Flash problem in IE6

I've used this code for inserting a flash animation into a APEX 3.01 application and displays fine in firefox but shows the flash control in IE and says movie not loaded.
Any ideas?
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0"
width="400" height="200" id="stage1" align="" >
<param name=movie value="stage1.swf"><param name=quality value=high>
<embed src="/i/flash/stage1.swf?clickTAG=f?p=&APP_ID.:9:&SESSION.::NO::" quality=high width="400" height="200" name="stage1" align=""
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">

Fixed it myself using:
<object clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload. macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,16,0"
width="400" height="200" id="stage1" align="" >
<param name=movie value="stage1.swf"><param name=quality value=high>
<embed src="/i/flash/stage1.swf?clickTAG=f?p=&APP_ID.:9:&SESSION.::NO::" quality=high width="400" height="200" name="stage1" align=""
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">

Similar Messages

  • Flash problem in IE6 with SP2

    I am using the Windows XP operating system with IE6 and SP2
    installed. I have created a site by using Macromedia Dreamweaver
    and Flash. When I open the site I am seeing the outline around the
    flash files. This also happens incase of mouse over event.
    Where as, the same thing is working fine on other systems
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    Please let me know, how I can get rid of this problem.
    Thanks -

    you really need to simply search the forum or google - been
    discussed tons of times - just scan with
    your eyes the subjects here - yesterday we saw a handful of
    --> Adobe Certified Expert (ACE)
    --> www.mudbubble.com :: www.keyframer.com
    maaya wrote:
    > I am using the Windows XP operating system with IE6 and
    SP2 installed. I have
    > created a site by using Macromedia Dreamweaver and
    Flash. When I open the site
    > I am seeing the outline around the flash files. This
    also happens incase of
    > mouse over event.
    > Please let me know, how I can get rid of this problem.
    > Thanks -
    > Praveen

  • Flash problem persists after 6 months...does this new information help?

    Hi All!
    I posted my problem almost 6 months ago, (I'll paste some of the info below to bring you up to date), but I STILL can't access only FOUR sites because I get a "Plugin file is missing" error, (after my previous post I found 2 other sites).  I've been trying to solve this problem off & on, but I got more dedicated the other day because I'll be needing access to these sites very soon.  I found some new information today that I hope will solve this awful problem; however, since I'm not very technically inclined I know I have to ask a "Flash Expert", so here goes....
    I run Windows 8 & I use Mozilla exclusively.  I updated Flash the other day to version & I wanted to make sure the plugins had been updated, so I opened the "Flash Player Settings Manager" & under the "Advanced" tab it lists:
                                            NPAPI Plugin Version
                                            PPAPI Plugin Version Not installed
    Is it significant that the PPAPI Plugin is "Not installed", or does Mozilla only require the NPAPI plugin? 
    My second question regards the installation of Flash.  I know that when a program is problematic, it sometimes helps to uninstall & reinstall it...I recently had a game that went nuts & that's the procedure I had to do.  Also, someone on Mozilla's forum said they were having a Flash issue & they went to your site & downloaded the .exe AND the .msi Installers from the Distribution Page, then manually installed them & their problem was resolved.  Would this help me resolve MY Flash problem?  If you think it's worth a try, do I have to uninstall Flash first?
    Well, that's all the new info I have.  I have to figure this out before December because that's when the nest-cam comes back on...I really have to get this problem fixed!  I'll paste my previous post below, but I hope the uninstall/reinstall method will be the answer!
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    Best Regards,
    Here's my previous post:
    Flash does NOT work on some sites, but works fine on all others in Using Flash Player
    I watch several wildlife nest-cams every day running Windows 8 using Firefox 29.0.1, but yesterday morning, (after I'd already watched the 6 cams I view every day), I started getting a solid, black screen with, "Error loading plugin: Plugin file not found", on TWO of these sites.
    My attempts to resolve the problem were:
    1.  Checked all the other web-cam sites I view daily, and there's only a problem on 2 of them.
    2.  Went to You Tube, Facebook & other similar sites and I can view streaming media.
    3.  Refreshed pages-when that didn't help, I closed & reopened Firefox & still 2 sites with "plugin loading error"
    4.  Completely shut-down my laptop & rebooted.
    5.  Did "System Restore" to earlier in the day when ALL web-cam sites were working.
    6.  Went to Adobe Flash site & verified that I had the most current version...I do, & I saw the animations on Flash site.
    7.  Verified my Flash Plugins in Firefox...AGAIN...they're all activated & up-to-date
    8.  Checked & re-checked ALL the web-cam sites I view every day, (for, at least the 10th time), and the
         same 2 sites are still showing the "Error loading plugin: Plugin file not found" on a black screen.  Even
         though the video isn't seen the "chat" area is functioning, (I don't know if that's important, but I
         thought I should mention it).
    9.  I posted the issue on Firefox's Forum but no one has an answer since Flash works everywhere except
         for 2 sites.
    I've tried everything I can think of to troubleshoot this, but as you can see, I've had no success in solving this "mystery".
    As for the 2 sites I can't view, they are: 
                                        http://www.pixcontroller.com/eagles/    And
    I've been watching these sites for MONTHS, so why I can't view them all of a sudden, well, I'm clueless, (I guess you already figured that out...ha ha ha).  I was watching the 2 sites listed above early yesterday morning, then when I looked at one of the other cams I view and came back to these 2 sites, I got the "error message".
    I hope you have a solution for me, as I'm desperate!  I'm WAY behind in my documentation for these 2 sites, so hopefully you'll have an easy answer.  If it's a technical thing, please use LOTS of details, as I'm not very technically inclined.
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    Best Regards,
    P.S.  I just checked on another site that offers many different wildlife cams, & I CAN view the "Pittsburgh Bald Eagles" if I go through: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/pittsburgh-bald-eagles    I'm sure this means something, but since I don't understand this technical stuff I don't know what that is!  (I told you I'm clueless!) 

    I definitely see a problem with the pixcontroller/eagles site on Windows 8.1.  It works fine for me in the same version of Firefox on Windows 7.  It's unclear to me whether it's a Firefox or a Flash Player issue, but I'm happy to look into it further and get some bugs filed.
    As a temporary workaround, both sites work fine with Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

  • Flash problem after software update (on 10.6.8)

    I'm having flash problems on *some* macs after one of the recent software updates (june 2012). 
    On my school's 10 iMac's (2010), I can't play flash games anymore *in safari*.  Chrome is ok.
    An example site, is http://www.barryfunenglish.com/games.php (select any game)
    But on my school's 6 MacBook Pro's, I can - both safari and chrome.
    It was working 2 weeks ago on all computers.
    I'm using Software Update server from our server to update all the macs, so it's possible there was an update problem.
    Why is flash missing on the 10 imacs safari?  But not on the macbook pros?

    AppleJason wrote:
    so did Apple uninstall flash on safari with it's latest update?  do you know the reason?
    Yes, it was blacklisted by Adobe for security vulnerabilities. OS X now checks to make certain you are running a safe version and disables it if you aren't.
    With the latest update, you now have the option of having Adobe doing a "Silent Update" in the background without your having to do anything. I would recommend you implement it.

  • Problems with ie6

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    this occur with all buttons or submitted value of checkbox for example
    i have ie version : 6.0.2900.2180.xsp_sp2_qfe.070227-2300

    In addition to what Elizabeth said, you have a ton of HTML errors of bad tags and other issues which could cause serious issues in the way your site is viewed and functions:
    Your CSS is fairly valid.  Only one problem.  Anything element that is floated MUST have a width declared to be valid:

  • Firefox not helping with Flash problem

    Ok, so, I'm getting really irritated with Flash. I talked to
    a friend who was having flash problems and they said they
    downloaded Firefox and it fixed the problem. Well, after doing
    EVERYTHING else first, I thought, what the heck, maybe it might
    actually work. So I downloaded and installed Firefox. Ok, that
    installed perfectly fine. So I used Firefox to download Flash 9. I
    thought all was going to work out, because Firefox didn't just
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    "Agree and download now" button on the download page. It actually
    downloaded and "said" it installed correctly. But I still can't
    play ANYTHING no Youtube STILL!! I go to youtube on Firefox and
    aperently it doesn't regonize any Flash on my computer. I go to
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    Flash. I tried rebooting the computer. I tried uninstalling and
    installing it AGAIN. What the F is the problem? I've made sure all
    my AxtiveX controlls are set to whatever thry need to be, my
    Shockwave is updated, my security is not interfearing. I'm getting
    really pissed. I've been trying to fix this problem for months
    now!! What else could be going wrong?? Is there something I haven't
    tried yet? Do I just need to get a new F-ing computer? Someone

    Well the first thing you need to understand is this...
    Flash Player for Windows Internet Explorer is an ActiveX
    Flash Player for Windows for ALL other browsers is a plugin.
    They do the same thing ultimately, but they're separate
    downloads and on your machine they're actually seperate bits of
    So the reason that so many people have success with Firefox
    is that the Flash Player plugin seldom has install failures. But
    for IE Windows users the Flash Player activex control often has
    permission-related install failures that cause these kind of
    issues. It's unfortunate, but very, very complex and we've been
    fighting it for a long time.
    So the thing to remember is that when you're talking about
    Firefox, you're not dealing with ActiveX controls in ANY way.
    So here's the question.. When you launch JUST Firefox, and go
    to this page, what do you see?
    Bentley Wolfe
    Senior Support Engineer, Flash/Flash Player/Digital Editions

  • Flash problem in IE - not the usual one.

    I am new to the game here. I've created some pages that use a
    Flash video player. The user can click on a list of available
    videos (XML generated), and the video will load in the player and
    Works fine in IE and Safari on Mac.
    Works terrible in Firefox on Mac and Windows (seems to need
    to buffer for a long time before play starts - longer than the
    specified buffer time).
    In IE for Windows - videos play fine and load fast. but -
    activating a video seems to "lock out" the rest of the page -
    rendering the ability to click through to other links not possible.
    Eventually, if i smash around enough, i can get a link to work -
    but its a terrible experience. This doesn't seem to be the "usual"
    Flash problem in IE (ie click to activate) - but I'm new - so this
    may be a related issue?
    Help??? I don't even know where to begin.
    thank you in advance.

    Try changing the line:
    td { }
    in your CSS file 'basic.css' to:
    td { vertical-align: top; }
    This will align all table cells on your web site to the top.

  • Explorer 7 + vista ultimate+ flash problem

    I have just intalled vista ultimate and I have a serious
    problem with explorer 7 and pages with flash contains. Each time i
    go through a flash contain with my mouse pointer the flash contains
    starts to " flash" like crazy!!!
    Do you why? is a a display problem, flash problem (version
    Thanks in advance!!

    Hi Mush25-
    I had to step back from this and take a different approach.
    While tossin' down some aspirins, I worked on my other niece's
    laptop to upgrade to FP10 and troubleshoot. Identical to T2, but
    with more Yahoo stuff: homepage, toolbar, chat, etc.. Turns out she
    had already done it via Adobe yes/no prompt. No issues, everything
    works OK. She said it only took a few minutes. I checked it out and
    checked the settings, it's OK. Go figure.....
    So, I will approach this as a problem with Manual
    Downloading, which you and I did (not sure about Morac).
    The HP desktop? We don't normally use IE7 on it, as it is AOL
    Dial-up only, so few/no cookie issues on IE7. I kicked in IE7 and
    FP10 worked OK. Well, as OK as dial-up video can be....
    OK- a question for ya, this will tell me if I'm on the right
    track: On your first FP10 upgrade, did you FIRST uninstall FP9, or
    download/install OVER FP9? Please answer honestly....no judgements
    I didn't uninstall first- I admit it! I never do for Adobe
    and Java, as I want to make sure the new version/upgrade works OK
    before losing the old. I was on the old dial-up for too long, I
    guess. There are exceptions, of course, like AVG.
    Let me know.

  • Do I need to drop Mozilla since they can't seem to solve the Adobe Flash problem?

    I have followed every step suggested to fix Adobe Flash crashing problem. Is the real solution to just drop Mozilla and switch to Chrome? Seem Adobe Flash works just fine there...

    By the way, it would be useful if you could mention which settings you have changed. The headline suggestions for working around Flash problems usually include the following:
    (1) Disable protected mode (Win Vista and Win 7 only)
    See this support article from Adobe under the heading "Last Resort": [http://forums.adobe.com/message/4468493#TemporaryWorkaround Adobe Forums: How do I troubleshoot Flash Player's protected mode for Firefox?]
    (2) Disable hardware graphics acceleration in Firefox and in Flash
    (A) In Firefox, un-check the box here and restart:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Options > Advanced > General > "Use hardware acceleration when available"
    (B) In Flash, see this support article from Adobe: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/video-playback-issues.html#main_Solve_video_playback_issues
    (3) Check for and resolve conflicts with Firefox add-ons (e.g., using Safe Mode or a clean profile)
    (4) For display issues with scrolling, disable Smooth Scrolling and Autoscrolling here:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Options > Advanced > General


    Okay, this is my first Post to an Apple Discussion Forum of any sort.
    I've been using Mac OS X (Tiger) for a few years now, and had switched to Safari from Mozilla Firefox. No probs w/ Safari as of 3.2.3 I think it was, but now that I've upgraded to Safari 4, I've got a problem where it seems to lock up. A page will seem to have a status of "Loading ..." indefinitely, and hitting the "X" next to the word "Loading" to stop the loading, or clicking on a Bookmark Menu button, or anything of that sort doesn't work. The page just doesn't load, or will eventually start to load some stuff super slowly. You can go in to Safari's menu options though.
    I've seemed to isolate it to a Flash problem.
    I've uninstalled Flash (the latest version from Adobe), re-installed, repaired Permissions, and many other things that I've read in similar Posts, to no resolution.
    Sites will actually load fast, and Safari seems to work if Flash plug-ins are moved from the Library>Internet Plug-ins folder (to the Disabled Plug-ins folder for example)... until you are on a site that uses Flash, where you'll get an error about not having plug-in for that application/MIME type (ie www.hulu.com).
    At this point I'd be happy to uninstall Safari 4, and re-install Safari 3. I've downloaded both .DMG's, because another Post suggested the Safari 4 .DMG would also include the Uninstaller. I only have the Install package though.
    I guess I'm asking for either an answer to ...
    A) Where can I find the Safari 4 Uninstaller (yet maybe not lose bookmarks) so I can re-install Safari 3? ... or
    B) Does anybody know of an effective way to resolve the Flash issue?
    Thanks in advance for replies/suggestions!

    Your experience sounds much like mine. There is a thread under my post named "Safari and Flash Player." Unfortunately, I have gotten no other suggestions in my thread, likewise doing everything you did to no avail. Unlike radbrad, I am having no apparent issues with JavaScript. Like IdidLikeSafari, I have been able to isolate the conflict to Flash: disabling that plugin alone prevents the hang-up. The curious thing for me is how site specific it is: I can run Flash content on lots of sites, and everything shows successful on Adobe's player test without any loading issues. I have reported to Apple. Adobe's bug report appears to work differently from Apple's, requiring an Adobe account I have not created. Perhaps this issue should be reported to Adobe as well, but for me there were absolutely no issues until Safari 4. Just like IdidLikeSafari, I had no issues at all under 3.2.3. So it appears the fault must be caused by Safari 4 somehow.
    I don't know if you saw the thread about the hard-disk renaming workaround. I tried it, and it did not work for me. But since it is so simple and harmless, you might as well see if it works if you haven't tried it yet. I'm sorry that I can't remember the name of that thread, though.

  • Y40-80 Volume/Sound and Screen Flashing Problem

    Hey guys, I'm having an issue with my new Y40-80. The volume will sometimes noticeably decrease and then randomly go back to normal. I have installed the relevant audio driver from Lenovo as well as completely updated my laptop through Windows Update. I have also done a complete system restore, but to no avail. I also get a hissing noise when using my earphones, which is normal, I got it on my last laptop as well, but the thing is, the hiss also comes and goes. If there are no souds playing, then the hiss is gone, but right before I click something that is going to play a sound, like a song, for example, the hiss comes back, but if I pause the song, the hiss remains for a few seconds before going away and being completely silent again. Perhaps I received a bad audio card? I also have an issue where my screen will sometimes quickly flash pure white or some distorted image of whats being displayed. I have only had this issue while playing this online game called League of Legends. I have also installed both the relavant AMD and Intel VGA drivers from Lenovo and my laptop is completely up to date. Any help is apprecitated. I really like the laptop, but these issues are annoying and are making me wonder if I have received a defective unit. Thanks!

    Well, I seem to have found a solution myself. Posting it here in case someone comes across the same issue. Instead of downloading the Realtek audio driver from Lenovo's website, I downloaded the appopriate one from Realtek's website. Here: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false I believe the audio driver that comes preinstalled is the same as the one on Lenovo's website and I don't think it's for a Windows 8.1 but is instead an old driver for 64 bit Vista.  Also, for the screen flashing problem that I was encountering while playing League of Legends, I believe I've also found a solution. Instead of downloading the AMD driver from Lenovo's website, I also recommend going straight to AMD's website and downloading the appropriate driver there. I tried using their auto-detect utility but the issue persisted. I went to AMD's website again and this time manually searched for a driver and came across a beta driver and so far so good.  

  • Flash player and IE6 problem

    I have a problem that occurs with IE6 when a user clicks on a
    button within a flash player (Flash player file being generated by
    Captivate 1.0).
    The user is asked to click on some button on the .swf file
    begin displayed in the player.
    Should only be one click (standard left click of the mouse
    button) on the button.
    Our users are having to click twice, but only if the button
    is in the first frame.
    Also I have noticed that the movie jumps up a couple of
    pixels when the user first clicks the play button when using the
    embeded Captivate player control.
    WHY??? anybody have any suggestions of how to correct
    Anthony Jackman
    TEKsystems Inc.
    Multimedia Developer
    [email protected]
    Windows XP Pro
    IE 6.0.29
    Flash player 7.0 r19
    Captivate 1.01.1418

    "you should have NO problems finding out the issue" :p
    sorry for typo.
    Chris Georgenes wrote:
    > go here:
    > type "activate control" in search.
    > 290 previous threads.
    > This is discussed daily here - in fact as recent as
    within the last 1/2
    > our - you should have problems finding out the issue. In
    short, it's an
    > Eolas patent lawsuit that MS lost, requiring all active
    content in
    > latest version of IE to be activate forst by the user
    before they can
    > interact with it.
    > ******************************************
    > --> **Adobe Certified Expert**
    > --> www.mudbubble.com
    > --> www.keyframer.com
    > AMTCS_GOD wrote:
    >> I have a problem that occurs with IE6 when a user
    clicks on a button
    >> within a flash player (Flash player file being
    generated by Captivate
    >> 1.0). The user is asked to click on some button on
    the .swf
    >> file begin displayed in the player.
    >> Should only be one click (standard left click of the
    >> button) on the button.
    >> Our users are having to click twice, but only if the
    >> is in the first frame. Also I have noticed that the
    >> jumps up a couple of pixels when the user first
    clicks the play button
    >> when using the embeded Captivate player control.
    >> WHY??? anybody have any suggestions of how to
    >> this???
    >> r/
    >> Anthony Jackman
    >> TEKsystems Inc.
    >> Multimedia Developer
    >> [email protected]
    >> Windows XP Pro
    >> IE 6.0.29
    >> Flash player 7.0 r19
    >> Captivate 1.01.1418

  • Flash problems with Win2KPro/IE6, Firefox not as bad

    I'm not sure whether it's the installation, the operating system, both, or if the update to the latest Flash isn't designed for either, but I'm having massive slowdowns and even freezes for as long as 30-60 seconds - some times, it doesn't come back at all and I'm forced to shut it down through the Task Manager.  Seems advertisements, menus (like on Yahoo), and such are using some form of Flash for everything and it's causing serious issues with my system.  Even Firefox, which I rarely use, takes time loading Adobe web pages and hangs near the end.
    If Flash 9 is more suited to my set-up or if the kinks haven't been ironed out, I'd like to know, since I can't do squat on any website without some form installed and I'm definitely not going to leave things the way they are now.  I need a solution that doesn't involve spending $2K I don't have for another computer just to do mundane tasks.  Also, is it possible to at least do a check when installing and give the choice?

    I wish that worked :[
    I forgot to add that I am also using Norton Antivirus 2005. I already went to the Personal Firewall settings and I configured it to permit all adobe programs.

  • Show/Hide Divs Problem in IE6

    Hello, and thanks for taking a look at this.
    I have inherited a web site which isn't performing very well in IE6, more details later. The setup is as follows:
    The website delivers training content. The design is such that there are no scrollbars, all Lesson content is laid out carefully within a 'page' area and the user clicks a Next or Previous button to page through the content.
    Each Lesson is a single HTML file which is designed and edited in Dreamweaver CS5. All the Lesson pages are based upon a single Template file which defines the common functionality. The Lesson content is basically a series of Divs, a Div for each 'page' of content and each have a unique id (for example 'page2'). Each Div has a CSS Class which defines the 'display' property. The CSS Classes are as follows:
         display: inline;
    Initially the first Div in the Lesson is set to .showDiv and all of the following Divs are set to .hideDiv.
    The navigation is designed in Flash and the Next and Previous buttons are situated below the content area. When clicked a Javascript function is called, from a Javascript file referenced by the Lesson HTML page. The javascript function is as follows:
    function hideShow(hideDiv, showDiv){
              document.getElementById(hideDiv).className = "hideDiv clear";
         document.getElementById(showDiv).className = "showDiv clear";
    It has to be said that everything works. There is further code which accounts for reaching the last page or trying to click previous on the first page etc, but this is the core principal.
    Our problem is that our users have to use IE6 and when viewing the website in IE6 it is much slower than in say IE8 or Safari etc. We have noticed that as the number of pages (Divs) in a Lesson increases so the performance decreases. Crucially we notice that as you click Next, or previous, the browser Status Bar indicates that all of the images in the Lesson are being downloaded. Every time you click Next or Previous!
    If anyone can either assist in preventing all of the images constantly downloading, or suggest an alternative approach to paging through the content I would be extremely grateful.

    Hello Murray
    Thanks for going to the trouble of creating the little test site.
    Other browsers appear to load the pages much quicker. This may be because they are able to more inteligently handle our code, I don't know. Safari on our Macs zooms through it.
    In IE6 if I open a large Lesson and click next I see, at the bottom of the screen in the Status Bar, "(21 items remaining)" and then "(20 items remaining)" etc. which counts down and then disappears. Interestingly if the next screen happens to display the same image this does not happen, just the message "Done". If the next screen has a different image then the count down from "(21 items remaining)" again as all the linked resources (I presume) are downloaded.
    I have opened your site in IE6 (Windows XP Pro) and I don't see the message. However the image is so small that I may not because it is so fast to load.
    It may be related to how IE6 handles Temporary Internet Files, I'm not sure.

  • Half-loaded page problem in IE6 (solved)

    I had a strange problem where the CSS page would only
    half-load only on some computers and only sometimes (all under
    IE6). When this problem occured, everything after the Flash content
    (integrated in a container layer using SWF object) would not load.
    The SWF is light (59 KB) but large in size (776 x 268 px). Another
    problem was that the CSS navbar could not display on top of the
    Flash (even though I used the opaque then transparency wmode and
    set the z-index, the DTD being XHTML transitional). I noticed that
    when the visibility of the Flash container layer was set to hidden,
    the page would load without any problem. So I decided to set the
    visibility to hidden at start and use setInterval() in Javascript
    in order to set the visibility to visible after a few seconds, and
    it worked ! We no longer have loading problems.
    // ASP browser detection
    var oUserAgent = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
    var sUserAgent = oUserAgent.Count() ? oUserAgent.Item(1) :
    var ie6 = (sUserAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6.0")!=-1);
    <script language="javascript">
    // Javascript browser detection
    var IE6 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 6.0') !=-1);
    <div id="flashmap" <% if (ie6){
    %>style="visibility:hidden;"<% } %>><!-- Insert your
    SWF Object here--></div>
    <script language="javascript">
    function MM_showHideLayers() { //v6.0
    var i,p,v,obj,args=MM_showHideLayers.arguments;
    for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3) if
    ))!=null) { v=args[i+2];
    if (obj.style) { obj=obj.style;
    v=(v=='show')?'visible':(v=='hide')?'hidden':v; }
    obj.visibility=v; }
    // In 3 seconds, display the flashmap layer
    if (IE6) {
    var iIntervalID =
    setInterval("MM_showHideLayers('flashmap','','show')", 3000);
    NB: this problem did not occur in IE7, Firefox (Mac/PC),
    Safari nor Opera
    Best regards,
    Karl Sigiscar.

    I will take a look at the classnames.
    any ideas why it is making your FF (local) hang? I have not
    had any issues
    with this on my IE6 or FF (local and non local)?
    "Loco-Motive" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:flj1rb$il5$[email protected]..
    > Hi B,
    > This was a tough one :)
    > But i like a challenge ;)
    > After some local testing i found out that is has to do
    with the Classnames
    > having "-" in them and thats an illegal character for
    > IE 7 deals with it i reccon but IE 6 doesn't.
    > so replace the "-"'s in the classnames with "_" and it
    will work like u
    > want
    > it to.
    > and btw your website makes my FF hang even locally :S
    > Greetz,
    > Superficial.

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