots. Sudenly I can`t make it start. I get continuosly flashing led without hearing the start bep.
    I try:
    1) changing the ram
    2) changing video card
    3) reset PRAM
    4) reset SMC
    5) cleaning the Ram with rubber
    6) using a hairdryer in the motherboard
    7) disconnecting the CD Player and Hard Drive
    Some times (1 in 20) I can get the machine to start, but when I turn it off it does the same and I get the flashing led.
    Power light status
    What it means
    On and solid
    Computer is on and running
    2 flashes, pause
    No memory (RAM) is installed
    3 flashes, pause
    Incompatible memory (RAM) is installed
    4 flashes, pause
    No good DIMM banks detected
    5 or 6 flashes, pause
    Contact Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider
    I should contact a service?????

    I should contact a service?????
    Hello, sadly Apple no longer works on G5s, nor has any parts, you might find an independant AASP that might in your area.
    If you're sure the RAM is good, try the Hair Dryer trick...
    No power light at all...
    It can show on any G5, and even many other computers & electronic devices of the period.
    And see this last one in particular...
    Heat gun better...

  • Flash Streaming Payment

    I have an application where I need to be able to serve flash
    video to the client. But in this case I need either the server
    streaming the flash, or the client receiving the flash to stop
    playing when a user runs out of viewing minutes. And obviosly take
    away viewing minutes (kept track of in a SQL database) as he views
    the videos.
    I'm not looking for some sort of completely integrated
    package with an admin, billing modules, etc. I'm just interested in
    the streaming of the flash video by the server and receiving by the
    client, and then being able to control how much is viewed per
    Essentially I need to stream training video to a client
    remotely, and the user pays for this video per minute of use. I'm
    building a CF application to handle this but can't seem to find an
    answer to how to bill the user per minute as he watches the video.
    Any pointers or ideas are appreciated!

    well you can track time in flash, but i wouldnt do it cause
    flash tracks time locally off the users machine, and most people
    can screw with the clock, or dont have it set correctly etc. a
    world of problems trust me.
    track the time useing server side code, CF or PHP whatever
    you like. then you can send the "time" as a varialbe to flash and
    just have a simple if statement checking to see if the time is up,
    and use the variable as a "start time" and track in flash from
    there, like when the video starts flash gets the current time from
    CF and starts counting, if the user stops the video, flash pauses
    the timeing.
    then when done flash can send out the elapsed time to CF do a
    calculation and drop it into the DB.
    as for the flash video, it is really very simple.
    here is a link to a great tutorial >

  • Flash CS3 quitting on editing from Dreamweaver

    > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader
    does not understand
    this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
    Content-type: text/plain;
    Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit
    When I edit a Flash CS3 document from Dreamweaver CS 3 on a
    Mac it jumps
    into Flash as normal. When I do the changes and click
    ŒDone¹ it jumps back
    to Dreamweaver as it should do but then Flash quits. (a
    normal quit and not
    a crash by the way)
    Is there a way of stopping Flash from quitting after doing a
    change as
    restarting the app every time to do another change is
    Content-type: text/html;
    Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
    <TITLE>Flash CS3 quitting on editing from
    <FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN
    When I edit a Flash CS3 document from Dreamweaver CS 3 on a
    Mac it jumps in=
    to Flash as normal. When I do the changes and click
    &#8216;Done&#8217; it ju=
    mps back to Dreamweaver as it should do but then Flash quits.
    (a normal quit=
    and not a crash by the way)<BR>
    Is there a way of stopping Flash from quitting after doing a
    change as rest=
    arting the app every time to do another change is

    OK, I have wiped the larger drive and done a complete reinstall of OSX (and updates) and reinstalled all applications on it, so I now have:
    Main Drive (OS and apps.): 465GB, with 430GB of free space
    2nd Drive (scratch disk): 149GB, with 66GB of free space
    RAM (I've added 2 more GBs): 5GB
    But the problem with Flash pausing when I go back to it from another application is exactly as it was before I upgraded anything.
    Is it possible this is a Finder problem? - as I also have a problem bringing up Finder by clicking on the desktop background if I am in another application - it just won't work, and I am forced to select Finder from the dock.

  • [FLA] Visor  Similar  a Flash Paper

    Buen dia amigos, resulta que ando en la busqeda de un
    componente o
    visor que permita tener las mismas opciones de flash paper,
    lastimosamente no he logrado de ninguna forma enviar mensajes
    de flash
    paper a lingo para controlar unos elementos desde director.
    cualquier link que me sirviera de ayuda para solucionar mi
    problema. un

    Existen algunas alternativas a Flash Paper. Una de ellas es
    http://www.swftools.org/, que
    es un conjunto de aplicaciones que, entre
    otras cosas muy útiles, tiene una utilidad que te
    convierte de PDF a SWF.
    También hay un par de aplicaciones que te convierten de
    PDF a SWF
    Son aplicaciones que te convierten tus docuemntos PDF en una
    Paginada de Flash, rollo Flip page.
    Pero no se si nada de esto te puede servir para conectar con
    "mutantexx" <[email protected]> escribió en el
    news:evmpau$pb1$[email protected]..
    > Buen dia amigos, resulta que ando en la busqeda de un
    componente o
    > visor que permita tener las mismas opciones de flash
    paper, pues
    > lastimosamente no he logrado de ninguna forma enviar
    mensajes de flash
    > paper a lingo para controlar unos elementos desde
    > agradeceria cualquier link que me sirviera de ayuda para
    solucionar mi
    > problema. un

  • UC 320 - Call Conf Call Xfer; Hook Flash

    Need to perform a "Call Conf Call Xfer" when inbound caller selects an option that dials an external number.  I cannot afford to tie up two lines.  This is a small office phone system solution and needs to support the needs of a small business.
    At the very least the support for dial strings within Ext dial boxes.
    Example:    ! = Hook/flash    , = pause     H = Hangup
    Call comes into AutoAttendent.  Caller chooses 1 which calls dials external number.
    Dial string looks like this.    !,,800number,,!,H
    this would hook flash the line,  Pause, dial the number, Pause to wait for dialing, hook flash back to orginal caller (conf), wait to ensure call is connected, hang up.
    Doesn't make sense that you have to use a 2nd line.  15 and 20 year old phone system support this, but Cisco can't get their heads out of the sand and reconize the importance here.
    With all the business that have calls routed to call centers or answering services for after hours calls this would be welcome feature/fix.
    Here's my main beef.  Let's say you have a business that forwards calls to an answering service after hours.  I have 4 FXO lines.
    Call one comes in and is routed to the answering service on line 2, then a 2nd call comes in on line 3, and that call is rounted to the answering service on line 4. 
    Better yet....  Business has 4 FX0 lines.  During business hours calls are coming in all the time.   Auto Attendent picks up.  Caller hears, "To make a payment by CC press 1".   UC 320 transfers the call to the external number of the CC payment company.  Again 2 of the 4 lines are used.   To make matters worse,  the 4th line is a DiD only to the business owner and isn't part of the normal business line options.  So really once the first call comes in and wants to pay by cc that's the only customer that can.
    I can go on and on about why this feature is needed, but I think you get the point.

    here you go
    I am plugged into fa0/1/0, a second or two after I plug in I loose the link light
    We have another UC 540 on the same subent, I am plugged into a POE trunked switcch port on a cisco ESW-540-24p, the switch is not reporting any errors....
    Thanks for any help
    UC540#show inventory
    NAME: "UC540W-FXO-K9 Chassis", DESCR: "UC540W-FXO-K9 Chassis"
    PID: UC540W-FXO-K9     , VID: V01, SN: FGL174721CZ
    Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Prot                               ocol
    In0/0                   YES unset  up                    up                                
    Vlan1               YES manual up                    down                              
    NVI0                    YES unset  up                    up                                
    BVI100                   YES NVRAM  up                    up                                
    Loopback0               YES NVRAM  up                    up 

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